Scalar Electromagnetics Technology

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Table of Contents:

Scalar Energy - A Completely New World is Possible

Scalar Weapons - Treachery of the Scientists

What is "Scalar Electromagnetics

Scalar Energy - A Completely New World is Possible

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by Bill Morgan July 22, 2003, from Rense Website

The greatest scientific discovery in the history of the world has happened over the last few decades and it has gone largely unnoticed because of the great secrecy with which it has been held by all who know of it.
It is the discovery of a completely new kind of electomagnetic waves which exist only in the vacuum of empty space, the empty space between the atoms of our bodies as well as the empty space we see in sky at night. All of empty space.

These waves constitute a kind of ocean of infinite energy, and it has now been discovered that this abundant energy can be coaxed to pour into our 3-dimensional world from their 4-dimensional realm, to be used to:

  • do work
  • provide electricity
  • power all transport
  • heal the body of almost all disease

This is the new world of scalar electromagnetics, the zero-point energy, the energy of the absolute nothingness which existed before the world began.

To understand the incredible implications of this phenomenal discovery is to realize that a completely New World is possible for mankind, a future never before dreamed possible.
It could be a world of abundance everywhere, of endless free energy, pollution-free, and a world of cheap universal healthcare, in which actual healing takes place instead of mere treatment, and for most ailments, without the load of chemicals of the pharmaceutical industry.
It could be a world in which a huge portion of this world's massive suffering could be relieved.

These new waves of energy are called "longitudinal" EM (electromagnetism) to distinguish them from "transverse" EM, the kind we are familiar with in our daily life, which power our cell phones and pagers, television and radio broadcasts, microwave ovens, and so on.
Rather than modulating in 3-dimensions they are modulating in the direction they are going, accordion-like, that is, along the axis of time, the 4th dimension.
What this means is still a mystery to me, but one important facet of this new discovery in the new field of "scalar electromagnetics" is the discovery that time itself is compressed energy, compressed by the factor of the speed-of-light-squared.
Does that sound familiar? It brings to mind Einstein's E = mc2.
Matter itself is also compressed energy, and compressed by the same factor as scalar energy is compressed in time. So the discovery of scalar electromagnetics is that we can tap and use the immense energy existing in the ocean of time.

This amazing discovery is announced and described by foremost U.S. scalar scientist Tom Bearden on his website
I spent about six months poring over the papers and briefings there, despite being a layman and not understanding the high physics and mathematical formulas of it. But I could glean enough to know that, if Bearden is correct, this discovery of the zero-point energy was in fact and without doubt the greatest discovery in human history.

This discovery will completely change our understanding of physical and "non-physical" reality. And it could lead to heaven, and it could lead to hell, because the incredible powers of these new longitudinal waves can, and already HAVE BEEN harnessed in the creation of the most stupendous weapons the world has ever seen.
The least of them, the longitudinal interferometer or "Tesla howitzer," could bring down, in a single shot, a huge building the size, say, the World Trade Center towers, and is being used daily to engineer and change the weather over North America.
The Russians are probably the most advanced in the development of these kinds of weapons, but the Chinese are catching up as well.
Once you have the know-how building a Tesla howitzer is relatively cheap, the key is in the know-how, knowing how to manipulate, modulate and intersect the longitudinal waves at-a-distance. You can be anywhere in the world and deliver a shot to anywhere else in the world with a Tesla howitzer.
All nations now developing these new electromagnetic weapons do so in great secrecy, so mankind at large remains unaware of the danger into which it has fallen. It should be noted that this discovery of the longitudinal waves of the vacuum of space is not so new as it might seem.
Nikola Tesla is generally considered the father of scalar electromagnetics.
Tesla's name for this energy, also called "scalar energy" or "zero-point" energy was "Radiant Energy."
Tesla worked in the first half of the last century and was clearly a genius of the highest order. Unfortunately Tesla was quite paranoid about others stealing his inventions and so, with his photographic memory, kept most of what he knew in his head rather than write it down.
But he made a free energy device called the "Tesla turbine," and even converted an automobile to run on the "radiant energy."
At Tesla's death the government swooped in immediately and confiscated what writings and papers there were. So, many of Tesla's secrets were lost to humanity, and in fact, repressed by the powers that be.
Even at that early period there were powerful interests working to keep these discoveries secret. The last thing the oil companies or the energy cartels want is free energy for everybody! That would mean their own demise.

