Preston Nichols & Peter Moon

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Preston Nichols

Excerpt from Chapter 1

"The origin of the Montauk Project dates back to 1943 when radar invisibility was being researched aboard the USS Eldridge.

The Montauk Project (

As the Eldridge was stationed at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, the events concerning the ship have commonly been referred to as the 'Philadelphia Experiment'.

Filadelfia-Montauk / Black Projects (

Having been the subject of different books and a movie, only a quick synopsis will be given here.

The Philadelphia Experiment was known as the Rainbow Project to those who manned and operated it.

It was designed as a top-secret project that would help end World War II.

The forerunner of today's stealth technology, the Rainbow Project was experimenting with a technique to make a ship invisible to enemy radar.

This was done by creating an 'electromagnetic bottle' which actually diverted radar waves around the ship.

An 'electromagnetic bottle' changes the entire electromagnetic field of a specific area - in this case, the field encompassing the USS Eldridge.

While the objective was to simply make the ship undetectable by radar, it had a totally unexpected and drastic side effect.

It made the ship invisible to the naked eye and removed it from the space-time continuum.

The ship suddenly reappeared in Norfolk, Virginia, hundreds of miles away.

The project was a success from a material standpoint, but it was a drastic catastrophe to the people involved. While the USS Eldridge 'moved' from the Philadelphia Navel Yard to Norfolk and back again, the crew found themselves in complete disorientation.

They had left the physical universe and had no familiar surroundings to relate to.

Upon their return to the Philadelphia Navy Yard, some were planted into the bulkheads of the ship itself.

Those who survived were in a mental state of disorientation and absolute horror.

The crew were subsequently discharged as 'mentally unfit' after having spent considerable time in rehabilitation.

The status of 'mentally unfit' made it very convenient for their stories to be discredited.

This put the Rainbow Project at a standstill.

Although a major breakthrough had occurred, there was no certainty that human beings could survive further experimentation.

It was too risky. Dr John von Neumann, who headed the project, was now summoned to work on the Manhattan Project.

This concerned the making of the atom bomb, which became the weapon of choice for ending World War II.

Although it is not well known, vast research that began with the Rainbow Project was resumed in the late 1940's.

It continued on, culminating with a hole being ripped through space-time at Montauk in 1983.

The goal of this book is to give you a general understanding of the research and events subsequent to the Philadelphia Experiment and up to 1983 at Montauk.

I will begin by telling you how I, Preston Nichols, stumbled across it."

Whether you read this as science fiction or non-fiction you are in for an amazing story. My experience with "the story" has been long term and on going.

Peter Moon

Presentation of the book "Encounter in the Pleiades"

After reading the incredible stories of Preston Nichols, He hopes he's learned something new about the universe around him.

The aim of the first part was not only to inform, but also to Also clear once and for all some of the major doubts and uncertainties that people have about the subject of UFOs and aliens.

Anyone with a mind I should now have a higher and more open consciousness. a better understanding of these issues.

For those who follow being skeptical, at the very least they will have to admit that Preston has a singular but orderly imagination, which does not falter.

By Of course, Preston has not insisted that his adventures be Definitely true. 

He's open to the idea that some of the Their apparitions or other paranormal experiences could have been influenced by your subconscious or being a figment of your imagination interior.

Imagination is an absolutely key word in this equation for it is synonymous with consciousness, and consciousness is the point of connection with the understanding of all mysteries of existence, whether it's UFOs or the mystery of life.

In the second part of the book "Encounter in the Pleiades" we are going to embark on an adventure of consciousness that does not only will it provide new insights into the UFO phenomenon, but it will not only provide new insights into the UFO phenomenon. which will link the ancient myths about the Pleiades with Preston's theories concerning the original timeline.

We'll start our adventure by deploying a safety net to to be able to move into the strangest aspects of existence.

From there, we will relate some experiences with the phenomena paranormal, which led to Peter Moon's collaboration with Preston Nichols and the publication of the book "Encounter in the Streets". Pleiades."

As we go along, a more extensive scheme of events that will reveal the mystery of the Pleiades and the role they play in everyone's consciousness us.

The Psychology of UFOs

Modern psychology began with two pivotal personalities: Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung

Freud was the father of psychoanalysis, and He discovered a sex drive behind all psychological dysfunctions. 

He rejected the paranormal outright and came into conflict with Jung, his former disciple and colleague. 

