Consciousness & Sociopolitics

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A Brief Exploration of COVID-Induced Mass Psychosis
A False Agenda for Humanity
Age of Aquarius - 21 New Rules for 2021
A Graduation Message for a Tyrannical Age - You Are the True Guardians of the Galaxy
All I Want for Christmas Is the Truth
Amerika - Behind the Mask
Anesthesia - The Queen of Cryptocracy
Apocalypse Now - Falling Idols and Spiritual Adversaries
Are Governments Useless
Are Individuals the Property of the Collective
Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution
Are You Struggling to Make Sense of the World
Assumption Consumption and How We've Been Sold
A Time to Stand
At What Point did We Start Accepting our Insane World as The Norm?
Awakening in Dystopia
Babylon Is Fallen
Bad and Good News - The Paradox of it All
Behind the Scenes on The World Stage
Beyond The Manufactured Apocalypse
Be Your Own Revolution
Bonhoeffer's "Theory of Stupidity" - We have More to Fear from Stupid People than Evil Ones
Bravely Facing the Awful Truth
Calling Forth the Great Revolution
Can we Finally Heal our Collective Trauma? - Questions of our Time 9
Climate, Covid, Control... and Criminals
Collapse of Fiat Money System
Consciousness is the Technology that Will Stop the War Machine
Co-opting Consciousness at Awakening's Door
Cunning Craftiness and the Tools of Manipulation
Deconstructing Democracy - Co-Creating Eco-Governance
Demented Democracy
Demolition Planet - Awaken and Rise
Denialism - How the 'Woke' stifle Dissent
Divide and Conquer" and the Trap of Identification
Divide and Con-quer Con-Games
Divide and Rule - The Plan to Make You Disposable
Eight Powerful Conversations of The Conscious Society
Eight Signs the World is Undergoing a Paradigm Shift
Eudaimonics - The Art of Realizing Genuinely Good Lives
Everything is Backwards
Everything Will Remain The Same Until We End The Wars
Evolutionary Crossroads - Four Vital Questions for a Sustainable Future
Five Solutions for a New World
Five World Views that Need to Be Thrashed for us to Evolve
For the Conscious, Politics is Irrelevant
Four Critical Messages for the Masses
Four Signs we Live in a Profoundly Sick Society
Four Ways the System Tries to Hold Us Back from Our Awakening
Freaking Out Over Predictable Change
Freedom or Fascism
Free Your Mind from Mainstream Media Brainwashing
Global Pathocracy - Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World
Global Upraising - Main File
God's Algorithm
Goodbye Democracy and Capitalism - It Was Fun...
How False Flag Terrorism and Religion are Being Used as a Means for Control
How Much Evidence Do We Need to Take Action?
How Plato's "The Republic" Describes Today's Society
How the Media Prevents Meaningful Discussion About the Condition of Our Environment
How THEY Got Control
How to Be Absolutely Free in a World that Demands Your Enslavement
How to Survive The Empire
How to Thrive in the Battle of Life
How Will You Make the World a Better Place
Humanity Adapting New Resistance to Government Lies for Self-Survival
Humanity in Flux - Would a Species that Recognizes its Own Worth Be Actively Destroying Itself?
Humanity is Deciding if it Will Evolve or Die
Humanity's Great Fight-Back
Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix
Idiots, Zealots, Elitists and Patriots - The 4 "Wise Monkeys" of Modern Society
If There Was No Such Thing as Money
If We Don't Change the Way Money is Created and Distributed, We Change Nothing
If You Win, You Lose - The Philosopher's Political Dilemma
I'm Just Sayin...
Individuality and Spirituality in the Age of Institutional Rule
Information Fixation and the True Breakaway Civilization
Institutional Thinking - The Matrix, 1984 and The Allegory of The Cave
In the Shadow of Brilliance
Introduction to Cognition Deficiency Myopia Disorder (CDMD)
Is Holacracy the New "Operating System" of Conscious Capitalism
Is It Finally Time for a Leaderless Society
Is This the Calm Before the Storm
Jose Mujica - 'World's Poorest President' Shares 6 Captivating Facts about Life that will Make You Question...
