The Antichrist

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Although I have personally used the term Antichrist a lot , in recent times I have made an effort to not refer to it as "The Antichrist".

Because in essence the God Emperor for Humanity cannot be referred to in opposition to a Jewish thoughtform.

Creating a Thoughtform Servitor – Library of Rickandria

The God Emperor is not a thoughtform and is not actually intended to be in opposition to anything.

It's just that this current timeline necessitates retribution.

It is by itself a separate entity and original meant to be a Spiritual Emperor and guide for humanity to make laws and traditions and rule in a just way.

Even before the Jews, humanity has had many such God Emperors like certain Egyptian kings and Vedic Kings.

The actual name for the God Emperor in this age is "Kalki".

Kalki - Wikipedia

It cannot be the "Antichrist" because Christ doesn't exist.

The Fictitious Jesus – Library of Rickandria

It is a made-up concept to deceive the masses.

Jewish Mysticism is incompatible with the Gentile soul and the Christ Myth is a fable created to prevent Gentiles from actual spiritual.

They start with a false premise of original sin, and the fall of man and they then create a way out with Jesus being crucified for Sins (that don't exist) and the entire program is that you have to suffer your entire life by suppressing your desires and die and then be reunited with Jesus in heaven because he already died for your sins.

You're still sinful even if Jesus died for your sins and you have to repent for things that you didn't do.

There's no explanation given for any of the things that Christianity tells someone to do and it's all one big loop of doom where you're constantly sinful and you constantly repent, but you're never saved but you're actually already saved.

Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria

It's actually the First Big Lie before Covid to have conquered an entire populace.

Gentile spirituality on the other hand does not have any original sin and there is no senseless repenting for things that you didn't do.

It utilizes your own energy to raise your consciousness which can be achieved by anyone.

Consciousness & Human Energy – Library of Rickandria

Kalki is not a thoughtform and an idea.

He is an actual soul that reincarnates periodically to guide humanity.

He will be a flesh and blood leader.

The story of Kalki itself has many allegories.

Savitri Devi wrote Kalki will appear soon but does not know precisely how and where (apart from the fact that he will definitely be a pure Aryan).

Savitri Devi Mukherji[a] (born Maximiani Julia Portas, French: [ pɔʁ.tɑ]; 30 September 1905 – 22 October 1982) was a French-born Greek fascist, Nazi sympathizer, and spy who served the Axis powers by committing acts of espionage against the Allied forces in India. She was later a leading member of the Neo-Nazi underground during the 1960s. 484 KB View full-size Download

But she states that this is imminent given recent events and the fact that the dark age is reaching its peak. 

The enemy I believe will bring out the worst and at fast rate by 2030 according to their agendas as well. 

They have a lot to choose from, between:

  • a global cyber-attack
  • WW3/cold war of terror
  • new "deadly viruses"
  • climate disasters
  • fake alien invasions

and who knows what else they will come up with to bring humanity to its knees, too bad they won't make it anyway.

But Kalki himself will no doubt be a flesh and blood leader with great charisma, organizational skills and siddhis through which he will organize survivors of the Cataclysm and wage war against the enemies if the Aryans and wipe them all out.

Aryan Race – Library of Rickandria

Exactly like Adolf Hitler.

Why Hitler Destroyed Freemasonry – Library of Rickandria

After wiping them all out he will establish himself as the emperor of this world and fix our existing problems.

And humanity will slowly move towards better things and advancement.

Humanity’s History & Ancient Civilizations – Library of Rickandria

This insane time in history will soon be forgotten.

The Jews are enemy number one.

When they are gone all other problems are easy to solve.

Who is The Anti-Christ?

by Sean David Morton on 9/2001

The physics of the universe demand that nature be in conflict.
It is always about the survival of the fittest, as physical and spiritual evolution grinds its way upwards.

This means that every complete system must have an equal and opposite.

A complimentary force.

The positive electrical charge, opposed by the negative charge, creates a third force, which is a balanced combination of the two.

The Kabbalah calls it the "Daath" force.

Kabbalah – Library of Rickandria

The anthropocentric tendencies of humanity usually see man as being the most significant entity in the universe, interpreting the world in terms of human values and experiences. 

Our anthropomorphic mind ascribes human characteristics to non-human things. 

So, we see the infinite powers of the Creation in terms of the human family.
The Father as the Generator force, the Mother (or Holy Spirit) as the Operative nurturing force, and the combination, or balance of these masculine and feminine forces, as the Son/Daughter, or child. 

This third force usually represents destruction and sexuality. 

Destroying what has come before but planting the seeds of rebirth to begin the next cycle with the son taking the new role of the father. 

This Holy Trinity is an idea that has cut across every human culture from the beginning of time.

Humanity sees everything in personal terms. 

We see the natural Negative/Positive interplay of the Universe in terms of:


Sort of a World Wrestling Federation view of the cosmos. 

If it is bad for me, it is bad for the universe. 

The mouse can see things only from its perspective at the bottom of the food chain.
The eagle sees the pattern of all things and how they operate in harmony.

With that being said, every major religion in the world, has seen some kind of last global conflict between the forces of Good and Evil. Evil, from our perspective, is naturally parasitic, and cannot exist on its own. 

The parasite must feed off the host organism. 

Therefore, if there is a Holy Trinity, then there must also be an UN-holy trinity. 

An UN-Holy Father, an UN-holy mother (un-holy ghost?) and an UN-holy son (who I presume would drink only the UN-cola!/ . . . sorry).

