Books & Treatises

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1984 - by George Orwell (Eric Blair)

1984.pdf 705 KB View full-size Download

A Clean Break - A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

clean-break.pdf 153 KB View full-size Download

Air Mobility Command Global En Route Strategy - White Paper

airmobilitycommand_globalenroutestrategy.pdf 1.54 MB View full-size Download

America’s “War on Terrorism” ( - by Michel Chossudovsky

Cause for Concern - Civilians Killed in Coalition Strikes

cause-for-concern-civilians-killed-by-coalition.pdf 1.94 MB View full-size Download

Cheap Wars

cheapwars.pdf 340 KB View full-size Download

Civil Conflicts Are Associated With The Global Climate

Common Sense - Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, on the following Interesting Subjects - by T. Paine

common-sense.pdf 5.49 MB View full-size Download

How Terrorist Groups End - Lessons for Countering al Qa'ida

terroristgroupsend.pdf 2.86 MB View full-size Download

Joint Vision 2020 - Transforming The Joint Force for the 21st Century

jointvision_2020.pdf 3.23 MB View full-size Download

Losing Humanity - The Case Against Killer Robots

losing-humanity-robots.pdf 715 KB View full-size Download

Manhunting - Counter-Network Organization for Irregular Warfare

manhunting.pdf 3.01 MB View full-size Download

Neurotechnology in National Security and Defense - by James Giordano

neurotechnology-national-security-defense.pdf 1.61 MB View full-size Download

Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century

RebuildingAmericaDefenses.pdf 843 KB View full-size Download

Sociocultural Behavior Analysis and Modeling Technologies for a Phase 0 World

DoD-sociocultural-behavior-analysis-modeling-technologies.pdf 1.46 MB View full-size Download

Summary 2018 National Defense Strategy of the ‎United States of America

summary-2018-national-defense-strategy-us.pdf 432 KB View full-size Download

The Art of War - by Sun Tzu

artofwar.pdf 219 KB View full-size Download

The Challenges Posed by The Militarization of Law Enforcement

militarization-law-enforcement.pdf 6.51 MB View full-size Download

The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11

cost-global-war-terror.pdf 1.06 MB View full-size Download

The Critical Law of Armed Conflict Academy as an Islamist Fifth Column

Understanding the War Industry - by Christian Sorensen

understanding-war-industry.pdf 2.12 MB View full-size Download

United Nations Listing of Terrorist Organizations

consolidatedlist-alkaida-un.pdf 764 KB View full-size Download

War with China - Thinking Through the Unthinkable

war-with-china-rand.pdf 1.62 MB View full-size Download

Watson Institute - Costs of War through FY2019

costs-war-estimates-through-2019-crawford.pdf 642 KB View full-size Download

Watson Institute - Human Cost of the Post-9/11 Wars

human-costs-post911-wars.pdf 394 KB View full-size Download