Albert Einstein Institution Manual for A Colored Revolution in Egypt
Changing Course - A New Direction for U.S. Relations with The Muslim World
The Iraq October 2002 NIE on WMDs
A Clean Break - A New Strategy for Securing The Realm
In Support of Arab Democracy - Why and How - Report of an Independent Task Force
Iran - Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities
Oil, Peace and Palestine: Energy Key to Holy Land's Past, Future - World Energy Monthly Review
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots
The Israel-Palestine Conflict - by Jeremy R. Hammond
The Late Neolithic Colonization of the Eastern Badia of Jordan
The Prophet - Alberto Rivera
Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World - Renewing Transatlantic Partnership
United Nations Listing of Terrorist Organizations
Which Path to Persia?