But one religion’s Heaven is another’s Hell.

The Native Americans, and all conquered indigenous peoples, viewed the Christian Jesus and his angels as the Devil and his host of demons, because the Christians who brought them committed mass genocide, wiping out entire civilizations, because their god, "told them to!"

They believe that when the Great White Demon and the evil Sky People invade for the last time (the return of Jesus and the Saints) that the Children of the Planet will circle the world like

"Buffalo protecting their young, and fight to the death to defend their own".

The Jewish Talmud is another example:

"You (the Jewish people) have made me, Jahveh, the only true lord in the world, so I will make you the only ruler in the world." Talmud IV/4/81

"Just as the Jews are humans, the non-Jews are not humans, but cattle." (goyim=human cattle) Kerithuth 6b page 78, Jebhammoth 61a

"When the Messiah comes, all will be the slaves of the Jews!" Erubin 43b.

Makes you sort of wonder who exactly they plan on making "The Boss"?

Before you think I am picking on anyone, these quotes from the Talmud are just a small sample of the doctrines of over 250 different religions, who all think that "THEIR" great messiah will come and put them in charge!
  • The Catholics
  • the Mormons
  • the Hindus
  • the Fundamentalist Christians
  • the Baptists

even the Moral Majority, all think that when the Messiah comes, everybody else BUT THEM is in a lot of trouble, and THEIR version of the truth will be imposed by force and pain of death on the rest of the world, and everybody who doesn’t get with the program is "Cleansed", a nice way of saying uncomfortably executed.

So, from a historical and investigative perspective you can see the problem of pinning down one supremely evil individual, who is to be the physical incarnation of Lucifer himself, along with his accomplices, the false prophet and the Beast, who wage the last great war against all humanity.

Who Lucifer is & Why They are Here – Library of Rickandria

So, if we look at the Greek word "Kristos" or Christ, as meaning "God Knowing" or "the Anointed One who has God within", then Christ represented:

  • knowledge
  • wisdom
  • honesty
  • truth
  • kindness
  • charity

and freedom. 

An anti-Christ would be the antithesis of all that.

History has been filled with a lot of nasty characters. 

But those men were just the titular heads of much more vicious organizations who caused untold death and destruction. 

Their ultimate purpose was to make sure that humanity did not evolve.

The Prophet Daniel, in a startling vision of the future, gave exact details and dates based on a procession of 2300 prophetic "Days" or years.

His prophecy begins in 456 BC when the foundation is laid for the Temple of Solomon, and ends, if you simply do the math, in 1844 AD, where the "Tabernacle" of the Earth will begin an era of "cleansing by fire."

Daniel predicts the empires of Babylon, Alexander the Great and the Medo-Persians and the Roman Era.

He predicts the years of the birth of Christ, his rejection by the Jews, and death.

The last empire he speaks of has many confused with the final anti-Christ at the end of the age.

Daniel foresaw a ten (10) nation confederation born on the seven hills of Rome as a revised Roman empire, coming after the Golden Roman age.

This empire would have "feet of clay" being based on lies and deception.

It would have a succession of leaders.

It would enforce a universal language, a universal religion and would bring an age of repression and darkness.

It would burn its enemies at the stake, and "persecute the saints", even giving the number of 15,000 dead during one era.

The organization that Daniel describes is very clearly the Catholic Church.

The word "Catholic," in accordance with Daniel, even means "Universal".

It even began the Inquisition to persecute the Knights Templar, and burned 15,000 of them at the stake from 1305 to 1360 AD.

The back of this "Anti-Christ" would be broken in 1798 AD, exactly as Daniel prophesied, when Napoleon invaded Italy, and took the Laurel Crown from the hands of the Pope, placed it on his own head, and said,

"I do not recognize your authority!" 

The Vatican Army was disbanded, and the Pope was stripped of the power to persecute heretics, which I assure you they would be doing today if they could, as it is STILL official church policy (look it up!).

Then we come to "John the Divine" who had his remarkable visions on the Greek Isle of Patmos.

His letters to the seven assemblies of Asia-Minor became the Book of Revelation in 96 AD. 

It was only included in the final version of the Bible at the 10th century Council of Toledo, and only made the cut by one vote when the Pope voted to break a dead tie in its favor after severe editing and a savage rewrite.

There is a body of evidence to support that John was in fact Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. 

Most of our modern perceptions of the anti-Christ come from him.

But I must point out that all of the:

  • Angels
  • Horses
  • Seals
  • Beasts

and Vials that are:

  • released
  • broken
  • poured out upon the earth

are brought by GOD and have little to do with some supremely evil human entity.

Is Your God a Devil? – Library of Rickandria
However, they are not the focus of this article.


The first earthly antagonist doesn’t appear until Rev. 12:7 when Michael and his angels cast a great dragon down from heaven onto the earth, who is called, "The Devil, and Accuser, the deceiver of the whole habitable world." 

The Dragon’s first act is to pursue the Woman who had given birth to a son who would:

"Rule with an iron rod all the nations."

A False Prophet (the ANTI-John the Baptist) appears being able to perform great wonders and accurately prophesy future events. 

He predicts and gives credibility to an evil being who will set himself up against Christ and the people of God in the last days before the SECOND COMING. 

The term is used only in the writings and scenario of John in Revelation.
It refers to one who stands in opposition to all that Jesus Christ represents (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7). 

John wrote that several antichrists existed already in his day--false teachers who denied the deity and the incarnation of Christ, but that the supreme Antichrist of history would appear at some future time.

