BOOK: EXCERPT: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) - Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – The Book of Revelation

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The Anunnaki and the Book of Revelation: Is the Bible Warning Us About Their Return?

T he Book of Revelation is undoubtedly the most misunderstood book in the entire Bible. The Greek title of the book is the “Apocalypse of John”. The word “apocalypse” is a transliteration of the Greek word for “revelation.” [425] T his book was written by John on the island of Patmos in 95 AD. Patmos was a Roman penal colony island about five by ten miles in size. Many Christian converts from Judaism were held there under a Roman persecution of Christians but not a Roman persecution of Jews. The Jews, who were a protected religion, had bribed and lied to the Romans about Christianity and were enthusiastic supporters of the Roman government’s brutality and attempted genocide of Christians. Of course, all Christians know that John wrote this book because it says so. But was it John Smith or John Jones or John Magillacuddy? Who else is named John? Christians wrongly assume that John the Apostle wrote Revelations and so they have elevated this nightmare in Technicolor to the level of divine loftiness.

“Revelations” is just another biblical text that was written by someone other than who he has been  mistaken to be. T he writer of the Book of Revelation does not claim to be the Apostle John, but that is what Christians have falsely assumed for the past 2,000 years. Because of this mistaken idea by Christians, the entire trajectory of Christianity has been perversely warped for all of this long, long time. Yet, without modern archaeology and forensic literary analysis to show them their errors, how could the earlier Christians know? Their mistakes and superstitious craziness over the centuries can be forgiven the ancient Christians. But modern Christians will not be forgiven if they don’t mend their ways and update their ideology and put an end to their idiocy. In earlier times, the people were terrified of demons. So, a book full of demonology would play well with late classical or Medieval or even the historical Christian audiences – not to mention the frothing modern evangelists on televison who promise the “Promise” that you won’t go to Hell if you send him a cash donation because otherwise the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse will haul you away. And he can “prove” his terrifying assertions by quoting the Book of Revelation written by none other than John the Apostle! Although the Book of Revelation claims to have been written by someone named John, because of internal evidence of language, style, and some theological positions, it is impossible that it was written by John the Apostle. [426] It seems to have been written about 95 AD although some of it might have been cobbled together during the time of Nero before 70 AD. That the book is a confused jumble of misplaced chapters, repetitions, interruptions, and passages removed from their original context has made this book a confusing, psychedelic puzzle. But a confusing puzzle is just what a religious fanatic needs to fill his imagination with enough discombobulations to make him wild, just wild about God. What is so amazing is that no matter how bizarre John’s “visions” are, the real crazy ones are the Christians who believe that what he “sees” is something to base your whole life upon and to gamble the future of your country upon. We are dealing here with a religious prisoner on a Roman prison island who saw “visions” in his head based upon his fervent wishes, zealous prayers and a prisoner’s diet low in essential amino acids and vitamins. Or maybe John was fed moldy rye bread or barley soup infected with the LSD-producing ergot rye fungus (Claviceps purpurea). Or maybe he was in the habit of boosting  the flavor of his moldy rye porridge with locally grown psychedelic mushrooms (e.g. Psilocybe serbica, Panaeolus cinctulus, etc.) But less in the way of “what-if” assumptions and more in reality, Patmos was a prison colony that the Romans used to keep unruly people from causing trouble elsewhere in the Roman Empire. Of course, at that time, the Romans considered the Christians to be unruly simply because the “word of the Jews” had said that they were. The Jews were the most unruly creatures in the entire known world, but as wealthy master criminals and rich slandering liars, they scapegoated the Christians before the Roman emperors and projected their own Jewish character f laws onto the Christians while greasing their slanders with liberal bribes. Ever since 142 BC, the Jews had purchased their special “prestige” by bribing the Roman emperors. T heir extra-special privileges were made into Roman law and confirmed by Julius Caesar by 44 BC and by every bribed emperor after that. The Jews had more rights than any other people in the Empire. So, as a protected religion under Roman Law, the Jews had a tremendous advantage over the new Christians. Plus, the Jews were incredibly wealthy because of their international larceny and Temple frauds. Not only did they have the kind regards and protection of the Roman emperors, but even Nero’s wife, Poppaea Sabina, was alleged to either be a Jewess or a convert to Judaism. But either way, she was outspokenly in favor of the Jews to Nero who conveniently blamed the Jewish arson of Rome on the Christians. T he Book of Revelation is a book not about the distant future, as so many Christians mistakenly believe. It is about the immediate time surrounding John’s life. But it is filled with such bizarre visions that its real meaning has been lost and replaced with some of the greatest delusions ever imagined by a religious people. This was at a time of great persecution of Christians by the Romans. The Emperor Domitian killed and persecuted many Christians and the persecutions by the Emperor Nero were also included in