Dramatic Changes in Our Sun

Last updated 

 -  Analysis finds Solar Activity 'Controls Climate Change'
  |  -  A Solar Siesta
Español |  -  Cabalgando la Tormenta - ¿Es el Sol el Iniciador de Huracanes y Malestar Social?
  |  -  Celestial Sound Waves reveal Surprising Solar Changes
Español |  -  Científicos Rusos Reportan Perturbador Fenómeno
  |  -  Climate Cooling? - Weakest Solar Cycle in Over 100 Years says Otherwise
  |  -  Crop Circles and Solar Storms
Español |  -  Descubren Cómo se Calienta el Sol
Español |  -  Detectan Estructuras Nunca Antes Vistas en la Corona del Sol
  |  -  Discovering Structure in the Sun's Outer Corona
  |  -  Discovering The Electric Sun
  |  -  Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Changes in Our Sun
Español |  -  El Campo Magnético Solar Cambiará la Polaridad en Unos Meses - Dice la NASA
Español |  -  El Frío del Mínimo Solar
Español |  -  El Sol - El Desarrollo de La Luz | 
Español |  -  El Sol está Vivo - Por qué esto es Importante
Español |  -  El Sol se Queda 'en Blanco' - ¿Qué Está Ocurriendo? | 
Español |  -  El Sol Tiene Efectos Regionales en El Clima de La Tierra
  |  -  EMP Spikes From Increased Solar Activity - Solar Cycle 24 | 
Español |  -  Enfriamiento Global - Main File
Español |  -  Extrañas Emisiones del Sol Están Repentinamente Mutando la Materia - Descubrimiento Científico
  |  -  Gigantic Solar Tornado Is 5 Times The Size of Earth
|  -  Glimpses Into The Structure of The Sun
  |  -  Global Cooling - Main File | 
  |  -  Global Cooling Straight Ahead - Says Solar Physicist
  |  -  Global Warming - An Official Pseudoscience... - Main File | 
  |  -  Global Warming vs. Solar Cooling - The Showdown Begins in 2020
  |  -  Holes in Earth's Magnetic Cloak Let The Sun In
|  -  How Oblate is The Sun
  |  -  In 20 Years Solar Activity is Predicted to Fall to 60% leading to a Massive Drop in Temperature
  |  -  Lack of Sunspots to Bring Record Cold - NASA Scientists
Español |  -  LASCO Detecta un Objeto de Grandes Proporciones en El Espacio
Español |  -  La Teoría de un Sol Termonuclear Falsada |
Español |  -  Lo Oscuro del Sol |
Español |  -  Los Dictados del Cambio Climático son Autodestructivos - Pero también forman Parte de una Agenda Mayor
  |  -  Magnetic Portals Connect Sun and Earth
Español |  -  'Máximo Solar' - Científicos se Preparan para Un Gran Apagón de La Comunicación Satelital
  |  -  NASA Researcher Finds Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetosphere
Español |  -  Nuestro Sol es menos Pesado que Nunca - Y el Problema se está poniendo Peor
Español |  -  Ondas de Sonidos Celestiales revelan sorprendentes Cambios Solares
  |  -  Our Sun is Lighter than Ever - And the Problem is Getting Worse
|  -  Planet-Sized UFOs In Our Sun - Part 1 - Part 2
Español |  - ¿Podría una Tormenta Solar dejar a la Tierra sin Conexión a Internet?
Español |  -  Por primera Vez hemos 'Rozado' el Sol
  |  -  Record Heat and Drought Signs of Solar Catastrophe? | 
  |  -  Riding the Storm - Does the Sun Trigger Hurricanes and Social Unrest?
  |  -  Scientists found Something Surprising in 'Closest-Ever Photos' of the Sun
Español |  -  Se Viene un Enfriamiento Global - Dice Físico Solar
  |  -  Solar Activity Intensifies - May 2012 | 
  |  -  Solar Cycle and Wars
  |  -  Solar Magnetic Polarity Reversal
  |  -  Solar Numerics - Warning for Indonesia (SE Asia Plate - SW Pacific Plate Boundary Region), and...
  |  -  Solar Ropes Writhe on the Sun in First Hi-Def Pictures
  |  -  Solar Storms and Earth's Electric Grid - Main File | 
  |  -  Solar Variability and Terrestrial Climate
  |  -  Solar Weather
  |  -  Strange Emissions by Sun are Suddenly Mutating Matter - Scientific Discovery
  |  -  Sun and Earth 2012 Polar Shifts
  |  -  Sungrazers
  |  -  Sun's Magnetic Field to Reverse - What It Means | 
  |  -  Sun Stroke
Español |  -  Temperaturas Récord y Señales de Sequía... ¿Señales de Una Catástrofe Solar?
  |  -  The Climate Role of our Sun Confirmed
  |  -  The Dark of The Sun
|  -  The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth's Climate - A Workshop Report
  |  -  The Electric Sun - Main File | 
  |  -  The Energetic Transformation of The Solar System
  |  -  The "Iron Sun" Debate
|  -  There Are Two Paths Ahead - Each Marked With a “Danger” Signpost
  |  -  The Safire Project - Testing The Electric Sun
  |  -  The SOHO Project - Main File | 
  |  -  The Sun - Cloudy With a Chance of Instability
  |  -  The Sun-Earth Connection
  |  -  The Sun - from "Cosmic Forces of Mu" | 
  |  -  The Sun Goes Haywire
|  -  The Sun in Transition? - Persistence of Near-Surface Structural Changes through Cycle 24
  |  -  The Sun is Freaking Out
  |  -  The Sun is so Blank that it Looks Like a Billiard Ball
  |  -  The Sun is the Biggest Player in Climate Change
  |  -  The Sun's Magnetic Effect on Weather and Humans
  |  -  The Sun's Magnetic Field
  |  -  The Sun's Magnetic Field is About to Flip
  |  -  The Sun's Magnetic Field is Poised to Reverse its Polarity - Stanford Physicists Monitoring Huge Solar Event
  |  -  Twist and Shout - Massive Solar Explosion
Italiano |  -  Una Mini Era Glaciale? - Perché il Sole perderà il 7% del suo Potere in circa 30 anni
  |  -  Weather Changes in The Sun
  |  -  What is Going on With Our Sun?
  |  -  What is the Sun Made of and When will it Die?
  |  -  When Sun Cools, So Does Earth's Temperature - Scientists say

