Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation - Chapter 8: The Crystal Skull

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When the Hatona Council convened to determine the development of life on Earth, they pondered two questions.

First, if the Earth beings were left to develop on their own, how would they know their true origins, and second, if there was no interference, how could they be prodded in the correct direction.

One E.T. group that was primarily non-physical decided to leave a repository of knowledge for those who evolved enough to understand it.

These muscular beings were tall with golden-bronze skin, golden hair, and violet eyes.

On an etheric level, this E.T. group created an object that contained within it the sum total of knowledge of the Mind of God as they knew it.

They also programmed this object with the history of the universe and all the technology that would ever be necessary.

For the object this group chose the shape of a female human skull without any racial features.

The skull represented all humanoids, symbolizing brotherhood and harmony.

The female was chosen because it was to be placed in physical reality as a symbol of ego being overcome.
Crystal was chosen because it represents the highest vibration possible in physical reality - 

  • purity
  • clarity
  • focusing

and magnification.

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The movable jaw piece symbolized the fact that it was a communication device.

The E.T. group left the Crystal Skull with the first Lyraen/ Atlantean civilization where it was placed in a temple pyramid to be energized by the Lyraen/Atlanteans over many aeons of time.

Unusual Skulls – Library of Rickandria

When the Sirians infiltrated the second-generation Lyraen/Atlantean civilization, they negotiated with the Atlans to study the Crystal Skull.

Over time, they created an exact duplicate that they brought back to Sirius A.

Other alien groups made inferior copies of it for use with their own human creations.

By the time the third-generation Lyraen/Atlanteans were well established, the true purpose of the Crystal Skull was almost entirely forgotten.

Those in power tried to use it for negative purposes, not realizing that this magnified and reflected back all their evil deeds and intentions.

In addition, the Crystal Skull was created in such a way that whatever is thought in its presence reflects back, becoming a part of the thinker’s experiences.

The Crystal Skull teaches that the physical universe mirrors thoughts.

When Atlantis sank, high priests fleeing the continent brought it to Central America to where the Procyonians brought the Maya.

Here, it was used as an object of worship and reverence until the Maya were removed from the Earth.

Eventually, the Crystal Skull remained buried in ruins until its discovery in the early part of the 20th Century, when the Crystal Skull allowed itself to be discovered.

The Crystal Skull operates through the trinity of:

  • communication color
  • tone
  • archetype

When any combination of these three is beamed or thought of in the presence of the Crystal Skull, it opens a program that is coded to a particular frequency resonance.

An infinite number of combinations can be used, and anyone will unlock a program in the Crystal Skull to teach mankind.

The left-brain represents language, and the right-brain represents pure thought.

The pineal gland of communication balances and translates the left- and right- brains with the use of archetypes.

Archetypes can be:

  • geometric shapes
  • letters
  • numbers
  • Ancient Hebrew symbols
  • pictograms

or any combination of these.

Colors are also part of the triad with a language all their own.

The left-brain is dark, the right-brain is light, and once again, the pineal gland balances and translates this through colors.

Tones also represent the trinity of sound, balancing music and silence.

In the same way, the Crystal Skull balances the Mind of God and physical reality.

At times, the Crystal Skull becomes non-physical.

Because it was created without a body, this symbolizes the needlessness of the physical body.

The Crystal Skull is a bridge between all levels of reality.
Anyone who knows the sequences of the trinity of communication becomes all-powerful and omniscient.