Lao Tzu's 2500 Year-Old Message to 'The People of the Future' tells how to Approach our Global Crisis
Laura Eisenhower - Unity Consciousness Will Collapse Military-Industrial Complex
Listening is the Key - Something that We have Never been Taught
Mainstream Media vs. the Age of Information
Manifesto of The Awakened
Meet The Firm
Money and Spirituality - Are They Compatible
Money Is Not Needed With Energy Abundance
Navigating the 'Fourth Turning' - These are the Times that try Men's Souls
New Studies say ‘Conspiracy Theorists' Sane - Government Dupes Crazy and Hostile
Normal Unfreedoms
No Rulers, No Masters, No Gods
NWO Insider Reveals Entire NWO Plan in 1969
On Becoming Free - What are we Really Freeing Ourselves For
On Brexit - From a Pleiadian Civilization...
Our Perception of Leadership Needs to Change If We are to Change the World
Our Timeline - Our Choice...
Overcoming the Noble Lie - Great Narratives and Compelling Futures
Overwhelming The Illusion
Partial Truth, Siphoned Opposition and Facing Ourselves
Pedagogy of The Oppressed
Phase Change - Moving into a New Space of Existence
Philosopher Kings, Rings and Things
Played by the Ruling Elite's Control System - It's Time for a New Paradigm
Please Put on your Oxygen Mask before Assisting Others
Politics is Exhausting - And That's Exactly Its Point
Positively Thriving Through the Collapse of Civilization
Power is An Illusion, Control is A Facade
Psychopaths in Charge - Maybe They're Not Human
PSYOPs Used Daily to Manipulate You - Covert Hypnosis, Mind Control Techniques - Wake Up and...
Pugnacious Parasites and the Provocation
Radical Leadership - Turning the Tables on Soft Slavery
Redesigning Society - An introduction to the Experts on Social Change
Responsible Freedom
Re-Wiring for the Foundations of a New World
Rise of the Heretics
Sailing Into the Wind
Salvation or Survival
Saving The Human Race - Is It Possible?
Seizing Control of Our Destinies
Seven Signs You may be a 'Contrarian'
Seven Steps to Dissolve The Matrix and Stop World War Three
Seven Stumbling Blocks on the Road to Higher Consciousness
Seven Ugly Truths that will Jolt You Awake
Several Signs that You're a Slave to The Matrix
Shame of Being Human - Tears of War
Six Ways to Transition from the Fourth into the Fifth World
Slivers of Illumination - The Rise of Dictatorships and the Evolution of Consciousness
Some Reasons why Belief in Authority is the 'Most Dangerous Superstition'
Some Shocking Facts About Society that We Absurdly Accept as Normal
Some Tips for Making Sense of the World
Some Ways the Idea of Spaceship Earth Binds Us All
So What's Really Happening Now
So Where Are We Now
Standing at the Crossroads of Collective Evolution and Total Collapse
Step Forth Divine Human - The Worldwide Rising Tide of 'Human Consciousness'
Steps to World Rule: First, Destroy Humanity...
Suppression of Consciousness - Geoengineering - The Agenda
Surging Twixt Converging Worlds
Taking 100% Responsibility for The World We Have Created
The 5 Step Recovery Program for Plutocrats
The Abyss We Refuse to See
The Anger Games
The Anger Trap
The Awakening - Star Across the Bow of Illusion
The Battle for Control of Your Soul - The Fight For and Against the Future
The Beginning Is Here
The Biggest Conspiracy of All
The Building Blocks of Money
The Coming Revolution - A New Vibrational Reality
The Covidian Cult
The Cults of Empire
The Democratic Experiment is Finished
The Dirty Secret about Money that is Finally Being Exposed to the Masses
The Disappearance of Silence
The Dissolution of Contrived Civilization
The End of All Evil
The End of Capitalism has Begun
The Enlightened and the Entangled
The Escape from 'Good and Evil'
The Event Horizon
The Exponential Revelation of Truth
The Final Battle for Humanity - It is 'Now or Never' in the 'Long War Against Homo Sapiens'
The Four Greatest Enemies of the State
The Free World Charter
The Great Illusion
The Great Reject - Life Starts from Here
The Great Reject... of The Great Reset
The Incredible Instant ISIS Machine
The Inevitability of Peaceful Revolution
The 'I' of the Storm
The Land of Don't
The Matrix of Conformity - Top 9 Traps for Today's Youth
The Mechanics of a Free Society
The Media Control and Storming 'Fort Orthodox' - Strategies to break through the Bubble
The Metaphysics of World Collapse
The Music Industry Exposed
The Myth of the Greater Good
The New Leadership Paradigm that Could Save the World in Less than A Decade
The New Mental Combat Zone - 2014: Let The Year of The Solutions Begin
The Now of History
The Oxymoron War on Terror - The Greatest Hypocrisy of Our Time
The Paradox of Our Age - How Our Society is Backwards
The Powerful Use Esoteric Knowledge while Keeping It from Humanity - Empower Yourself by Awakening...
