3.1 - 09-04-2024 Board Meeting Agenda

Steve Mickley
Steve Mickley
Last updated 
AIBD BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Monthly Board Meeting
September 04, 2024, 3:00 p.m. ET / 2:00 p.m. (CT) Canton, OH
Online: https://aibd.clickmeeting.com/board
By Phone: (832) 706-2490 - PIN 965541698#
Mobile App Event ID: 819-416-285
  1. Call to Order - Ted Hake or Brandon Clokey in his absence.
    1. AI Transcription and Antitrust Compliance Notice
    2. Our Vision, Mission, and Core Values
    3. This meeting aims to report on the association's activities and committee reports. Approval of the new AIBD Western North Carolina Chapter under the approval of the consent agenda.
  2. Roll Call: - Secretary Bernie Kern
  3. Consent Agenda: Ted Hake—These items will be acted upon as a whole unless a member wishing to address the board calls for a specific item for discussion (any items called up for separate consideration shall be acted upon following the Reports).
    1. Approval of the Agenda - September 4th, 2024 
    2. Approval of the prior Meeting Minutes - July 25th, 2024
    3. Approval of the new AIBD Western North Carolina Chapter, located in Asheville, NC site of our 2025 Design & Build Conference. Chapter application accessed through link.
  4. Reports:
    1. President’s Report - President Ted Hake 
    2. Conference Committee - Nick Smith
    3. Chapter Committee - Bernie Kern
    4. Membership Committee - Joey Martin
    5. (This space was purposely left blank)
    6. Education Committee - Dennis Fletcher
    7. Finance Committee - Larry Walker
    8. Resolutions Committee - Lyle Breeze (no report this month)
    9. Nominating Committee - Ben Tabolt (no report this month)
    10. Governance and Bylaws Committee - Bernie Kern (no report this month)
    11. (This space was purposely left blank)
    12. ARDA Committee - Brandon Clokey
    13. Codes & Standards Committee - Jack Butler
    14. College of Fellows - Chancellor Lyle Breeze (no report this month)
    15. NCBDC - Liaison, John Fought
    16. Financial - Steve Mickley 
    17. Operations - Steve Mickley
    18. Legislation and Advocacy - Steve Mickley/Jack Butler
    19. Liaison: SkillsUSA National Architectural Drafting Competition - Steve Mickley (no report this month)
    20. Liaison: Structural Insulated Panel Association - Andrew Roehl (no report this month)
    21. Liaison: North American Deck & Railing Association - Jack Butler
  5. Items Removed From The Consent Agenda 

  6. Unfinished Business:
    1. None
  7. New Business:
    1. Request for support by the Nevada Institute of Residential Design & Architecture - Larry Tindall
  8. For The Good of the Institute:
    1. Items from the floor.
    2.  Sweaters come out, and cider's poured, Spooky tales and ghosts are roared! The next regular scheduled monthly meeting is October 2nd, 4:00 p.m. (ET) / 3:00 p.m. (CT) Canton, Ohio. 
  9. Adjournment: