Solar Dynasty of the Aryans & the Dravidian Lunar Dynasty

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The Solar Dynasty, also known as the Sūryavaṃśa, is a legendary Indian dynasty founded by Ikshvaku. It ruled the Kosala Kingdom with their capital at Ayodhya and later at Shravasti1. The Solar Dynasty is one of the types of Kshatriyas, claiming descent from Surya

The solar cult attributed masculinity to the God of the universe. All the purest of Vedic traditions were combined around him: the science of sacred fire and prayer, the esoteric concept of the supreme God, respect for women and the cult of ancestors; at the heart of the royal power lay an elective and patriarchal principle.

The lunar cult attributed the feminine principle to the Deity, under whose banner the religions of the Aryan cycle deified nature in all ages, for the most part blind, fickle nature, in its most violent and terrible manifestations. This cult tended towards idolatry and black magic. He favored polygamy and tyranny based on popular passions.

The struggle between the sons of the sun and the sons of the moon, between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, is the subject of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, which is something like a short perspective account of the history of Aryan India before the establishment of Brahmanism. This struggle is replete with fierce battles and strange endless adventures. Among this gigantic epic, the Kauravas, the kings of the lunar cycle, remain the victors. The Pandavas, the noble representatives of the sun, the guardians of the pure cult, are dethroned and exiled. Hunted, they wander hiding in the forests, finding shelter with hermits, dressed in tree bark, with a wanderer's staff instead of a weapon. (Wotan!)

Fraternities made up of such hermits gave rise to a priestly coup that turned India into a mighty theocracy. The victory of spiritual power over worldly power, of the hermit over the king, from which the power of Brahmanism was born, was due to the great reformer. Having reconciled both struggling geniuses, the genius of the white race and the genius of the black race, the solar cult and the lunar one, this god-man was the true creator of the national religion of India. In addition, his mighty genius gave the world a new idea of immense significance: the idea of a divine Verb or God embodied and manifested in man. This first Messiah, this eldest of the sons of God, was Krishna..

Solar Dynasty of the Aryans & the Dravidian Lunar Dynasty

Solar Dynasty of the Aryans & the Dravidian Lunar Dynasty – Library of Rickandria