The Power of Saying "NO"
The Psychology of Soft Slavery
The Psychospiritual Electrochemical War on Humanity
The 'Push Me, Pull You' Socio-Psychological Taffy Machine
The Rapid Destruction of Countries
The Reengineering of Life and How to Prevent It
There is No One Way to Live on this Planet but We Can Be Harmonious - Anonymous
There is Something Extraordinary Happening in the World
The Religious Mindset - Gateway to a New Dark Age
The Responsibility of Freedom
The Rise and Fall of the Beast - Confronting One World Order (OWO) Globalism
The Rise of Resistance and Awareness - The Collapse of Government
The Ruling Elite's Control System versus Our Awakening - Which One will Win?
These Four Young People are the Voice of the Next Revolution
The Serpentine Stealth of The Long Range Planners
The Spiritual Significance of Brexit in the Great 5D Earth Shift
The Threefold Stranglehold of Humanity's Enslavement
The Top 3 Reasons Why the System Keeps Perpetuating Itself
The True Reason behind the 40-Hour Work Week and Why We Are 'Economic Slaves'
The Truth can No Longer be Hidden
The Truth is Out There
The United Stasi of Amerika
The War on Consciousness... and The War on Drugs
The Way to Overcome the Conspiracy
The Will to Humor vs. The Will to Power
The Wizard of Oz - The Dark Reality that the Deep State Hides from the World
They can Tell Us anything they Want
They don't Just Lie to us about Wars - They Lie to us about Everything
The 'Yellow Vest Movement' has Spread like Wildfire Across the World
Things Self-Actualized People Do Differently
This is How to Create True Freedom for Humanity
This is How War Begins
This is What Happens when a Kid Leaves Traditional Education
Three Characteristics of a True Political Awakening
Transhumanist Bankers Plan Robotic Future
Trapped in The Net - What They Don't Tell You About the Internet and Social Media
Transcending the Cave and the Matrix
True Revolution
'Trust In Government' is No Longer Possible
Truth Psyops and The Awakening
Twelve Challenges for a Post-Covid Shattered World
Twenty Powerful Social Issue Ads that Make You Stop and Think
Tyranny without a Tyrant - The Deep State's 'Divide-and-Conquer Strategy' is Working
UK Filter to Block 'Esoteric Content' - Worldwide Implications
Understanding and Dismantling The Global Control System
Understanding the Ruling Elite
Understanding the Tyrannical Mind and How it Operates
Universal Law Supports Collapse of Economy in 2011, Ascension in 2012 - Scientist Says
Unleashing the Spirit of Life
Unselling the Soul - Turning the Tables on Guilt and Debt
V.A.S.T. - A Revolutionary Approach to Revolution
Walking Out of the Labyrinth
War - A Balance of Profit and Fear
We are being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset'
We Don't Need New Presidents - We Need a New Consciousness and a New System
Welcome to 2030 - I Own Land, Live Among Like Minded People, and Life Has Never Been Better
We should 'Drive all Blames into One' - We may as well Blame the Great Reset for our Dystopia - Buddhists...
What is Anonymous? What is "The Plan
What is Freedom
What Really Scares Me...
