The Thule Society

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Table of Contents:

History of the Thule Society

The Thule Society

The Thule Society & the Real Adolf Hitler

The Thule Society and the New World Order (NWO)

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History of The Thule Society

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From Wikipedia Website

The Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum 'Study Group for Germanic Antiquity', was a German occultist and Völkisch group in Munich, notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party.

Hitler, however, was never a member of the Thule Society. [Information below suggests otherwise]


The Thule Society was founded August 17, 1918 by Rudolf von Sebottendorff, a German occultist, as the Munich branch of the Germanenorden, a secret society a.k.a. the "Order of Teutons" (1912).

Rudolf Glandeck von Sebottendorff (

Von Sebottendorff later claimed that he originally intended the Thule Society to be a vehicle for promoting his own occultist theories, but that the Germanenorden pressed him to emphasize: 

  • political
  • nationalist
  • anti-Semitic


Since this claim was made while the Nazis were in power and von Sebottendorff had little to gain by denying anti-Semitism, it may well be true.


A primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race.

"Thule" was a land located by Greco-Roman geographers in the furthest north.

The society was named after "Ultima Thule" — (Latin: most distant North) mentioned by the Roman poet Virgil in his epic poem Aeneid, which was the far northern segment of Thule and is generally understood to mean Scandinavia.

Said by Nazi mystics to be the capital of ancient Hyperborea, they placed Ultima Thule in the extreme north near Greenland or Iceland.

The Thulists believed in the hollow earth theory.

The Hollow Earth Theory ( - Main File

The Thule Society counted among its goals the desire to prove that the Aryan race came from a lost continent, perhaps Atlantis.

The Thule-Gesellschaft maintained close contacts with followers of Theosophy and the followers of Helena Blavatsky, a famous Occultist during the second part of the 19th century.

Anthroposophical themes were common too, as the motto Der Weg ist in Dir - 'The Way is present in You', expresses. Self-realization and the supreme position of the human person were essential to the Thulists.


The Thule Society attracted about 250 followers in Munich and about 1,500 in greater Bavaria.

Its meetings were often held in the still existent Munich luxury hotel Vier Jahreszeiten ("The Four Seasons").

The followers of the Thule Society were, by von Sebottendorff's own admission, little interested in his occultist theories.

They were more interested in racism and combating Jews and Communists.

Exposed – Communism Is Jewish (

They are also said to have planned to kidnap the Socialist prime minister Kurt Eisner.

After the establishment of the Munich Soviet Republic, they were accused of trying to infiltrate its government and of having attempted a coup on April 30, 1919.

Spiritual War: The Battle 1919 (

During this attempt, the Soviet government took several members of the Thule Society hostage, and later executed them.

Münchener Beobachter newspaper

The Thule Society bought a local weekly newspaper, the Münchener Beobachter (Munich Observer), and changed its name to Münchener Beobachter und Sportblatt (loosely, Munich Observer and Sport Report) in an attempt to improve its circulation.

The Münchener Beobachter later became the Völkischer Beobachter (People's Observer), the main Nazi newspaper.

It was edited by Karl Harrer.

Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

In 1919, the Thule Society's Anton Drexler, who had developed links between the Society and various extreme right workers' organizations in Munich, together with Karl Harrer established the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), or German Workers Party.

Adolf Hitler joined this party in 1919.

Adolf Hitler (

By April 1, 1920, the DAP had been reconstituted as the National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), or National Socialist German Workers Party (generally known as the "Nazi Party").

Von Sebottendorff had by then left the Thule Society, and never joined the DAP or the Nazi party. 

Many other members of the Thule Society and/or DAP were later prominent in Nazi Germany, including:

Dietrich Eckart

Gottfried Feder

Hans Frank

Karl Harrer

Rudolf Hess

Alfred Rosenberg

Julius Streicher

Dietrich Eckart, who coached Hitler on his public speaking skills, had Mein Kampf dedicated to him.

