In the tablet discussions on creating a primitive worker (Adam and Eve), a “father of all beginnings” is mentioned as the sole creator of life.
Despite this belief in a supreme being, their apparent belief in evolution could explain why, despite their advance technology and knowledge, they seem to be surprisingly unstable civilization emotionally and morally.
appear to be common.
The Anunnaki seem to have no limits to their emotional self-destruction.
To the point of using what appears to be atomic weapons against each other, including their own family members.
It is somewhat disheartening to read what is on these tablets.
The worst part is we seem to be just like them in many ways.
Or more correctly stated, the shadow controllers and leaders of our current world appear to be like them in attitude and personal disposition.
There is one thing I noticed toward the end of the Enki series of tablets, the high leaders in command and influence seemed to be moving from their thrones and positions of power and into the background while still having control.
This reminds me of the New World Order controllers of today that rule from the shadows.
Just as importantly, the Anunnaki controllers were as self-destructive as our NWO controllers are today.
Both groups do not see the coming end result of their actions.
The poor judgment and decisions of the kings and leaders is amazing.
It is hard to imagine a people with such technology are so hindered by their lack of understanding of their own emotions, desires, decisions and the consequences that will inevitably result.
Most reasonable people have always wondered how Noah got a male and female pair of all animals on a single boat.
Since the discovery of DNA people have pondered that just the DNA was saved of the animals and brought aboard the boat.
But the question remained of how primitive Noah could have extracted and preserved DNA.
In these tablets it was the Anunnaki that did this work.
The tablets can be hard to follow because many people and names are given.
Some people have many names.
A person needs an historical tree of family/people to follow and understand all.
Most names in the tablets are different than in the Bible.
It is said there are over 100 different languages in the Middle East.
No doubt this is a result of the story of babel where Enlil confounded their tongues.
This entire:
about the Anunnaki creating mankind reminds me of current day liberals and progressives that always want to stretch the boundaries.
Whether they do it with permission or do it without, they are bound to cause trouble and always seem to complicate and compromise our morality.
Sometimes I had to read parts several times to understand who did what to whom.
Some words are not understood at all, while some passages about the underworld or upper world seem mythical and obscure.
During this work of creating a description for each tablet video, I periodically found myself getting up and walking around muttering to myself “these *&^%)@# stupid power mad greedy sneaky conniving people”.
It is entirely possible the Anunnaki, not being used to less intelligent people (Adams and Eves), forgot their humanity and resorted to believing their own propaganda of being gods.
I can assume they were not that way on their own planet where they are surrounded by their equals.
This ego even went so far as to establish churches and religions of worship to them.
On its face it is absurd, for them to have to teach people how to pray to them.
There is a puzzling under story to the Enki writings.
The earthlings were created to mine gold, but I never did read where they actually did.
In my descriptions I do not use their individual names.
I describe them by who they are or what they did.
It seems less confusing and the story easier to follow.
Otherwise, you would be constantly taking notes or going back to see who someone was.
A very curious thing is mentioned in one tablet.
The “lifted eye that scans the lands, the lifted beam that penetrates all”.
It reminds me of the all-seeing eye on top of the pyramid.
Like on our dollar bill.
One last comment.
The Anunnaki refer to a “Creator of All” and the “Father of All Beginnings”.
They do not elaborate on the subject.
In some of the tablets there are clues for the possibility of a supreme being above and beyond our creators.
It is in the below tablet portions:
Chapter 9.4, Chapter 13.3 and Chapter 14.1
John R. Deahl
Please note: There is some strong language in these videos but overall, not very much
Chapter 1.1 – This Tablet explains what appears to be, to us, an atomic war on Earth between the Anunnaki.
The evil wind spoke of seems to be a radioactive cloud that kills everyone in its path, gods and mankind.
One very interesting part is it says it is the worst thing to happen since the deluge (flood).
Chapter 1.2 – This tablet talks about long ago on the Anunnaki’s home planet Nibiru.
They seem to think they came to life from what our evolutionists believe as primordial soup.
Although we know it cannot happen, they think it can.
It mentions the planets thick atmosphere and vegetation.
Its cycles around the sun with the hot and cold periods.
During the cold periods the planets inner heat keeps Nibiru warm.
Disputes started that ended in use of what we consider atomic bombs.
It devastated their planet.
Then peace was made, and a kingship established for the entire planet (One World Government).
Chapter 1.3 – This tablet tells of the kingship lineage on Nibiru. It tells of the kings marriages. O even married his brothers daughter.
Chapter 1.4 – This tablet video appears the Anunnaki’s home planet is having trouble with a breech in their atmosphere.
The answer is to place finely powdered gold in the upper atmosphere to do a repair.
This decision was not until a fight amongst them ended in the killing of the king. (Brother kills brother like Cain and able).
Chapter 1.5 – This tablet contains the Anunnaki council deciding the Anunnaki that killed the king, of which he is a distant relative, should be given the throne.
There is not even any punishment considered for killing the king.
Chapter 1.6 – This tablet details how the king tries to heal the planet's atmosphere by detonating atomic bombs in volcanoes.
It does no good and the Anunnaki are displeased.
The next person in line for the throne challenges the king and defeats him in a wrestling match.
The king escapes the Anunnaki by jumping in a spacecraft and heading towards Earth. (It is almost like the casting down of Satan).
Chapter 2.1 – This tablet tells of the defeated kings escape from Nibiru with the plan to go to snow covered Earth.
The spaceship he took had atomic bombs on it and his plan was to blow a path through the asteroid belt, which had kept the Anunnaki from going to Earth.
Chapter 2.2 – Describes the defeated kings arrival on Earth.
Chapter 2.3 – This tablet tells of the defeated kings first days on Earth and finding the air, fruit and fishes good.
Also found traces of the gold the Nibiru planet needs for its repair of the atmosphere.
He calls the new king of Nibiru and wants to make a deal.
Chapter 3.1 – This tablet tells of the defeated kings attempts to bribe the new king with his knowledge of the gold on Earth and have his kingship reinstated.
Chapter 3.2 – This portion has the ending of negotiations.
A team will be sent to Earth to see if there is gold.
If there is gold, the defeated king will have another wrestling match with the new king for the throne.
Chapter 3.3 -The following tablet video has the Anunnaki traveling to Earth.
They briefly stop on Mars for water.
Their spacecraft apparently runs on water.
Then they proceed to Earth and land there.
Chapter 3.4 – This portion tells of the first 6 days on Earth of the advance team of Anunnaki.
Plenty of:
and animals.
Chapter 3.5 – This portion describes the Anunnaki team leader declaring of the seventh day as a day of rest.
Metals were processed from the waters.
The day, month, year were given their names.
Chapter 3.6 – This portion of the tablet talks about searching and finding gold, but not in great quantities.
The remaining atomic bombs on the defeated king's spacecraft were taken out of the spacecraft and hidden in a cave.
They are not to be used again to make a way through the asteroid belt.
An Anunnaki team member leaves Earth to take the first basketfuls of gold to Nibiru.
Chapter 4.1 – This tablet starts off with the spaceship with the first baskets of gold arriving.
Word was received from Earth the larger deposits of gold are underground.
A high ranking Anunnaki was placed in charge of the Earth operations.
He departed Nibiru and arrived on Earth.
Chapter 4.2 – This portion of the tablet has the new king on Nibiru coming to Earth to see for himself where the gold is underground.
A plan is developing to see who of his sons will go back to Nibiru and which one will stay and command operations on Earth.
This is needed to be done because of rivalries between his two sons due to both being eligible for the next kingship.
Chapter 4.3 – This portion has the new king and his two sons drawing lots to see what jobs they will perform.
When decisions are announced, the defeated king restates his case for the second wrestling match for the throne.
The wrestling match ends with the new king again beating the already once defeated king.
After the end of the match the defeated king bites off the male member of the new king and swallows it.
He is tied and bound.
While the new king is healing the belly of the defeated king swells from the semen of the king’s male member.
A court convenes and is deciding what to do with the defeated king.
