Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation - Chapter 7: Other Alien Groups

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While the Reptilians were the first colonists on Earth, they were not the only ones who interfered with human development on this planet.

In all there are twelve other groups who donated DNA to the production of the experiment.
Add the Reptilians to the twelve groups, resulting in human beings with a genetic mixture of 13 different strains.

The result was a general free-for-all.

While all these humanoid aliens were Lyraen/Reptilian descendants, each group was culturally and physically manipulated by different groups.

This is similar to a lab professor who leaves the door open while he is gone, and all his assistants add their own genetics to the experiment.

The Tau Ceti aliens centered their attention on the eastern European area, from what is now Serbia to the slopes of the Ural Mountains.

From here, they influenced the Slavic and Russian peoples.

The geographic conditions resembled that in the Tau Ceti star system, and its colony Epsilon Eridani.

The Tau Ceti added their DNA to the human prototypes that were already established there, creating what is now known as the Slavic peoples.

The results were a race of humans who were stocky, barrel-chested, and averaging 5’6’’ to 5’9’’ in height, with a dense bone structure and dark eyes.

They were aggressive and preferred a cold climate.

These Tau Ceti/humans were virulently against the grey alien race and the Reptilians, because their worlds had been attacked, and their children stolen and killed by both races.

The Tau Cetians vowed to follow the grey race and destroy them.

In the 1950s, the Soviet Union signed an agreement with the Tau Cetians to use bases in Siberia and under the Ural Mountains.

For this reason, the city of Sverdlovsk, named after my great-uncle, the first president of the Soviet Union, was closed to outsiders.

Many experiments involving radiation on the public were performed here from 1958 through the 1980s.

A United States spy plane was shot down over Sverdlovsk in the early 1960s when the United States was trying to learn about the secret activities taking place there.

In central Europe, the German tribes were genetically manipulated by beings from Aldebaran.

These people are very intelligent and scientifically oriented.

They are generally blonde-haired and blue-eyed, with a minority of dark-haired, light brown to hazel-eyed people.

They are militaristic and prefer to keep to themselves.

For almost 2,000 years, the Aldebarans have been energetically connecting to the Germanic peoples, telepathically sending information to them and promoting a national sentiment.

Many humans of the Aldebaran frequency have mixed with the Tau Ceti descendants in the Slavic area, particularly in Poland and Russia.

Hitler knew this.

That is why he was so adamant about invading those countries and incorporating them into his empire.
Hitler was only half Germanic.

His father was a wealthy Jewish businessman in Austria.

His mother worked at the home as a maid.

She had an affair with the master of the house, and when the wife found out about it, had the maid thrown out.

The Jewish businessman did nothing to help Hitler’s mother.

For this reason, Hitler hated the Jews and sought to destroy his own genetic lineage, basically because he hated himself.

He was also deeply mind-controlled.

The Aldebarans also genetically infused the Vikings.

These Nordic people inherited the aggressive and militaristic tendencies that are also seen in the Germans.

The Vikings plundered and raped across Europe for centuries, but did not have the technological ability to stay in power.

An accidental manipulation of genetics occurred on the Italian peninsula 3000 years ago.

A ship from the Arcturus star system crashed landed on Etruscan territory.

These humans were actually extremely spiritually minded, and instead of trying to get back home, stayed and blended into the humans of that part of Earth.

Their descendants became the Romans who were then infiltrated and mixed with the Central Asian hybrids.

Beings from the Antarian star system were behind the genetic manipulation of ancient Greece.

These people were a society predominantly based upon homosexuality.

Females were used for breeding only.

In fact, there were Antarian observers at the Montauk Project who were interested in the programming aspects of sexuality as they related to the Wilhelm Reich methods.
The Antarians are dark, often with olive skin, dark eyes, and short, thin bodies.

They have a fabulous musculature due to the density of their home-world and are known for their body-building goals.

The Greek-Antarians colonized Spain and Portugal.

Their descendants further mixed with the Romans, and Arabs who are predominantly Sumerian/Reptilian.

These then colonized Central and South America, mixing their genetics with the native Indians who were of Atlantean-Procyon descent.

The Procyon star system does not have much technology.

The Procyons were brought to this planet after the fall of Atlantis to boost the survival rate of the refugees.

They became the:

  • Maya
  • Aztec
  • Inca

They were given ancient Lemurian and Atlantean outposts in the Andes and Sierras of Mexico.

They tried unsuccessfully to recreate these cultures, including emulating the building of the pyramids, performing medical procedures, and finally, sacrificing to the Reptilian gods.

This is why their legends speak of blond men returning in chariots from space to take them away.

The Anasazi Indians of the American southwest were also brought from Procyon.

It was the Sirians who so generously provided transportation.

The Sirians even attempted to bring the Hebrews to the American west.

Ancient Hebrew coins were found in New Mexico and other parts of North and South America.

Over the millennia and recent centuries:

  • movements of nations
  • colonizations
  • war

and famines, have thrown the Earth's population into a giant melting pot.

Strands of genetics have continuously mixed with one another, especially in:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Australia
  • the Caribbean

and South America.

The result is that there are few pure races left, and the racial and cultural unity makes it easier for group control.

While all of this was going on in Europe and the Middle East, the Chinese Empire was expanding over East Asia, and the Dravidian-Reptilian culture in India was being replaced by the Aryan (Ari- and Sum-Arian) hordes from Central Asia.

In South America, the Inca Empire was flourishing as it was mixed with the genetics of the Procyon star system.

The same mixture was happening in North and Central America creating the Toltecs, Mayans, and Aztecs.

All of these cultures used blood-ritual and human sacrifice.

This indicates that the Procyonians were themselves conquered by the Reptilians and did their bidding, even though they were humanoid.

All of the Central and South American cultures used snakes and Reptilians as symbols.
These people have a unique blend of Lemurian/Draco and Atlantean/Human genetics mixed with the Procyonian DNA.