Attracting Tomorrow - Higher Awareness Unfolding Among Mankind Law of Attraction vs. Law of Awareness Synchronicity - The Law of Attraction & Manifestation Soul Resonance & the Law of Attraction How to ACTUALLY Make 'The Law of Attraction' Work for You
Since the turn of the Millennium, it has become grossly apparent that higher awareness is unfolding among mankind, and we are becoming cognizant of an innate power that shapes the experiences we encounter.
In fact, it is safe to say that many have transcended beyond a mere awareness of this power, and they are fast becoming master reality creators.
This realization comes at the heels of a movement propelled by the world wide web and other advanced forms of media, specifically “Spiritual Cinema” with productions like “The Secret” and “What the Bleep Do We Know.”
“The Secret” is especially conducive for an awakening of this gnosis; it seems to resonate profoundly, as if some divine key within man is awakening an inner knowing.
The Law of Attraction works by the notion that what we give thought to is “attracted” to us and begins to manifest in the material universe. The more passionate we feel when thinking those thoughts then the more we are actualizing them in the physical world. Therefore, our thoughts in moments of utter annoyance, absolute despair, or complete exhilaration all have a major impact on what we pull into our experience. How we feel on a momentary basis in conjunction with the thoughts we are having determines what gravitates into reality.
Therefore, it becomes obvious why it is crucial to keep a positive mental attitude, thereby attracting the things most desired and avoiding what we most dislike. People are using this Law in a very successful way, and with specific techniques they are becoming effective creators and manifesting some astonishing feats.
Is there any evidence supporting this outlandish supposition?
There is no specific evidence which demonstrates this Law; however, Quantum Physicists do know that the observer's mind is what determines the actualities that present themselves in quantum states. The observer “Collapses the Waveform” of the quantum states involved, locking reality into what is perceived in the mind, and or, attracting one possibility from an ocean of possibilities to that set point of attraction. As chaos theory espouses, an “attractor point” pulls the whole system unto itself, giving shape to what would otherwise appear as pure randomness and drawing the system into a specific occurrence.
In addition to what quantum physicists have determined about mind and reality, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab has conducted a study stipulating that there is a small but quantifiable link between human thought and patterns that are found to occur in random data sets. Additionally, the studies done by Global Consciousness Project with Random Number Generators exemplifies that our mind and matter are connected.
This is by no means definitive evidence of this “Law”, but if one examines the above and observes the renaissance of awareness currently taking place, one sees that this very “Law” does seem to be describing a real process and is attracting unto itself greater awareness.
“The Law of Attraction” has been utilized under different guises throughout the ages in various esoteric schools of thought, notably, claims by alchemists that matter is in fact transmutable, and it is the aim of all Magick.
According to the famous occultist Aleister Crowley, magick is:
"The Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.”
This is precisely what “The Law Of Attraction” is all about, causing the material universe to offer up your desires in real time events. In fact, Crowley believed every intentional act is a magickal act.
Donald Tyson says this of magick:
“Magick is the art of affecting the manifest through the Unmanifest. The manifest is all that can be seen, touched, perceived, manipulated, imagined, or understood. The Unmanifest is none of these things. It is the place, or rather the non-place, from which everything issues. All that comes into being comes from the Unmanifest. All that passes away goes back to the Unmanifest.”
This awareness is the key to shaping the 2012 outcome, and we would be severely amiss not to utilize it to our advantage.
Press surrounding the “End of Times” in 2012, and how that may or may not unfold, contributes to a collective visualized “Attractor Point” thus pulling that frame of reality towards itself.
It is vital that we project upon it a reality that serves life and higher awareness. In doing so, we will create a synergistic and beneficial unfolding that promotes well being within our shared reality.
Despite whether or not there is a bifurcation in 2012, the Law of Attraction should be utilized for achieving the highest possible good for mankind as we traverse the landscape of time before us.
The Law of Attraction says that you synchronistically attract from the outside what you resonate with on the inside, that you can also bring into your life what you momentarily strongly focus upon.
So, by having an optimistic attitude and focusing on success, one attracts these, while having a cynical depressed attitude attracts negative experiences.
At the same time, however, experience shows that negative possibilities manifest when we least expect them, and that anticipating them is what actually keeps them from happening.
So how can focusing on negative possibilities attract them in one case, and prevent them in another? That is the paradox to address in this article. All we have to do is look at some typical cases and find the one rule that accounts for them all.
Consider the following:
You think in a matter-of-fact way about everything that could go wrong, and find that by doing so things actually turn out surprisingly well.
You adopt an optimistic happy-go-lucky attitude and pretty soon positive opportunities come to you synchronistically.
You consciously intend for safe passage or protection and receive it.
You experience the one accident or problem that you did not expect.
You have a gnawing dread that things will go wrong, but ignore this feeling and avoid thinking about it, and sure enough things do go wrong.
You have a deep-seated fear, your mind is constantly preoccupied with all the ways this fear can come true, and soon the very thing you feared does indeed manifest.
You have an optimistic attitude but ignore thinking about negative possibilities, and eventually something bad happens that you are not prepared to handle.
I have experienced all of these myself, and know plenty of others who have as well.
So these can be taken as factual data points. Each represents one expression of a single unified reality principle. By pondering what they all have in common and how they all differ, it is possible to piece together this principle.
To me it all boils down to this:
Awareness, anticipation, and conscious attention select or block possibilities.
Emotional resonance, root assumptions, and subconscious beliefs attract them.