The new king's son wants to kill him.
Chapter 4.4 – This portion of the tablet has the new king deciding to place the defeated king, which is expected to die from swallowing the new king’s male member, on mars in exile while he dies.
The new king returns to Nibiru and tells of all that happened and of the plans to harvest the gold on Earth.
The plans include making relay stations of Mars and possibly the moon.
The Earth is again referenced as Eden.
Chapter 4.5 – This portion describes the building of specific earth moving equipment, spaceships and rockets on Nibiru for use on Earth.
The Earth shorter cycles and atmosphere affects the Anunnaki.
A group of more Anunnaki, including some women that have healing skills, leave Nibiru for Earth.
They stop on Mars to see if the defeated king has died and to start a relay station there.
Chapter 5.1 – This tablet starts with the latest group arriving on Earth.
The son that has been put in command of support for the gold harvesting greets his sister which is one of the healers.
They fly off to the king's sons living quarters which he built on a mountain.
They express love for one another and discuss their son on Nibiru wanting to come to Earth (this is brother and sister).
They fly back to Eden, and he flies her around telling her of his plans.
More and more Anunnaki arrive from Nibiru.
Chapter 5.2 – There are now 300 Anunnaki on Mars and 600 on Earth.
This portion of the tablet is more of the same ignorant decisions and immorality by some of the Anunnaki.
The king's daughter that is making love to the king's son is promised to the king's other son by the king.
When it is found out the other son and daughter have been sleeping together the daughter is forbidden to marry anyone.
The king's son that was making love to his sister rapes a young female healer, which is under the command of the sister he has sleeping with.
The offending king's son is exiled to a barren place on Earth, but the Anunnaki that takes him to exile, takes him purposely to a place where the seven atomic bombs taken off the defeated king's spaceship is stored in a cave.
Chapter 5.3 – The raped young female healer is brought before the seven judges, and she tells them she is pregnant.
They ask her if she will take the kings son that raped her as husband.
She says she will.
The exiled king's son is returned to Eden.
The other king's son that is in charge of getting the gold from underground is living in that area of Earth.
His father, the king, had promised him his daughter in marriage but instead banished her from marriage when the king found out about her and his other son sleeping together.
Now the king's son in charge of getting the gold asks her to join him in his dwelling.
He and his half-sister have a newborn daughter.
He wanted a son.
She has another daughter.
He cries out he wants a son, but she curses him (actual curse).
He now has terrible health problems.
Only upon swearing to stay away from her vagina does she give him relief from her curse.
She returns to Eden.
He summons his wife and child on Nibiru to come to Earth.
He has five sons by his wife and other Anunnaki women.
The king's other son, after parting with his sister, raped a young healer and later married her.
Now he and the sister he loves call their son from Nibiru to Earth.
But he is married and has a son by his wife.
This set up rivalries between the kings two sons on Earth.
It leads to war.
The gold is getting to Nibiru and made into a fine dust which is placed in the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is slowly healing.
There are now five Anunnaki cities on Earth.
The Igigi are starting to complain about the workload.
The Igigi on Mars are complaining the most.
The commander of mars is brought to Earth to show him the workings there.
Chapter 5.4 – The commander of mars is showing the workings on Earth.
He secretly desires to be the king, so he steals the tablets of destinies (unknown their true scope and power) from Eden.
He believes he cannot be defeated while he has the tablets of destinies, but he is defeated and sentenced to death.
He died in the twenty fifth shar (a shar is believed to be 3,600 Earth years, the length of a Nibiru orbit around the sun).
Twenty-five shars would place his execution at approximately 90,000 years after the Anunnaki came to Earth.
The Earth’s Anunnaki leaders come up with a plan to refine the gold on Earth and only take refined gold to Nibiru.
That will leave space on the craft for Igigi to travel to Nibiru for rest.
The king agrees.
Chapter 5.5 – The kings son in charge of mining now directs his attention to life and animals on Earth and how it differs from Nibiru.
Mentioned are the animals in the tall trees that use their front legs as hands.
