More Proof the Trump Trials are Vaudeville

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First published May 29, 2024, by one of the foremost revisionist intellectuals today, Miles Mathis

Additional information, images, videos & links from LOR on June 2, 2024.

I have been telling you from the beginning all the Trump trials are theater staged by the CIA, including:

  • the rape trials
  • the Story Daniels trials

and the financial trials that are being decided today.

Miles Mathis: The Trump Rape Trial was—of course—Faked – Library of Rickandria

A lot of people have come to realize this, and the mainstream is now admitting it.

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Most people in Europe have been ignoring the whole thing, believing correctly it is just more American TV fiction, like The Apprentice. . . or the US elections.

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Every day we get more proof of that, as the judge or lawyers say something that would never be said in a real courtroom.

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But today it was so obvious many in the mainstream are mouth-agape at the absurdity of it all.

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"This Is Insanity": Judge In Trump Case Issues Unbelievable Jury Instructions | ZeroHedge

It is time for the fake judgment by the jury, and the judge is giving them final instructions.

The first absurdity is that the jurors are not being given copies of their extensive instructions, being expected to memorize what the judge just said.

They can ask for a repeat of specific points, but no paper copies are being made.

To save trees, I guess.

This is proof enough the whole thing is a fake, but it doesn't stop there.

Even better is the judge's instruction that of the three charges on the table, anyone will do, and they can take their pick.

As long as they believe he is guilty on one of the three, the verdict will be the required unanimous.

Of course that isn't how it works.

The law isn't a grab bag.

A guilty verdict has always required unanimity on a given charge, and you can't bundle them like this.

Since they are writing this script themselves, I don't know why they can't make it believable.

They can't hire a real lawyer to give this thing some continuity?

My guess is it isn't lazy writing, it is done on purpose, to mess with your mind.

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They know the educated in the US make up less than 5% of the population, and they want to grind us with these events.

The Controlled Global Education – Library of Rickandria

They know the other 95% will believe anything they see on TV over what their educated neighbors or family members tell them, and it makes them feel powerful.

CIA Home Invasion: Smart TVs & the ‘Internet of Things’ – Library of Rickandria

Or at least that is how it used to be, and the Phoenicians are still living on past glory.

Where did ALL the Phoenicians Go? – Library of Rickandria

They are acting like it is still 1990.

The Nineties – Library of Rickandria

Word hasn't reached them in their Langley dungeons that the whole joke is reversing on them, and that their vaunted Operation CHAOS has flipped on them.

Operation CHAOS - Wikipedia

The Mighty Wurlitzer has been eaten by termites and can no longer hold a tune.

The propaganda apparatus they spent centuries building has now imploded and is no more than a greasy spot.

How Propaganda Works – Library of Rickandria

This fake trial going transparent worldwide is disastrous for them, since it proves what I have been telling you for years: 

major government trials like this can be faked and have been since the beginning.

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Secret Shadow Government: Deep State – Library of Rickandria

Once people realize that about one, they open their eyes to all the rest, including:

and all the other fake trials I have blown.

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The sets are coming down all around them as we speak.

What I Finally Understood – Library of Rickandria

Other news today is a Hart/POS/NBC poll of all voters, finding 73% believe the country is out of control and on the wrong track.

Record high percentage of Americans believe country is on the wrong track (

So, here's a little question for you.

The Zombie-Like Lives of Sheeple from Birth to Death – Library of Rickandria

Can you do math?

Can you subtract that from 100?

That would be 27%, right?

At most 27% believe the country is on the right path.

America: Death by Design – Library of Rickandria

But it is even worse, since these polls always have an “I don't know” category.

As it turns out, only 22% believe the country is not out of control.

American “Empire” – Library of Rickandria

So now ask yourself this:

Isn't that about the same as an approval rating.

If these people are rating the country, aren't they also rating the President, who is allegedly running it?

European Royal Bloodline of the American Presidents – Library of Rickandria

So how can Biden's approval rating still be 40%?