Through scalar electromagnetics it will become possible to engineer physical reality directly, even to engineering at the molecular level, creating new "impossible" molecules and even transmuting elements.
It will be possible to make radioactive waste non-radioactive.
This new science will unlock the secret of gravity, and thereby the secret of anti-gravity allowing us to manufacture our own "UFOs." It will allow the cure of cancer and AIDs.
I guess if I had to name the four most important implications of the discovery of longitudinal waves it would be these:

The solutions to the energy crisis and the "oil problem" are in hand. These oil-wars are completely unnecessary. There is endless energy available freely from the domain of time.
Unbelievably powerful weapons are not only possible, but are already operating in several nations. The many powers of these weapons are unprecedented and mind-boggling.
The cure of diseases such as cancer and AIDS, in fact nearly any disease, has become possible within a few years of sufficient funding. Everyone can be made healthy and stay healthy.
Mind control on a mass scale has now become possible, and the machines to do it are already in place in certain nations. It has become possible to mentally enslave whole populations with the twist of a few dials.

Yes, that's right, the new waves are in fact the kind of waves the mind itself uses in its operations, and so there will be implications in the realm of both mind control and education.
Thoughts/feelings can be induced, even from afar, in target subjects, portending possible terrible uses in mentally enslaving people, or putting them into a happy trance, or making them apathetic, or even inducing sheer fear and panic.
On the other hand, it will be possible to learn about any subject by merely "downloading" the knowledge directly into the human mind. A person might become a PhD. in a matter of months rather than years.

Other more offbeat possibilities would be "drug machines" which could induce a variety of euphoric happy states, a wide spectrum of consciousness altering effects which allow all drug users to get off their drugs. Why use drugs when those effects are available electromagnetically at the turn of a dial?
Once the mind grasps the fundamental discovery it just runs wild thinking of the vast spectrum of things which will become possible.

But for mankind at its present juncture two aspects of longitudinal waves are supremely important: the matter of free-energy, and the terrible scalar weapons. If the government continues to suppress and hold back the secret of free energy from the vacuum, then the world continues to be locked into this direction we are going of the oil wars, as various powers seek to secure all the remaining oil supplies for themselves.
In reality, the cost of the current war could easily have covered the research and development which would make the whole planet free of the need to burn oil! We are now spending 4 billion dollars a month in Iraq to take over their oil to the benefit of corporate America.
The real benefit to the people of America would be to have a Manhattan-style project to develop scalar energy on a large scale and begin the changeover to a new oil-free era of world prosperity. But this will wipe out the oil companies and they are a demons that will not go down without a fight.

The Disclosure Project of Dr. Stephen Greer seeks, in part, to force disclosure by the secret agencies of the government to disclose this technology, which it holds highly classified, for the betterment of humanity.
Witnesses, many of them military or ex-military, have given testimony that such technology exists and is being held secret from the people.
This may classify as one of the greatest crimes against humanity, and history may very well judge it to be so. While keeping this technology of free-energy secret, they are secretly developing it into the worst weapons the world has ever known. It is epic evil worthy of Dr. Faust.

The secret testing of these scalar devices may also explain a lot of mysteries going on, like the crop-circles and the glowing orbs of lights in the sky increasing seen throughout the world.
According to Tom Bearden, it was a scalar accident that caused the Chernobyl disaster.
He also points out quite a number of sightings by trained pilots of "cold explosions" at sea which send up huge mushroom clouds of water vapor miles into the sky, or other sighting of giant glowing hemispheric electromagnetic domes, also called "Tesla shields."

So once again, as at the dawn of the nuclear age, mankind is faced with a discovery that could lead to its own destruction, in the hands of evil or stupid men, or could lead to an incredibly better world, free of fossil fuels, filled with healthy people, and with plenty enough of everything to go around.

For a longer "Bearden for Beginners" information see "Scalar Wars - The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics".