Other creatures were seen in tall grasses walking upright (hominoids).
The Igigi in the mines rebel.
The king's two sons and others devise a plan to return the rebelling Anunnaki to Nibiru and replace them with new Anunnaki workers.
Chapter 6.1 – There is much discussion about creating a primitive worker slave race of beings.
One of the king's sons states the “father of all beginning” has the sole power of creation.
The other king's son that is promoting this endeavor is saying the being already exists and they would not be slaves, but helpers.
Of course, this sounds like a modern-day fabrication of a lie.
The other king's son says it is against the rules of planet-to-planet journeying.
The others king's son states it was against the rules to even come to Earth.
After much debate the king decreed the primitive slave be created.
Chapter 6.2 – The more I have researched this, the more I have believed the Anunnaki, especially the king’s son in charge of mining, had created the mythical creatures of old.
The animals like:
In this portion of the tablet, it states they took parts from the behind of one animal and combined it with the front of another.
In other words, they had been experimenting with DNA.
This king’s son had created creatures from DNA and violated the rules before the arguments had even begun to create a primitive worker.
Given the right to proceed by the king they tried and tried to mix the Earth’s two-legged creatures (hominoids) DNA with theirs and place it in the two-legged Earth female creature’s womb.
There were many conceptions, but the results were not good.
Many creatures were created with deformities.
Chapter 6.3 – All attempts failed, but finally they decided to not impregnate an Earth two-legged female again, but an Anunnaki female.
The Anunnaki female that had been doing the DNA splicing decided to be impregnated herself.
She conceived and gave birth to a boy child.
She named him Adam.
Then they decided to ask the young female Anunnaki healers from Nibiru if they would be impregnated.
Seven stepped forward.
Chapter 6.4 – The seven Anunnaki female healers were impregnated with a combination of the two-legged Earth female creature (hominoid) and Adam.
The seven gave birth to seven male children.
Upon realizing the problem of the demand on Anunnaki women, they decided to make female children and let them procreate themselves.
The wife of an Anunnaki was asked and consent given to impregnate.
The birth was not normal, but the female child was well.
Chapter 6.5 – Seven more females were created for the seven males.
Adam and Eve are moved to Eden (the main Anunnaki city) and the seven males and females are placed in cages amongst the trees. (so much for not being slaves).
The time for them to procreate has come and gone.
No conceptions.
Some DNA is taken from the king son and the woman that was doing the DNA spicing and placed in Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve are then left to roam Eden as they please.
Chapter 6.6 – In this portion of the tablet the king's son over Eden notices the Adam and Eve have leaves on them.
He is upset and summons the other king's son that was part of the creation to explain.
He in turn summons his accomplices in the creation.
They all explain the missing DNA, which makes the son in charge of Eden more upset.
He had warned of the folly.
One of those in the creation speaks up and says the Anunnaki long life was not given to them.
The son in charge of Eden commands them to take their creations out of Eden.
Adam and Eve did not leave Eden because they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree.
They were expelled because the Anunnaki scientists gave them the DNA to procreate, and the commander of Eden was mad.
Chapter 7.1 – Adam and Eve are placed in an enclosure outside of the city of Eden.
They had many children.
The Anunnaki now have three generations on Earth.
The Adams are working in the fields and mines.
The gold is flowing.
The Earth is warming.
The snow is melting.
Volcanoes erupt and the ground shakes.
The Igigi are complaining on Mars of high winds and dust storms.
The asteroid belt is in turmoil.
On Earth brimstones are falling.
It appears Nibiru passed by close somehow causing a lot of trouble in the skies.
A large asteroid hit the moon.
Chapter 7.2 – In this portion they contemplate abandoning the relay station on Mars.
It has now been 80 shars, or 288,000 Earth years, on earth.
Please notice the Anunnaki people that first came to Earth 288,000 years ago are still alive.
Anunnaki go to the moon and study many things.
The three ways of heaven.
The twelve constellations, etc.
Chapter 7.3 – Since the Mars relay was to be abandoned, a new spaceship port was to be created on Earth for direct transport of the gold to Nibiru.