The anti-Christ’s primary work is deception, which also characterizes SATAN in his attempts to undermine the work of God in the world. 

Biblically, Satan’s deception begins in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) and continues to the end of time. 

The DRAGON (or serpent) of Revelation 12 is Satan, the Serpent mentioned in Genesis 3. 

Thus, the thread of Satan’s deceptive work may be traced from Genesis through Revelation. 

That work reaches its climax in the Antichrist, who receives his authority and power from the Dragon. (Rev. 13:4).

The work of Satan through the anti-Christ is rooted in the prophecies of Daniel who speaks of a beast with ten horns and one little horn (Dan. 7:7-8).

The Ancient of Days will kill the beast and throw it in the fire (Dan. 7:11). 

Then, according to Daniel, one like the Son of Man will receive the everlasting kingdom (Dan. 7:13-14).

The anti-Christ will be the sum total of the beasts referred to in Daniel 7 (Rev. 13:1-4). 

He will speak arrogant, boastful words and he will be aided by the FALSE PROPHET, who will make the entire earth worship him (Rev. 13:11-12) and receive his mark (Rev. 13:16-17) the number of the beast, being 666, a mysterious code name.

Those who worship the Antichrist will experience certain doom through the wrath of God (Rev. 14:9-11). 

The Antichrist makes war against Christ and His army, but he is captured and is:

"Cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone" (Rev. 19:20). 

He is later joined by the Devil, a separate entity and together they:

"Will be tormented day and night forever and ever" (Rev. 20:10). 

The Devil, the BEAST (or Antichrist), and the False Prophet form the Unholy Trinity, counterfeiting:

  • Father
  • Son
  • Holy Spirit

After much wickedness and suffering has been loosed against Christ and His people, the Satanic rebellion will be crushed by the power of God.

Although the apostle Paul never uses the term "Antichrist" (as the very name Jesus Christ wasn’t invented until 326 AD, so there is some very HEAVY editing and forging going on!), he wrote of the great apostasy, or "falling away" that would occur before the return of Christ (2 Thess. 2:1-12).
The Antichrist is also called "the lawless one" (v.9) who, empowered and inspired by Satan, will lead the final rebellion against God (v. 3.), but will be destroyed at the coming of the Lord. 

Paul urges believers to stand firm in the faith and not be deceived by the Antichrist who will display:

"All kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders" (2 Thess. 2:9, NIV).

The story ends with the appearance in the sky of the Rider on the White Horse followed by the Armies of Heaven at the Battle of Armageddon. 

The beast and the Kings of the Earth put up a good fight but are all slaughtered and the:

"Birds are gorged with their flesh!" (Rev. 19)


The Great Pyramid of Giza has a prophetic sacred geometrical code that makes it a gigantic clock.

The Great Pyramid – Library of Rickandria

A prophecy in stone, describing 7 "Days" of 1000 years each. 

It ’speaks’ of a procession of human spiritual evolution that occurs on this planet, that may happen over and over again when the galaxy grinds to certain positions in a 26,000-year cycle.

There is a "Messianic Triangle" configuration just at the beginning of the 60-foot high, 7-tiered, polished granite Grand Gallery.

It points to the birth of the "Great Messianic Initiate" in 2 BC, and the fulfillment of His mission and His final enlightenment (not His death) in April of 33 AD.

At the far end of the Grand Gallery is The Great Step, relating to the year 1844 AD, which begins an unprecedented era of human progress, but also leading to a technological age it calls "Hell on Earth".

The step flattens out in 1914 AD, and points to "An Age of Universal Reincarnation" or what the Christians would call, "The Resurrection of the Quick and the Dead".

Six Billion would be the trigger for the Final Age, as it would mean that everyone who had ever lived would finally be alive for the "Great Day of Judgment".

In 1933, the Christ consciousness begins to permeate the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to higher consciousness, the Ascension Frequency, and political, social and economic changes that would reflect that new vibration.

Just as a positive force moving in one direction creates its equal and opposite negative force, there is an "Anti-Christ Inverted Triangle" that runs from 1933 to 1944.

This period would herald the rise and fall of an "Anti-Messiah" or an "Age of Anti-Christs".

The angle begins (according to the measurements of Tompkins and Lemusiuer) in November 1933, the exact month that Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany and ends with the "completion of the anti-messiah’s mission" in April of 1944.

Why Hitler Destroyed Freemasonry – Library of Rickandria

It does not intimate that this anti-messiah dies at that time.

With his use of:

  • the swastika
  • the SS double lightning bolts
  • the Black Sun
  • the German cross

and the Vril, Hitler used and perverted all of the symbols of the ancient Aryan race.

Aryan Race – Library of Rickandria

He used every trick in the book to establish himself as the messiah of the "Third Rule of 1000 years"

He took a nation that was in total:

  • financial
  • industrial
  • agricultural

and political ruins to within a heartbeat of conquering the world in less than 6 years.

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He was worshiped by his followers and by the German people for a period of time and came closer to establishing a "Messianic Dynasty" than anyone since Napoleon or Alexander.

The time coding shows that the age of great Anti-Christs is over and now it is just human stupidity that brings on and continues our destruction. 

The lowest point of consciousness for all of humanity, according to the Great Pyramid, begins in 2005 AD when mankind stumbles into the Great Pit 151 feet beneath the Pyramid.

This dark period ends in 2025 AD with the reestablishment of civilization, a sign in the sky on Sept. 17, 2034, and the return of the "Messianic Initiate" on October 31, 2939, AD.


