The Echelon Network

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ECHELON - Covertly Run Government Terrorist Organization

ECHELON is a name used in global media and in popular culture to describe a signals intelligence (SIGINT) collection and analysis network operated on behalf of the five signatory states to the UKUSA Security Agreement.

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • the United Kingdom

and the United States, known as:

The "Five Eyes", often abbreviated as "FVEY"

These countries are bound by the multilateral UKUSA Agreement - a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.

ECHELON - Covertly Run Government Terrorist Organization

by Patrick S. Poole Excerpts from Nexus Magazine Aug/Sept 1999 from MindControlForums Website

This covertly run Government terrorist organization is designed to monitor and manipulate EVERY citizen.

Whoever or Wherever You Are!

I fully believe that one day the (Anti-Society) ECHELON Citizen Spying Network will be dismantled by the people brick by brick.

just the same as the Berlin Wall. George Farquhar - Oct 1999

The US National Security Agency's Global Citizen Spying Network. Menwith Hill, North Yorkshire, England. 300 KB View full-size Download

The U.S. NSA - Echelon is now being widely expressed in the mainstream media. However, these propaganda issues are in fact a major cover-up of the real issues that the US National Security Agency are perpetrating against Humanity. This Black Government "Silent Weapons" technology has been developed to monitor the location and manipulate the minds of EVERY citizen - Wherever or Whoever you are! 69.8 KB View full-size Download


Echelon Links To other expose web sites on the net

Additional Information

Patrick S. Poole is a lecturer in government and economics at Bannockburn College in Franklin, Tennessee, USA, having previously served as deputy Director of the Center for Technology Policy in Washington, DC. He contributes frequently to several publications on topics of privacy and civil liberties.

The Sauce:


ECHELON - America's Secret Global Surveillance Network
ECHELON Interception System - Report European Parliament
ECHELON - The Global Eavesdropping Scheme Dwarfs Murdoch's "News of The World"
ECHELON - The Menwith Hill Site
ECHELON Today - The Evolution of an NSA Black Program
Exposing The Global Surveillance System
Five Eyes Governments Ganging Up on Tech Companies to Break Encryption
Global Spying" - Washington's "Weaponized Data" System
Hooked Up to The Spy Network - The UKUSA System
Inside Echelon - The history, structure and function of the global surveillance system known as Echelon
On The Existence of The ECHELON Interception System - European Parliament Report
Project Echelon
Secret Archives - National Security & Privacy
Signals Intelligence and Human Rights - The ECHELON Report
Silent Partners - The UKUSA Agreement
Somebody's Listening - ECHELON or Project P415
The ECHELON Report - Signals Intelligence and Human Rights
The Five Eyes - The International Syndicate that Spies on the Entire World
Unmasking the Five Eyes' Global Surveillance Practices

Additional Information

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