The king comes to Earth to see the new created space port.
Chapter 7.4 – Division begins again between the king's sons and their offspring.
The primitive workers (Adams and Eves, are captured outside of the city of Eden and brought into the city.
They are given chores and jobs to do.
In those days grains and sheep were not brought to earth.
The king's son that created mankind has a new scheme, but he notices that mankind is reverting backward.
Chapter 7.5 – The king's son who created Adam and Eve was observing the Adam and Eves.
One day he spied several young Eves and decided to impregnate them with his sperm.
They gave birth.
It is now the ninety second shar, 331,200 years, the Anunnaki have been on Earth.
The king's son is ecstatic about the births and says he has created civilized man.
He wants this to be a secret.
He tells his vizier to secret the two children into his house and say they were found in reed baskets in the bulrushes.
The king's son and his wife raised them.
The king's son very deceitfully passed them off, not as his offspring, as a new more intelligent generation of Adam and Eves.
He calls for grains and ewes to be brought to Earth so they may herd the sheep and harvest grain.
Once the male and female children procreate (give birth to two sons Cain and Abel), the king on Nibiru wants the earthling male to come to Nibiru for a visit.
Chapter 8.1 – The spacecraft to pick up the male arrives.
The king's son sends his other offspring along to accompany the male.
The king’s son tricks the male by telling him not to eat or drink the long-life things because it is poison, and you will die.
The craft leaves and they arrive on Nibiru.
The king sees his grandchildren and an earthling for the first time.
Chapter 8.2 – On Nibiru the earthling is offered the long-life bread and elixir.
He does not eat or drink.
The king becomes offended and asks him why not?
He says he will die.
One of the king's grandsons gives the king a tablet given to him by his father for the purpose of giving to his father the king.
The king reads it and understands the earthling male is the offspring of his son.
The king's son wants the earthling to return to earth and it be his lot to live and die on Earth.
The real reason the king's son did not want him to eat and drink the long-life food was because of concerns over any future kingship disputes since he was his son.
The earthling and one of the two grandsons return to Earth.
Chapter 8.3 – The twin sons, Cain and Abel, are shown how to dig water canals and harvest grain while the other one is taught to herd sheep and spin wool.
At the first harvest there is a celebration, and the two twin earthling men make their offerings to the kings two sons.
A celebration is had.
Later Cain is unhappy that one of the king's sons did not praise him for his effort.
Cain and able fight because of this and Abel is killed.
Chapter 8.4 – This portion of the tablet tells the story of events after the killing.
Cain is exiled.
Chapter 8.5 – This tablet details the teaching to the earthling offspring of the king's son.
It also mentions other teachings to other offspring.
The worshiping of the Anunnaki is created.
This was in the ninety-eight shar, or 352,800 years since the Anunnaki landed on Earth.
In the one hundred and fourth shar, or 374,400 earth years, the kingship lineage on Earth several generations down the line are still have babies with their half-sisters.
Chapter 8.6 – This tablet portion tells the story of the end of life of the first earthling male that the king's son had made by an Eve.
The earthling male (father of Cain and Abel) we are told as Adam.
He was born in the ninety third shar (334,800) and he died in the one hundred and eight shar (388,800) making him 54,000 Earth years old when he died.
At this time the Anunnaki and earthling humans intermarry.
Chapter 9.1 – At this time the Anunnaki and earthling humans intermarry.
Hardships on Earth and Mars due to the sun flaring. One of the king's son's sons wants to marry an earthling woman.
There is an objection.
The debate involves the statement that the kingship lineage marrying half-sisters is a custom.
The problem with the marriage is the kingship lineage.
If the kingship lineage marries an earthling woman, the king on Nibiru could eventually become an earthling.
The king decrees that if the king's son male offspring marries an earthling, he cannot return to Nibiru and his prince status ended.
The king's son that is commander of Earth also states he and his new wife will not be able to stay in Eden.
The king's son male offspring marries an Earth woman.
Chapter 9.2 – Two hundred of the Igigi from mars came to the wedding.