The Sauce:

Scalar Weapons - Treachery of the Scientists

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from GodIsLivingInJapan Website

Eight U.S. Space Rockets Were Destroyed Possibly by Soviet Tesla Lightening Weapons in the Past 19 Months; Soviet Moles inside the U.S. Government and Pro-Soviet Scientists Prevent the U.S. from Developing New, More Effective Weapons 

At one time, the late Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev attempted to intimidate the American people by saying,
"We shall bury you." He also declared, "The U.S. will eventually fly the Communist red flag."
Today, a considerable number of American scientists, politicians, bankers, corporate executives, etc. are strategically and actively supporting and cooperating with the Soviet Union.
In short, they are providing the Kremlin with the shovel to bury the U.S.
Eight U.S. Rockets Were Destroyed in the Past 19 Months
There is clear evidence to prove that the U.S. rockets were deliberately assaulted and annihilated.
The Atlas-Centaur, which blew up over Cape Canaveral, Florida, on March 26, 1987, carried a very important strategic defense very important strategic defense satellite. It was the target of a Soviet electromagnetic attack.

Beginning with the explosion of a Titan-35-D rocket in 1985, then the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986 and the demolition of the Atlas-Centaur on March 26, 1987, the U.S. has lost eight rockets in mysterious accidents. This chain of accidents is unheard of in the history of U.S. space programs. These destroyed rockets were related to the U.S. strategic defense program.

The Washington Times of March 27, 1987 reported:

"The latest devastating NASA failure cost taxpayers' $161 million. The 137-foot rocket veered off course at 14,250 feet altitude and a halfmile two Atlas-Centaurs left in NASA's inventory."
The destroyed rocket, which cost $83 million, had many functions, one of which was to provide vital strategic communication links to be used in the event of war.
The "Fleet SatCom" satellites controlled by the U.S. Navy are used to communicate with command centers and ships at sea and with fighters and ground forces stationed around the globe. These satellites also serve as an emergency communication link between the President and the field officials posted all over the world.

This "Fleet SatCom" satellite destroyed on March 26 was part of a group of strategic military satellites which are used to replace older, worn-out satellites. Generally speaking, satellites are supposed to operate for five years, but four out of the five artificial satellites that are in space at present have been in orbit for more than five years.

The Washington Post of March 28, 1987, reported:

"Of more than 2,000 rockets launched from Cape Canaveral in more than three decades, only one is known to have been hit lightning after launch."

When a bolt of lightning barely touched a Saturn V rocket, the electrical system immediately returned to normal conditions and "the Apollo 12 crew continued on their mission."

The seven consecutive U.S. space disasters intensified criticism by the American people and Congress against the space agency. However, in spite of the careful management and operation of the space agency, the Atlass-Centaur was demolished by "something like a bolt of lightning."

The Washington Post of March 31, 1987 stated:

"A four-stroke flash of lightning struck within two miles of the launch pad at the Cape, seconds before the rocket's steerable engines swerved 'hard cover,' pushing it off course and sending it tumbling. That flash was observed between 48 and 53 seconds after launch, at 40 millisecond intervals."

John Busse, director of Flight Assurance at Goddard Space Flight Center, said:

"Just before the rocket veered off, traveling faster than the speed of sound..., a microphone in the nose cone detected a sound that drove it 'off scale' and batteries in the Atlas first stage and the Centaur second stage showed 'major electrical transients' of variations."

Busse also stated:

"The rocket's digital computer unit then issued commands to the engines that sent the rocket tumbling out of control."

Busse concluded:

"There certainly are a lot of strong indications electromagnetic phenomena are associated with the failure of Atlas-Centaur 67... it could be lightning, a vehicle-induced static charge and other things I'm not smart enough to talk about."

(NASA is aware of Soviet electromagnetic attack, but no NASA people will admit this because if they did, they could be fired by pro-Soviet elements within the U.S. government.)

The Washington Times of April 17, 1987 reported: "The fact-finding committee for the rocket disaster discovered that nine lightning strikes hit the AtlasCen5taur before it broke apart."

The odds are very slight for more than one natural lightning stroke to directly hit a rocket's tiny nose cone within a few seconds.