The old boy has been more accurate than anyone in giving exact details in regard to Grand Maniacal World Leaders, so we should best give heed to what he says. 

The only real problem is that he never actually FINGERS who the last Great anti-Christ IS! 

It almost seems that he reluctantly goes along with the Christian line, just enough to save his own neck.

The good doctor saw three great anti-Christs and gave some details of their bloody careers. 

Nostradamus, being French, gave the greatest attention to the first which he clearly named as Napoleon Bonaparte. 

Two hundred years before his birth, he even calls him by name in one of the quatrains but misspells it. 

When Napoleon died, his name was misspelled on his tomb, EXACTLY THE WAY NOSTRADAMUS HAD MISSPELLED IT IN HIS QUATRAINS!

The second A.C. was also named as a Germanic King of the North named "HISTER" and that he would come from a foreign land into Germany, as Napoleon came from Corsica.

Hitler was born on the banks of the Danube River in Austria, which in ancient times was called the "Hister River“, and Hitler, like the river, did indeed "flow" from Austria into Germany.

The third and last great anti-Christ is NEVER directly named.

Although, once he comes to power, there may be an obvious name for him that can only be seen with hindsight.

Nostradamus is tricky that way.

No one picked up the "Hister" reference and how it related to his history and origin until well after the fact.

Nostradamus does not seem to be looking at the same person all of the time.

There are some maddening clues.

We are given the name RAYPOZ as some kind of anagram.

We are fed the name Mabus, which if you write it down and hold it up in a mirror (an old Nostradamus trick) comes out "sudaM".

But even the word "Maubus" in the French means 

"To terrorize! To strike fear! To kill in the night! To murder indiscriminately." 

He also says that his name is barbaric, and almost impossible for Westerners to pronounce.

But he also calls him "The Persian Prince", and "Man in the Blue Turban."

It is nowhere near as clear as Orson Well’s in "THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW" would have you believe.

The one thing that seems to be agreed upon is that he will be the leader of a great Islamic Confederation.

The Real Truth: Jews Promote Christianity & Islam – Library of Rickandria

Some Nostradamus interpreters believe he invades Italy, leveling Rome, and driving up into the soft underbelly of Europe.
But this is the kind of mass movement of populations and troops that Nostradamus is used to, so why does he not go into more detail? 

Instead, his quatrains and predictions just peter out and mysteriously end around 2005, although he makes a few more references to specific later dates.

In Nostradamus’ "EPISTLE to Henry II, King of France", he lays out his visions of the future in specific terms. 

He describes the ages of all three anti-Christs and gives the fates and defeats of the first two, but not the third.

After the defeat of Hitler by the King of Aquilon (the North, the US) he describes the last age:

"55. After that Antichrist will be the infernal prince again, for the last time. 

All the Kingdoms of Christianity will tremble, even those of the infidels, for the space of 25 years.

Wars and battles will be more grievous and towns, cities, castles and all other edifices will be burned, desolated and destroyed, with great effusion of vestal blood, violations of married women and widows, and sucking children dashed and broken against the walls of towns. 

By means of Satan, Prince Infernal, so many evils will be committed that nearly all the world will find itself undone and desolated. 

Before these events some ’rare birds’ [lit. translation: unusual flying objects!] will cry in the air: Hui! Hui! [Today! Today!], and sometime later will vanish!

"56. After this has endured for a long time, there will be almost renewed another reign of Saturn, and golden age. 

Hearing the affliction of his people, God the Creator will command that Satan be cast into the depths of the bottomless pit and bound there. 

Then a universal peace will commence between God and man, and Satan will remain bound for around a thousand years, and then all unbound.

"57. All these figures represent the just integration of Holy Scriptures with visible celestial bodies, namely Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and others conjoined, as can be seen more at length in the quatrains.

I would have calculated them even further, Most Serene King, but for the fact that some given to censure would raise difficulties. 

Therefore, I withdraw my pen and seek nocturnal repose."

Sound a lot like the entire 20th Century?

Islam is still waiting for their true Messiah, just as the Jews are.

Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria

In the Koran he is called THE GREAT IMAM.

After proving himself to be a miracle worker of great wonders, he climbs the winding stair that leads to the roof of the black cube that houses the KABBA STONE in Mecca.

The Cube Exposed – Library of Rickandria

From there he declares himself, and all of Islam unites around. 

He declares a Holy Jihad on the Infidels and calls on all true men of Islam to: 

"Cleanse the world, so that all may serve the true will of Allah!" 

(This all sound familiar?)


I get a great deal of my information by going forward, and then looking backwards through time.
Your future then becomes my history.

For those of you who are familiar with this newsletter, Vajra Morton is my next incarnation.

I have "traded places" with him on occasion, and astrally gone to his future home in New Omaha, Nebraska, which is now an area of the former United States called New Jerusalem. (It’s a long story!)

In THE VAJRA CHRONICLES (D.A.N. issues #35 & 36) he describes an Islamic leader who declares a Great Jihad against the west that leads to the terrorist destruction of a number of US and European cities, including Washington DC, and the near miss of a nuclear missile in New York.

The Vajra Chronicles – Library of Rickandria

He calls this character "Jamal", which is truly ironic because it means ’The Beautiful One’.

But he goes on to say that Jamal is a minor nuisance compared to an invasion of North America by a faceless horde of 200 million screaming Chinese somewhere around 2017 AD.
We fight them off, and America wins, with the last Great Battle taking place at Denver, Colorado on what will be called, "The Plateau of Judgment".


