Many "christian nazis" use Hitler's "pro-xian" speeches as an argument that he was a xian. But let's look a bit deeper into this topic. Hitler was catering to christians just like he said he would, and we are going to prove this, continue reading; In his memoirs, Hitler's confidant, personal architect, and Minister of Armaments Albert Speer wrote: "Amid his political associates in Berlin, Hitler made harsh pronouncements against the church", yet "he conceived of the church as an instrument that could be useful to him" Joseph Goebbels wrote on 29 April 1941 that though Hitler was "a fierce opponent" of the Vatican and Christianity, "he forbids me to leave the church. For tactical reasons." (Fred Taylor Translation; The Goebbels Diaries 1939–41; Hamish Hamilton Ltd; London; 1982; p.340) On June 2, 1941, Hitler admitted to Walther Hewel: ‘As a private citizen I would never break my word. As a politician for Germany, if necessary, a thousand times."
Quote of Rudolf Hess (August 20, 1924) confirming Hitler pretended to be pro-Christian in front of the people, but privately was very anti-Christian
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Now we know what Hitler's private intentions were, but let's see what he did in reality. In the speech that xians use to prove he was a xian, there's the quote that "they will not only defend christianity on the paper". Let's see how they defended xianity, I will provide only a few examples, there are many more (for example, the pagan festivals that were happening, arrests of priests, ...): Official Handbook for Schooling the Hitler Youth (confirming anti-christian position of Germany):"The foundation of the National Socialist outlook on life is the perception of the unlikeness of men... [in terms of] physical characteristics... and in spirit and soul.During the colonization of Paraguay by the Jesuits, a law was promulgated according to which the White settlers might marry only natives. [Thus ignoring the "obvious unlikeness of men"]Today, the racial ideas of National Socialism have implacable opponents; Marxists, Freemasons, and the Christian Church join hands in brotherly accord on this point.The Christians reject the race idea with the citation "before God all men are equal." All who have the Christian belief, whether Jews, Negroes, or Whites are dear to them and more worthwhile than a German who does not confess Christianity. The one binding bond, above and beyond all restrictions, is the Belief that brings Salvation.Now, why do we find in Marxism, Free Masonry, and Christianity this mistaken teaching of the equality of all men? All three are striving for power over the whole earth. Therefore, they must necessarily be "international". They can never acknowledge the human ties of race, community, or nation if they do not wish to give up on their own aims."
Quote of Joseph Goebbels (May 12, 1943) confirming his own and Hitler's anti-Christian positions
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"As for the Christian concept of God, Hitler definitely rejected it" - Dr. Alfred Rosenberg's Memoirs, pp 90-91 “The unity of the Germans must be secured through A NEW WORLDVIEW (Weltanschauung) since Christianity in its present form was no longer equal to the demands which were today made on those who would sustain the unity of the people." -Adolf Hitler, Meeting of National Socialist leaders at Bad Godesberg on 27 August 1933. "Today a new state is being established, the unique feature of which is that it sees its foundation NOT IN CHRISTIANITY and not in a concept of state; rather, it places its primary emphasis on the self-contained Volksgemeinschaft (racial community)" -Adolf Hitler, speech at the Ordensburg Sonthofen Allgäu, November 22, 1937.
The picture of Adolf Hitler leaving the church
This picture is very often used by Christians trying to convince people how Christian the Nazis were. Let's look at this argument in depth.
The picture of Adolf Hitler leaving the Church actually confirms Hitler's anti-Christian position. Hitler didn't want to be portrayed in such a Christian manner, hence in the later 1938 edition of the photo, the cross was removed.
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The picture of Adolf Hitler leaving the Church was captured by Heinrich Hoffman and it was published in his book named 'Hitler wie ihn keiner kennt' (Berlin: “Zeitgeschichte” Verlag, 1932), in the first edition of his book, the pic of Adolf Hitler leaving the Church with the cross behind his head was present under the caption "A photographic chance event becomes a symbol: Adolf Hitler, the supposed 'heretic', leaving the Marinekirche in Wilhelmshaven", but in the 1938 edition of this same book the presence of the cross was edited out/removed from the pic also the caption was edited and the new caption was "Adolf Hitler after sightseeing at the historic Marinekirche in Wilhelmshaven".
Part of "Hitler was my friend; the memoirs of Hitler's photographer Heinrich Hoffman" - more on the topic of the controversial photograph
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According to the Heinrich Hoffman archives in Munich, the original negative did contain a cross. So It can be assumed that Hitler didn't want to be portrayed in such a manner, hence in the later 1938 edition, it was removed. And below are some passages from 'Hitler Was My Friend: The Memoirs of Hitler's Photographer by Heinrich Hoffmann' regarding this snap.