the sufferings described on these pages. Revelation is a book of curses, dreams and visions so lurid, that the dreamer claims – actually and impossibly – that “This is the revelation given by God to Jesus Christ so that he could tell his servants about the things which are now to take place very soon; he sent his angel to make it known to his servant John,  and John has written down everything he saw and swears it is the word of God guaranteed by Jesus Christ.” (Rv 1:1-2) So, an angel told some anonymous guy named John some stuff that he swears is the word of God. Wow! What better proof does anyone need? T hus, the great and holy Book of Revelations begins as a book that was not written by the Apostle John but by an anonymous John Doe, a convict in a prison colony. God told Jesus and Jesus told an angel and the angel told John Doe and John Doe swears that what he saw in a dream and in a vision is true. Even though he got the story third-hand from an apparition with wings, means that it came straight from God through Jesus, according to the apparition with wings. And you had better believe it, too, or you will go to Hell. Wow! With credits like that, who could not believe such advertising? “Take me up, Lord! Take me up! I is ready to go!” But regardless of any cynicism regarding the author or the contents of the Book of Revelation, it should be understood that this book did not just arise in the mind of just one man. He had fellow convicts to schmooze with. John was not the only Christianized Jew on the island of Patmos. In his company were not only fellow Christians but also baptized Jews and all of the people who had escaped the various tortures, wild animals, beheadings and crucifixions of the Roman judicial system. These Christians had been banished to Patmos. These included baptized rabbis, Pharisees, Jewish businessmen and scribes, all who realized that Jesus the Messiah had actually appeared. So they became Christians and all had suffered from the pagan Roman and the Jewish persecutions. On Patmos, all of this diverse group had the time and the community of knowledge for them to discuss the events of their times and to share information. Before becoming Christians, these ex-Jews had no reason to share what they knew about the schemes of the rabbis and Jewish merchant-moneylenders. Indeed, they had profited from and benefited from such schemes as participants, themselves. But now that they had pooled their inside information about the banking frauds and the demonic nature of the the Temple priests in collusion with the international merchants, they told each other the secrets that they knew about capital finance, the schemes of the Pharisees, the plots to empower murder and betrayal that only the Jews and the Jewish bankers and businessmen could  imagine, all financed by the limitless wealth provided to them by the Sumerian Swindle and the never ending malice and greed that the Jews had for all of Mankind. All of these schemes, they told one another as fellow confessors. On Patmos, John learned the secret plots for impoverishing, enslaving and making war upon Mankind by the Jewish bankers, moneylenders and Jewish merchants. He learned of the schemes for reducing the entire world into the slaves of the moneylenders with their main bank and headquarters in Jerusalem, the city of Saleem, the god of the dusk. All of his fellow prisoners knew small pieces of the scheme of which they had played a willing part when they had been Jews. But now that they had become Christians, they wanted no part in such evils and they readily discussed all of the tricks that the Jews had been using to achieve dictatorship over Mankind through financial swindles, war, slavery, disease and starvation. Taking all of this information as his basis, John wrote of the war that the Monsters of Babylon were waging against Mankind and the triumph over Satan that would eventually be achieved if the People stayed loyal to God and to Jesus. Although he showed that Satan and the Jewish bankers had great power, they would be overcome in the last days through the power of Truth and of Godliness. T hus, the Book of Revelation should not be taken as some sort of a prognostication of future events. Rather, it was an explanation of the evils that were being used against Mankind in the Roman empire during John’s lifetime. However, because the Jews have always been defeated in their schemes, it has taken 2,000 more years into the present day for many of John’s visions to become reality. The deadly bacteria and viruses that the Jewish scientists are even today genetically modifying so that they can genocide the f ive billion people that they have decided are useless to them, according to the United Nations agenda; or the radioactive debris that the Jewish politicians are even today spreading over the Earth so as to sicken and kill another half a billion people whom they have decided are not profitable to their incomes, are easily recognized in the pages of the Revelation of John. But it is not that John foretold the future, rather, he described the evils of his own time which included the diabolical schemes and insane imaginings of the Jews and rabbis. Unfortunately, those same evils, along with the Jews who conspire them, have never been destroyed by Good Men because they have  assumed that since such evils have “always been with us,” and that, therefore, such evils should be allowed to continue to be with us. Rather than hanging the bankers, financiers and Jews, the People have allowed them to live, to prosper and to destroy. “Then, in my vision … etc., etc.” (Rv 4:1) tells it all. It is just a dream and vision, another Semitic maniac who wants to set the world on fire. Yet, it proves that it is not something from God simply because it gives the lies of the Jews as its basis for “fact.” Revelation 7 continues the myth of the Twelve Tribes who were never actually lost, and the scare tactics of the Last Day, 12,000 from each tribe would be saved.

