Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation - Chapter 17: Breakthrough

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by Stewart A. Swerdlow P. 137 - 139

The next time Preston used Wilhelm Reich procedures, he brought his tape recorder.
An entity calling itself Tubor entered my body with such force that I shuddered hard and nearly fell to the floor.

Claiming to be the Draco controller of a mission to prepare Earth for occupation, Tubors main concern was other alien and human influences on the population that might thwart their plans. 

These reptilian beings were extremely nasty and hostile toward anyone who questioned them. 

Tubor commented that it was disgusted with my body and detested the way a human felt. 

Humans were considered to be weak, fragile, and too prone to emotional reactions.

Insisting that I had a contract with them which permitted them to use my body before their official arrival, Tubor said that I was also destined to be a liaison during the invasion.

Using a human in this way would allow both sides to understand the mind-set of the other.

I had supposedly agreed to this because I was once the Sirian ambassador to their home world as well as to Arcturus and a planet called Umo.
As the Sirian ambassador, I had successfully negotiated a technology contract between the Draco and the Sirians, Sirius A agreed to provide the Draco with high technology in exchange for free trade and passage of their vessels anywhere within the Draco Empire.

This contract upset the Orion Confederation because, being controlled by the Draco, they would never be free.

The signing of this contract eventually provoked a war between the Orion Confederation and Sirius A which continues to this day.

Tubor also told us that the Montauk Project employed Sirian technology.

The Draco observed all experiments but were especially interested in the ones that involved genetic manipulation.

Because they are an androgynous race, the Draco are exceptionally interested in species that procreate sexually.

Using sexuality as a means of programming people and gaining mind control over the masses was particularly fascinating to them.

Whenever Preston asked questions or stated an opinion, Tubor became angry.

He called Preston Pressed On and referred to Duncan as Dunk Can.

At times, Tubor hissed and swung his arms toward them.

Tubor even tried to hurt my body by hitting or twisting parts of it.

About an hour later, another entity pushed into me and threw Tubor spinning away.

After falling limp to the floor, my body then stood up again.

Claiming to be a Sirian, this being gave its name as Mishka.

He said that he forced his way into the body to show me how to deflect hostile use of my body. 

Since I had Sirian DNA, I could easily learn how to defend myself using my abilities.

Mishka said that he lived on a large Sirian space station called Calumba which orbited between Earth and Mars.
This station was designed to monitor interference on Earth and surrounding planets.

The Sirians were independent and considered to be the merchants of the universe.

With the highest technology available in their possession, many races came to them for help. 

Even all the weapons used by the Draco came from Sirius.

When Preston remarked that this made them guilty of hurting others, Mishka had an answer.

He replied that without Sirian weapons, the Draco would use brutal force to overwhelm their targets.

In this way, the Sirians considered themselves to be a mitigating force in the galaxy.

Over the next several months, Mishka, Mishkas assistant Marshak, Tubor, and Gengeeko used my body to deliver warnings and ultimatums.

I was given information that the USSR was in league with the Draco and allowing them to use Soviet bases for advance operations.

But the USSR would eventually break up into smaller nations and disrupt the agreement.
When this happened, I was told that this was a deception to lull the rest of the world into a false peace.

The various Soviet governments were closely aligned with each other.

When the opportunity was right, the Soviets would pounce on the unsuspecting countries.
In this way, the Draco had a powerful ally on Earth to do their dirty work for them.

p.142 143

The rest of the conversation involved information about the Sirian interest in Israel and the Jewish people.

The Jews, he said, were created as a joint effort between the Sirians and the Draco.

The genetic stock came from the Hebrews, a race of Sirian origin.

The Ohalu Council, comprised of the leaders of the Sirian civilization, provided the Torah (the first five books of Moses, i.e., the Old Testament of the Bible) with its coded information that I would learn to decipher.
In fact, the Ohaluans are nonphysical beings who remain in hyperspace.

The Sirians are their physical descendants.

Ancient Hebrew is the language of this council.

A holy language, it comes directly from the Mind of God.

Each letter is a:

  • symbol
  • number
  • archetype

and geometric shape that is used to translate from the spiritual into the physical.

In fact, each chapter of the Old Testament can be decoded to letter patterns.

When recurring patterns are matched against one another, geometric shapes are formed.

These include a doughnut shape, diamonds, three-dimensional triangles, etc.

When all the patterns are enfolded on one another, a tetrahedron is formed in multidimensionality.

That is to say, the shape can only be demonstrated on paper by drawing a three-dimensional tetrahedron.

However, its actual shape goes far beyond anything that can be shown graphically with current technology.

All letters of the Hebrew alphabet can be seen within the shape of the tetrahedron.