When you expect various negative possibilities, are you merely aware of them, or do you really believe deep down that they are inevitable and therefore dread them in some way?
The difference is between prudence and paranoia, between mental anticipation and emotional investment. You can be aware of a negative possibility while having zero emotional investment in it.
Like casually crossing the street after having looked both ways to avoid getting hit, yet without a single pang of fear as a young child might have when crossing alone for the first time. And you can be in emotional resonance with something while not even thinking about it consciously.
Like having deeply suppressed issues gnawing away at your subconscious despite denying them on the surface.
You think in a matter-of-fact way about everything that could go wrong, and find that by doing so things usually turn out surprisingly well.
By anticipating these negative possibilities, you become aware of them. Since awareness blocks, these fail to manifest. Being matter-of-fact keeps you nonchalant and prudent (instead of fearful and paranoid) and without emotional investment in those negative possibilities you do not attract them either.
And after consistently noticing this technique leads to good results, despite your conscious expectation of problems each time, your underlying confidence in the technique ensures that your emotions/subconscious/soul-energy resonate with and attract a positive outcome.
You adopt an optimistic happy-go-lucky attitude and pretty soon positive opportunities come to you synchronistically.
Positive emotions and an optimistic attitude attract outcomes that reinforce those very feelings, and so these manifest in synchronistic ways. But because negative outcomes are not acknowledged here, while you are not attracting them, you are not necessarily blocking them either. So they can still happen.
You consciously intend for safe passage or protection and receive it.
Here you are mentally focusing on the idea of being protected from harm, and emotionally resonating with same. Awareness plays the role of selecting that outcome to the exclusion of all others, while emotion attracts and somewhat anchors it into place.
So although you are not blocking negative possibilities by thinking specifically of all the ways things could go wrong, and instead are merely selecting one positive outcome where all goes well, the fact that the positive outcome is also attracted through resonance gives it superior priority for manifestation over those negative outcomes that would otherwise manifest as a matter of chance.
You experience the one accident or problem that you did not expect.
Without being aware of that possibility, you neither blocked its manifestation nor selected an exclusively better alternative to anchor into place through resonance.
So it was free to manifest, and anything from resonance to random chance to malicious intent by others could nudge it onto your path.
You have a gnawing dread that things will go wrong, but ignore this feeling and avoid thinking about it, and sure enough things do go wrong.
The perfect recipe for disaster.
Not only do you resonate with and attract the negative possibility through ego insecurity, self-destructive beliefs, paranoia, or fear, but by refusing to even think about them in a strategically preventive manner you give them wide berth to manifest.
You have a deep-seated fear, your mind is constantly preoccupied with all the ways this fear can come true, and soon the very thing you feared does indeed manifest.
Even worse, here you do think about the negative possibilities but in a way that actually selects them for reinforcement by a negative attitude that resonates and attracts them. This combination virtually guarantees that they happen.
[This is the primary way that negative aliens and other non-3D hostiles can gain a foothold in your reality. If you focus on them and fear them obsessively, things will gradually get very weird and very dangerous because you’ve lowered the drawbridge and waved them in.
However if you become aware of them while staying free of emotional preoccupation and obsession, then you are more protected from their meddling than someone who never became aware of them at all.]
You have an optimistic attitude but ignore thinking about negative possibilities, and eventually something bad happens that you are not prepared to handle.
Simply resonating with positive ensures that perhaps up to 90% of your experiences end up being positive. However, the only way to prevent the negative 10% is to be aware of them. Without that awareness, they can and will eventually happen.
Therefore, naive positivity that comes with total ignorance of anything negative or unpleasant is not smart at all. Better to be aware of the negative while keeping a positive attitude.
In summary, while the Law of Attraction explains how you attract resonant experiences, its counterpart the Law of Awareness explains how you constrict the possible range of experiences.
The Technical Stuff
You might be wondering why precisely awareness selects while emotional resonance attracts.
My intuitive impression is that quantum mechanics plays a role. When a quantum system is not observed, it stays in a fluid wave state spread across a spectrum of probabilities. But when one observes or tries to measure it, the wave collapses into a single tangible state. Conscious observation turns a fluid probability wave into a definite tangible particle.
Well on the macroscopic scale, where we are the observers and a quantum system is our entire bubble of personal reality, the rules are fuzzier and more complex.
When you become aware of a probable future, you are observing it, but only partially because it is not a certainty. But whereas observing a quantum wave in the present collapses it into a definite state, observing a wave still in the future merely constricts it a little, reducing its fluidity and therefore interfering with its ability to manifest synchronistically in the present.
Synchronicity is how the future becomes the present through an entirely quantum process.
The more certain you are that a particular future will happen, the more that future is frozen and kept from manifesting through quantum/synchronistic means. This simply implies that instead of coming to you synchronistically, you would have to go toward it causally.
For instance, synchronicity could unexpectedly bring you a hundred dollars if given freedom to flow toward you, or you could work for several hours to earn it as expected. It’s like waiting at the end of a river to intercept a raft versus freezing the river and walking towards the raft. So this is why awareness blocks, selects, and filters - because it freezes the future.
That is good if you want to freeze out negative futures, but not good if eager anticipation shuts out positive futures.
There is also a bit of Timeline Dynamics involved here. If a certain future involves you getting sideswiped by negative forces, then that future has a good probability of happening.