When Force meets Power - The Inevitable Collapse of the New World Order
When Good Governments go Bad...
Where is Home and Why are we Here?
Whilst the Old System Crashes a New One is Being Built
Whilst the World Wakes Up, the World Falls Apart
Who Are the Real "Conspiracy Theorists"?
Who's Your Scarecrow?
Who Turned Out the Lights?
Why and How the Conspirators are Winning the War for our Freedom and our Souls
Why are People Afraid of the Truth?
(Why) Capitalism is the Most Unnatural Thing in the World
Why does the World Shadow Government Destroy its Own Home-Planet?
Why do Some People Support Tyranny while others Defy It?
Why Rebels are So Important to Society
Why Socrates Hated Democracy and What We Can Do about It
Why the Economy Should Stop Growing... and Just Grow Up
Why the Revolution Must Start in America - Chris Hedges's Endgame Strategy
Why the Way We Think is Obsolete
Why the World Feels Like It's Going Crazy - The Dominos and the Fall
Why we Need Empowering Leaders and Fewer Disempowered Followers
Why we Need to Stand Up to the Illuminati Together... Right Now!
Why we were Born to do More than Just Fit into the System, Go to School, Work, Pay Bills and Die...
Why You Shouldn't Worry about 'Being Normal' in a Sick Society
Why You Should Question Everything
Will Capitalism Ruin other Planets after it Ruins Earth
World Transformation - Seven Paradigm-Shifting Humanitarian Solutions!
Yank the Morphic Rug
Your Body and Mind Aren't Enough - They Want Your Soul...
You're Fighting the Most Important Battle of All Time

Additional Information

A Completely Different Perspective on Trump's Presidency - This Will Make You Think
A Disturbing and Uncomfortable Truth Told through These Powerful Street Art Pieces
A Full Political Briefing, the Coming Financial Reset and the American Elections! - From a Pleiadian Civilization
Amazon Sells Out of Orwell's '1984' as America Starts Paying Attention to What's Really Going On
American Militarism is Destroying the Future of Humanity
America's "Two-Headed One Party" System
An Alternative View of Human Nature
Anonymous just Hacked Bilderberg and Issued Ominous Threat - 'Work for Humanity' or Lose It All
Anonymous Releases a Powerful Holiday Message to Humanity - 2017 is Going to Be Exciting
A Perspective about Donald Trump and the FBI Director and North Korea that you'll Never See from Main...
Apocalypse Programming and "Knowing" the End of Days
Are Political Orientations Genetically Transmitted?
Are You Loving Your Servitude...?
Are Young People Giving Up on Democracy?
Asking Questions the Politicians and the Press Can't Answer
As Long as 'Mass Media Propaganda' exists, Democracy is a Sham
As We Move Into 2017 the Cracks in the Empire are Here… - How will the U.S. Empire Dissolve?
A Totalitarian Society has Totalitarian Science - And Vice Versa
Beheading the Hydra
Belief Systems and the Power of Authority
Brain Study Reveals Why Society is So Easily Controlled by Politics - Differing Views Seen as 'Threats'
Building Bridges of Peace Instead of Fear - Citizen Diplomacy with Russia
Canadians Sued The Bank of Canada and Won - Mainstream Media and Government Blacks Out Story
#CancelCulture - Lessons from the Ancient World
Can Governments Save the Economy by Injecting Money Into our Bank Accounts?
Chief Seattle's Thoughts - Native-American Letter that Prophesies the End of Life and the Beginning of Human...
Class and Compassion - Socioeconomic Factors Predict Responses to Suffering
CNN Loses Half Its Viewers - Corporate Media Downhill Plunge Continues As Alternative Media Explodes
Conspiracy Theories ( - Main File
Context - The Shifting Sands of Subjective Awakening
Controlled Opposition - The Hidden Hand of Misdirection
Corporate Controlled Mainstream Media (MSM) Exists to Demoralize the Public
Creeping Dread in The Rage of Aquarius
Cultivating Consciousness in an Unconscious World
Cynicism - Ancient Philosophy as a Way of Living
Dangerous Machinery - 'Conspiracy Theorist' as a Transpersonal Strategy of Exclusion
Debt and the Cyclical Rise and Fall of Societies - Socrates
Debt - History of the Near East Jubilee
Direct Democracy is the Future of Human Governance
Directed Evolution" - In Lockstep Towards the Abyss
Does Fear Lead to Fascism? - A Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror
Does Marriage even Make Sense Anymore? - Logical, Emotional and "Happiness" Standpoints
Do Political Attitudes and Religiosity Share a Genetic Path?