Jung studied religions extensively orientates and the world of the occult, incorporating their own innovations to what I had learned from Freud.

(Actually, there was a third figure in Freud's institute who, although he possessed more knowledge that either of these two recognized personalities, he remains virtually unknown in the most universities because his work has been suppressed.

This figure was Wilhelm Reich, who absorbed the teachings Freud and Jung's occult inclinations and the occult tendencies of Jung and the He added his own research.

Reich went so far as to penetrate into the realm of the human psyche as it has never been done before in therapeutic terms. In his later years, he claimed to have built a ray gun that could be fired at UFOs.

He was arrested on mob charges and sent to prison. prison, where he died.

His books were incinerated by agents Government.

Preston Nichols has mentioned some of his work in the books about Montauk).

To conform to the for the purpose of this discussion, we will examine the work of C.G. Jung. 

His most outstanding work was to break down the whole of human psychology in archetypes. 

The archetype can be defined as a prototype or model from which all things are formed. 

In terms of human psychology, which means that our personalities are.

They can break it down into basic archetypal patterns that lurk beneath the surface of our social relationships. 

The Easiest Way to observe these original prototypes existing inside Our psyche is through the mythological representations of the various gods. 

A Quick Study of the Various Pantheons It will reveal heroes, thieves, traitors, lovers, healers, poets, and virtually every other basic function of the human psyche. 

To a Jungian psychologist, the gods are merely the expression of the of how life works. Our Personalities are a combination of the various aspects. 

To the by separating the negative archetypes from the positive ones, we can have a better understanding of who we are.
Following the Track the various patterns of behavior to see how We assume a negative archetype, we can break free from it and move forward better for life.

Jung studied this subject in depth and wrote numerous books.

He accepted the tarot cards because they offered him a strictly archetypal view of life.

The tarot, in turn, it is based on the sacred Kabbalah, a system of It is a philosophical philosophy that relates all religions and mythologies in one attempt to explain the totality of human experience.

In the last years of his life, Jung realized that the UFO phenomenon had penetrated the culture of the years fifty.

Not only did he see flying saucers, but he even saw He wrote a book about them.

Despite its extensive knowledge and a lifetime of occult studies, it seems that He missed the boat when it came to the study of UFOs.

At the very least, he acknowledged his presence, but I haven't read in any of them.

Part of making an effort to classify the experiences associated with the theme in archetypal patterns of behavior.

Perhaps that was too daring for the time.

Nowadays the theme is much more accessible, as our popular culture contains stories about beings from the Pleiades, Orion, and Sirius.

The main point that we are trying to make with regard to the UFOs are that they have to be accepted within the realm of the human experience. 

The main thing is not whether or not you have had any experience with them, or whether you believe in them or not. 

The concrete fact is that that in the last fifty years there have been accumulating quantities huge amounts of reports on UFO phenomena. 

All of this information can be reduced to myths or legends that could be classified as according to traditional mythology, i.e., archetypes Psychological. 

This means that space beings can exist within the context of any frame of reference and be demons, angels, or something in between. 

This not only gives us psychological data to rely on when we listen different UFO experiences, but it also allows us to study the subject in a sensible way, without having discovered why now conclusive evidence that it is something totally different. 

The psychological or archetypal point of reference It provides a basis from which we can begin to eliminate the different nonsense that can easily contaminate the subject.

I am well aware that many readers will have had abduction experiences or UFO sightings.

Some of the You will want confirmation that your experiences were while others will be trying to undo a ball of trauma.

There are also many who, mistaken or not, they're either looking for that kind of contact or they're curious about it.

The study the UFO subject and phenomena related to him from the previous point of reference and figure out where they fit in your own experiences, will make your intellect relate to phenomena that might otherwise seem inexplicable. 

Wherever If you don't reach your own understanding, you can always go to the mythology to find some kind of answer. 

Mythology does not only provide a safety net for our studio, but it's the backbone on which all our Civilizations.

This is the backdrop I will use to tell the story Peter Moon's staff.

And it doesn't really matter if what you know He says it happened, it really happened.

The important thing is that you experience these events and that they are related to a stream of awareness that includes you.

If it wasn't, I wouldn't be reading the book "Encounter in the Pleiades." 

The goal is to stimulate their own quantum dynamic function to who can better recognize his own innate awareness and move forward in his or her own life. direction to your own unlimited potential.

Books and Excerpts from Edited Books 


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