  | Additional Information
Español |  -  Actividad Solar Afecta el Estado Mental y Físico Humano
  |  -  A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field
|  -  A Higher-than-predicted Measurement of Iron Opacity at Solar Interior Temperatures
  |  -  Alpha and Omega - How The Sun's Interior Generates Its Magnetic Field Is a Long-Standing Mystery for...
  |  -  A Mystery Revolves Around the Sun
  |  -  A Perfect Storm of Cosmic Rays
  |  -  A Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere
  |  -  Astronomers Discover that Our Sun Likely had an "Evil" Twin that Killed the Dinosaurs
  |  -  Binary Stars - Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?
  |  -  Crop Circles and Solar Storms
Español |  -  Desde 1983, NASA Sabe Que Nuestro Sistema Solar es Binario - Evidencias Científicas - Batalla Por La...
  |  -  Do "Outside Forces" Affect Our Planet? | 
Español |  -  Dos nuevos Artículos Científicos arrojan más Dudas sobre la Contribución Humana al 'Calentamiento Global'
Español |  -  El Anatema Solar
Español |  -  El Antiguo 'Disco de La Vida'
Español |  -  El Factor de la Vitamina D - Evidencia de la Relación Inversa de Exposición al Sol y Causas de Mortalidad
Español |  - ¿El Verdadero Día del Juicio Final? | 
|  -  Embedded Binaries and Their Dense Cores
Español |  - ¿Está Consciente Nuestro Sol? | 
Español |  -  Estado Planetofisico de La Tierra y La Vida
Español |  -  Estrellas Binarias - ¿Nuestro Sol tiene un Compañero Oscuro? | 
  |  -  Global Warming in a Climate of Ignorance
Italiano |  -  Il Fattore Vitamina D - Evidenze della Relazione Inversa tra l’Esposizione al Sole e le Cause della Mortalità
  |  -  Is Our Sun Conscious? | 
  |  -  Jellyfish Crop Circle Accurately Predict A Solar Storm? | 
Español |  -  La Ciencia Dice que La Luz Solar Podría Reducir la Tasa de Muertes Debido a Todas las Causas
Español |  -  La NASA Revela porqué Desapareció la Atmósfera de Marte
Español |  -  La 'Piedra de Rök' - Inscripción de hace más de Mil Años que alude al Temor a una Catástrofe Medioambiental
  |  -  Living With a Star: Targeted Research and Technology Program - NASA
Italiano |  -  L'Uovo Oceanico e La Gallina Stratosferica - Variabilità Climatica Atlantica
  |  -  'Major Discovery' Primed to Unleash Solar Revolution - Scientists Mimic Essence Of Plants' Energy...
  |  -  Maurice Cotterell on Great Solar Cycle
  |  -  NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming
  |  -  Nemesis - Does the Sun Have a 'Companion'? | 
  |  -  Neutrinos and 2012
  |  -  New Solar Research Reinforces Key Aspects of Hyperdimensional Physics
  |  -  Obama Release of UFO Files Will Prepare Humanity For 2012 Solar Waves
  |  -  One of Our Sun's Long-lost Sister Stars has finally Been Found, and She's Pretty Close By
  |  -  Our Busy Solar System - What is NASA Hiding? - Get Ready for Whast's Coming!
  |  -  Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life
  |  -  Plasma Physics, Space Research and The Origin of The Solar System
  |  -  Polar Bears, Sun Spots and Rising Sea Levels - Dr. Willie Soon
|  -  Quantifying the Solar Cycle Modulation of Extreme Space Weather
  |  -  Science says Sunlight Could Reduce Death Rate from All Causes
  |  -  Science's Looming 'Tipping Point
  |  -  Solar Activity Affects Human's Physical and Mental State - New Scientific Study Shows
  |  -  Solar Analemma 2015 - A Year-Long Picture
|  -  Solaria Binaria - Origins and History of The Solar System - by Alfred de Grazia and Earl R. Milton
|  -  Solar Physics - Swirls in The Corona
  |  -  Solar Power Without Solar Cells - A Hidden Magnetic Effect of Light Could Make it Possible
  |  -  Spacequakes Rumble Near Earth
  |  -  Sun Gazing - Why I Stare At The Sun
  |  -  Sun Warms and Cools The Earth - Opinion Piece by Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski
|  -  Supportive Evidence for a Brown Dwarf Solar Companion - by John J. Matese
  |  -  The Ancient Disc of Life
|  -  The Extreme Magnetic Storm of 1-2 September 1859
  |  -  The Global Warming Scare
|  -  The Highly Structured Outer Solar Corona
  |  -  The Real Doomsday? - December 2012
  |  -  The Space Phenomenon of The Great Ribbon
  |  -  The Sun is Stranger than Astrophysicists Imagined
|  -  The Variable Sun
  |  -  The Vitamin D Factor - Evidence of Inverse Relationship between Sun Exposure and All-Cause Mortality
  |  -  The World Won't End The Way You've Been Told
Español |  -  Una 'Mini Edad de Hielo' Llegará dentro los Próximos 15 Años
Español |  -  Un Cuerpo Sano y lo suficientemente Alcalinizado no debería Enfermarse al estar en Contacto con el Sol
Español |  -  Un Día en la Tierra solía Durar sólo 19 Horas
  |  -  Venus Will Transit The Sun
|  -  Witnessing Magnetic Twist with High-resolution Observation from the 1.6-m New Solar Telescope