In the ancient Hebrew alphabet, there are four letters that have a stylized crown on top of them. 

No one knew why.

However, if all of the other letters were somehow forgotten, except for those four special ones, by using these four, the tetrahedron could be reconstructed and all the other letters again found within the shape.

Scientists in Jerusalem and New York are only now realizing the information encoded within the Old Testament as they review it by computer and research the various letter patterns.

What type of mind could have created such a timeless document?

Certainly not a human one.

At the conclusion of our conversation, Elsinob told me to return to bed.

Walking back to my room, I noticed that the glow suddenly stopped.

The moment my head touched my pillow, I went into a deep sleep.

At 4:45 A.M., the alarm rang.

When I awoke, I remembered everything.

That is when I became afraid.


I also learned that there were originally twelve root races on the Earth at the beginning of life on this planet.

What this means is that there were twelve original alien races that agreed to genetically manipulate and seed life on this planet as part of a great experiment.

The purpose was to determine if all of the man frequencies in the galaxy could live together harmoniously or if they would destroy one another.

These twelve alien races monitored their contributions to the experiment over the millennia. 

Some lost interest while some completely altered their original ideas.

In any event, the twelve races are returning to remove or aid their part of the project before invasion forces arrive on Earth and usurp all of the resources and people.

The outcome of this invasion is yet to be determined.

Many of the original races keep bases in this solar system to watch the Earth.

  • A Sirian base on Mars has existed for many thousands of years
  • The Amphibians have bases on Neptune and on Titan, a moon of Saturn
  • The Draco, who are the invading reptilians, have bases on Venus as well as under the Earth
  • The Pleiadeans have a base on a moon of Jupiter
  • Many others maintain platforms or stations in orbit around the Earth and other planets in this solar system
  • Most of them do not want to be discovered yet

In the early 1990’s, I was contacted by a man in Los Angeles on behalf of Marina Popovich, the Soviet cosmonaut who was on a lecture tour in this country.

Secretly, she was investigating the disappearance of a Soviet spacecraft that had been on a reconnaissance mission to Mars.

While approaching Phobos, a Martian moon, a strange-looking craft emerged from behind that moon, fired something at the Russian probe, and the ship was never heard from again.

Ms. Popovich knew my family history in Russia (remember, my great-uncle was the first president of the Soviet Union), and she knew about my background and training.

She was interested to hear what I had to say about the missing Russian craft.

After several attempts to converse via phone, Marina was suddenly sent back to Moscow.

To my knowledge, she never returned.

I never had the chance to tell her that a Sirian vessel destroyed the Soviet probe on behalf of the U.S. government and the Israelis!

Apparently, there were those people who did not want the world to find out about the monuments on Mars.
These same people did not want the public to know that Americans were already working with beings from Tau Ceti who were the progenitors of the Slavic races.

Although the:

  • Sirians
  • Tau Cetians
  • Russians
  • Israelis

and Americans were theoretically all working together against the Orion Confederation and the Draco Empire, each had their own agenda and withheld information from each other.

The Americans and the Israelis wanted primary control so they can eventually dominate the world.
They reasoned that the government with the most exclusive information and technology would win.


The Alien Connection reveals the most amazing story yet to surface in the area of alien abduction.

This is an autobiographical and factual account from Stewart Swerdlow, a gifted mentalist who was born clairvoyant but haunted by strange time-space scenarios.

After suffering alien abductions and government manipulations, Stewart found Preston Nichols and discovered his own role in time travel experiments known as the Montauk project.

After refusing to break his association with Nichols, Stewart was incarcerated by the authorities, but the truth began to reveal itself.

Struggling for his life, Stewart used his mental abilities to overcome the negative influences surrounding him and ultimately discovered the highest common denominator in the alien equation an interdimensional language which communicates to all conscious beings.


Victim Mentality

This planet primarily attracts two types of beings those with a victim mentality and those with an oppressor mentality.

In order to be a victim, you must have oppressors.

In order to be an oppressor, you must have victims.

Together, this creates balance in God-Mind.

This planet is designed as a place where beings with a victim mentality can learn to overcome it. 

Therefore, any 'higher level' being will not become involved because it is necessary for those here to have the opportunity to work through their victim mentalities.

To become involved would mean interfering or taking away the lessons of those with victim mentalities.

Higher level beings will be objective observers who will guide and instruct you through your victim mentality once you reach them, but that is all.
They are not here to "save" you or this planet.

Stabbing Westward - Save Yourself

Any being who says that they are here to "save" you is interfering in your soul growth.

Only you can "save" yourself from a victim mentality.

Only you can "save" yourself from a victim mentality.

Only you and the lessons that you self-design will teach you about victim mentality.

Only you can move through these lessons that will allow you to make a final release of your victim mentality.