While it has been claimed that Adolf Hitler was a member (The Occult and the Third Reich, Jean Michel Angebert, 1974. p. 9), there is no evidence for this claim; on the contrary, the evidence is that he never attended a meeting, as attested to by Johannes Hering's diary of Society meetings (Johannes Hering, "Beiträge zur Geschichte der Thule-Gesellschaft", typescript dated 21 June 1939, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, NS26/865, cit. in Goodrick-Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism, 1992 p.201.)
It is quite clear that Hitler himself had little interest in, and made little time for, "esoteric" matters.

Other members were:

Karl Fiehler

Wilhelm Frick

Michel Frank

Heinrich Jost

Wolfgang Pongratz

Wilhelm Laforce

Johann Ott

Hans Riemann

Max Seselmann

Hans-Arnold Stadler

Two well-known aristocrats in the group were Countess Hella von Westarp, a young woman who functioned as secretary, and Prince Gustav von Thurn und Taxis (both of these were among hostages abducted and executed by the Communist government in Munich in 1919).


After Hitler came to power, the Thule Society was one of many organizations suppressed.

When von Sebottendorff returned to Germany and published a book about the Thule Society, Bevor Hitler kam, he was arrested, and the book prohibited.

Nonetheless, it has been argued that some Thule members and their ideas were incorporated into the Third Reich. {The Occult and the Third Reich, Jean Michel Angeburt, Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1974, p. 9}

Some of the Thule Society's teachings were expressed in the books of Alfred Rosenberg.

Also, many of the occult ideas found favor with Heinrich Himmler who, like Hitler, had a great interest in mysticism.

Thule Society revived

A revived Thule Society is rumored to have met during the time of the Wagner festival in Bayreuth in 1966.

Among the participants was an American exchange student, Gene A. Statler, a distant relative of Gauleiter Hans-Arnold Stadler.

Statler's account of that meeting is contained in unpublished diaries which later became the property of magazine editor Raymond Palmer.

Conspiracy Theories

Like the Ahnenerbe section of the SS, and due to its occult background, the Thule Society has become the center of many conspiracy theories concerning Nazi Germany.

Such theories include the creation of spacecraft and secret weapons.

German Disc Aircrafts - 1922-1945 and Beyond ( - Main File

Because the group helped Hitler with his speaking skills, some have even suggested that the society somehow granted him magic powers that contributed to his later success.

Adolf Hitler: Son of the Morning Star (

It is also claimed that Thule-Gesellschaft possessed a psychic named Maria Orsic, who convinced them that the Aryan race did not originate on the Earth but came from Aldebaran in Taurus — some sixty-five light years away.

It is further suggested that Vril, Thule-Gesellschaft, and DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) all joined together at some point (perhaps 1919).

Thule Gesellschaft and The Vril Society (

DHvSS is said to have worshipped a German mountain goddess "Isias" as well as the Schwarzer Stein (Black Stone).

The Sauce:

The Thule Society

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excerpts from 'The Unknown Hitler' by Wulf Schwartzwaller from Crystalinks Website

The Unknown Hitler: His Private Life & Fortune - Anna’s Archive (

The Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society) was founded August 17, 1918, by Rudolf von Sebottendorff

He had been schooled in:

  • occultism
  • Islamic mysticism
  • alchemy
  • Rosicrucianism

and much else, in Turkey, where he had also been initiated into Freemasonry.

Communism & Freemasonry: The Red Dragon & the Black Beast (

Its original name was Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum (Study Group for German Antiquity), but it soon started to disseminate anti-republican and anti-Semitic propaganda.

A movement to promote Thulian ideas among industrial workers and to offset Marxism, was formed in August 1918 - the Workers' Political Circle with Thulist Karl Harrer as chairman.

From this came the German Workers' Party in 1919.

A year later this became the NSDAP under the leadership of Adolf Hitler

It had members from the top echelons of the party, including Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg, though not Adolf Hitler. 

