David Icke & Consciousness

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'Once in every generation a person rises up above the crowd to reveal the truth of our age. 

This person also shows us who we really are and the way out of crisis.

At this moment, in this time, that person is David Icke.

One man cannot change the world, but one man can communicate the message that can change the world!

Do what you like as long as you don't impose on others. You know people go,

"Oh, it's ever so negative what you are saying about what these people are doing."

Well please excuse me! Knowledge is never negative. 

Ignorance is negative.

And if you think it's negative and fearful to expose what is going on in the world so we can do something about it, then you are saying something about you and not the information.

David Icke on Earth's Artificial Moon and Why Humanity, Ultimately, Is One Big, Biological Internet - Exclusive Interview (bibliotecapleyades.net)

About David Icke
A Happy New Year? - Only if We Get Off Our Arses and Make It So
AIDS - The Great Medical Conspiracy
An Open Book... and The Pages Are Turning
Barack Obama - The Naked Emperor
Bildeberg Group - Secret Minutes Revealed
Cancer is A Fungus... and It Is Curable
Children of The Matrix - Excerpts
Cyprus and The Hunger Games Crossing The Line
Dante's Infernal Guide to Humans Rights and Wrongs
David Icke and Chemtrails, Nanoparticles and the Gender Agenda
David Icke and the Road to Transhumanism
David Icke Books are Contraband in U.S. Jails
David Icke Exposes the Archon Conspiracy and the Crumbling Matrix
David Icke has been Waiting for This for a Long Time and It's Here! - New Film
Death by Doctors - The Shocking Figures
Doing a 'Libya' in Syria - The Big Lie About a "Peoples' Revolution"
Doing to Others... What Was Done to Us
Don't Riot - It's Just What They Want
Down by The Riverside - Ticking Bomb
Embedded in Human DNA …'Come and Save Me'
Emerging From The Deep.... Emerging From The Sleep...
Escaping Wetiko
Flu is Not The Biggest Danger... It's The Vaccine
Global Warming' is Killing Us - And It's Designed To
HAARP at War With The World
Hey, Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha... They Think It's All Happening by Accident... Hey, Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha...
How’s Your Backbone? - Solid As A Rock, I Hope...
Human Race Get Off Your Knees
It's Over Chaps - It's Just A Matter of When
Libya R.I.P. - The Rothschilds Own You Now
Metallic 'Spiders' and Giant 'Moths' - Another Night in The Icke House
Mind The Gap… Pine Gap - A Significant Underground Facilities
Mono-Atomic Gold - A Secret of Shapeshifting and the Reptilian Control?
Mossad, Norway and The Lone Killer Blueprint
Mr. Smiley, Smiley, Hope and Change - Obama - Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak Not of Evil
Musing on A Crazy World Which Thinks It's Sane
No Alternative? - See Iceland...
Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice to Deceive
Oxford University - The Illuminati Breeding Ground
Paying to Be Programmed - The Student Loan Conspiracy
Robbing The Poor to Give to The Rich Who Made Them Poor
Rumpy-Pumpy... Shafting Europe
Sir Laurence Gardner, Reptilian Shape-Shifter
Spiritual Answers to Global Conspiracies
State of The Union? It's Behind Him...
Stealing The World Country by Country
The Anunnaki, the Vampire, and the Structure of Dissent
The Biggest Secret - Main File
The British Establishment - Pedophiles Everywhere
The Egypt 'Revolution' - The Manipulation of A Justified Rebellion
The Elephant in The Living Room at War With The World
The European Spider's Web!
The First Streetwise Revolution? Or Another False and Manipulated Dawn? - It's Time to Choose
The Flu Vaccine Returns... And It Should Get The Same 'Treatment'
The Global Protests - A Riddle Wrapped in A Mystery Inside An Enigma
The GMO Population Cull… Getting Away With Murder
The "God" Program
The Isle of Wight - Nice Place, Shame About the Cesspit
The Jet Fuel of Tyranny Hypocrisy
The London Lockdown by Illuminati Ritual
The London-Rome Beltane Ritual
The New World Order Does Exist - It's Official
The Orwellian Global State - The Next Stage Begins
The 'Post-Democratic' Society Unfolding By The Hour
The Real Matrix
The Reptilian Blood Legacy
The Reptilian Brain
The Reptilian Connection
The Reptilians - Why They are so Obsessed with Bloodline and Ritual
The Round Table-Bilderberg Network
The Stone is Lifting... On "The Group
The Truth Vibrations will End the Control System
The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6
The Windsor-Bush Bloodline
The World Is Mad - Life Is Easier When You Know
They Are Getting So Desperate... - David Icke
They Dare Not to Speak Its Name - Rothschild Zionism
Two of A Kind... And The End Is Nigh
Voices in Your Head... Is The State Talking to You
Was Hitler a Rothschild
What Do We Know About Our Solar System? Next to Nothing...
What is 'Reality
Who Controls 'The Cult'...
Why is Bill Gates a Psychopath