  | Solar Flares and Solar Wind - Llamaradas Solares y Viento Solar
  |  -  A Crack just Opened in Earth's Magnetic Field
  |  -  Astronomers Find Clues to Decades-long Coronal Heating Mystery
Español |  -  De Cómo Las Recientes Llamaradas Solares Están Afectando a Los Seres Humanos
Español |  - ¿Descubierta La Fuente de Energía de Los Vientos Solares? | 
Español |  -  Descubren que la Tierra está cubierta por un Manto de Ondas que No se Mueven
Español |  -  Detectan una Super-Erupción Solar - Una de las más Grandes jamás vistas
|  -  Flashes from Normal Stars
  |  -  Heating The Solar Wind
  |  -  How Recent Solar Flares are Affecting Humans
|  -  Magnetopause Ripples going Against the Flow form Azimuthally Stationary surface Waves
  |  -  Mechanics of Coronal Mass Ejections Revealed
|  -  Observational Quantification of the Energy Dissipated by Alfvén Waves in a Polar Coronal Hole - Waves...
  |  -  Solar Wind Energy Source Discovered
  |  -  Sun Goes Wild - NOAA Issues Alert - Earth Directed X-Class Flare is on Its Way with Chance of More
  |  -  The Solar Flare that Wouldn't End
  |  -  The Strange Case of Solar Flares and Radioactive Elements
  |  -  The Sun has been 'Erupting Non-Stop this Month'
  |  -  Two Explosions on the Sun - January 2021