Serbottendorff stated,

"Thule members were the people to whom Hitler first turned and who first allied themselves with Hitler."

The swastika flag adopted by the NSDAP was the brainchild of another Thulist, Dr Krohn.

Its press organ was the Münchener Beobachter (Munich Observer) which later became the Völkischer Beobachter (People's Observer).

The Thule Society is known to be closely connected to the Germanenorden secret society.

The Germanenorden was a secret society in Germany early in the 20th century. 

Formed by several prominent German occultists in 1912, the order, whose symbol was a swastika, had a hierarchical fraternal structure similar to freemasonry.

It taught to its initiates nationalist ideologies of Nordic race superiority, antisemitism as well as occult, almost magical philosophies.
Some say that the Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei (later the Nazi Party) when under the leadership of Adolf Hitler was a political front, and indeed the organization reflected many ideologies of the party, including the swastika symbol.

The Thule Society, another secret society with similar ideologies and symbols was also closely linked to this.

With the victory of the Nazi Party, the occult tradition was carried on in the Third Reich mainly by the SS, who Reichsfuhrer, Himmler, was an avid student of the occult.

An SS occult research department, the Ahnernerbe (Ancestral Heritage) was established in 1935 with SS Colonel Wolfram von Sievers at its head.

Occult research took SS researchers as far afield as Tibet.

Sievers had the Tantrik prayer, the Bardo Thodol, read over his body after his execution at Nuremberg.

Bardo Thodol - The Tibetan Book of the Dead (

National Socialism and the Third Reich represented a major attempt by high esoteric Adepts to re-establish a Culture based on the Laws of Nature, against the entrenched forces of anti-Life.

Nothing that ambitious had been tried since the founding of the American Republic by Masonic adepts.

Communism & Masonry: Two Fronts of the Jew World Order (

The Thule Society inner circle beliefs ...

Thule was a legendary island in the far north, similar to Atlantis, supposedly the center of a lost, high-level civilization.

Atlantis (

But not all secrets of that civilization had been completely wiped out.

Those that remained were being guarded by ancient, highly intelligent beings (similar to the "Masters" of Theosophy or the White Brotherhood).

The truly initiated could establish contact with these beings by means of magic-mystical rituals.

The "Masters" or "Ancients" allegedly would be able to endow the initiated with supernatural strength and energy.

Consciousness & Human Energy (

With the help of these energies the goal of the initiated was to create a race of Supermen of "Aryan" stock who would exterminate all "inferior" races.

The Alien Inferior Jewish Soul VS. the Superior Gentile Soul (

On April 6, 1919, in Bavaria, left wing socialists and anarchists proclaimed the Bavarian Soviet Republic.

The brains of the revolution were a group of writers who had little idea of administration.

Life in Munich grew chaotic.

The counter-revolutionary forces, the whites, composed of various groups of decommissioned soldiers known as "Frei Corps", equipped and financed by the mysterious Thule Society, defeated the Bavarian Soviet within a matter of weeks.

Many other decommissioned soldiers waited out the turbulence in barracks, Adolf Hitler among them. 

After the Bavarian Republic had been defeated by the Whites, in May, Hitler's superiors put him to work in the post revolution investigating commission.
His indictments injected ruthless efficiency into the kangaroo courts as he fingered hundreds of noncommissioned officers and enlisted men who had sympathized with the communist and anarchists.

He was subsequently sent to attend special anticommunist training courses and seminars at the University which were financed by the Reichswehr administration and by private donors from the Thule Society.

This led to an assignment in the intelligence division of the postwar German army, to infiltrate groups that could organize the working classes while the communists were weak.

On a September evening, 1919, Hitler turned up in the Sternecker Beer Hall where members and friends of the budding German Workers Party had gathered.

He quietly listened to the presentation by engineer Gottfried Feder, a Thule Society member, who talked about Jewish control over lending capital. 

