Jewish Painting: The gaze of Abraham into infinity - Alex Levin
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by Carlos Mendoza (rox1012101) in August 2018 from Tumblr Website
A simple way to explain E=mc² is:
energy is matter times the square of the lightspeed.
Time is space, and the relationship between both is that the effects of time are inversely proportional to the space; in a smaller space, the events have (relatively) more velocity.
This shows us, that the reality beyond the limits of the known Universe extends itself endlessly, outwards the Cosmos and inwards the particles.
With a fractal shape unfolded in several dimensions, and a pattern that allows astronomical objects/particles to disintegrate and replenish themselves in continuous cycles.
It's like a spiral that extends itself from a centre towards the extremes endlessly where, alternating matter and energy in the space-time, gives place to endless realities with countless possibilities.
Events from our reality, like a drop of dew falling from a flower petal into the ground, affect not just the farthest star, but also at microcosmic levels, since they're galactic groups interacting.
Reality is a fractal, without an apparent start or end. Looking close and very slowly at any type of molecule, we can see something similar to our galaxies.
In turn, the suns and their planets, orbiting repeatedly with a four-dimensional effect, when seen from a remote point of view, give place to the atoms with their particles in the next level of reality, and so on, consecutive and endlessly.
In what it lasts one breath ours, in subatomic worlds occurs numerous events, and while our worlds existence passes, in the macrocosm instants only happen.
When 'zooming in' any type of matter and pausing the scene as necessary, it's confirmed atoms and their subatomic particles are, actually, astronomical objects (among other things) orbiting continuously with great velocity (depending on the observer's point of view), driving an effect that gives the matter its aspect.
And those stars and planets are made of matter, and the atoms that make them are also sideral bodies in movement, made of more matter, etc., and this way reality keeps on perpetually.
And when 'zooming out' towards the outer space, the celestial bodies and their planets continually orbiting across the time, they form the atoms and their subatomic particles that make a fraction of the macrocosm, and in turn this macro-universe has astronomical objects that, when orbiting across the time, from another point of view gives place to atoms that make a fragment of another level of reality, etc.
And this way the reality goes on, extending itself without interruptions.
The energy/mass across the space/time in any of its proportions, gives place to reality, a fractal of incalculable strands always moving itself (in continuous creation and destruction), extending itself incessantly outwards and inwards any point.
With practically endless possibilities - within their respective rules - where innumerous imaginable possibilities and situations outside our thoughts fit.
This Universe is a fragment in more than one infinity of infinities of infinite realities:
it's part of a bigger fragment, in an even larger one, in another even larger, etc. and the inverse, unfolding itself in dimensions and planes, largely intangible for us.
The space/time is inversely proportional to itself, when the space is shrunk the (relative) speed of the events in this increase, and when the spaces is enlarged, the course of the matter in this [space] happens in longer periods of time.
The planetary systems, galaxies, clusters and all other astronomical bodies, when they complete their trajectory towards the time - like a long-exposure photo - look like pictures made in a 3D spirograph.
Depending on the pattern type, the next level of matter they make has particular characteristics.
When moving the energy/matter in the space/time causes events, and realizing those events aren't distinct outcomes, even then it's probable that there are alternatives in other realities for any situation.
Every action that exists is part of a whole and it is contemplated like that. The successes are now and always in the reality, forever happen - and stop happening.
There's no past or future, just eternity...
There are other universes symmetrical to ours; since reality has a fractal nature, it has self-similarity, property where every little portion of the fractal can be seen as a smaller replica of the whole.
In other words, in other scales there are parallel universes to ours, among many different ones.