The newspaper also reported:

"Investigations are at a loss to explain how the lightning strikes caused the onboard computers to send a hard-cover command issued to the Atlas booster engine and caused the rocket to mysteriously veer off course and out of control. It was as if it received a special encoded command from the ground. Natural lightning would have simply knocked out the computer and caused it to immediately lose power to some extent, but it never issues any commands to the engines."

Natural Lightning and Tesla Lightning

Man-made lightning (Soviet Scalar Weapons System) uses a technique developed by Nikola Tesla, a great scientist and inventor.

As the explosion of seven U.S. rockets that has occurred since August 25, 1985 shows, scalar weapons can easily destroy rockets in flight. The events related to the demolition of the Atlas-Centaur rocket which occurred on March 26, 1987 provides strong evidence of the use of Tesla-scalar weapons.

Tesla spent most of his life generating controlled lightning and any high school student could obtain a Tesla Coil and generate lightning on an experimental scale.

Before the Soviets began to use their Tesla Magnifying Transmitters constantly in 1976, the Journal of Geophysical Research published an article written by Dr. B.N. Turman. It stated,

"U.S. military intelligence satellites reported sighting monster lightning bolts over the U.S.S.R. The 'superbolts' were thousands of times more power to about 10 trillion watts and total energies of more than one billion joules. Prior to these U.S. satellite sightings, the most powerful natural lightning bolts ever recorded were only 10 billion watts and contained total energies of one million joules."

On April 12, 1978, a group of Canadian scientists associated with the Planetary Association for Clean Energy (P.A.C.E.) published that the Soviet Tesla Magnifying Transmitter at Gomel,

"has been known to emit alone, or in conjunction with a Riga facility-since October 14, 1976, Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) magnetic signals at a strength of up to 40,000,000 watts."

P.A.C.E. also reported that there is a Soviet-controlled Tesla Magnifying Transmitter in the eastern part of Havana, Cuba. 

Immediately before August 25, 1985 when the first of the eight U.S. rockets exploded, a group of Soviet scientists "withdrew a paper on microwave generation, which was scheduled to be presented at an international conference in Europe."

Dr. William A. Barletta of the Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory in California explained that these Soviet scientists suddenly decided that their documents were classified.

Soviet Moles Inside the U.S. Government Prevent the Development of American-made Tesla-Weapons
The thought pattern of U.S. government high officials who are involved with important defense matters has prevented the development of U.S. Tesla-scalar weapons and many other strategic techniques.

The New York Times of April 23, 1985 stated:

"A little-known technical agency in the Defense Department has assumed a pivotal role in pushing the U.S. towards revolutionary technologies that are neglected or even opposed by the military services and leading industries. It is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA."

"...DARPA had played a key role in developing some of the nation's most advanced technologies (ranging from cruise missiles to the futuristic weapons)."

Despite these facts, the agency has refused to develope some advanced technologies.

"Anthony R. Battista, a senior staff member of the House Committee Armed Services, said DARPA had ... sometimes been timid ... refusing to undertake some projects until they were rammed down its throat by the committee."
Senator Malcolm Wallop, one of the few patriots left in the U.S. Congress, is one of the leading supporters for the SDI programs. Senator Wallop criticized DARPA, saying,

"The agency has been spending money on technologies... whose relevance to weaponry is at best tendentious, while neglecting to develop new weapons technologies that could make a major difference in military operations."

At a 1981 lecture, Col. Bearden stated,

"There are Soviet moles, in my opinion, in our intelligence communities, and one of their primary jobs is to see that this kind of technology is not allowed to be developed in the United States of America. And they have been very successful."
Surrender Mentality Is Spreading In U.S. Scientific Community

The Washington Post of May 11, 1984 reported that Frank Press who served as President Carter's science adviser said,

"...the times call for a new type of interaction with Soviet scientists... one based on cooperation by outstanding working scientists in the forefront in 'non-sensitive' fields of science in which the two countries are the most advanced in the world."

Since a large number of leading ultra-liberal politicians and scientists are active in providing the Soviets with the latest U.S. advanced technology, there is a fierce controversy over the real meaning of "highly important scientific fields."