When one of the other group members called for Bavaria to break away from the rest of Germany, Hitler sprang into action.
The astonished audience stood by while his highly aggressive remarks and compelling oratory swept through the room.

After Hitler had finished his harangue, party chairman and founder, Anton Drexler, immediately asked him to a meeting of the party's steering committee held a few days later.

He was asked to join the committee as its seventh member, responsible for advertising and propaganda.

Back in 1912, several German occultists with radical antisemitic inclinations decided to form a "magic" lodge, which they named the Order of Teutons.

The main founders were Theodor Fritsch, a publisher of an antisemitic journal, Philipp Stauff, pupil of the racist Guido Von List, and Hermann Pohl, the order's chancellor. (Pohl would drop out three years later to found his own bizarre lodge, the Walvater Teutonic Order of the Holy Grail.)
The Order of Teutons was organized along the lines of the Free Masons or the Rosicrucians, having differing degrees of initiation, only persons who could fully document that they were of pure "aryan" ancestry were allowed to join.

In 1915, Pohl was joined by Rudolf Blauer, who held a Turkish passport and practiced sufi meditation.

He also dabbled in astrology and was an admirer of Lanz Von Liebenfels and Guido Von List, both pathologically antisemitic.

Blauer went by the name of Rudolf Freiherr Von Seboottendorf.

He was very wealthy, although the origin of his fortune is unknown.

He became the Grand Master of the Bavarian Order, and he founded the Thule Society, with Pohl's approval, in 1918.

After the Bavarian communist revolution of 1918, the Thule Society became a center of the counterrevolutionary subculture.

An espionage network and arms caches were organized.

The Thule Club rooms became a nest of resistance to the revolution and the Munich Soviet Republic.

Journalist Karl Harrer was given the job of founding a political "worker circle".

He realized that the workers would reject any program that was presented to them by a member of the conservative "privileged" class. 

Harrer knew that the mechanic Anton Drexler, who was working for the railroads, was well-known:

  • antisemite
  • chauvinist
  • proletarian

With Drexler as nominal chairman, Harrer founded the German Workers Party in January 1919.

The German Workers Party was only one of many associations founded and controlled by the Thule Society.

The Thule was the mother to the German Socialist Party, led by Julius Streicher, and the right-wing radical Oberland Free Corps

It published the Munich observer, which later became the National Observer.
Hitler became the most prominent personality in the party.

He caused Harrer to drop out, and he pushed Drexler, the nominal chairman, to the sidelines.

He filled key positions with his own friends from the Thule Society and the Army.

During the summer of 1920, upon his suggestion, the party was renamed the National Socialist German Worker Party (NASDAP).

The new name was intended to equally attract nationalists and proletarians.

To go along with the new name his mass movement also required a flag with a powerful symbol.

Among many designs under consideration, Hitler picked the one suggested by Thule member Dr. Krohn: a red cloth with a white circle in the middle containing a black swastika.

Hitler wanted to turn the German Workers Party into a mass-conscious fighting party, but Harrer and Drexler were hesitant, due in part to their woeful financial situation.

The Thule Society was not yet supplying very much money, and no one seemed to know how to build up a mass party.

Hitler arranged two public meetings in obscure beer halls, and he drafted leaflets and posters, but there was no real breakthrough.

All of this changed dramatically at the end of the 1919 when Hitler met Dietrich Eckart.

Bolshevism: From Moses to Lenin (
Most biographers have underestimated the influence that Eckart exerted on Hitler.

He was the wealthy publisher and editor-in-chief of an antisemitic journal which he called In Plain German.

Eckart was also a committed occultist and a master of magic.

Magickal Evocation & Invocation (

As an initiate, Eckart belonged to the inner circle of the Thule Society as well as other esoteric orders.

There can be no doubt that Eckart - who had been alerted to Hitler by other Thulists - trained Hitler in techniques of:

  • self confidence
  • self-projection
  • persuasive oratory
  • body language

and discursive sophistry.