That makes it a stronger future, whose feedback effects travel back into the present and attract you toward it. For instance, you might feel a mental tug to do something, to forget something, commit an error, etc… that results in getting unexpectedly ambushed.
But if you become aware of the attack ahead of time, then that prepares you to successfully handle it and utterly demolishes the future where you were hit out of the blue.
This cuts off the feedback loop from that future, which then frees you mentally and emotionally from its pressure in the present. That is why if you are under hyper-dimensional attack, very often the moment you become aware of the real reason for what is happening, and especially if you realize what the negative forces have planned, suddenly all the negative psychic pressure lifts and the threat evaporates.
Through awareness, you literally “head off” the negative future. It’s like the saying,
“To never have to use a weapon, have one handy.”
As for how your internal resonance attracts corresponding probable futures, that is more a phenomenon of Realm Dynamics.
It is entirely a quantum thing, because the attracted experiences always manifest synchronistically.
Whereas conscious awareness decreases quantum fluidity, subconscious resonance increases the pressure behind any quantum fluidity that does exist, thereby heightening synchronistic manifestation. It is no surprise then that consciousness constricts while the subconscious attracts; the conscious mind to the subconscious is what the particle is to its wave.
In fact, certain shamanic techniques employing “second attention” appear to be methods for intentionally delocalizing the conscious focal point so that one perceives more the fluid/quantum nature of things than the single tangible slice we know as physical reality.
When your mind is delocalized, such as when you are coming out of sleep and thoughts are still highly nonlinear (and before you feel yourself “compressed” back into your body), that is when using the Law of Attraction works really well.
Also, you may have noticed how when you have a passing thought about something you need, a thought that you quickly forget about, very often those tend to materialize most quickly and magically. Because not only were you entirely absorbed in the thought, but you were also in a slight trance state (mental delocalization), and afterwards forgot about it, so that anticipation did not block its outcome.
And from a higher perspective, it is a pure and unselfish act when you ask for something from the depths of your heart this way without being self-conscious or commanding.
The Cassiopaeans advised people to,
always expect attack.
that knowledge protects and ignorance endangers.
that having a happy-go-lucky attitude and practicing non-anticipation of positive things opens the flow for their manifestation.
I did not grok this stuff until realizing it myself years later after much observation and pondering, afterwards understanding in retrospect why what the Cassiopaeans said was good and self-consistent advice.
There is the issue of whether simply being aware, being non-anticipatory, and having a higher soul vibration through spiritual devotion is enough to make everything fall into place - whether intentionally engaging in reality creation by visualizing and energizing desired futures is even necessary.
The latter gets into the sticky territory of black magic if done too often, too selfishly, and too intensely, whereby the higher flow of things is forcefully twisted to serve egotistical ends.
I think that a humble approach that does not trivialize one’s own spiritual sovereignty is a balanced approach, one that recognizes that active reality creation (through visualization and so on) is a supplementary tool to be used only when necessary, and that it is the consistent fundamental modes of awareness, attitude, and action that count most.
Synchronicity - The Law of Attraction & Manifestation
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View full-sizeDownload from Crystalinks Website Synchronicities are patterns that repeat in time. The word 'synchronicity' references the gears or wheels of time, though the actual concept of synchronicity cannot be scientifically proven.
One can only record synchronicities as they occur and watch the patterns of behavior that create them. The concept of synchronicity is currently linked more to metaphysics, yet physics (quantum physics) and metaphysics are merging, thus showing their interconnection and how we manifest synchronicities in our lives.
Synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness or to place emphasis on something going on in your life. The more 'consciously aware' you become of how your soul manifests, the higher your frequency becomes and the faster you manifest positively.
Each day your life encounters meaningful coincidences, synchronicities, that you have attracted, on other words created in the grid of your experiences in the physical. Souls create synchronicities, played out in the physical. It is why you are here. It is how our reality works.
We have all heard the expression, "There are no accidents." This is true.
All that we experience is by design, and what we attract to our physical world. There are no accidents just synchronicity wheels, the wheels of time or karma, wheels within wheels, sacred geometry, the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.
Not all synchronicities are positive. Do be careful. Sometimes they create major learning lessons. An example that many people experience is meeting or manifesting a lover by synchronicity, only to discover the person is wrong for them. Initially they think that the synchronistic experience, or person, represents the road they should take at that moment in time. This is not always the case. You can manifest negative people and situation, so take your time when you get caught up in synchronicity.
If you are dysfunctional, have emotional problems, and therefore are a drama person, your will attract and manifest dysfunctional people and events as reflections of your own inner turmoil. You need to realize what is going on within to manifest, attract to you, something positive outside of yourself.
These people will always disappoint you, counteracted by your need to have the experience. Look at the underlying facts when the synchronicity occurs to be sure you know why you attracted that person or situation into your life.
Synchronicities may occur to make a quick point. Don't blow them out of proportion. You must look at the bigger picture of the synchronicity, think outside the box, (the patterns of reality) not at the actual experience.
You can consider an event synchronistic when an inner experience such as a dream, vision, or other form of deja vu, prepares you for the physical event.
Your soul is always multitasking to create new experiences for you. If you watch how you move through life, you will understand. Doing this allows many people to clear their issues by writing their story as a catharsis of their experiences here.
The higher and clearer your frequency and intent, the faster you manifest synchronicities.
Examples of Synchronicity
You are suffering with financial difficulties, yet money for basic expenses such as rent, food, and utilities, always manifests.