Drop the Rope
Earth's Economy Glorifies Waste, Exploitation, Debt, Expediency and Magical Thinking
Eight Signs you May be Living a Courage-Based Lifestyle
Enabling a Decentralized World - How can we Create something that has Never Existed Before?
Eugenics - Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset
Eugenics, Depopulation and The Elite Mindset
False East/West Paradigm Hides the Rise of Global Currency
Five Master Crimes You May Have to Explain to Future Generations for Not Stopping
Flynn Effect and its Reversal are both Environmentally Caused
Follow the Money - How the Monetary System is Rigged to Enslave Humanity
For 10 Years, this Blind Man and His Armless Friend have Planted 10,000 Trees in China
Four Reasons why Belief in Authority is the Most Dangerous Superstition
Global Fear Decreasing as False Flags and Crisis Actors Exposed
Global Poverty in an Unequal World - Who is Considered Poor
Global Satisfaction with Democracy 2020
Global Species Extinction - Humans are Now the 'Asteroid Hitting the Earth'
Global System Collapse - Genes and "Human Nature" Are Not the Cause of "World Chaos"
Good Guys" and "Bad Guys" are a Hollywood Illusion
Go to School, Get a Job and Fit into 'The System' - Animated Video Illustrates the Madness of Our World
Halcyon Days
How Effective is Punishment to Promote Cooperation?
How Humanity Can Break Free of Social Class Hierarchies
How the Mainstream Media Polarizes the Masses
How to Change the World
How to Deal with Information Overwhelm in the 21st Century
How You Were Tricked to Live in the Land of the Legally Dead
Iceland Proves You Don’t Need a Politician or Businessman as President
Iceland's PM Calls for Prioritizing "Well-Being" of Citizens over GDP
Imposter Consciousness
Influential Beats - The Cultural Impact of Music
In Latin America and Beyond, Another World is Still Possible
In the Beginning was the End
Is Russia Anti-Illuminati?
Is the New World Order Dying? - 10 Recent Headlines Offer Hope
Is There a Conspiracy to Bring Honest Money to the World?
Is This Going to Be A(nother) Dark Age?
Join the 'Shakeup' of the Sleeping Mob - Freedom, Abundance and Prosperity is your Reward
Leaked North Korean Documentary ‘Exposes Western Propaganda' - And It's Scary How True It Is
Lessons from George Orwell's '1984'
Lessons from the Roman Empire about the Danger of Luxury
Libya, Syria, Ukraine - Same Playbook, Same Puppet Masters
Look Up! Wake Up People! You are Being "Suicided in Warp Speed"
Marxism and Buddhism
Memo to A More Conscious American Leadership - From a Fellow Achiever Who Is Gravely Concerned...
Message to all Plutocrats - A Declaration of Emergence
Moral Collapse and State Failure - A View from the Past
Moving Beyond Awakening Shock Syndrome
Mutually Agreed Peace - Ending the Doctrine of Perpetual War
Mystical Anarchism - A Journey to the Borderlands of Freedom
New Poll Shows only 6% of People Trust the Mainstream Media
Once Upon A Time...
One of Many Examples Showing how Transitioning to A New World has Already Begun!
Only Apocalyptic Destruction can Eliminate the Gap Between Rich and Poor - Historian Says
Overcoming 'The Noble Lie' - Great Narratives and Compelling Futures
People are Horrified After Downloading their Facebook Data - They Keep Texts, Phone Calls and More...