With these tools, in a short period of time he was able to move the obscure workers party from the club and beer hall atmosphere to a mass movement.

The emotion charged lay speaker became an expert orator, capable of mesmerizing a vast audience.

One should not underestimate occultism's influence on Hitler.

His subsequent rejection of Free Masons and esoteric movements, of Theosophy, of Anthrosophy, does not necessarily mean otherwise.

Why Hitler Destroyed Freemasonry (

Occult circles have long been known as covers for espionage and influence peddling.

Hitler's spy apparatus under Canaris and Heydrich were well aware of these conduits, particularly from the direction of Britain which had within its MI5 intelligence agency a department known as the Occult Bureau.

Revealed: How MI5 recruited an astrologer in plot to outwit Hitler | The Independent | The Independent
That these potential sources of trouble were purged from Nazi life should not be taken to mean that Hitler and the Nazi secret societies were not influenced by mystical and occult writers such as:

Madame Blavatsky

Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Guido Von List

Lanz Von Liebenfels

Rudolf Steiner

George Gurdjieff

Karl Haushofer

Theodor Fritsch

Although Hitler later denounced and ridiculed many of them, he did dedicate his book Mein Kampf to his teacher Dietrich Eckart.

A frequent visitor to Landsberg Prison where Hitler was writing Mein Kampf with the help of Rudolf Hess, was General Karl Haushofer, a university professor and director of the Munich Institute of Geopolitics.

Haushofer, Hitler, and Hess had long conversations together.

Hess also kept records of these conversations.

Hitler's demands for German "Living Space" in the east at the expense of the Slavic nations were based on the geopolitical theories of the learned professor.

Haushofer was also inclined toward the esoteric. as military attaché in Japan, he had studied Zen-Buddhism.

He had also gone through initiations at the hands of Tibetan Lamas.

Dalai Lama Betrays His Own People & Humanity (

He became Hitler's second "esoteric mentor", replacing Dietrich Eckart.

In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society.

The Vril Society ( - Main File

The lodge's objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to perform exercises in concentration to awaken the forces of "Vril".

Vril - The Power of the Coming Race (

Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician Gregor Ivanovich Gurdyev (George Gurdjieff).

Both Gurdjeiff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan Lodges that possessed the secret of the "Superman".

The lodge included:


Alfred Rosenberg



and Hitler's subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell.

It is also known that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff sought contact with Hitler.

Aleister Crowley (

Hitler's unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access to the "secret" psychological techniques of the esoteric lodges.

Brotherhoods & Secret Societies – Library of Rickandria

Haushofer taught him the techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan Lamas - and familiarized him with the Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon.

In the latter half of the previous century, intriguing hints about Tibetan secret teachings had been carried to the west by Helena Blavatsky, who claimed initiation at the hands of the Holy Lamas themselves.

Blavatsky taught that her Hidden Masters and Secret Chiefs had their earthly residence in the Himalayan region.

Secret Chiefs - Wikipedia

As soon as the Nazi movement had sufficient funds, it began to organize a number of expeditions to Tibet, and these succeeded one another practically without interruption until 1943.

Shambhala (

One of the most tangible expressions of Nazi interest in Tibet was the party's adoption of its deepest and most mystical of symbols - the swastika.

Communism in Nepal (

The swastika is one of mankind's oldest symbols, and apart from the cross and the circle, probably the most widely distributed.

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Swastika (

It is shown on pottery fragments from Greece dating back to the eighth century BC.

It was used in ancient:

  • Egypt
  • India
  • China 

The Navaho Indians of North America have a traditional swastika pattern.

Arab-Islamic sorcerers used it.

In more recent times, it was incorporated in the flags of certain Baltic states.

The idea for the use of the swastika by the Nazis came from a dentist named Dr. Friedrich Krohn who was a member of the secret Germanen order.

Krohn produced the design for the actual form in which the Nazis came to use the symbol, that is reversed, spinning in an anti-clockwise direction.