The New York Times of November 4,1985 stated:

"More than 1,600 scientists and nearly 1,200 graduate students have pledged to reject research funds for work related to the Regan Administration's plan for a space-based missile defense system..."

The newspaper continued:

"The organizers said they hoped to discourage scientists from accepting research funds from the Government program intended to develop techniques and devices to destroy enemy missiles before they could hit the United States."

"The campaign has been particularly successful in physics departments... More than half of the physicists at 23 institution have signed a pledge not to accept research funds under the U.S. SDI missile defense program. Among the institutions are Cornell, Columbia, Harvard, the Univ. of Illinois, Stanford..."

The New York Times also reported that science graduate students of 90 universities participated in this pro-Soviet campaign to block the development of the SDI. Extensive activities of these U.S. scientists are a horrifying threat to U.S. survival. The mentality of surrender and appeasement to the Soviets has spread far and wide among U.S. technical specialists who have vital knowledge about the U.S. defense.

The New York Times of July 1, 1985 stated that many U.S. and Soviet scientists who "work in military laboratories" are holding meetings to exchange information and ideas regarding scientific research and development.

Dr. Theodore B. Tailor, a retired American nuclear bomb physicist, explained the U.S.-Soviet scientists' meetings,

"On one level here are two sets of scientists sharing a sense that they are both working on weapons for the same reason... And they feel friendly... There's a sense of camaraderie. It's a matter of shared experience."
U.S. Scientists Support Soviet Efforts to Dig America's Grave

A large number of U.S. scientists are actively working in order to help the Soviets order to help the Soviets develop their technologies. The Soviets use the technology developed by U.S. scientists in the development of their latest weapons system.

Dr. Andre Gsponer, the director of the Geneva-based Independent Scientist Institute made the following comments on the U.S.-Soviet scientific cooperation.

"American and Soviet arms researchers are secretly working at CERN, the 6,000-person European Laboratory for particle physics, which is just outside Geneva, Switzerland."

The New York Times stated: "Collaborations between weapons scientists of East and West extend to powerful particle accelerators." Some scientists comment that "these atom-smashers are 'a potential tool for the development of a powerful beam weapon."

The New York Times reported:

"One focus of military interest in CERN is antimatter, according to Dr. Gsponer. The laboratory now has the most powerful machine in the world for producing antimatter particles, which are identical to regular particles of matter in mass and spin but have the opposite electrical charge. The military's interest stems from the great energy released when particles of matter collide with those of matter... Reactions between matter and antimatter produce a complete liberation of huge energy... Antimatter weapons for the destruction of enemy missiles and warheads were one of the possibilities cited by an early Pentagon inquiry on creating a U.S. shield against incoming missiles."

A group of U.S. scientists joined their Soviet counterparts at a special antimatter weapons conference held at Tigness-Savuie, France, in January, 1985. Among the U.S. participants were some researchers from the U.S. "Los Alamos Weapons Laboratory."

The New York Times of January 20, 1987 reported:

"When matter and antimatter particles collide, they are transformed into pure energy, mainly in the form of gamma rays. The process liberates all the latent energy the particles contain and is many times more efficient than that power of atomic and hydrogen bombs."

The Soviet Union is now developing antimatter weapons for mass destruction through secret research - all with the assistance of U.S. scientists - facts of which the average person is ignorant.

[Survival - IN THE 21st CENTURY Things Japanese and Provocative Information]

The Sauce:

What is "Scalar Electromagnetics

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by Rick Andersen on July 1997 from TWM Website

Scalar EM is the brainchild of Lt. Col. (retired) Thomas E. Bearden, a systems analyst and wargames specialist who has been advocating a view of electromagnetics which is based on the notion of a vast, unseen background of scalar energies (as opposed to vector energies) which underlay all physical reality.