The Anunnaki and the Bible: Were Lost Tribes of Israel Scattered to Preserve Forbidden Knowledge?

Praise be to “He-Who-Must-Not-Be Named”! In addition, a huge number of non-Jews would be saved by praying to “He-Who-Must-Not-Be Named” and to the Son. By washing their robes white and pure in the blood of Jesus, they will be saved. It’s all psychedelic fantasy! Based as it is on the Biggest Lie Ever Told, the Hebrew Bible, one cannot take the Book of Revelation as anything more than the writings of someone under the delusion of Jewish fables. However – and this is a big “However” – there is one very important thing to know about Revelation. It was written in a Roman prison colony and in order for it to be sent to the Christians on the mainland, it had to pass through the Roman censors. So, its wording was purposely coded for those who were knowledgeable in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel stories. And one message that is very clearly written about is the warning about the number 666. “There is need for shrewdness here: if anyone is clever enough he may interpret the number of the beast; it is the number of a man, the number is 666.” (Rv 13:18) T his is the one most important item in Revelation, the number 666. This number could only be understood by those familiar with the Old Testament. T his is a number that every Jew and Christian should have been able to figure out, since it is used for only one purpose in the entire Bible. There is only one other place in the Bible where the number 666 is written. “The weight of gold coming to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold, not counting what came in from merchants’ dues and traders’ profits and from all the foreign kings and governors of the country.” (1Kings 10:14)

When Revelation was written the Christians were very familiar with the teachings of the Hebrew Bible, it had even been translated into Greek. So, Revelations was directed at them. 666 is the only such number found in the Old Testament.

The Anunnaki and the Bible: Were the Nephilim Guardians of Forbidden Old Testament Knowledge?

Nowhere else in the Bible books is it found.

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T hus, 666 represents Jewish finance where the entire world pays tribute to the Jewish king of all wealth. If you will look at the wars, famines, diseases, immorality, environmental chaos, social destruction and poverty that is caused throughout the world today by Jewish finance – and those who serve Jewish finance – you will see that the writer of Revelations knew what he was talking about. The number of the Beast, the number of the Devil, is the number of the king of Jewish finance. The number 666 stands for the demon and the anti-Christ known as Jewish finance. And who opposes all things Christian more so than do the Jews? T hat 666 stands also for the three sixes found on the Seal of Solomon (a.k.a, the Star of David) with its six points, six sides in the hexagon in the middle and six triangles, only reinforces these facts. So, when you go out and hang the Jewish bankers and financiers, you will be hanging the Monsters of Babylon. Hang the bankers and bring peace to the earth and plenty among Mankind. T hat this John was certainly a Jewish convert is clear from his Pauline-Pharisee insired ravings about Jerusalem: “Here God lives among men. He will make his home among them; they shall be his people, and he will be their God; his name is God-with-them.” (Rv 21:3) And the New Jerusalem is made out of gold and precious stones “and the nations will come, bringing their treasure and their wealth.” (Rv 21:26) T hus, this Jewish rabbi-convert just cannot get gold out of his mind or bringing the Christians to Jerusalem to pray to the Jewish god of gold. But to guarantee that John’s delusions are real, genuine delusions, he ends his fantasy with “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to make these revelations to you for the sake of the churches. I am of David’s line, the root of David and the bright star of the morning.” (Rv 22:16)

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The bright star of the morning is Venus, associated with Satan, yet John claims to be speaking for Jesus. Why was the Book of Revelation even put into the Bible?

The Anunnaki and the Full Breakdown of the Bible

In order to scare the bejesus out of people and get them to pray-like-crazy and pay their tithes to the Church. “If you don’t become a Christian, this is what will happen to you any day now. The skies will light on fire and the Four Horsemen will ride down and  trample you into Hell.” It was potent advertising in Medieval times and it still works on the gullible Christians to this very day – be terrified because that’s what religion is all about.

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Right? Not that one must ignore the threat of imminent death in our daily lives because that is just a part of daily lives. But the peace and tranquility and heaven is found as Jesus taught, within you and among you. It is not found in the Jewish fantasies that give you garbled insanity bundled up in religious wrapping paper. Modern people should find God on their own, using the simple methods of our ancestors without relying upon the lies, visions, dreams and imaginings of the penis-fetish Semites of the Middle East.

BOOK: EXCERPT: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) - Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – The Book of Revelation

BOOK: EXCERPT: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – The Book of Revelation – Library of Rickandria