One and done projects (or only occasionally done) One and done projects (or only occasionally done)
Rejuvenate our tables and chairs Note
Take pictures of gym mats set up in small hall and large hall for webpage Due: Mar 29, 2024
Take pictures of large mirror in small hall to promote martial art/classes Due: Mar 29, 2024
Prepare stuff for a Swap Meet Rummage Sale — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Note
Plan layout and snacks for Freecycle and Big Bin event May 5 — One and done projects (or only occasionally done)
Prepare tools and resources for projects — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Note
Hall Renovation itemizing — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Note
Clean kitchen cupboards (four in total) — One and done projects (or only occasionally done)
Take down holiday decorations — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Due: Jan 7, 2024
Finalize Holiday Event plans — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Note Due: Dec 10, 2023
Robyn K.
Organize Program Storage room: Holiday decor — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Note Due: Nov 19, 2023
Plan our Holiday Event — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Note Due: Nov 26, 2023
Robyn K.
Decorate the Hall for the holidays — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Due: Dec 3, 2023
Go through decorations for Dec (Tree and other stuff). Set up decorations in lobby - toss unusable items. — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Note Due: Nov 19, 2023
Clean the storage under the stage — One and done projects (or only occasionally done) Note