What electrical engineers work with today, claims Bearden, is a subset of a higher-topology EM. Bearden claims that the four "Maxwell's Equations" taught today in electrical engineering are actually an over-simplified subset of Maxwell's original work. The pruning was done by Oliver Heaviside in the late 19th century; Heaviside took Maxwell's original equations, written in Hamilton's quaternions (related to what we nowadays call spinors), and "simplified" them by lopping off the scalar part of the complex numbers, leaving the easy-to-work-with vector part intact-- which radio engineers loved. After all, the entire electronics industry as we know it grew out of the telephone/radio technologies of the early 1900's. Who can argue that the "vector" approach is inadequate?

Well, Bearden says that when Heaviside threw out the scalar part of the quaternionic EM equation, he unknowingly threw out the possibility of unifying gravitation with electromagnetism-- which has been a holy grail for scientists since Einstein himself wrestled with the problem. That's because the scalar part of the quaternion, according to Bearden, was the part that captured or modeled the "stress on the aether"-- which leads to curving/warping spacetime a la Einstein. Tom Bearden says we CAN unify gravity with EM, and convert back and forth between them, if we understand how vectors and scalars relate to one another and what the ramifications are.

Vector fields can evidently be assembled by properly interfering scalar potentials (predicted in 1903-4 by mathematician E.T. Whittaker and probably engineered by the Soviets).

Conversely, scalar fields can be created by destructively interfering vector fields, in a nonlinear medium. Varying the vector components rhythmically produces what Bearden calls "scalar waves". These ripples in spacetime are believed to induce a wavelike stress in the "aether"; this in turn leads to engineering the structure of pure space and/or mass in a localized area -- in other words, implementing General Relativity (spacetime curvature) on the lab bench!

Tom Bearden has gone on record, in several of his books published in the 1980's, to proclaim that the former Soviet Union had created a fantastic arsenal of mind-bending weaponry based on this scalar technology, which they called "energetics" and which Bearden claims was developed from certain discarded ideas originated by Nikola Tesla. Now that the Cold War is apparently over, we're not sure how Bearden views his previous assertions, but we note that he has turned his attention away from Soviet scalar weapons and toward the production of "free energy" from the vacuum of space, using the principles of optical phase conjugation, but in a more generalized mode.

Here is the point:

If Bearden is correct in his Scalar EM theory, then we can build devices which would enable us to alter gravity, time, inertia, and the apparent mass of an object. This of course has ENORMOUS implications for military applications, space-vehicle drives, time-travel, teleportation, paranormal phenomena, and just about every other area one can think of.

The Big Question is, Will the 21st century see the acceptance, development, and implementation of Bearden's ideas (in plain public view, mind you), or will Scalar EM be found to have been just another dead end?.... Do certain world governments have these devices NOW?... Bearden says at least "three other nations, not hostile to the U.S.," now possess Scalar technology.

The Sauce:

Antoine Priore - The Bordeaux Magnetic Machine
Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons - Fer de Lance
Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency
Death of The Arrow DC-8
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Ecocide from Space
Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effects
Electromagnetic Mind Control - Special Report
EMP Attack and Solar Storms - A Guide
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GWEN Network - The Ground-Wave Emergency System
GWEN Towers - Total Control
Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons
Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects
Non-Lethality - John B. Alexander, The Pentagon's Penguin - Psychic Warfare and Non-Lethal...
Nonlethal Weapons and Capabilities - 2004 Council on Foreign Relations Report
Non-Lethal Technologies - Progress and Prospects - 1999 Council on Foreign Relations Report
Outside The Box" - Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy Technologies for the 21st Century
Project Woodpecker
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy for Cancer and Pain
Remote Behavioral Influence Technology Evidence
Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)...
Researcher explains How Electromagnetic Fields Damage your Health
Scalar Wars - The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics - Main File
Scalar Weapons - Read It and Weep
'Smart Meters'... The New Silent Killer
Some Aspects of Anti Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons
Soviet Phase Conjugate Directed Energy Weapons
Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons
Terraforming Planet Earth and Human Consciousness with Electromagnetic Interference
The Electromagnetic War on Humanity
The Energy Field War on Humanity
The Genius of Nikola Tesla - Main File
The HAARP Project - Main File
The Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Explained
The Russian Woodpecker - HAARP Technology
The Tesla Howitzer
Timeline - Electromagnetic Weapons
Twelve Things You Should Know About Scalar Weapons
UFO" sightings and Energy Weapons of Mass Destruction
U.S. Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights
Was The Chernobyl Disaster a Revenge for The Russian Woodpecker?
Weather Warfare - Main File