A prophet, astrologer and seer who reached the height of his fame around the turn of the century, Leonard Hertzog’s work was later resurrected for a book called "Millennium Prophecies" by A.A. Milne.

In 1899, Hertzog predicted the birth of the Anti-Christ as being February 5, 1962, in Jerusalem, which at that time was still part of Syria. 

February 5, 1962, features a very rare alignment of planets that happens only once every few hundred years, when:

  • the Sun
  • Moon
  • Mars
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Jupiter

and Saturn would align in Aquarius. 

Uranus was in Leo, Neptune was in Scorpio and Pluto was in Virgo, making the alignment even more severe, but none of those planets had been discovered in 1899.

His prediction was that an Islamic leader of royal birth would be born in or near Jerusalem on this date, come to power in 1999 and unite the Arab peoples in a final Jihad against the west, aligning Islam with "Godless China."

The Jewish Takeover of China – Library of Rickandria

He saw the AC attacking Jerusalem and utterly destroying it, sometime a few years after the turn of the 21st century.

Hertzog is one of the true unsung heroes of prophecy, and his accuracy in describing the 20th century, which was unfolding before him, was truly astounding.

In September of 1992, I took Hertzog’s prediction, and had astrologer Louis Turi run a chart based on that data, which I printed in my Manuscript Opus; THE MILLENIUM FACTOR.

Bio – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S. (

With all of those planets in Aquarius, the sign of nuclear energy, this man would not blink an eye at using nuclear weapons or biological warfare to achieve his ends.

JEANE DIXON... great American Prophetess and Seer, also used Hetzog’s predictions, [whether she knew it or not] and gave some very specific information about the AC.

Jeane Dixon (January 5, 1904 – January 25, 1997) was one of the best-known American psychics and astrologers of the 20th century, owing to her prediction of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, her syndicated newspaper astrology column, some well-publicized predictions, and a best-selling biography. 124 KB View full-size Download

Saying that he would be born on February 5, 1962, and she saw him "dressed as a Prince of Egypt".
That he would be filled with love and light, but then turn to the Dark Side "a dagger dripping with blood! Murderer of the Queen of Peace."

She emphasized his royal blood and linage, how world leaders would pay him homage, and how all the world will turn to him as he apparently solves the problems in the middle east, only to turn at the last minute and "lay waste to Jerusalem!"

Blowing Jerusalem to smithereens seems to be the recurring theme in all these scenarios.


In my own visions, I kept seeing a face so strongly in my meditations that I worked with my friend police sketch artist Steve Hill, who lived down the street from me, to make sure I got it right.

Whatever Happened to Sean David Morton? - Esoteric Guides NYC

SEC Charges Nationally Known Psychic in Multi-Million Dollar Offering Fraud | Quackwatch | Sean David Morton, Vajra Productions, LLC, 27 Investments, LLC, and Magic Eight Ball Distributing, Inc., defendants, and Melissa Morton and Prophecy Research Institute, relief defendants | Sean David Morton, Vajra Productions, LLC, 27 Investments, LLC, and Magic Eight Ball Distributing, Inc., defendants, and Melissa Morton and Prophecy Research Institute, relief defendants

I saw this man clearly as he was at that time.

I felt he would be on the front page of every paper in the world around the turn of the century, taking credit for blowing up planes, buildings, and even poisoning entire cities. 

That face, as you can see here, was Osama Bin Ladin, the royal Saudia Arabian multi-millionaire, who has become the global financier for Islamic terrorism. 

He was linked to the bombing of US embassies in Africa, and last week was linked to the apartment building bombings in Moscow which killed 300.

In his possession are 167 US made back-pack Stinger missiles, which we gave him to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. 

He now plans on using them against us. 

A well-trained team, with those type of weapons, could shut down the entire US aeronautical infrastructure! 

You could blow up 5 planes a day, from practically anywhere, and never be caught. 

The chaos would be monumental.

There is evidence that this is exactly what was used on TWA Flight 800, and the Feds have gone to a lot of trouble to cover it up!

I am not sure when his birthday is, but when I find out, I will pass it along.

I do not believe that we can expect one single individual.

I believe that it will be a group of men working in concert to achieve the final goal of enslavement of all humanity.

George Orwell’s nightmare (or blueprint) "1984", coming to fruition with

"A boot stamping on a human face, for all time!"

Here are the men that I see as key players in the coming chaos:


(BORN January 30, 1962) - King of Jordan (1999).

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Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein (Arabic: عبدالله الثاني بن الحسين, romanized: ʿAbd Allāh aṯ-ṯānī ibn al-Ḥusayn; born 30 January 1962) is King of Jordan, having ascended the throne on 7 February 1999. He is a member of the Hashemite dynasty, who have been the reigning Royal family of Jordan since 1921 and is considered a 41st-generation direct descendant of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Abdullah was named crown prince less than 2 weeks before he was sworn in as regent of Jordan, following the declaration of the clinical death of his father, Hussein I.

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Hussein bin Talal (Arabic: الحسين بن طلال, romanized: Al-Ḥusayn bin Ṭalāl; 14 November 1935 – 7 February 1999) was King of Jordan from 11 August 1952 until his death in 1999. As a member of the Hashemite dynasty, the royal family of Jordan since 1921, Hussein was a 40th-generation direct descendant of Muhammad.

Throughout his adult life, Abdullah has been a career soldier and was until the time he was declared Crown Prince, Commander of the Special Forces of Jordan. 

The Special Forces has been central in controlling internal order in Jordan and they were in action no later than 1998. 