As a solar symbol, the swastika is properly thought of as spinning, and the Buddhists have always believed the symbol attracted luck.

The Sanskrit word svastika means good fortune and wellbeing.
According to Cabbalistic lore and occult theory, chaotic force can be evoked by reversing the symbol.
And so, the symbol appeared as the flag of Nazi Germany and the insignia of the Nazi party, an indication for those who had eyes to see, as to the occult nature of the Third Reich.

The Sauce:

The Thule Society & the Real Adolf Hitler

from ThreeWorldWars Website

The planning of the Second World War started when Adolf Hitler joined a secret society called the Thule Society in 1919.

It was in this group that he found the perverted beliefs that were later to lead him in his control of the German government.

In the Thule Society:

"... the sun played a prime role... as a sacred symbol of the Aryans, in contrast to... the moon, revered by the Semitic peoples.

The Fuhrer saw in the Jewish people, with their black hair and swarthy complexions, the dark side of the human species, whilst the blond and blue-eyed Aryans constituted the light side of humanity. ...

Hitler undertook to extirpate from the material world its impure elements."

In addition to sun (or light) worship, the Thule Society also practiced Satan worship:

"The inner core within the Thule Society were all Satanists who practiced Black Magic." 2

The Society was not a working-man's group as it included amongst its members:

"judges, police-chiefs, barristers, lawyers, university professors and lecturers, aristocratic families, leading industrialists, surgeons, physicians, scientists, as well as a host of rich and influential bourgeois.... " 3

The membership of the Thule Society also became the foundation of the Nazi Party:

"... the Committee and the forty original members of the New German Workers' Party were all drawn from the most powerful occult society in Germany—the Thule Society." 4

One of the founders of both groups, the Nazi Party and the Thule Society, was Dietrich Eckart:

"a dedicated Satanist, the supreme adept of the arts and rituals of Black Magic and the central figure in a powerful and wide-spread circle of occultists—the Thule Group. (He was] one of the seven founder members of the Nazi Party...."

Eckart claimed to be the initiator of Hitler into the secrets of Satan worship.

The Identity of Satan – Library of Rickandria

He is quoted as saying on his deathbed:

"Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! 

I have initiated him into the 'Secret Doctrine;' opened his centers in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. 

Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any German."

But it was not just the Thule Society that gave Hitler the support he needed to become the leader of the German government.

There were additional sources of Hitler's strength.

One who offered an explanation of Hitler's easy rise to power was Walter Langer, a noted psychoanalyst.

Langer wrote in his book The Mind of Adolph Hitler that it was his theory that Hitler was himself one-quarter Jewish and the grandson of a Rothschild.

Was Hitler a Rothschild? (
He wrote:

There is a great deal of confusion in studying Hitler's family tree.

Adolph's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber.

It was generally supposed that the father of Alois Hitler was Johann Georg Hiedler.... Alois, however, was not legitimized, and he bore his mother's name until he was forty years of age when he changed it to Hitler.

A peculiar series of events, prior to Hitler's birth, furnishes plenty of food for speculation.

There are some people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois.

Thyssen and Koehler, for example, claim that Chancellor Dolfuss (the Chancellor of Austria) had ordered the Austrian police to conduct a thorough investigation into the Hitler family.

As a result of this investigation a secret document was prepared that proved Maria Anna Shicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived.

At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild.

As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy, she was sent back to her home in Spital where Alois was born.

In a postscript in Langer's book, Robert G.L. Waite adds this comment:

"But even when Langer is mistaken and his guesses prove incorrect, he is often on the right track.

Consider his hint that Hitler's grandfather might have been a Jew.

There is no reason to believe the unlikely story told by Langer's informant that Hitler's grandmother Maria Anna Schickelgruber, a peasant woman in her forties from the Waldvietral of rural Austria, had had an intimate liaison with a Baron Rothschild in Vienna.

But Hitler had worried that he might be blackmailed over a Jewish grandfather and ordered his private lawyer, Hans Frank, to investigate his paternal lineage.