Unbeknownst to the leaders of Eden, the two hundred Igigi from Mars had decided to abduct earthling women to be their wives.
After the wedding they did this deed.
The Earth commander which has always been against the creation of mankind, is sorrowful they have destroyed their original mission.
Once a sacred mission, is now one evil deed after another.
Now the Earth will be overrun by mankind.
The king's son's male offspring that had just gotten married was basically banished to another land across the sea.
There he invited the Igigi that had taken earthling wives.
The king's son that created mankind has taken a fancy to a married earthling woman.
He asks his son that married an earthling woman that resides in the new land to ask for the earthling woman’s husband to be transferred there.
The king's son that created mankind now visits the new land often and watches and seduces the woman (biblical story of David and Bathsheba).
Chapter 9.3 – Bathsheba becomes pregnant and has a child.
The first white bodied, blond-haired, blue-eyed earthling.
Born in the one hundredth and tenth shar, or 396,000 earth years after the arrival of the Anunnaki.
There are plagues and starvation on Earth.
The Earth commander feels the Earth mission has become perverted and loathes the earthling mankind.
The cries of the earthlings have become loud.
So much so the Earth commander cannot sleep.
One Anunnaki wanted to teach the earthlings the art of healing.
The Earth Anunnaki commander said no.
Water would not come from its sources where the earthlings lived.
Vegetation did not grow.
The Earth commander forbad any teaching or help to the Earthlings. he wanted the earthlings to perish.
For one shar (3,600 years) the earthlings ate grasses.
This continues for about five shars.
There are black spots on the Sun.
The savants on Nibiru tell of the planets moving during the next passing of the sun by Nibiru.
Chapter 9.4 – The savants on Nibiru tell the Earth glaciers are melting and they will lose their footing.
The sliding of the glaciers will produce a great wave that will deluge the land.
Earth will be overwhelmed.
The King on Nibiru tells Mars and Earth to prepare for evacuation.
A head savant comes to Earth with a message from the king.
He informs them that returning Anunnaki to Nibiru have become afflicted by becoming used to Earth cycles and not being able to adjust back to Nibiru’s longer cycles.
They die more quickly.
One of the king's sons knew of this but the other king's son, which is the commander of Earth, is angered.
He is angry that the earthling was becoming as them, and they were becoming as earthlings.
He feels they are imprisoned on planet Earth and once were masters, now they are as slaves.
The savant tells them they are to remain on earth.
They are to go aloft in spaceships to wait out the calamity.
The other Anunnaki are to be given the choice of returning or waiting out the calamity.
The Anunnaki that married Earth women must choose between their wives and departure.
This tablet implies the deluge is a natural event.
In the bible god promises to not let mankind again be destroyed by flood.
The Anunnaki are gathered together and told of the event to happen and their choices.
Each decides to stay or leave.
Chapter 9.5 – The Anunnaki have made their choices.
Afterward they inquire about the fate of mankind.
The Earth commander declares they shall perish.
The Anunnaki shout back they must not die.
The Earth commander admonishes his brother that created them in the first place against his wishes - that he went behind his back and interfered with his own creation.
The earth commander makes each Anunnaki swear an oath.
Assignments for preparations are given.
Spacecraft are assigned.
The king's son that created mankind goes behind his brother back once again and decides to collect the DNA of the animals.
The earth rumblings grow.
The Tenth Tablet of Lord Enki
Chapter 10.1 – This tablet tells of the king's son, that created earthlings, receiving a dream that tells him to inform Noah of the water disaster to come.
Noah is to build a sturdy boat to save his family in the coming flood.
Chapter 10.2 – Noah tricked the people into helping him build a sturdy boat.
The sixth day the navigator arrived with a box of animal DNA.
The time of the flood was the one hundred and twenty shars (432,000 years).
Noah was ten shars (36,000 years) old.
The deluge was a combination of wave and rain.
I surmise the wave came from the dislodged southern polar ice cap and it also rained many days.
This all came about by Nibiru, in its orbit, passing close to Earth.
