Illuminati: Order of the Illumined Wise Men

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Additional Information

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Books- Treatises

13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati - by Fritz Springmeier
America's Subversion - The Enemy Within - New World Order, Illuminati's One World...t - by S.R. Stermole
Codex Magica - Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols and Hidden Codes of The Illuminati - by Texe Marrs
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Proofs of A Conspiracy Against All The Religions And Governments of Europe - by John Robison, A. M.
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Rule by Secrecy - by Jim Marrs
Saucers of The Illuminati - by Jim Keith
Secret Societies and Their Power in The 20th Century - by Jan Van Helsing
Tales From Time Loop - by David icke
Terrorism and The Illuminati - A Three-Thousand-Year History - by David Livingstone
The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies - by Philip Gardiner
The Illuminati Papers - by Robert Anton Wilson
The New Age and The Illuminati - 666 - by William J. Sutton
The Secret Destiny of America - by Manly P. Hall
The Secret Side of History - Mystery Babylon and The New World Order - by Dee Zahner
Under The Sign of The Scorpion - Rise and Fall of The Soviet Empire - by Jüri Lina


13 Illuminati Bloodlines and Mind Control
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Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines their Mind Control - Fritz Springmeier

Alex Jones' Interview "Bloodlines of The Illuminati" Author Fritz Springmeier - 2011
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February 02, 2012

Alex Jones Interviews recently freed political prisoner Fritz Springmeier author of "13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati". Fritz was framed and jailed for allegedly planning a bank robbery and spent 12 years in jail for a crime that all the evidence shows he did not commit... what else is new.
What was once considered whacko or fringe information even by early conspiracy theorists has now come out in the mainstream to be correct and standard information, such as Prince Charles and the whole British royal family being German and connected to Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula.
  1. The two Seals are Egyptian and Luciferian
  2. The two Seals were introduced by Freemasons, in 1782
  3. Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt, aided by his Secretary of Agriculture/Vice President Wallace, ordered these Seals to be placed on the back of the Dollar Bill in 1935, having been urged on and advised by the Russian channeler/mystic, Nicolas Roerich
  4. Americans had no idea that the Roosevelt Administration was as controlled by mystic, Black Magick forces, as it was. Had they known the degree to which Roosevelt was controlled by Black Magick forces, he would have been forced out of office immediately
  5. Former Satanist, Doc Marquis, reveals that, while in the Illuminati, he was taught that the two Seals are NOT official seals of the United States, but of the Global Illuminati!
  6. Doc Marquis also reveals that these two Seals hide three (3) hexagrams plus a hidden message about Freemasonry. These hexagrams form a '666'
  7. We correctly link the symbolism of the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer hovering over the unfinished pyramid on the back of the Dollar Bill to the coming prophesied Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem!

The Masons have been steadfastly determined since 1782 to seize control of the Temple Mount so they could resurrect Solomon's Temple for use by their Masonic Christ!
Since this was the plan in 1782 when the Seals were created, the Masons made sure that the symbolism of the unfinished pyramid directly tied into their plan to rebuild Solomon's Temple.
When the Masonic Christ (Antichrist) is planned to be the "Living Stone" to top off the unfinished pyramid! You will be amazed at this simple, but profound, symbolism linkeage and by the thorough degree to which this plan fulfills Bible prophecy exactly!
You will be shocked to realize that the stage for the fulfillment of this End of the Age prophecy was set all the way back to 1782!

Eye of the Phoenix Secrets of the Dollar Bill

The film "Eye of the Phoenix" is nearly 3 hours long and it was very long.
What do I think of it?
It is one of the greatest documentaries I've ever seen in my life. It focused not only on the Great Seal, but other subjects like the Illuminati, the Theosophical Society (whose co-founder was of course Madame H.P. Blavatsky. She followed the Gnostic lie that the Devil in the Bible offering Adam the fruit of knowledge was the good guy, while Jehovah was the bad guy. That is one definition of the creed of Gnosticism), the Philosopher Stone, and other issues.

The film made known that certain occultists want to create their utopian new world order (and involved in that goal is the re-establishment of Solomon's Temple. Freemasonry explicitly wants this goal as quotes exist of this). It outlined information that I knew about and it presented information that I didn't knew about.
One of the major parts of the film was about the Phoenix bird.
The Phoenix bird in legend would die and burn plus it would reappear later. In ancient cultures, it represented the false sun god (even a peacock or a strange feathered bird) or even Lucifer. That is why occult Secret Societies to this day outline a worship of Lucifer (or Satan). One of the old names for the Phoenix is FENEX in the Greek language, which equals 666 in the Greek gematria calculation.
The Phoenix was caused the shining one, which is an old name for Lucifer ironically.
The occult groups believe that ancient knowledge didn't just exist in ancient Babylon, but in Ancient Atlantis (where objects like the The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and the lapis exillis. These objects were lusted after by Rosicrucian Nicholas Roerich and his temporary ally 32nd Degree Freemason Henry Wallace).
Myths claim that the lapis exillis was the stone from Lucifer's crown that broken after Lucifer fought the archangel Michael. This story is found in Manly P. Hall's literature. Masonic apologists may deny that the Great Seal is of Masonic origin (even though Masonic symbols are on them), but the one Dollar Bill is definitely of Masonic origin.
People certainly will compare it to Riddles and Stone. In my opinion, the Eye of the Phoenix is a level above Riddles and Stone in terms of the information describing America's secret history. What was particularly great about the film was how it described the Jacobite Rebellions in a simplistic fashion. The Jacobites supported the pro-Catholic King James II of England. He was forced out of the throne via the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
The Jacobites in large numbers went into America and their Scottish descendants influenced the American Revolution (with Masons like Hugh Mercer).

The Eye of the Phoenix is an excellent film that delves into higher levels of information revolving around the agenda of Secret Societies. Nicholas Roerich, as the documentary proves, wanted to create the global government system (even an Asian Union first).
The film is like information overload since it reaches into more facts then elaborate into another level of concepts.

Fulford vs. Illuminati
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by christollinger June 11, 2009

Benjamin Fulford
announces the end of the financial elite crime syndicate's "New World Order" plans for massive population reduction together with Illuminati representative Prince Leo Lyon Zagami of Santa Lia, Italy.
Prince Zagami came to Tokyo to meet Fulford and negotiate plans for future changes to benefit the people and the planet.

  • MW Bro Leo Lyon Zagami 33° AASR Piazza del Gesu' (Alliata lineage)
  • Supreme Magus of the R+C+ of the italian Pytagoric Tradition
  • Grand Master of the Ordo illuminatorum Universalis

Illuminating Angels & Demons
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This documentary questions the theories laid out in Dan Brown's THE DA VINCI CODE by building upon the theories proposed in Simon Cox's book, CRACKING THE DA VINCI CODE.
Based on Cox's follow-up bestseller, ILLUMINATING ANGELS AND DEVILS, the program explores the truths and fictions of Brown's "Path of Illumination," going back as far as Renaissance-era Rome.
In addition to providing insight into Brown's novel, ILLUMINATING ANGELS AND DEVILS also brings Roman history vividly to life.

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