People will Never, Ever Rebel as long as they’re Successfully Propagandized
Political Scientism - Beware the Enlightened Ones
Politicians Use "Rent a Crowd" Company to Give Illusion of Support
Project Blueballs - Fulford, Wilcock and the False Hope Energy Heist
Reverse Engineering Humanity
Reverse Engineering The Illuminati Mind Set
Rewriting Your Core Beliefs in order to Turn Your World Around
Separation - Possibly Humanity's Greatest Challenge - Can We Change It?
Seven Ways our Children are Being Brainwashed
Shady Origins of Consumerism
'Sin' is a Made-Up Religious Marketing Scheme
Six Manufactured Problems that are Behind Six Major Globalist Agendas
Social Transformation - The Truth Behind Capitalism Decoded
Spirituality and Virtue as Corollaries to Peace
Stage Props for Armageddon
Survival of the Richest - They don't believe they Can Affect the Future
Teaching Children How to Think Instead of What to Think
Technocracy and Backlash - Macron's Victory in France is Less than What It Seems
Ten Quotes from a Sioux Indian Chief that will Make You Question Everything about "Modern" Culture
Ten Ways that Minimalism can Change Your Life
The 1% - Why Do We Insist on Lying to Ourselves?
The 3 Trigger Terms being used to Stop Critical Thinking
The Age of Collapse - Why Everything's Collapsing, and What to Do About It
The Age of the Imbecile
The Amerikan Way - A Study in Psychopathy
The Authoritarian Right and Left
The Best Communicators Know When to Shut Up - And their Relationships Grow because of it
The Best of Times
The Business of War is the Cause of War
The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda
The Decimation of Church and State
The Disturbing Expansion of the Military-Industrial Complex
The Era of Tyranny has Begun - Washington has Destroyed Western Liberty
The Five Main Cultural Influences Controlling your Subconscious Mind
The Fragment on Machines
The FreeState and 'Beyond our Failed Democracy - The Golden Rule'
The Future Called - We're Disgusting and Barbaric
The Globalists have a Major Problem - Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral, WEF...
The Heroic Journey
The Hideous BAM in Obama - Map Your Brain for 'Your Own Good'
The Human Farm and The Cage You Were Born Into
The Illuminati - Separating Fact from Fiction and Propaganda
The Internet - Dangers and Questions of the 'Zuckerberg Era'
The Inversion of Hierarchy and Bondage to Matter
The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Objective Reality vs. Perceived Reality
The New Conquistadores - A Technological Divide Threatens Our Survival
The Post-Capitalist Society is Already Emerging in Denmark
The Precipitous Barbarization of Our Times
The Psychological Warfare Behind Economic Collapse
The Psychopathy of Greed
The Relation Between Energy and Currency
The Science behind Why People are So Easily Fooled
These 3 Wars Being Waged on Humanity offer Full Picture of End Game
The Shadow War is Escalating Between the Banking Cabal and the Global Alliance
The Slithering Stealth of the Serpentine Invaders
The Subjugation of the Creator
The Telltale Signs of Imperial Decline
The Tipping Point at the Crossroads of Time
The Universal Seduction
The Useless Class - The Meaning of Life with No Work and a Universal Basic Income
The Venus Project and the New World Order - A Critical Review
The Virtue of Dissent - A New Concept of Moralism
The Warriors of The Rainbow Prophecy
Things that 'Absolutely, Definitely, No Doubt' will Happen in 2023...
This is what Happens when You Stop Asking for Permission
Tips for Thriving in 'The Matrix
Today's Youth Rejects Capitalism and Socialism - Will Technocracy Appeal to Them?
To Fight for Freedom, or to Fight for Empire - That is the Question
To Unite, or Not to Unite? - That is the Question...
Transforming Banking for the Poor - Q&A with Jonathan Morduch
Truth Apnea
Universal Basic Income + Automation + Plutocracy = Dystopia...
Vladimir Putin - Agent of the Awakening?
Wealth Inequality - The Physics Basis
Weaponize It! - The Military-Industrial Complex' Latest Insanities
Weapons of Mass Distraction - The Media, Advertising and Social Programming
We can Accept our Differences - It's Better than Killing Each Other
What Increases Your Learning Metabolism?