Abdullah has for years mainly been known for his interests in extreme sports.


1962: January 30: Born in Amman as son of king Hussein I and the English-born Queen Mona (whose real name is Toni Gardiner).

1963: Abdullah is named crown prince.

1965: Abdullah is replaced as crown prince, by his uncle, Hassan, after king Hussein amends the constitution so that it allows also brothers to be heirs of the Jordanian throne. 

The background for this change, was that Hussein had been exposed to a number of assassination attempts, and did not want to take the risk of leaving Jordan in the hands of an infant.

1966: Abdullah is sent to England to attend school. Later he continued his education in the USA.

1980: Abdullah joins the British military academy at Sandhurst, and later serves with the British army.

1993, June: Abdullah marries the Palestinian-born Princess Rania.

1999, January 25: In a last-minute coup, Abdullah is announced as new crown prince by his father, replacing his uncle, Hassan.

February 5, 1999: Abdullah is sworn in as regent of Jordan, the day after his father is declared clinically dead.

February 7, 1999: Eight days after his 37th birthday, Abdullah is crowned as new king a few hours after his father dies.

Five US presidents and the heads of state and finance from every nation, including Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and the entire Rothschild family, show up to pay their respects, kiss the ring and pay homage to the new young king.

Abdullah was born 6 days away from the 2/5/1962 target date.

In THE MILLENNIUM FACTOR, I described how I saw an urbane young man, in a western suit, and that he was being trained and educated by his UNCLE! 

And that power would flow from his uncle INTO HIM!  

This is EXACTLY what has happened in the case of King Abdullah.

There is a reason why David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, the House of Rothschild and five US presidents, came to kiss his ring and pay homage to him. 

This is the man to watch!


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Kim Jong Il (/ˌkɪm dʒɒŋˈɪl/;[3] Korean: 김정일; Korean pronunciation: [kim.dzɔŋ.il];[b] also transcribed as Kim Jong-il and born Yuri Irsenovich Kim;[c] 16 February 1941 or 1942 – 17 December 2011) was a North Korean politician who was the second supreme leader of North Korea. He led North Korea from the death of his father Kim Il Sung in 1994 until his own death in 2011, when he was succeeded by his son, Kim Jong Un. Afterwards, Kim Jong Il was declared Eternal General Secretary of the WPK.

Kim Jong IL (Born February 8, 1942), leader of North Korea since the death in 1994 of his father, Kim Il Sung, who had ruled the country since 1948.

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[Kim Il Sung[d][e] ( /ˈkɪm ˈɪlˈsʌŋ, -ˈsʊŋ/; Korean: 김일성, Korean pronunciation: [kimils͈ʌŋ]; born Kim Sung Ju[f] 15 April 1912 – 8 July 1994) was a North Korean politician and the founder of North Korea, which he ruled as Supreme Leader from the country's establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994. Afterwards, he was declared eternal president.]

Kim Jong Il was born in Watsukoye, Siberia, in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

In 1973 Kim was elected secretary in charge of organization and propaganda for the Korean Worker’s Party (KWP) and was given high ranking in the Politburo, the party’s principal policymaking body.

In 1991 he was named supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army.

He was appointed to the rank of marshal, with his father as grand marshal, in 1992.

Kim Il Sung officially designated his son as his successor to the presidency, effecting the first hereditary transfer of power in a Communist state.

Kim Il Sung died unexpectedly on July 8, 1994.

Although there was no immediate public inauguration of Kim as president of North Korea, in October 1997, Kim was named general secretary of the KWP and in September 1998, he was reappointed Chairman of the National Defense Committee, now North Korea’s highest post.

He speaks no other languages and has never met a Caucasian; however, he is reported to have one of the largest collections of pornography in the world.

Sony Hack: Father of North Korean Leader Was Obsessed With Hollywood Movies – The Hollywood Reporter

Nukes, Missiles and Porn: Kim Jong-Il’s Awful Legacy | WIRED

His birthplace and background have been officially "Changed", and he is being readied for "Deification" just as his father was.

His government maintains over 100 hundred "Pleasure Villas" for the use of his government officials.

Specially designated "Pleasure Teams" are chosen from senior class high school girls, or are kidnapped from Hong Kong and Macao.

The girls are divided up into dance, song and sexual satisfaction categories.

Not only are they in possession of nuclear weapons, and missile delivery systems, but the North Koreans are building an immense arsenal of biological weapons.

They are focusing on missile high atmospheric "Vapor Bombs" which can deliver smallpox, anthrax or other diseases long since eradicated in the west, and for which, there are no longer ample vaccines.


His background was covered thoroughly in THE DARK PROPHET (Vol. II, Issue #15, Dec. 15, 1994), he is still represented by Benjamin Creme and the Rockefeller financed SHARE INTERNATIONAL.

Share International (

Creme maintains that Lord Maitreya is a higher, more evolved Master than Jesus Christ, and that he is alive now, living somewhere in the Asian community north of London, England. 

Creme claims that Maitreya met with Bush and Gorbachev on a secluded yacht in Malta, and that he continues to hold audiences with only high-level government officials and elite members of the world press, who are:

"Planning to announce his arrival."

Though he has yet to make his appearance on the world scene, Creme claims that when the Maitreya DOES appear, it will be simultaneously through every television in the world, and that he will send a message of peace and love telepathically in every language.

Creme is a devotee of Alice Bailey who originally published all her books under "LUCIFER PRESS", which was later changed to "LUCIUS PRESS" which is Greek for Lucifer.