No one is waiting to help you do not be fooled by any being making such promises.

When you learn to move through your victim mentality, your mind pattern will no longer attract oppressors.

The more stubborn you are in your determination to hang onto your victim mentality ways, the more intense the lessons that you attract to get you to release those ways.

This means, metaphorically speaking, a bigger, meaner, stronger, stick until you finally "get it."

You have to get hurt, belittled, and finally, angry enough to stand up for yourself and declare that you will no longer be a victim to anyone, anywhere, anymore!

Perhaps when you finally have had enough, you release your victim mentality by saying,

"I just don't give a dam anymore what anybody thinks!

I am speaking my mind regardless!

I am taking care of myself, regardless!"

Sometimes, people are beaten up so much that instead of releasing the victim mentality, they decide to become the oppressor when the opportunity presents itself.

This is why cycles repeat themselves.

People who were oppressed find other victims, because this gives them a sense of control.

In doing so, they relive their earlier experiences when they felt like they had no control.

They become the perpetrator, just so they can be the "winner" for a change.

Of course, this is another imbalance, or extreme flip from victim to oppressor.

The ideal is to find a happy medium, or balance, between victim and oppressor.

Victim and oppressor are opposite sides of the same coin in the Mind of God.

In this case, two individual soul-personalities are needed to maintain an equilibrium in God Mind. 

One carries the weight of a victim; one carries the weight of an oppressor.

What you need to do is find the balance within yourself, so that equilibrium within the Mind of God is maintained within one soul-personality instead of two.

Yes, you must learn to speak your mind and not allow anyone to walk on you.

Yes, you must sometimes be harsh and cruel with words and sometimes even actions.

But when this must happen, it must be done in an objective manner what is best for everyone involved to get the point across while causing the least amount of pain.
Boundaries must be set.

  • What are your boundaries?
  • Who crosses them and how?
  • Who is a belligerent person in your life that you try to avoid because of their bullish, pushy ways?
  • Why do you avoid this person?
  • Why not practice letting go of your victim mentality and speak your mind to him/her?

So what if your knees shake so hard that you think you will fall down, and your voice is shaky, squeaky, or barely audible?

Somewhere along the way, you must stop your victim mentality before it stops you.

Learn to be proactive instead of reactive.

When you allow others to push you around, you become:

  • angry
  • sullen
  • introverted

Then, you lash out at the undeserving with misdirected frustration and anger.

Sometimes your body becomes ill because of all that you suppress, or you insulate your body, or perhaps stop eating.

One way or the other, you suffer.

But there is a part of you that feels that you deserve to suffer.

There is a part of you that enjoys this pain and self-punishment.

It feels good to some part of yourself, or you would not do it.

Some people create others to give them pain, sometimes physical, sometimes emotional, sometimes both.

Some people do it for themselves a self-contained, fully functional, victim mentality unit.

Some people are extremely successful at this.

Why do you feel so bad about yourself that you feel like you are meant to suffer, to be alone, to feel guilty, to have ill health, to be over or underweight.

Did it start in this lifetime, or did it start before?

Follow those feelings and allow yourself to release it.

This physical reality is your chance to overcome it.

The more you ignore this situation, the harder and more intense lesson you will attract to beat it out of yourself.

You came here to learn now do it.

Quit whining moaning and complaining because there is a part of you that enjoys that too.

Aches and pains can create a lot of entertainment.

You can run from doctor to doctor, trying to find a cure for something that will never be cured as long as you maintain your current mind-pattern.

"Bad luck" can attract a lot of attention and sympathy from others.

Dire circumstances will force someone to pay attention to you.

Never getting a raise or a promotion is an excuse not to climb higher in your career or company. 

You can moan all you want about being alone, with a partner who does not understand you, or without one at all.
But this self-imposed isolation also gives you time to selfishly take care of yourself without any interference.

The same for saying you want children but are unable to have them.

A part of you does not want a spouse, or a caring spouse, or children, because if ALL of you wanted this and it was truly in your mind-pattern, you would have it!

Victim, victim, victim!

Let us count the ways!

Refuse to be a victim.

Find a new source of entertainment.

Release yourself from this mind-pattern so that you can move into new vistas of growth - ones so vast that you cannot even imagine or comprehend them.

You must let go of the old to make room for the new.

No one can do it for you.

No one can "save" you from yourself.

No one is waiting to help this planet.
Only you can make a difference.

Only you can save this planet.
Do it!


Are you A Mind-Control Candidate?

Does mind control sound like a foreboding subject that people in dark, mysterious places practice upon unsuspecting victims?

Do you read about other people’s claims with interest, while thinking that it really has nothing to do with you?

Remember, if you are reading about it, it is in your world.