You begin to trust this. At first you thank the universe or god, then you realize you create this abundance. You are learning to watch how you manifest and why, watching yourself from outside the box.
You have just received your last check from unemployment when suddenly a job comes along.
You walk into a book store not knowing what to buy, and the book you need falls from a shelf and practically hits you over the head.
You have been feeling ill with no clear diagnosis. You meet someone who knows a doctor or healer with the answers. All physical problems stem from emotional issues. Your soul will point out the patterns and hopefully the solutions. When the person is ready to heal, the doctor will be there. That person will often show up by synchronicity.
This all stems from various levels of depression and self-sabotage stemming from one's DNA or life experiences that have worn them down. When you are confused and in emotional pain, you either have trouble manifesting synchronicities or they are major learning lessons.
There is a sudden relocation which seems to be for one reason, but later you find much more than you bargained for as the synchronicities rapid occur as if a domino effect. For example, you relocate for a new job, then, as if by synchronicity, someone 'special' comes into your life.
You and that person have attracted each other for experience, as all life is nothing more than that. In another case, the energies of the area hold something transformational for you, which is perhaps the reason your soul created the move in the first place.
You finally end a bad relationship and immediately another partner comes into your life as if by synchronicity.
You drive to a place where parking is "next to impossible" and someone pulls out of a parking spot or it is waiting for you.
You meet someone who interests you and touches your soul. Through synchronicity that person seems to come into your life over and over again. You begin to feel a destiny with that person. You begin to think with your heart instead of your head. You connect with that person. In some cases the karma between the two people is positive but in many cases you have attracted that person into your life for a learning lesson whether you are aware of it or not.
You feel depressed and can't find focus in your life. The next person you talk you says something that brings needed guidance. In a world of wounded souls, and evolving consciousness, answers to help and guide will come more quickly and from different sources than in your past. Learn from those who come along, but never become co-dependent.
A well-known example of synchronicity involves the true story of French writer Emile Deschamps. In 1805 he was treated to some plum pudding by Monsieur de Fontgibu. Ten years later, he encountered plum pudding on the menu of a Paris restaurant, and wanted to order some, but the waiter told him the last dish had already been served to another customer, who turns out to be Monsieur de Fontgibu.
In 1832 Emile Deschamps visited a restaurant with a friend and is once again offered plum pudding. He recalled the earlier incident and told his friend that only Monsieur de Fontgibu is missing to make the setting complete.
At that moment a senile Monsieur de Fontgibu enters the room by mistake.
Carl Jung and Synchronicity
Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences.
Synchronicity is a word coined by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events. It was a principle that he felt compassed his concept of the collective unconscious, in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlay the whole of human experience and history, social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual.
Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidence were due not merely to chance, but instead potentially reflected the manifestation of coincident events or circumstances consequent to this governing dynamic. Jung spoke of synchronicity as being an "acausal connecting principle" (i.e. a pattern of connection that is not explained by causality).
Jung believed the traditional notions of causality were incapable of explaining some of the more improbable forms of coincidence.
Where it is plain, felt Jung, that no causal connection can be demonstrated between two events, but where a meaningful relationship nevertheless exists between them, a wholly different type of principle is likely to be operating. Jung called this principle "synchronicity."
In The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, Jung describes how, during his research into the phenomenon of the collective unconscious, he began to observe coincidences that were connected in such a meaningful way that their occurrence seemed to defy the calculations of probability.
He provided numerous examples from his own psychiatric case-studies, many now legendary.
"A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a dream in which she was given a golden scarab.
While she was telling me her dream, I sat with my back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane from outside.
I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in. It was the nearest analogy to the golden scarab that one finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle, the common rose-chafer (Cetoaia urata) which contrary to its usual habits had evidently felt an urge to get into a dark room at this particular moment.
I must admit that nothing like it ever happened to me before or since, and that the dream of the patient has remained unique in my experience."
The Scarab represented Self-Generation, Resurrection and Renewal.
Who then, might we say, was responsible for the synchronous arrival of the beetle, Jung or the patient? While on the surface reasonable, such a question presupposes a chain of causality Jung claimed was absent from such experience.
As psychoanalyst Nandor Fodor has observed, the scarab, by Jung's view, had no determinable cause, but instead complemented the "impossibility" of the analysis.
The disturbance also (as synchronicities often do) prefigured a profound transformation. For, as Fodor observes, Jung's patient had--until the appearance of the beetle--shown excessive rationality, remaining psychologically inaccessible. Once presented with the scarab, however, she improved.
Because Jung believed the phenomenon of synchronicity was primarily connected with psychic conditions, he felt that such couplings of inner (subjective) and outer (objective) reality evolved through the influence of the archetypes, patterns inherent in the human psyche and shared by all of mankind.
These patterns, or "primordial images," as Jung sometimes refers to them, comprise man's collective unconscious, representing the dynamic source of all human confrontation with death, conflict, love, sex, rebirth and mystical experience.
When an archetype is activated by an emotionally charged event (such as a tragedy), says Jung, other related events tend to draw near. In this way the archetypes become a doorway that provide us access to the experience of meaningful (and often insightful) coincidence.
Implicit in Jung's concept of synchronicity is the belief in the ultimate "oneness" of the universe. As Jung expressed it, such phenomenon betrays a,
"peculiar interdependence of objective elements among themselves as well as with the subjective (psychic) states of the observer or observers."
Jung claimed to have found evidence of this interdependence, not only in his psychiatric studies, but in his research of esoteric practices as well.