Lucis Trust – Library of Rickandria

Creme is an outspoken proponent of the UN, the destruction of the US so that:

"All the world’s poor can be fed."

and has been, in his own words:

"A card-carrying member of the Communist Party for over 30 years." 

He has trained extensively in Moscow and his message of global peace, on Lord Maitreya’s terms, should not be trusted.


Bill Gates is "publicly" the richest man in the world.

He has rarely ever given a DIME to charity except for a tax write-off.

He has mercilessly cheated and stolen the work and ideas of others to climb to the top of his heap.

He has continually presented inferior programs, operating systems and technology, and has done more to slow the advancement of computers through bumbling and incompetence than any foreign enemy ever could.

But he does MAKE STUFF CHEAP, and that’s all that seems to matter.

His recent multi-billion "giveaway" to charity to establish an "AIDS/CANCER" research foundation was nothing more than a multi-billion-dollar tax dodge and was cut as a behind the scenes deal to get Janet "Kill ’em ALL!" Reno off his back.

Gates now has the funding and the power structure behind him to be in position to implement a global "PHOTONIC ECONOMY," starting in Europe with the ECU or EURO.

Beginning with SMART CARDS and ending with implantable microchips.

Biochip Implants: High Tech/Top Secret Projects – Library of Rickandria

If anyone will have the means and know-how to put the 666 "Bear Claw/Bar Code" on every man, woman and child on the planet, it would be him.

Does he:

"Breathe life into the Image of the BEAST?"  

Will this now living machine have the power to kill on sight all those who will not take the M.A.R.C.C. (Multiple Automated Readable Computer Chip) of the B.E.A.S.T. (BATTLE ENGAGEMENT AREA SIMULATION AND TRACKING) computer?

On a final lighter note, with all this terror, and so many with the means to cause so much damage on a global scale, affecting all of Mankind for generations to come, who gets my ultimate vote for the real anti-Christ?

He is actually a:

  • horrible
  • hideous
  • giant purple

reptilian invader - with the power to hypnotize and destroy the minds of countless adults and steal the souls of countless generations of our children.

Occult Reptilian Saga – Library of Rickandria

Insidiously taking otherwise bright, intelligent active brains and turning them to oatmeal...

I put all the jagged pieces of this horrifying puzzle together and the terrifying realization swept over me... you got it!


The Georgia Guidestones - Do they contain the Ten Commandments of the Anti-Christ?

by Dr. David R. Reagan from LambLion Website recovered through WayBackMachine Website

Several years ago, I conducted a Gospel meeting in Toccoa, Georgia. 

While I was there, I decided to check on a rumor I had heard about a mammoth granite monument that supposedly had been erected in the nearby town of Elberton in March 1980.

The New Age Movement

According to the rumor, the monument had been paid for by a mysterious group affiliated with the New Age Movement, an international amalgamation of Humanist societies whose aim is to prepare the way for the coming of "Lord Maitreya," a Messiah who will save the world.

The guiding force behind the movement is the Lucis Trust located at the United Nations Plaza in New York.
The movement has been well documented in Constance Cumby’s book "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow."

This is the same group that ran full page ads in all the leading U.S. newspapers in the spring of 1982 announcing, "the Christ is now here" and will soon reveal himself.
The group also runs ads in magazines promoting a special Humanist prayer.

The New Age Monument

I was able to confirm that the remarkable monument truly does exist. 

It is located on the highest point in Elbert County, about seven miles outside the town of Elberton, Ga.
It is 20 feet high, taller than the monoliths of Stonehenge in England. 

It consists of 951 cubic feet of granite which weighs an estimated 245,000 pounds. 

The center stone and capstone contain slits and holes that are designed to provide astronomical observations of the:

  • sun
  • moon
  • stars 

These are patterned after similar ancient pagan shrines in Europe.

The monument is dedicated to an "Age of Reason."

The statement:

"Let these be Guidestones to an Age of Reason."

is carved on each side of the capstone in four dead languages:

  • Sanskrit
  • Egyptian Hieroglyphics
  • Babylonian Cuneiform

and Classical Greek. 

The four major granite slabs that radiate out from the central stone contain the ten commandments of the New Age of Reason.

The commandments are presented in the eight languages which are spoken by two-thirds of Mankind: 

  • English
  • Russian
  • Hebrew
  • Arabic
  • Hindi
  • Chinese
  • Spanish

and Swahili.

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The New Age Commandments

The ten commandments are as follows:

  • Maintain humanity under five hundred million in perpetual balance with nature
  • Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity
  • Unite humanity with a living new language
  • Rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason
  • Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts
  • Let all nations rule internally, resolving external disputes in a world court
  • Avoid petty laws an useless officials
  • Balance personal rights with social duties
  • Prize truth, beauty, love...seeking harmony with the infinite
  • Be not a cancer on earth...leave room for nature...

The Finances

The project was financed by a mysterious man who identified himself only as "Mr. R. C. Christian." 

He admitted that was not his real name, but he refused to reveal his true identity to anyone except the president of the local bank in Elberton.

He stated that he represented:

"A small group of loyal Americans who believe in God."

He said they lived outside of Georgia and simply wished to:

"Leave a message for future generations." 

He claimed the group had planned the project for more than 20 years.
Despite intensive investigations by many news agencies, the identity of R. C. Christian and his group has remained a secret to this day.


Based on my study of the New Age Movement, I have no doubt that the Georgia Guidestones are an expression of the basic philosophy of that movement.