  | Solar Minimum
  |  -  A 'Mini Ice Age' is Coming in the Next 15 Years
  |  -  Asymmetric Solar Maximum Suggests Sun Headed for Hibernation - Possible Ice Age
Español |  -  Causas y Efectos de un Gran Mínimo Solar
  |  -  Climatologist warns 'Next 20-30 Years will be Cold' - Sun much less Active
  |  -  Cosmic Rays up 12% in just 3 Years - Implications
  |  -  Cosmic Ray Update - New Results from the Moon
  |  -  Cycle 25
  |  -  Earth is about to Enter a 30-Year 'Mini Ice Age' as the Sun Hibernates - Scientist Warns...
Español |  -  El 'Evento Terminación' ha Llegado - Ciclo Solar 25
  |  -  Experts Predict a Long and Deep Solar Minimum
  |  -  Forecast for Solar Cycle 25
  |  -  Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide and the Solar Minimum
  |  -  Goodbye Global Warming - Deepest Solar Minimum in Nearly a Century
  |  -  Grand Solar Minimum and the Swing Between Extremes...
  |  -  Incredible 'North America Snow Extent' - Grand Solar Minimum
  |  -  It's Official - Sunspot 'Cycle 25' is Beginning...
Español |  -  La Tierra está a punto de entrar en una 'Mini Edad de Hielo' de 30 años al Hibernar el Sol - Advierte Científico
  |  -  Low Solar Activity to cause 'Temperatures to Plummet' - Say Scientists
  |  -  Mini Ice Age? - Why the Sun will Lose 7% of its Power in about 30 Years
  |  -  NASA predicts Next Solar Cycle will be Lowest in 200 Years - Dalton Minimum Levels and the Implications...
  |  -  New Study shows that a Four-fold Increase in CO² will have No Effect on "Warming" over the North Atlantic
|  -  Overlapping Magnetic Activity Cycles and the Sunspot Number - Forecasting Sunspot Cycle 25 Amplitude
|  -  Regional Atmospheric Circulation Shifts induced by a Grand Solar Minimum
  |  -  Researchers Predict that a "Mini Ice Age" is Coming Very Soon
  |  -  Russian Scientists Predict Ice Age within 15 Years Because Sun is 'Cooling'
  |  -  Scientists warn of Freezing Weather, Famine and Earthquakes as Sun goes into 'Lockdown'
  |  -  Several 'Bullet Points' proving the Sun causes Global Warming - Not CO²...
  |  -  Solar Activity just reached a 'New Space Age Low'
  |  -  Solar Cycle 25 - Is a 'Termination Event' Imminent?
|  -  Submerged Sources of Transient Acoustic Emission from Solar Flares
  |  - "The Approaching Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age Conditions" - Prof. Nils-Axel Mörner
|  -  The Approaching New Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age Climate Conditions
  |  -  The Chill of Solar Minimum
  |  -  The Cold is Getting Colder
  |  -  The First Sunquake of Solar Cycle 25
|  -  The Maunder Minimum
|  -  The Next Grand Solar Minimum, Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes
  |  -  The Starlink Incident - Revisited
  |  -  The Sun is Asleep - Deep 'Solar Minimum' feared as 2020 sees Record-Setting 100-Day Slump
  |  -  The 'Termination Event' has Arrived - Solar Cycle 25
  |  -  The Thermosphere is Warming Up
|  -  Ultraviolet Flux Decrease Under a Grand Minimum from IUE Short-wavelength Observation of Solar Analogs
|  -  Uncertainty in the Response of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings and Stratosphere-troposphere Coupling...
  |  -  What Climate Crisis...?