Of the I Ching, a Chinese method of divination which Jung regarded as the clearest expression of the synchronicity principle, he wrote:
"The Chinese mind, as I see it at work in the I Ching, seems to be exclusively preoccupied with the chance aspect of events. What we call coincidence seems to be the chief concern of this peculiar mind, and what we worship as causality passes almost unnoticed...
While the Western mind carefully sifts, weighs, selects, classifies, isolates, the Chinese picture of the moment encompasses everything down to the minutes nonsensical detail, because all of the ingredients make up the observed moment."
Jung discovered the synchronicity within the I Ching also extended to astrology. In a letter to Freud dated June 12, 1911, he wrote:
"My evenings are taken up largely with astrology. I make horoscopic calculations in order to find a clue to the core of psychological truth. Some remarkable things have turned up which will certainly appear incredible to you...
I dare say that we shall one day discover in astrology a good deal of knowledge that has been intuitively projected into the heavens."
In formulating his synchronicity principle, Jung was influenced to a profound degree by the "new" physics of the twentieth century, which had begun to explore the possible role of consciousness in the physical world.
In 1945 Jung wrote:
Physics has demonstrated that in the realm of atomic magnitudes objective reality presupposes an observer, and that only on this condition is a satisfactory scheme of explanation possible.
This means, that a subjective element attaches to the physicist's world picture, and secondly that a connection necessarily exists between the psyche to be explained and the objective space-time continuum.
These discoveries not only help loosen physics from the iron grip of its materialistic world, but confirmed what I recognized intuitively that matter and consciousness, far from operating independently of each other are, in fact, interconnected in an essential way, functioning as complementary aspects of a unified reality.
The belief suggested by quantum theory and by reports of synchronous events that matter and consciousness interact, is far from new. Synchronicity reveals the meaningful connections between the subjective and objective world.
Synchronistic events provide an immediate religious experience as a direct encounter with the compensatory patterning of events in nature as a whole, both inwardly and outwardly.
Jung's Model
All synchronistic phenomena can be grouped under three categories:
The coincidence of a psychic state in the observer with a simultaneous objective, external event that corresponds to the psychic state or content, (e.g. the scarab), where there is no evidence of a causal connection between the psychic state and the external event, and where, considering the psychic relativity of space and time, such a connection is not even conceivable.
The coincidence of a psychic state with a corresponding (more or less simultaneous) external even taking place outside the observer's field of perception, i.e. at a distance, and only verifiable afterward.
The coincidence of a psychic state with a corresponding, not yet existent future event that is distant in time and can likewise only be verified afterward.
One in which the compensatory activity of the archetype is experienced both inwardly and outwardly. [the event seems to emerge from the subconscious with access to absolute knowledge, which cannot be consciously known]
One in which the compensatory activity of the archetype is experienced outwardly only. [these convey to the ego a much-needed wholeness of the self's perspective, they show one a new perspective]
Essential Characteristics of the Synchronistic Event:
The specific intrapsychic state of the subject defined as one of the following:
The unconscious content which, in accordance with the compensatory needs of the conscious orientation, enters consciousness [something is in our conscious]
The conscious orientation of the subject around which the compensatory synchronistic activity centers [something happens concerning what is in our mind]
An objective event corresponds with this intrapsychic state [may be literal or figurative correspondence]
The objective event as a compensatory equivalent to the unconscious compensatory content
The objective event as the sole compensatory of the ego-consciousness
Even though the intrapsychic state and the objective event may be synchronous according to clock time and spatially near to each other, the objective event may, contrary to this, be distant in time and/or space in relation to the intrapsychic state [as in telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.]
The intrapsychic state and the objective event are not causally related to each other [acausality]
The synchronistic event is meaningful [excludes some coincidence, but does not require the meaning to be understood]
The intrapsychic state and the objective event as meaningful parallels.
The numinous charge associated with the synchronistic experience [feeling of spiritual experience]
Import of the subjective-level interpretation [the content must reflect back on the issues of the individual]
The archetypal level of meaning [transcends the individual and implies absolute knowledge].
Princeton Case Study and Conclusions
A 2005 study at Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab, suggested that there is a small, though statistically measurable link, between human thought and patterns that occur in random data sets.
There is no evidence as to whether this is caused by individuals unintentionally recognizing complex patterns and then molding their thoughts towards an unconsciously known result or the thoughts of the individual are themselves affecting the random patterns in a manner of individuation.
This study's results have not been replicated, and its methodologies are disputed. Since the theory of synchronicity is not testable according to the classical scientific method, it is not widely regarded as scientific.
Probability theory can attempt to explain events such as the plum pudding incident in our normal world, without any interference by any universal alignment forces.
However, the correct variables required for actually computing the probability cannot be found.
This is not to say that synchronicity is not a good model for describing a certain kind of human experience, but, according to the scientific method, it is a reason for the refusal of the idea that synchronicity should be considered a "hard fact", i.e., an actually existing principle of our universe.
Supporters of the theory claim that since the scientific method is applicable only to those phenomena that are reproducible, independent of observer and quantifiable, the argument that synchronicity is not scientifically 'provable' should be considered a red herring, as, by definition, synchronistic events are not independent of the observer, since the observer's unique history is precisely what gives the synchronistic event meaning for the observer.
A synchronistic event appears like just another meaningless 'random' event to anyone else without the unique prior history which correlates to the event. This reasoning claims that the principle of synchronicity raises the question of the subjectivity of significance and meaning in the sequence of natural events.