Frank did so and told the Fuehrer that his grandmother had become pregnant while working as a domestic servant in a Jewish household in Graz.

The facts of this matter are in dispute—and a very lengthy dispute it has been.

The point of overriding psychological and historical importance is not whether it is true that Hitler had a Jewish grandfather, but whether he believed that it might be true.

He did so believe and the fact shaped both his personality and his public policy."

It is possible that Hitler discovered his Jewish background and his relation to the Rothschilds, and aware of their enormous power to make or break European governments, re-established contact with the family.

Rothschild – Library of Rickandria

This would partially explain the enormous support he received from the international banking fraternity, closely entwined with the Rothschild family, as he rose to power.

Global Banking System – Library of Rickandria

One thing is certain, however.

Hitler started World War II by moving into Austria first. 

It has been theorized that he moved into this country for two reasons. 

First, he wanted to silence Dolfuss who Hitler believed knew that he was a descendant of the Rothschilds, and secondly, he wished to remove all traces of his ancestry from the Austrian records.

  1. Jean-Michel Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich
  2. Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Walter C. Langer, The Mind of Adolf Hitler
  6. Ibid.

The Sauce:

The Thule Society and The Real Adolph Hitler (

This last article shows the author either being completely clueless in the aspect of the truth about the Nazis & Adolf Hitler or like many researchers, they are a disinformation agent utilizing controlled opposition & painting Hitler & the Nazis - EVEN SATANISTS - in a negative light.

Once you learn the whole Jewish angle then you see the method in Hitler's "madness".

Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria

The Thule Society and the New World Order (NWO)

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by Steve Van Nattan from CephasMinistryLibrary Website

In past programs, we have stated that the New World Order could not have been realized had it not been for the intense activities of various secret societies throughout the world.

We have mentioned one world-wide secret society, the Brotherhood Of Death Society, whose symbol is the skull with two crossed bones.

The German Brotherhood of Death Society is the Thule Society.
Adolf Hitler joined this society in 1919, becoming an adept under the leadership of Dietrich Eckhart.

Later, the Thule Society selected Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order, as Eckhart revealed on his deathbed, saying,

"Follow Hitler; he will dance, but it is I who have called the tune.

I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers in vision, and given him the means to communicate with the powers."

(Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny, p. 91).

In August 1990, President George Bush announced that the world had now entered into a New World Order.

New World Order - Novus Ordo Mundi (

Shockingly President Bush is an adept in an American Brotherhood of...

the Yale Skull and Bones Society.

The Order of Skull & Bones ( - Main File

As we stated earlier, Bush's New World Order is virtually identical with Hitler's; the key connecting point is the common membership in their respective Brotherhood.

(Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81; Introduction To The Order, p.7).

We will study this connection in depth today.

Let us begin with a quick overview of the Thule Society, beginning with a study of its practices and relevant history.

They were Satanists who practiced Black Magic -- this means that they were:

"Solely concerned with raising their consciousness by means of rituals to awareness of evil and nonhuman intelligences in the universe; and with achieving means of communication with these intelligences."

(Ravenscroft, p. 161).
Concentrate on that seemingly innocent word, rituals.

Christians equate a ritual to a church service, thereby not understanding its occultic meaning.

The New Age Dictionary defines ritual as a "ceremony to restore balance with nature...and bring back lost harmony and sacredness."
Remember we are dealing with the Satanic world, where good is called evil and evil good.

The Satanic Revelation (

The sacredness mentioned here is a Satanic sacredness. 

Rituals literally are proscribed activities designed to allow demonic power to flow through the participants. 

These activities are proscribed chants, formula wordings, and carefully planned actions. 

As we noted last week, the effect is devastatingly powerful, as demonic force pours through the participants, delivering a counterfeit spiritual experience which literally transforms their lives. 