Additional Information

Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation - Selected Excerpts
Bush-Windsor-Piso Bloodline Chart
David Icke Interview by Karmapolis
David Icke Is Right About The Reptiles - Stuart Wilde
David Icke on Earth's Artificial Moon and Why Humanity, Ultimately, Is One Big, Biological Internet - Interview
David Icke on Terrorism, 'Totalitarian Tiptoe' and The Coming Post-Industrial Technocracy - Interview
David Icke's Moon Matrix Theory Explained
Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run Our World? - The Biggest Secret
In Conversation With David Icke - Project Camelot Interviews David Icke
Our Reptilian Overlords - A Day with David Icke
People Deserve to Know The Truth' - David Icke in Zagreb
Phantom Self - A Mind Virus as a Type of AI Computer Virus - David Icke's Book Review
Suppression of Consciousness - Geoengineering - The Agenda
The Global Elite - Jeff Rense and David Icke
The Rothschild Dynasty
The Torture of Credo Mutwa and The Theft of The Necklace of Mysteries
What Went Right? - David Icke at Wembley Arena
Who's Controlling Who? - An Interview with David Icke 



Agenda 21 - The Plan to Kill You - David Icke
Aliens are a Myth? - Don't be Daft, they are Manipulating Our World
Analysis of Christianity - David Icke
Another War? - Russia, China and the American "Empire"
Beyond Planet Earth - David Icke
Big Brother - The Big Picture - David Icke
Brian Rose and David Icke - Banned
Changing Vibrations - David Icke Talking to Meria Heller
Connecting the Dots towards Self-Love - David Icke and Vaccines
Consciousness and Spirituality - David Icke
Coronavirus and the Global Orwellian State - David Icke
Cosmic Vampires - Perverse Masonic Initiations of The NWO - With David Icke
Covid-19 Vaccines Depopulation
David Icke and Credo Mutwa - Together for The First Time - Radio Interview on 'News for The Soul' - 2005
David Icke Discusses the Political Awakening in the Wake of Trump
David Icke Exposed
David Icke... How It All Started
David Icke Interviewed by BBC5 - 2009
David Icke - Melbourne 2009 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees!
David Icke on Aspartame
David Icke Opens His Heart to Meria Heller - 'It's Been a Bad Day'
David Icke's Speech at the Unite for Freedom Rally, Trafalgar Sq. - London
David Icke Talks on the European Union "In/Out Referendum"
David Icke Talks to 'Freedom Central' in Amsterdam - September 2009
David Icke - The Parasite Society
David Icke: Was He Right
David Icke - We Are All One
Deprogramming Yourself - The Parting of The Ways
Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor - David Icke
Fork in The Road - "They" Want To Trigger World War III - David Icke
Freedom or Fascism - The Time to Choose - David Icke
How Consciousness Works - Its Deeper than we Thought - David Icke Explains
How they Pulled Off the 'Pandemic' - David Icke
Human Life is An Experience - David Icke
Human Race, Get Off Your Knees - David Icke in A Project Avalon Interview with Bill Ryan
Human Race Get Off Your Knees - The Lion Sleeps No More - David Icke
In Conversation With David Icke
In the Shadow of Lizards - The Secrets of Power - David Icke 2004
Interview to David Icke About Archons - Jo Conrad June 2012
Laugh All You Like - Possession and Reptilians are REAL
Limitations of Belief and Conditioning - David Icke
Medicine is a Big Pharma Tyranny - Deciding Life and Death
Message For The Uniforms and Dark Suits - David Icke
Mind Programming, Brainwashing and Mass Hypnosis - David Icke
Monsters Inc. - Amazon, Google and Facebook
Moon Control - The Lion Sleeps No More - David Icke
Now and Zen - Zen Gardner talks to David Icke
Obama and The Agenda to Destroy America... - David Icke
One of the Most Corrupt Industries on Earth - The Cancer Industry - David Icke
Origins and Symbolism of The European Union (EU) - David Icke
Origins of Israel and New Mono World Order - David Icke
Problem-Reaction-Solution - David Icke
Project Camelot Interviews David Icke
Remember Who You Are - David Icke - Wembley Arena Oct 27, 2012
Renegade - The Life Story of David Icke
Revelations of A Mother Goddess - David Icke 2006
Rose / Icke III - The Livestream
Ruled by "The Gods
Secrets of The Matrix
Something You Have to Know - David Icke at The Oxford Union Debating Society
Stop Acquiescing to this Cult - This is Happening Worldwide - David Icke
Stop Cooperating with the Authorities - David Icke
Take a Step Back, Look at It Again - David Icke
The Answer' - David Icke at London Real - August 2, 2020
The Cynical Use of Emotion to Sell an Horrific Agenda - David Icke
The End Game - David Icke
The 'Fake News' Hoax - The System is Desperate - David Icke
The Freedom Road - The Human Journey 7000BC to 2012AD - David Icke
The Global Warming Scam - David Icke
The Greatest Speech for Humanity - 'V for Vendetta' - David Icke
The Hollie Greig Case - The Scottish Elite Connections to The Worldwide Satanic Pedophile Network
The Isis Crisis - The Al-Sham Scam - David Icke
The London-Rome Beltane Ritual 2011 - David Icke
The Lizards and The Jews - David Icke
The Movie... and The Secret Agenda - David Icke
The New World Order Endgame - David Icke
The Power of the Heart over the Head - David Icke
The Reptilian Agenda - David Icke and Credo Mutwa
The Truth behind the Coronavirus Pandemic - Covid-19 Lockdown and the Economic Crash - David Icke
The Truth Vibrations - David Icke and The Awakening of The Great Spirit
The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6
The X Factor and The Awakening from The Amnesic Sleep - David Icke
We Can Rule The World - "David Icke"
What is Death, The Afterlife and Consciousness?
What is Money? - An Excerpt From "Radical Truth Knowledge and Revolution" by David Icke
Who Controls The Web? - David Icke
Who Controls de World - David Icke Interview - Oracle Films - May 2021
Who Runs The World? Psychopaths and Liars - Simple Really

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