Chapter 10.3 – This portion of the tablet tells of the flood and the settling of Noah’s boat on mountain next to Ararat.
The Anunnaki come back to Earth.
The Earth commander finds Noah and is ready to kill his brother over his deceit.
When all is explained he is calmed.
The only thing left that is not buried of their cities is the landing pad for the spacecraft.
Chapter 10.4 – Upon the Anunnaki returning to Earth they see utter devastation.
Mars has lost its atmosphere, and the water is dried up.
On Earth, the Anunnaki organize and set chores to rebuild.
Chapter 10.5 – Nibiru has been damaged by the pulls of Mars and Earth.
The atmosphere on Nibiru has also been damaged. Nibiru needs more gold from Earth.
Earth tells the king no gold can be mined.
The mines are gone.
But one Anunnaki surveying across the ocean finds gold nuggets laying on the ground.
He also finds some of Cain’s people have survived.
Rebuilding and preparations for new landing pads are being done.
Chapter 10.6 – The place to land spaceships needs two mountains.
No place was ideal.
They build the pyramids as mountains for their space port.
Chapter 10.7 – This last portion of the tablet has the Anunnaki once again being selfish, desiring power and title.
Chapter 11.1 – For the next shar (3,600 years) peace was kept. But it is too good to last.
One of the king's sons had two sons.
One lived in land with his father and the other was living by the space port.
The son by the space port became jealous and greedy.
He thought his father would leave his lands to the son that lived by him.
So, he and his wife planned to murder the brother so he would inherit the land.
They gave a party and when his brother fell asleep from drink, they put him in a coffin and threw him into the sea.
He was not found until he was dead.
The grief-stricken wife vowed revenge and took semen from her dead husband and impregnated herself.
She raised a son to do her revenge.
The son grew and was trained.
He raised an army.
The day came and her son was hit with a poisoned dart.
Chapter 11.2 – In this portion of the tablet her son defeats the uncle that killed his father.
He had fallen to Earth in his craft.
He is blinded and his testicles squashed.
The council allows him to live.
The Earth commander realizes this was the first time an earthling raised an army.
He surveys his position of having space ports in places and on lands he does not control.
He summons his three sons and has built a space port unknown to the other Anunnaki.
Another love interest has sprung forth.
This time it is between descendants of each of the king's sons.
All but one looks forward to it bringing peace.
Chapter 11.3 – In preparation for the wedding, it is the custom for a female relative to dress the bride.
During her dressing the bride tells of her plans for her husband.
The plans are so grandiose the female relative dressing her tells the groom's father.
The father is alarmed and fears the king's other son's kingship lineage will get the advantage.
So, his plan is to have his daughter be impregnated by her brother (the groom).
This way the kingship lineage stays intact on their side of the family.
How he would know the offspring would be male I do not know.
After he impregnates his sister, he falls asleep.
He has a dream of death.
When he wakes, he tells his sister who thinks he will be accused of raping her.
He runs from the city and ends up by a waterfall.
The rocks are slippery, and he falls to his death.
This last part is confusing.
The would-be bride rushes to the place where her grooms body lay.
She is accused by her sister of wanting to be impregnated by her groom's brother.
The advisor to the would-be bride's sister says the sister should curse her with sixty plagues.
The king's son that created mankind and is also the groom grandfather fashions two bloodless emissaries that cannot be harmed by death rays to go and retrieve the bride.
The advisor to the bride's sister shoots the two emissaries with a ray but it does not affect them.
The advisor then shows them to the lifeless body of the bride which is hanging from a stake.
The two emissaries direct a pulsar and emitter on her, put a plant of life in her mouth and sprinkle her body with the water of life.
Chapter 11.4 – This portion explains some of the confusion of the last portion.
The bride had gone to the underworld in search of the groom body.
The underworld in olden times being the place of death.
The two emissaries bring her back to life and proceed to leave the underworld taking along the groom's body.
The bride wants revenge and demands the death of the groom's father even though he did not kill his son.
The bride seeks revenge by starting a war.
It ends with the father of the groom trapping himself in a chamber of the pyramid.