Who Has The Scalar Weapons? - Scalar Weapons Proliferation Presents Danger to All Life on Earth, Far...
Woodpecker Beams Intersect over North America 

Additional Information

A Current US Program of Involuntary Human Experimentation
Americans Suffering From 'Possibly-Imaginary Sensitivity to Wi-Fi' Run for Radio-Free Zone in The Hills of...
An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025  - An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and...
Antimatter Weapons
Are Any of These Earthquakes Being Caused by Scalar Weapons?
Bioelectric Terrorism - Analysis of Possible Threat
Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation - Main File
Cetacean Beachings Correlate with Geomagnetic Disturbances in Earth’s Magnetosphere - An Example of...
Commission to Assess The Threat to The United States From Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack
Danger of Microwave-Based Communications Systems - Barrie Trower's Presentation to the Irish Doctors...
Decloaking Pathogens With Low-Frequency Sound
Digital TV - Mind Control by The Sound of Silence
Discovery of The Biofield - A Different Type of Magnetism?
Do You Believe in Government Mind Control?
Electrogravity - Major Scandal Brewing in US of Global Implications
Electromagnetic Field Intolerance - An Epidemic in The Making
Electronic Harassment Effects - The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology
EMR - Electromagnetic Radiation Weapons - As Powerful as the Atomic Bomb
Energetics - Energy Medicine
Extraterrestrial Technologies and Viable Counter Strategies
Getting Prepared for An Electromagnetic Pulse Attack or Severe Solar Storm
Horrifying US Secret Weapon Unleashed In Baghdad
How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA
Intracerebral Radio Stimulation and Recording in Completely Free Patients
Living Cells Are Electromagnetic Units
Microwaving Iraq
Mind Control With Silent Sounds And Super Computers
New World Order ELF Psychotronic Tyranny
Non-Lethal Weapons: "Psychotronics" & "Silent Sound" ( - Main File
Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation - United States Patent 4,873,928
Our Oceans' Changing Electromagnetic Environment
Physiological Effects of Electricity
Potenza Picena Resolution
Protecting Yourself From Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Psychotronics - Main File
Radionics - Science of The Future
Report of The Commission to Assess The Threat to The United States From Electromagnetic Pulse Attack:
a -  Critical National Infrastructures
b -  Executive Report

Star Wars In Iraq
Star Wars, Star Trek and Killing Politely
Swimming Through The Ether - Notes on Homoeopathy & Radionics
Takyon Transform Technologies - Unified Field Devices
Tesla's Electromagnetic Pyramids
Timeline of Important Dates in the History of Electromagnetic Technology and Mind Control
The 1950s Secret Discovery of the Code of the Brain - U.S. and Soviet Scientists Have Developed...
The 2006 Government Mind Control Debate
The Final Flight of TWA 800 - Brookhaven-Montauk-Shoreham - A portrait in deception
The Hum - A Legacy from Nikola Tesla
The Invisible Third World War
The Kaznacheyev Experiments
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4
The Militarization of Space - Military Research Agendas for the Future
The Moscow Embassy Incident - EM Transmission
The Neurophone - from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
The New Energy - Main File
The Real Danger of Power Lines is Static Electricity That Causes Diseases
Total Population Control
TV Digital - El Control de La Mente Por El Sonido del Silencio
What Chemtrails Really Are
Wi-Fi Refugees' Shelter in West Virginia Mountains
Wi-Fi - The Invisible Killing Fields
Will Iraq Be World's First Electromagnetic 'Scalar' War?
You Really Can Protect Yourself Against Electromagnetic Radiation - It's True and Here's How


DevilVision - The World's New Wireless Grid - William J.Gallagher
Oblivion - America at the Brink - by T.E. Bearden
The Procrustean Approach - Setting Exposure Standards for Telecommunications Frequency...


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War In Heaven, War On Earth - Main File
Wisconsin Report - Complete Dr. Beter Audio Letters

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The Sauce:

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