Correlation can also be described as an 'acausal connecting principle' and so has been proposed as an analogy to the phenomenon of synchronicity.
Though correlation does not necessarily imply causation, yet, correlation may in fact be a physical property shared by events without there being a classical cause-effect relationship, as shown in quantum physics, where widely separated events can be correlated without being linked by a direct physical cause-effect.
Synchronicity has been proposed as a corollary phenomenon of the many-worlds or parallel universes theory of quantum physics, in that the subject is somehow 'navigating' to those particular alternate worlds that are correlated to their past history, among the myriad possible other worlds that are not as correlated to their past history.
Although this idea has made it into the popular press, it is considered pseudoscience by most scientists as the parallel universe theory states that all possible futures exist simultaneously, therefore the subject indeed lives out all possible futures in parallel.
If you've ever synchronistically manifested something you wanted in life, you know that consciousness can influence reality.
Many have tried putting this principle to use by using focused visualization methods per the Law of Attraction to try and manifest their desires.
But that's a rather limited application.
What many don't realize is that our consciousness doesn't shape reality only during emotionally charged focused visualizations; it shapes reality constantly according the very quality of our being.
In fact, you don't even need to do anything specific in terms of visualization exercises or meditations to influence reality. All you need to do is be who you are right now, and to varying degrees, life will reflect the nature of your being.
There's an actual physics behind how this works, which I'll cover in a future video about imaginary spacetime and the Feynman Path Integral formulation of quantum mechanics.
But for now, if you think of time like a river, then not only do we move forward along that river, we also drift vertically at different depths between different currents or time streams.
The river of time is actually a bundle of interwoven time streams, each representing a certain theme of experience.
Near the top of the river there's light, meaning peace, harmony, and serendipity. Near the bottom there's darkness, meaning pain, suffering, and obstacles.
Which time stream you access depends on the vibrational resonance spectrum of your soul, your being, the deeper parts of your consciousness.
This resonance spectrum determines which time streams or probable futures you exchange energy with and thereby attract.
So by changing your being, meaning the qualitative aspect of your consciousness, you change your stream of experience in life.
Many Law of Attraction students miss this point. They think it all depends on what they do during a visualization session, when in reality what matters most is who they are the rest of the day.
So it's a good idea to transform your being from a lower state to a higher state.
But is it enough to just wear a smile all day and avoid negative thinking?
Not exactly, and the reason is that surface level thoughts and feelings are not what cause synchronistic attraction. Rather, what matters is the deeper subconscious foundation from which they arise.
It's about who you are at the subconscious level that pivots you between different time streams. It's about what you emotionally resonate with and are drawn toward.
It's about what you take to be reality, your root assumptions regarding the way life works, your unquestioned beliefs, your overall mood and mindset and outlook on life.
As we all know, different people respond differently to the same situation.
Some get amused, others get angry.
Some react with understanding, others with blame.
Some rise to the challenge, others shrivel up.
Like different objects making different sounds when struck in the same way, how each of us responds and reacts to life is says something about our personal consciousness resonance spectrum.
And it's precisely this resonance that determines which probable futures we energize and attract.
The problem is that for so many, the way they are is all they've ever known, all they believe there is, and all they secretly want and subconsciously resonate with.
Like a sound or smell that's always there, it merges into the background and becomes hard to notice and therefore hard to do something about.
That's why people tend to stay locked into their time stream and keep attracting the same experiences, even if on the everyday conscious level they wish for better.
Because conscious wishing isn't the same as subconscious being.
If you just put on a token smile and half heartedly try to think happy thoughts, but deep down you're the same as always, life will remain the same as always.
If you're full of inner turmoil and reactivity and try to suppress that instead of resolving it at the subconscious level, all you're doing is putting a lid on a pressure cooker while staying in the same time stream, and so when life inevitably throws more of the same at you, you end up exploding.
That's why the priority must be on pivoting yourself at the very root of your consciousness, the foundation, the axis of your inner world.
Because it's by turning around your inner world and changing your very nature, that you turn your life around.
The first step to doing that is recognizing what state you're in and when it actually changes for real.
Otherwise you can easily fool yourself into thinking you've changed when you haven't.
Did you really rise to a higher positive state, or are you just going through the motions?
Have you slipped back into a neutral state without knowing it?
Or have you fallen into a lower negative state that needs emergency corrective action?
How would you know for sure?
Seven Signs
Well, here's how you can know.
Here are 7 Signs that your consciousness has actually shifted.
1. The new state has normalized.
That means you don't have to force it. It feels like your new center of gravity, your new default mode of being. It wells up from deep within you and drives your thoughts and feelings.
You don't even have to try.
It's just who you are now.
2. Your previous state fades out.
When you think back on it, it feels foreign and distant, like you can't really identify with it anymore, like it's another person.
You can sort of recall what it was like, but more at arm's length like you're watching someone else's life.
Your priorities change.
Many things you were preoccupied with before now lose their importance, and things you didn't care for before have taken on new meaning.
Your perceptions change.
You notice things about people, about your surroundings, about life that you didn't notice before. And what you used to notice all the time, you don't really pay attention to anymore.
People act differently toward you.
The types of people you attract, the way they look at you, how warm or cold they are toward you, these all undergo a transformation.
Your emotional reactions change.
Since you view the world through a different lens, you no longer react the same way to life.
So the character of your emotional responses changes. Old patterns of feelings become harder to access, and new feelings come more easily.