What is A Tribe and Why Would you Want One?
What is Wrong with The 1%?
What Kind of Citizen was He? - Socrates
What would it Take to Build a 'World Without Globalists'?
What You Think is Controlled by What You Watch - And What You Watch is Controlled by The Elite...
Where is Earth's Timeline Going?
Whilst the World Wakes Up, the World Falls Apart
Who Lucifer Actually is and Why 'they' are Here
Why don't Americans Care about Each Other?
Why Only Rebels Find Real Fulfillment
Why Silicon Valley Titans Train their Brains with Philosophy
Why the "Power of Cute" is Colonizing our World
Why the World is Giving Up on Freedom
Why We are Repeating the Great Mistakes of History, Step by Step
Why we Have a Surveillance State - It is the Inevitable Consequence of our Prevailing Governing Philosophy
Will Protests Alone Produce the Evolution We Want?
You Asked for Our Stance on Trump - So Here it Is...


Anarchy to Ecstasy - What is True Freedom
Anarchy vs. Minarchy - Do You Want a Little Government or None at All?
Anarchy vs. Statism - Uncontrolled Order over Controlled Chaos
Buddhocracy and Anarchy - Contradictory or Complementary?
Five Reasons why Anarchy would be an Improvement in Human Governance
Four Things the 'Powers-That-Be' Don't Want You to Know about Anarchy
Freedom - Anarchy, Ecstasy or Licentiousness
Living in a World Gone Mad - Is Peaceful Anarchy the Secret to a Better Society?
Love & Revolution - Creating Conscious Tribes - by Mark the Mystic Activist
Love and Revolution - Forging a Shared Vision of our Free Future
No Masters, No Rulers - A World Without Statist Conditioning
Some Reasons Why We do Not Need a President
Some Things you Need to Know about Anarchy
The End of 'Their World' is the Beginning of 'Ours'...!
The Indigenous Community that Rebelled Against Narcos, Thieves, and Politicians… and Won!
The Myth of Authority
The Only Way to Save the World is to Save Yourself
The True Anarchy of Life on Earth - The Human Role in Sophia's Correction


Statism is Dead - True News 







The New Normal




A Call for Removal of The Depopulationists
David Icke Discusses the Political Awakening in the Wake of Trump
Escape!... from the Cult of Materialism
Four Horsemen
Freedom or Fascism - The Time to Choose - David Icke
Government Explained to an Alien
Great Awakening vs. Global Reset - How Full Disclosure trumps Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence
How The Elite Stay In Power
How they Pulled Off the 'Pandemic' - David Icke
Humanity on its Feet
Human Race Get Off Your Knees - The Lion Sleeps No More - David Icke
I Just Sued the School System...
Libertopia - A Documentary About Finding Freedom
Nine Eleven IS the Litmus-Test
Stop Acquiescing to this Cult - This is Happening Worldwide - David Icke
Stop Cooperating with the Authorities - David Icke
The Anatomy of Belief and Evil
The Answer' - David Icke at London Real - August 2, 2020
The Collective Evolution
The Cynical Use of Emotion to Sell an Horrific Agenda - David Icke
The 'Fake News' Hoax - The System is Desperate - David Icke
The Greatest Speech Ever Made
The Jar of Life - Inspirational Short Film
The Lie We Live In!
The Lizards and The Jews - David Icke
The Most Honest Three Minutes in Television History
The Movie... and The Secret Agenda - David Icke
The Philosophy of Uruguayan 'Pepe' Mujica - Interview
The Problem is Civil Obedience - Matt Damon from Howard Zinn's Speech
The Pushback - The Day the World Stood Together - Oracle Films
The Root of Evil
The 'Shadow Government' that Controls Our Society - A Modern Odyseey
The War on Reality - How Globalists Occupy Your Mind to Control Everything
Trance-Formation - Transhumanism, Genetic Modification of all Life, Nano-Technology, HAARP, Geoen...
Three TED Talks the Establishment Would Prefer You to Miss
We Are The Plan

Human Herd (

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