  | Sunspots
  |  -  A Dark Region is Growing Eerily on the Sun's Surface
  |  -  Solar Explosions and Sunspots Caused by Sungrazer Comets
  |  -  Sunspots and Climate
  |  -  Sunspots and Human Behavior
  |  -  Sunspots and Planetary Alignments
  |  -  Sunspots Vanishing faster than Expected
  |  -  The Emerging 'Sunspot Cycle 24' and A Weakening Magnetic Field - What Does This Mean For Our Planet...
  |  -  The Sunspot Enigma - The Sun is “Dead” - What Does it Mean for Earth?
  |  -  The Vanishing Sunspot Mystery - What Does it Mean for Earth's Climate? - A Galaxy Insight
  |  -  Zero Sunspots - Global Consciousness, Solar Activity and 2012
  |  | 
  | Multimedia: | 
|  -  Massive Solar Eruption - Sunspot 1092

  | The Sun and Misticism
Español |  -  El Culto al Sol y Otros Atajos Hacia Ninguna Parte
Italiano |  -  Il Sole Nero e la Società Vril
  |  -  Jesus as The Sun Throughout History
  |  -  Revealed Secret Mysteries of The Sun
Español |  -  Revelados los Misterios Secretos del Sol
  |  -  Scorched by The Sun - Solar Signs, Circles, and Serpents
  |  -  Sun Worship and Other Shortcuts to Nowhere
  |  -  The Black Sun and The Vril Society
  |  -  The Son of God is The Sun of God
  |  -  White (Solar) Brotherhood - Main File | 
  |  | 
  | Multimedia: | 
|  - "Sun of God?" | 
|  -  Suns of God - Acharya S
  |  -  The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007

  | The Sun and Cosmic Wars
  |  -  Big UFOs Battle Around The Sun
  |  -  Earth Sized Spherical Objects Inside Corona of SUN - NASA Images
  |  -  Evidence of Intelligent Manipulation of The Sun
  |  -  Giant ET UFOs Near Sun Now Visible With Close-Up Image Technology - Exposing Possible NASA Cover...
  |  -  Giant UFOs Around The Sun? - NASA Claims Malfunction, Physicist Says Giant ET UFOs Use Sun's...
  |  -  Sol Station SouthEast - We Are Not Alone! | 

  | Books-Treatises
Español |  -  El Cataclismo Mundial de 2012 - por Patrick Geryl | 

  | Multimedia
|  -  Another Huge Cube on SOHO - 27 December 2010 | 
|  -  Biggest Sun Eruption This Year 20th June 2010 - NASA | 
|  -  Changing Vibrations - David Icke Talking to Meria Heller | 
|  -  Did Ancient Man See a Different Sun? | 
|  -  Earth Sized UFO's Using the Sun as a Stargate
|  -  Huge UFOs Around The Sun
|  -  Is Our Sun a Massive UFO Stargate? | 
|  -  La Formación del Sistema Solar | 
|  -  LASCO Detecta un Objeto de Grandes Proporciones en El Espacio
|  -  SOHO - Nuevas Vistas del Sol | 
|  -  Space-Time and Cosmology - Nassim Haramein - Coast to Coast AM - February 3, 2010
|  -  Solar System Shift
|  -  Sun Cycles - The ESA-NASA Ulysses Robotic Space Probe
|  -  Sun's Effects on Life on Earth - Geomagnetic Effects and Electricity of Life
|  -  The Sun as Art | 
|  -  UFO Disclosure - Huge UFOs Orbiting The Sun | 
|  - "UFO Sized Earth" on Sun 2011 - Nassim Haramein | 
|  -  Unstoppable Solar Cycles - The Real Story of Greenland | 
|  -  What Are These Objects Near Our Sun? | 

  | Related Reports
  |  -  2012 - Main File | 
  |  -  Astrosciences - Exploring The Mysteries Of The Universe
  |  -  Consciousness and Human Energy - External Link | 
  |  -  Current Solar Data - from NOAA - External Link | 
  |  -  Earth Changes - Main File | 
  |  -  El Cinturon de Fotones - The Photon Belt - Main File | 
  |  -  Free Energy - Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects - Main File | 
  |  -  Las Ondas Shumann - Main File | 
  |  -  Sylphs & Chemtrails - Main File | 
  |  -  The Divine Cosmos - A Breathtaking New View of Reality
  |  -  The Electric Universe - Main File | 
  |   | Return to Cosmos
  |   | Return to Climate Change
  |   | Return to Temas / Main Files
  |   | Return to Earth and Celestial Conflicts