That's your soul resonance spectrum changing.
Synchronicities and dreams change.
You experience a change in synchronicity in your life in terms of their types, meanings, intensity, and how often they occur.
The quality of your dreams may change too, since dreams are primarily an expression of the subconscious, and it's the subconscious that changes here because it's a doorway to the deeper levels of your being.
Now these seven signs apply whether you're in a positive, negative, or neutral state of being.
Let's look at some examples of each.
Positive State
In a positive state, you experience more positive synchronicities in life.
Life can become weird but in a good way, reality bending in sometimes miraculous ways. Your dreams become more meaningful, enlightening, and enjoyable.
You're naturally buoyant, resilient, and good natured. There's a sense of ease and assuredness and harmony.
When you're in a higher time stream like this, you attract positive people, and people in general are friendlier toward you. Those who may have been antagonistic before suddenly change.
You may even notice with people you know, that things are suddenly going better for them in their lives, which brings up the possibility that when you interact with someone, you're actually interacting with whatever probable version of them you've tuned into via your current soul resonance.
You find more meaning in the little things and receive more insights when pondering the big things in life.
And so you become more curious, creative, insightful, reflective, and poised.
You become more sensitive to beauty, color, symmetry, meaning, and oneness in all that you perceive.
Everything feels more alive, more vibrant.
Music sounds more satisfying.
Instead of reacting blindly to life's learning lessons, you actively introspect and learn from your experiences.
When problems or provocations arise, your natural response is one of good natured understanding and lucid clarity.
People who are in a lower state but mistakenly believe they're in a higher state are all fine so long as nothing bad is happening but the moment they are tested, their true nature comes out, and that serves as an indicator that they need to rework their approach.
Alright, so the positive state is one of higher consciousness, of being more in resonance with your spiritual core essence and divinity.
It's about strength, wisdom, awareness, and spiritual refinement.
Negative State
That's the opposite of the positive state, which is mired in:
limiting beliefs
or animal instincts.
The lower one goes within the river of time, the more strange and negative things get. For starters, there's an increase in accidents, illnesses, and misfortunes.
Dreams tend to become more stressful, disgusting, or demonic. Synchronicities take a turn for the dark via bad omens, warning signs, and symbolic catastrophes in life.
One tends to attract people who are either hostile towards you, or draw out your hostility against them.
Life rarely goes smoothly and it's taken as a given that the good things in life must be fought for and taken. It's the law of the jungle.
One sees only what's ugly, bad, threatening, or exploitable in others and the world. There's a gritty, dark, cold gray feel to life.
The lower time streams are dominated by those with strong predator or prey mentalities. Both find themselves there and feed into each other.
Those on the predator end of the spectrum have a demonic coldness and the mindset of a destroyer. If you're intuitive or street smart you can identify such types pretty easily.
Those on the prey end of the spectrum have a deep victim mindset and persecution complex. They feel like the world is out to get them.
In the more extreme cases, their lives become waking nightmares when they're preoccupied 24/7 with threats whether it's gang stalkers or alien abductors or government agents or whoever the antagonist happens to be.
Their reality melts down into a hellish nightmare filled with paranormal threats around every corner. And it's not all just in their heads, it's real, but reality changes depending on what time stream you're tuned into.
What they don't realize is that they are actually attracting and amplifying such nightmarish experiences because they are subconsciously resonating at a very low frequency that locks them into those lower time streams.
They are continually affirming and reinforcing that this nightmare is what reality is all about. That's their unquestioned root assumption, and so they stay locked into it.
If they were to snap out of it and shift to a higher state of consciousness by dropping the fear and victim mentality, guaranteed 90% of the nightmare would evaporate because they'd be shifting to a higher time stream beyond the easy reach of the dark forces that rule the lower levels.
That's why it's so important to recognize when any of this starts happening so that you can turn things around and get back on a higher time stream.
Neutral State
Now these two sets of examples, the positive and negative, serve to illustrate what happens when your soul resonance is so high or so low that your reality becomes highly unusual.
The fact is, however, that most people won't experience either of those extremes because their resonance spectrum puts them somewhere in the middle, in the more neutral or mundane time streams.
Ordinary consciousness locks you into an ordinary reality.
If you get virtually no synchronicities, no improbabilities, and nothing weird or magical happens other than the usual ups and downs in life, you're in this neutral state of being.
Neutral doesn't necessarily mean you're empty, apathetic, or emotionless like a robot.
It just means you're living life within the parameters of what's considered normal.
Normal emotions, normal reactions, normal interests, normal reality.
It's when you shift into an extraordinary state of being that you shift into an extraordinary reality.
Resonance Baseline
Now, in practice, throughout the months we drift around a certain baseline in terms of our personal time stream, sometimes drifting a little higher, sometimes a little lower.
This is due to many factors including astrology, biorhythms, and what behavioral patterns you choose to engage in and reinforce.
If you choose to stay above that baseline long enough, that higher state becomes the new baseline and both your inner nature and outer life undergo a permanent change.
That's the depth of change we need to aim for.
So, as you can see, consciousness does influence reality, but the implication of that goes way beyond just trying to manifest your desires using Law of Attraction rituals.
The universe is an expression of a universal field of consciousness of which our own consciousness is a part. And so the root of our being is connected to the root of reality.
The inner and outer world are closely linked, and by changing your very being, you change your very existence.
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View full-sizeDownload The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that all matter is made up of pure energy, which is in a constant state of vibration and spin.
