BOOK: EXCERPT: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) - Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d - Matthew 16
That is, to be on guard against the subtle lies and teachings of the Jews, lies that seem very small in the beginning but which grow like rising bread dough into enormous piles.
These arch fiends and smooth-talking liars and silver-tongued devils, these Jews and rabbis, know how to destroy truth by telling just the perfect lies that seem small and inconsequential at first but, like yeast in bread, grow and misshapen all that they touch.
In modern times, such Jewish lies as:
racial equality
free trade
laissez-faire Capitalism
white guilt
allopathic medicine
homosexual normalcy
banking and finance
Jewish ownership of money supplies
private ownership of public utilities
etc., have created destruction for Mankind while profiting the Jews.
And they all began and are based upon simple little Jewish lies by the world’s foremost liars.
Jesus finally is revealed to his disciples as the true Christ.
And he tells them that he must go to Jerusalem and to suffer, be put to death and arise on the third day.
Even with Peter admonishing him not to go, he says to Peter,
“Get behind me, Satan!
You are an obstacle in my path, because the way you think is not God’s but man’s.” (Mat 16:23)