He has entombed himself and will die there if nothing is done.
His father makes a deal where he will be exiled and give up kingship lineage.
For everything these Anunnaki do and have done, this seems unfair.
But the Earth commander is playing politics and has gotten the upper hand.
His brother, by being older should be the next king, but by this event the kingship lineage almost ensures the kingship will never be his brethren's lineage.
Chapter 11.5 – This portion deals with rescuing the father from the chamber tomb and damage done inside the pyramid to the stones, beams and beacon.
The earth commander also reassigns lands.
This brings up another question he has for his father the king.
The earthlings are multiplying faster than the Anunnaki.
How do the Anunnaki get the earthlings to obey and serve them.
The king decides to come to Earth one more time.
Chapter 11.6 – The spaceship beacon is relocated.
The earth commander reassigns lands.
The bride still wants what land she would have had if the marriage had been completed.
Nothing is given to her.
This brings up another question he has for his father the king.
The earthlings are multiplying faster than the Anunnaki.
How do the Anunnaki get the earthlings to obey and serve them.
She arrives at his abode dressed scantily and seduces him with song and wine.
So far, he is falling for the deception.
Chapter 12.4 – The bride was caught but did not have the MEs with her.
The Earth commander appears to have stripped his brother of the responsibility.
The brother's son, back from exile became very enraged.
He demanded a sacred city of his own.
The Earth commander uncle would not give him one.
He took it upon himself and gathered some igigi to help him.
They proceeded to build the tower of Babel.
At night the Earth commander's forces destroyed it and scattered the people.
He then gave each region a different language and alphabet to use.
City kings came and went.
The people sang songs about the bride who was now in charge of the MEs.
Chapter 12.5 – The once exiled son of the king's son was given domain over a land his brother lorded. For 650 Earth years they quarreled.
The younger brother finally left at the insistence of the king's son (his father).
He left for new land across the ocean. Interestingly the once exiled son of the king's son that created the earthlings in now called Ra (Ra was referred to in Egypt as the sun god).
Ra now replaces the face of the lion next to the pyramid with his son's face.
References to his younger brother is erased.
There seems to be a history in Egypt of this type of destroying the remnants of old kings.
The Anunnaki had an accurate system of counting by 60.
Ra replaces it with counting by 10s.
Chapter 12.6 – This portion of the tablet starts out with the father giving Ra some MEs.
He gave him all knowledge except how to revive the dead.
There is now established a third region and the bride is given lord over it.
The king's son she seduced and stole MEs from now holds MEs from her she needs to rule her land with.
Her land is also given a totally new language.
The third region was not able to communicate because of the language and almost goes to war over it.
Trade does not happen because of language.
The third region did not blossom because of this barrier.
From these tablets, we can tell where the story of the bible came from and how it is being used to keep us living in:
We can also see the importance of gold in our society and how nuclear weapons will ultimately lead to our destruction if we don’t learn from past mistakes.
These tablets describe the creation of slave races through the genetic manipulation of DNA as well as the interbreeding of the Anunnaki, the earth inhabitants and the genetically manipulated beings, which may help to explain the differences in blood types and Rh values, as well as ethnic diversities, but one must ask the question:
Why create numerous slave races (including various blood types, Rh values and ethnicities) instead of one?
The most logical answer is that we were seeded here by many star nations, but it is also possible that we are the product of the Anunnaki and their genetic experiments.
Throughout the years, our DNA has continued to evolve, and many consider the DNA of the earth’s inhabitants to be the genetic royalty of the Universe, no matter what race or ethnicity you are.
Perhaps through meditation, we can find ways to unlock the codons in our DNA that prevent us from our true potential?
Perhaps it is time that unlocks these codons as more and more people are awakening to their true potential?
Is it also possible that each subsequent generation is being born with advanced DNA capabilities and more strands of DNA?
We are at a point in history where the slaves (ALL of us at the bottom of the pyramid) are beginning to rebel against their slave masters (those who are controlling the people in the shadow governments).
Is it possible that these controllers who sit at the top of the pyramid are the Anunnaki?