If it is in your world, it is a reflection of some part of yourself or it could not exist.

So, are you a mind control candidate for sinister forces?

To fit the profile they are looking for, you must be controllable.

Are you?

What does your mind-pattern look like?

Are you in control of your own life, or is your life in control of you?

If anything, anywhere controls you, you have an established mind-pattern that any force can use and manipulate.

All the force has to do is enter your auric field through this "hole" in your mind-pattern.

To close the holes and correct the mind-pattern, it is important to find out what in your life is controlling you so that you can stop it.

What controls you?

Is it a person?

Anyone who "pulls your strings" or "pushes your buttons" is controlling you.

Anyone who you allow to put you down, or who makes you feel like less of a person is controlling you.

When you react to their manipulation, you are not in control.

The other person controls you.

This could be a:

  • parent
  • spouse
  • child
  • relative
  • co-worker

or neighbor, for example.

Do your emotions control you?

When emotions are out of balance, they can create their own subpersonalities.

Each emotion has its own:

  • color
  • tone
  • archetype

within your auric field.

Anger is comprised of the color red, Fear is yellow, Jealousy is green.

Every time you have experience these emotions without passing them up to your Oversoul, the energy of these specific subpersonalities are fed.
Anger gets stronger, Fear gets stronger, Jealousy gets stronger.

Now, they are in control of you.

You can make all the promises you want, but what happens when your buttons get pushed?

All of a sudden, Anger is controlling you, or Fear, or Jealousy.

You have lost the battle.

Your emotions are in control.

Perhaps it is illness that controls you.

Do you need that illness in order to feel important, or as a way to get attention and/or love?

Do you have chronic health issues that never seem to go away?

Or you just get rid of something and something else pops up to take its place?

What part of you needs and allows this type of control?

Do alcohol and drugs control you?

How about tobacco?


There are support groups for:

  • alcoholism
  • drug
  • sex

addiction; for people who cannot stop shopping, gambling, and/or shoplifting.

There are support groups for people controlled by bulimia, anorexia, obsessive compulsive disorder.

You name it, it is out there controlling somebody, somewhere.

Is it controlling you.

Does food control you?

Food controlling you does not imply that you are overweight.

Could you go a day without chocolate or sugar?

Could you fast for 24 hours without anything but water?

Most likely you would not starve to death and die, so could you??

How about fashion?

Are you the first to get the latest:

  • clothing
  • hairstyles
  • home decor

without thinking if you even like them or not?

How about:

  • cars
  • motorcycles
  • trucks
  • motor vehicles
  • boat

the list is endless.

Or fads, be it body-piercing, tattoos, or acquiring all kinds of doodads and knickknacks that will be useless practically before you even have them out of the box.

Do you have to have whatever everyone else has.

Plastic surgery controls people.

They keep going back and redoing every part of the body until there is nothing left to redo. 

Then they start over again.

Some people start exercising and cannot stop.

They exercise continually and constantly, sometimes building up muscle masses that would put Hercules to shame.

Others exercise until they do not have a drop of fat on their bodies, then begin destroying their muscle tissues, ligaments, and internal organs.

Do your experiences use and control you, or do you use and control your experiences?

This is the bottom line.

If anything, or anyone controls you in any way, shape, or form, you are a prime candidate for mass and/or individual mind control.

When you are in control of your own self, no one and nothing can control you.
Everything in moderation is acceptable, but when something takes over your life to the degree where it controls you, you create a mind-pattern that says,

"Outside forces can and do control me."

This leaves holes in your mind-pattern and auric field that tells anyone who can understand this information that you are a perfect candidate for mind control.

Learn to breathe yourself into your center.

Identify the strong aspects of your mind-pattern and the ones that need strengthening. 

Anchor yourself in the strength of your own Oversoul and God-Mind.

Take control over absolutely anything that has control over you, remembering to keep the balance.

You can be pulled off-center in every way imaginable, and you will be.

These are your tests.

Be the monitor of your own progress.

The more you use internal monitors, the less chance outside monitors can step in to do the job for you.

Whenever you let your guard down, there will be somebody or something that will knowingly and gladly push you out of your center.

Part of your reason for existing in physical reality is to find out who and what you are.

Being pushed out of your center tells you who you are not.

Operating from outside of your center allows others to define you according to their terms. 

They can mold and bend you like clay to create the person that they need for their own purposes.
You are so busy molding and bending that you do not have time to recognize what is happening to you.

Only when you stand firm in your center, in control of absolutely every aspect of your life, are all the holes of your mind-pattern completely sealed shut.

When this happens, no one or nothing can control you.
But even when the door is closed to outsiders, remember that they will still come knocking.
It is up to you to ensure that they do not enter.