Since Satan is using that movement to herald the emergence of a universal False Messiah, I can only conclude that the Georgia Guidestones may well contain the ten commandments of the Anti-Christ.

Look at how ominous the very first commandment is:

"Maintain humanity under five hundred million in perpetual balance with nature."

There are 5 billion people on the earth today.
To implement this first commandment, 4.5 billion people will have to be eliminated!

Commandment 4 makes it clear that all true Christians would be a clear target of any elimination program, because Christians give primacy to faith.

Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria

Commandment 2 is an expression of the Nazi concept of controlled reproduction of the species.

Commandments 2, 5, 7 & 8 are the cornerstones of centralized, world government.

Commandment 9 is an expression of the essence of most oriental, mystical religions.

Further Evidence

Lest there be any doubt left as to the motivation of "R. C. Christian" and his group, consider the following quotation taken from a philosophical document which the group sent to the builder of the monument.

"It is very probable that humanity now possesses the knowledge needed to establish an effective world government. 

In some way that knowledge must be widely seeded in the consciousness of all mankind. 

Very soon the hearts of our human family must be touched and warmed so we will welcome a global rule of reason."

Note the exaltation of human reason and the emphasis on world government as the only hope for Man.

The document refers to the monument as:

"a cluster of graven stones’ whose purpose is "to convey our ideas across time to other human beings . . .

We hope they [the commandments] will merit increasing acceptance and that through their silent persistence they will hasten in a small degree the coming Age of Reason."

From The Georgian Guidestones Website 

Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God

It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind. - Thomas Paine

Persecution is not an original feature in any religion; but it is always the strongly marked feature of all religions established by law. - Thomas Paine

Question with boldness even the existence of God; because if there be one, He must approve the homage of Reason rather than that of blindfolded Fear. - Thomas Jefferson

It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods, or no God. 

It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. - Thomas Jefferson

Christianity... (has become) the most perverted system that ever shone on man.... Rogueries, absurdities and untruths were perpetrated upon the teachings of Jesus by a large band of dupes and importers led by Paul, the first great corrupter of the teaching of Jesus. - Thomas Jefferson

The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves... these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ. - Thomas Edison

I almost shudder at the thought of alluding to the most fatal example of the abuses of grief which the history of mankind has preserved - the Cross

Consider what calamities that engine of grief has produced! - John Adams

The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. - John Adams

The Government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion. - John Adams

The Christian religion not only was at first attended with miracles, but even at this day cannot be believed by any reasonable person without one. - David Hume

During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. 

What has been its fruits? 

More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution. - James Madison

What influence in fact have Christian ecclesiastical establishments had on civil society? 

In many instances they have been upholding the thrones of political tyranny. 

In no instance have they been seen as the guardians of the liberties of the people. 

Rulers who wished to subvert the public liberty have found in the clergy convenient auxiliaries. 

A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate liberty, does not need the clergy. - James Madison

I can hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother, and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished. 

And this is a damnable doctrine. - Charles Darwin

One does well to put on gloves when reading the New Testament. 

The proximity of so much uncleanliness almost forces one to do this. - Friedrich Nietzsche

It is a farce to call any being virtuous whose virtues do not result from the exercise of its own reason. - Mary Wollstonecraft


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Antichrist - The Contemporary Data (

The Book of ANTICHRIST - Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (

The Merovingian Dynasty: Satanic Bloodline of the Antichrist & False Prophet – Library of Rickandria

The Lost Tribe of Dan: The Early Jewish & Christian View of the Identity of the Antichrist – Library of Rickandria

Fake Invasion - The Fake Rapture (The Alien Agenda: Coming Soon) (

Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria

Prince William is the Antichrist, Future King of One World Government – Library of Rickandria

BLOODLINES – Library of Rickandria

Prophet Yahweh, Electronic Mind Control and Public Deception (

WHO IS MAITREYA? – Library of Rickandria

Additional Information 

The Future of Ahriman and the Awakening of Souls - by Peter Selg

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2012 London Olympics and Prince William as 'Anti-Christ', Heir to Jesus Christ Bloodline - False Flag R.Clay

March 2012 from Exopolitics Website

Rik Clay (1982-2008) Murdered in June 2008 shortly after his broadcast on Red Ice radio. 153 KB View full-size Download

"Rik Clay walks us through his staggering research that indicates that there is a Trinity Event of the Ages looming for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.

"The only video of its kind that presents Rik Clay's work in this way."

Prince William as the continuation of the Jesus Christ bloodline (Anti-Christ).

Queen Elizabeth Windsor's Diamond Jubilee in 2012.

Rik Clay was assassinated in June 2008, shortly after the release of this program on Red Ice radio.

Here is the full 2-hour audio interview with Rik Clay on Red Ice radio:

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Extraterrestrial False Flag Operation – Library of Rickandria

Lucis Trust – Library of Rickandria

The Merovingian Bloodline: The Lost Kings – Library of Rickandria

Nostradamus – Michel de Notredame – Library of Rickandria

All About Project Blue Beam – Library of Rickandria

The Ashtar Command – Library of Rickandria

The Council of Nine – Library of Rickandria

Divine & Manipulative Extraterrestrials: Effects on Humanity’s Religions, Beliefs & Others – Library of Rickandria

White (Solar) Brotherhood – Library of Rickandria

Gods & Religions on Planet Earth – Library of Rickandria

The Dark History of the Vatican – Library of Rickandria

New Age Movement – Library of Rickandria

The Family – Library of Rickandria

The Sauce: