Matthew 2 relates how the Magi or the Wise Men of Persia knew of the birth of Jesus from their own calculations and observations of the signs of the heaven.
When they asked King Herod,
“Where is the infant king of the Hebrews?”
the Temple scribes replied to his inquiry that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
This was the second fulfillment of the Jewish priests’ own prophesies.
Because Herod intended to kill the child, Joseph was warned in a dream to escape to Egypt and to stay there with Mary and Jesus until Herod had died.
This was the third fulfillment of prophesy,
“I called my son out of Egypt.”
After Herod had died, an angel of God appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to go back to the land of Israel.
So, Joseph settled in Nazareth of the Galilee.
Thus, another prophesy was fulfilled:
“He will be called a Nazarene.”
Like all small towns and villages, everybody knew everybody else.
And their relations between one another were genealogically recorded both in the birth books that the rabbis and priests kept, but also in the memory of every individual as well.
They all knew who their fathers and mothers were, aunts and uncles and distant relatives.
Even distant relatives were not very distant since, in those days, the common people didn’t travel far.
Among these social groups, instead of groups of baseball fans or TV addicts or mechanics associating with one another discussing their mutual interests, the ancient people had social groups of:
- fishermen
- shepherds
- farmers
and priests congregating in groups of mutual camaraderie discussing the events and techniques that composed their respective trades.
Naturally, those whose special interest was religion and holiness, congregated in their own small groups.
The smallest groups of all would be the ascetic recluses and religious hermits whose lone vigils were briefly visited by one or two seekers of religious wisdom.
BOOK: Book of Wisdom by Harry B. Joseph (2021) – Library of Rickandria
John the Baptist was one of these.
As you saw in Chapter Four, the ancient people had discovered all varieties of mystical and metaphysical powers.
BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 4: Secret Powers of the Ancient People – Library of Rickandria
They preserved some of their knowledge in stone sculptures and paintings, all of which the Jews routinely destroyed.
What was unique about Jesus was that he was raised among the demon rabbis and priests of the Temple of:
These wicked priests had specifically prohibited anyone from studying the teachings of any other religion under pain of death.
And why?
Because Terah and his guild of moneylenders didn’t want any actual religious experience or knowledge to arise among their followers.
What they wanted was a mindless mass of fools led by priest who followed the Contract in the Hebrew Bible so as to keep themselves well provisioned and the concealed bullion of the moneylenders safe.
Any actual experience of religion would open Judaism to the realization that its ritual was an empty sham, and its priests had no actual religious power.
BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 3: The Corrupting Impact of Judaism on True Religion – Library of Rickandria
Such a realization would lead to the next understanding that the Holy One of Israel –
“He-Who-Must-Not Be-Named”
– was a demon.
RELIGION: DEMONS – The Pagan Gods of Hell – Library of Rickandria
Any actual experience of religious power would show that all other religions are superior to Judaism and that the priests of Judah are all liars and fakes.
RELIGION: The Horrible Truth – Library of Rickandria
Abraham and his banker buddies from Babylon wanted a façade of a religion in which to hide their wealth, they didn’t want a real religion to expose their frauds.
RELIGION: Gods & Religions on Planet Earth – Library of Rickandria
So, the Jews practiced their empty rituals and believed the lies that were written in the Hebrew Bible and called themselves the “Chosen Ones of God.”
But none of them had any actual spiritual power, that is, until Jesus arrived on the scene.
Although he made a sudden appearance in Matthew 3, John the Baptist would not have been so instantly famous in the Biblical times.
Word of wonderworkers and holy men traveled fast among all social groups of the Ancient Near East.
In Palestine, the people were especially desirous of some miracle to substantiate their belief and faith in God.
No matter how much they fed and paid the rabbis and priest, no miracles were forthcoming from those wicked charlatans whose livelihoods depended upon perpetuation of the Temple scam.
The priests and rabbis announced themselves to be “holy” but there was nothing about them that could prove it.
They claimed that their system of larceny was the “word of God” but the only ones who ever benefited from The Big Book of Lies, were the priests and rabbis and their legions of tattletales in the tribe of Levi, all raising huge families of voracious eaters, dependant upon the tithes and sacrifices of the congregation.
Indeed, without a miracle, the people of the entire world would be forever in the greedy clutches of this ingenious religious fraud devised by the Babylonian bankers, financiers and the lying rabbis of Judah.
The people of the world would be enslaved forever to ceaseless labor and unending poverty. And why?
Because that is the way it had always been for the previous 3,500 years under the Sumerian Swindle; and that is what Judaism promotes and perpetuates.
Promises are easy to make and cost nothing to make while bringing advantages to those who make them.
The Hebrew priests had cleverly sprinkled their fables and religious fantasies with promises of a Messiah who would redeem the people from all sin.
Remember, the Hebrew concept of “sin” was the same as “debt.”
EDUCATION: If There Was No Such Thing as Money… – Library of Rickandria
Those greedy moneychangers were forever trying to put people into their debt or under a “sin” that had to be repaid with silver and barbequed goats.
To forever enslave the People, the rabbis claimed that everybody was born with an “original sin” or an “original debt” that could only be repaid to God by making regular donations to the priests of the Temple.
It was a very profitable swindle, putting people into perpetual debt to a terrifying god while the priests raked off a profit of barbequed goats and sin offerings of gold and silver.
The clever priests of Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop had written into their Biblical Contract what they thought would be an impossible promise to ever be fulfilled.
Their so-called “prophesies” insured that their swindled wealth and artificial power would forever be theirs.
They had written their “prophesies” in such a way that no one could ever possibly fulfill all of the requirements that they had set up for the Messiah.
The Jewish priests and rabbis had been telling lies about God since Terah, the Babylonian banker, had sent his Babylonian son, Abraham, to secure a treasury location in the fortress city of Jerusalem.
So, telling lies about a Messiah whom they had purposely conspired to never be able to arrive, was not difficult for them.
When John the Baptist began his preaching, his was certainly not an unknown name.
Those small communities gossiped about the holy men living in their regions.
Word would spread to adjoining regions as the power and wisdom of particular saints and sages grew.
Those who wanted to practice and study with such teachers would naturally have sought them out.
However, even though spiritual power is available to anyone who truly seeks to find it (see Chapter Four), in Judah, there was one special requirement:
the saints and sages who discovered God and/or spiritual powers while praying in the wilderness had to also preach in terms of the Hebrew Bible, the only authorized religion in the region – otherwise the rabbis and priests of Yahweh would murder them.
The rabbis and Jewish priests had no true spiritual power, so anyone who did have power was branded as a witch or a wizard whom the rabbis then tortured and murdered.
BOOK: EXCERPT: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) - Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d - Matthew 2
BOOK: EXCERPT: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – Matthew 2 – Library of Rickandria