The LOA implies that thoughts and emotions are also energy, each having a unique energy signature. Every energetic frequency is in a constant state of attraction or repulsion with all others.
With the recent emergence of quantum mechanics, this notion has been largely supported at a micro level.
The Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like," and we are in a constant state of creating our reality through the energy we emit in the form of thoughts and emotion.
We continuously interact with the fabric of reality (or quantum field), through thought and emotional energy, and whatever we focus on is likely to manifest.
We are each creators of our own reality, and what we put out is what we will attract.
3 Things You Need to Know First
A key factor missing from the LOA is that we are creating on both a conscious and subconscious level
This accounts for the seeming contradiction between "opposites attract" and the major principle of LOA, "like attracts like."
We are still attracting the part of the whole that has been splintered and repressed into the subconscious mind. Basically, the actively repressed traits within ourselves are still charged, and this suppressed energy is also a point of attraction.
Until we acknowledge and integrate it, it will still play a role in the creation of our external reality.
Our belief systems alter our manifestation process
If you want to manifest $10,000 in one week, but your underlying beliefs are largely identified with a state of lack, you will only manifest more lack.
This is because Law of Attraction works with both thought and emotion, and if you try to think your way into something that you don't believe, your emotional reaction will support your unconscious beliefs more than your conscious thoughts.
If you try to affirm, "I will be abundant," but don't believe it, those beliefs will surface via an emotional response that insinuates the opposite feeling. At that point, you are literally putting the gas and the breaks on at the same time, making manifestation very difficult.
One great tip to overcome this, as stated by Abraham Hicks, is to "start general, and then get specific" with your manifestation process. Start with what you can believe, and continue to expand as you see evidence of your manifestations taking place.
This allows your thoughts and emotions to be in resonance rather than dissonance.
We are always manifesting according to our highest values
Renowned behavioral development specialist Dr. DeMartini (who was also featured in The Secret) discovered that we all have an inherent set of values that is largely governing our behavior.
DeMartini is quoted as saying,
"All of our actions are strategies to align with our values as efficiently as possible," along with, "all of our positive and negative emotions are feedback as to whether or not we are living in our highest values."
Essentially, the things we value the most filter our perception at a subconscious level. They are governing the way that we manifest, and the reasons we do.
This is why, for example, someone might set a new year's resolution to lose weight and never achieve their goal.
If one of their highest values is social connection, their unconscious will perceive that taking the time to exercise and eat right actually conflicts with the time they would rather be spending at social events with others.
The trick, then, is to change your perception by tying in how exercise and diet actually support your high value on social connection.
For example, you might feel more confident meeting new people when you are healthy and strong. Or you can approach it from the other end by tying your value into your goal.
In this case, you could try to engage your value of social connection by going to the gym or to nutrition classes with your close friends.
What You Need to Know During Active Manifestation
These are some useful tips if you are meditating on your vision, or practicing visualization.
Clear your mind.
To speed up the process of manifestation, presence and focus are key. If your attention is scattered, your manifestation will be too. Write down on paper whatever is bothering you, and vow to leave it outside of your visualization.
This will help you stay present.
Open your heart for the process.
Connect with the feeling of gratitude as you begin. This can be done by writing a short gratitude list, or by thinking of people/events that you are truly grateful for.
According to the HeartMath Institute,
"The heart generates an electromagnetic field roughly 60 times greater in amplitude than brainwaves do."
This field is measured by an electrocardiogram (ECG), and brainwaves were measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG) during these findings. The heart is a major point of attraction.
Be clear.
The law of attraction is described as a law. This means it responds to everything, without exception. If you are mixed in your emotions or vision, it will slow the process. The clearer and more detailed you are, the faster your vision will come to life.
Engage your senses.
Did you know that the brain can't actually tell the difference between experience and visualization? This is why visualization is so useful for athletes. This principle applies directly to the LOA. What do you see, hear, smell, touch, and feel when you have arrived at your vision? Feel each sense distinctly, and don't be afraid to sit with each one individually.
Engage emotion.
This is how to charge your vision. Emotions are the driving force behind manifestation.
Align your intention with your values.
Tie what you want to manifest into your highest values. More simply put, make sure you can see how your goals support the things that matter most to you in life. This will help you manifest congruently from both the conscious and subconscious mind.
Don't be desperate.
Try to imagine that you are gently requesting. If you are being needy or desperate in your request, you are coming directly from an emotional space of lack. The emotional feeling of lack will counteract your thought-energy, and you are more likely to stagnate.
What You Need to Know After
Take action.
Taking action will create momentum, while also building evidence towards creating the belief that your manifestation is unfolding.
Act as if it has already happened.
"I AM" is a creative, powerful phrase. If you conduct your behavior as the person you have already become, you are more energetically aligned with your goal.
Be aware of your internal dialogue.
Remember, you are in a constant state of attracting or repulsing what it is that you want to achieve. Your internal dialogue is always creating a point of attraction, along with the emotional reactions it produces. Be congruent!
You must fully release your vision in order for it to manifest. If you are too attached to it, your need for control can actually stunt the process. Faith and belief in the process are key. It can be helpful to think in terms of being at a restaurant. Once you've placed your order, you have to give it time to be cooked up and served to you!
We are all creators, and we all deserve to live an inspired life.
The Law of Attraction is a beautiful tool that enables us to consciously put our creative powers to use!
In the words of George Bernard Shaw,
"Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."