They have been telling you Biden's approval rating is at a historic low, and it has been there for about two years.

But somehow it never drops much below 40%.

This despite the fact not even 40% of the country identifies as Democrat anymore.

That would indicate about 100% of Democrats approve of Biden, but we know that isn't true from other stories published by the mainstream, where they admit more than half of Democrats want a different candidate.

So, none of these numbers adds up.

From this latest poll, we can see the mainstream, including NBC, admitting Biden's approval rating is something under 22%.

I have done the real math here, showing you, it is more like 9%.

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Biden Below Ten Percent – Library of Rickandria

That math indicates that even this new poll is finessed.

Far more than 73% think the country is out of control.

More than 90% think it, and the rest are on ventilators or are working somehow for the CIA/Hollywood, like:

  • Robert de Niro
  • Sean Penn
  • Mark Hamill

and the rest of those media whores.

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Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria

But I end by reminding you again that voting will not solve this.

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What About Mark Twain? – Library of Rickandria

Trump will not solve this and has no intention of solving it.

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Looks Like Donald Trump is Jewish – Library of Rickandria

He may throw you a few bones after the election, but don't be fooled.

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The startling parallels between Donald Trump & occultist Aleister Crowley – Library of Rickandria

The only thing that will solve this is the Phoenix being pulled down and all these criminals on both sides being brought to justice.

The best news I have seen in the past week is the Federal Government pulling the funding of EcoHealth Alliance and its head Peter Daszak.

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Peter Daszak is a British zoologist, consultant and public expert on disease ecology, in particular on zoonosis. He is the president of EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit non-governmental organization that supports various programs on global health and pandemic prevention. He is also a member of the Center for Infection and Immunity at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. He lives in Suffern, New York.
“EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak’s personal debarment will ensure he never again receives a single cent from U.S. taxpayers nor has the opportunity to start a new, untrustworthy organization.

This step comes just two weeks after the Select Subcommittee released substantial evidence of Dr. Daszak’s contempt for the American people, his flagrant disregard for the risks associated with gain-of-function research, and his willful violation of the terms of his NIH grant.

Last night, based partially on that evidence, HHS doubled down on its recent suspension of funds to EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. by commencing debarment proceedings against the head of the organization.

“Dr. Daszak’s impending debarment does not shield him from accountability to the American people.

It appears that Dr. Daszak may have lied under oath about his relationship with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and his compliance with NIH grant procedures.

The Select Subcommittee intends to hold Dr. Daszak accountable for any dishonesty and reminds him that this debarment decision does not preclude him from producing all outstanding documents and answering all the questions of this Congressional body,”
said Chairman Wenstrup. 

This is huge, not least because Daszak was Fauci's righthand man during Covid, both of them lying to Congress over and over about gain-of-function and the origins of Covid.

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Anthony Stephen Fauci (/ˈfaʊtʃi/ FOW-chee;[5] born December 24, 1940) is an American physician-scientist and immunologist who served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022, and the chief medical advisor to the president from 2021 to 2022. Fauci was one of the world's most frequently cited scientists across all scientific journals from 1983 to 2002. In 2008, President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States, for his work on the AIDS relief program PEPFAR.

Congress has now explicitly admitted that regarding Daszak, and we will see if they prosecute him for perjury.

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Since Daszak and Fauci were saying the same things at the same time, Congress has now implicitly admitted that Fauci is also involved in major fraud, and we will see if they charge him with anything.

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Trump is now suggesting he may prosecute Fauci if he is elected, which no one would have believed two years ago.

Trump Hints At Holding Fauci Accountable, Says He’ll Consider Pardoning Julian Assange If Reelected – IJR

So, the Covid and vaccine fake continues to unwind in spectacular fashion, though in very slow motion.

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World Bank Document lists “COVID-19 Program” ending in March 2025 – Stunning Revelation – Library of Rickandria

If it was up to me all these people would already be picking oakum in Northern Greenland in their speedos and eating bugs.


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