Never skip over the word ritual, as it is a word of Satanic power.
Thule members practiced a form of Sexual Magic derived from a lodge of which Aleister Crowley was a member.

Aleister Crowley (

Crowley was recognized as the foremost worshipper of Satan in the 19th Century.

"The origin of this...medieval magic...can be traced to a Freemason, Robert Little, who founded the Societas Rosicruciana in 1865..." (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 164-5).
While the actual sexual perversions which were practiced are too offensive to share, the results are not.

Author Ravenscroft stated that "indulgence in the most sadistic rituals awakened penetrating vision into the workings of Evil Intelligences and bestowed phenomenal magical powers." (Ibid. p. 167). 

This is the Thule Society.

Ravenscroft records its effect upon Hitler,

"...sexual perversion took a central place in [Hitler's] life... a monstrous sexual perversion was the very core of his whole existence, the source of his mediumistic and clairvoyant powers, and the motivation behind every act through which he reaped a sadistic vengeance on humanity."
(Ibid., p. 171).

Eckart's final act was to initiate Hitler into,

"a monstrous sadistic magic ritual... after which he was sexually impotent.

Hitler's impotency had a deep psychological foundation.

He knew sexual fulfillment through the extremes of sadism and masochism..."
(Ravenscroft, p. 155, 173).

This impotency delivered a final devastating blow to Hitler's psychological foundation, finally making him into the sadistic murderer that history knows.

Adolf Hitler (

Thule society believed in "communication with a hierarchy of Supermen -- The Secret Chiefs of the Third Order". (Ibid)

The quality which makes these beings supermen was occultic spirituality.

Further, they believed in Madame Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, which teaches that certain superman had survived the destruction of Atlantis with their higher levels of consciousness intact.

These supermen were Aryans.
These two beliefs combined into one through the Thule Society and Hitler, culminating into the Nazi Death Camps. (Ibid, p. 166). 

When one group of people incorporate into their spiritual belief structure that they are inherently superior to another group of people, it is inevitable that genocide will be attempted as soon as possible.
The Thule Society regularly held occultic seances, during which time they communicated with demons who were either masquerading as a dead person or who were just appearing as their guiding spirits. 

  • Dietrich Eckart
  • Alfred Rosenberg
  • Adolf Hitler

invoked the Anti-Christ into manifestation at the mediumistic seances of the Thule Group in Munich. (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 168)

Antichrist – Library of Rickandria
Eckert believed he had been told by his guiding spirit he would have the privilege of training the coming Great One, the Anti-Christ

From the beginning of their association, Eckert believed Hitler was Anti-Christ. 

Therefore, Eckert spared no occultic knowledge, ritual, or perversion in his attempt to fully equip Hitler for the role. 

Once the training was completed, Hitler believed he was,

"Born anew with that super-personal strength and resolution he would need to fulfill the mandate ... ordained for him." (p. Ravenscroft, p. 93-4)

Hitler literally equated this with the Christian claim to be born again.

Now, let us look at the Skull and Bones rituals and beliefs

Little is firmly known about Skull and Bones, because their secrecy since they were established in 1833 is as complete as any society in the world. 

However, they possess all the requirements of a true secret society.

  1. They were formed in secret and all their activities are carried out secretly.
  2. Membership is by invitation only. Potential members are carefully screened as to suitability before they are invited to join.
  3. The first night of the new member, who is called an initiate, is critically important. The initiate swears total obedience and loyalty to the secret society. This pledge is bound by serious oaths, some of whom would be deadly if actually carried out. The first night is also critically important as it bounds the initiate to the society by means of ritual, oaths, and confessions.
The Skull and Bones also incorporates sexual activities into their practices.

"The death of the initiate will be as frightful as the use of human skeletons and ritual psychology can make it..."
(Esquire Magazine, "The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones", Ron Rosenbaum, p. 89).

Sexual perversion is part of ritual psychology.

Ron Rosenbaum, author of the Esquire Magazine article, stated that on initiation night, called tap night,

"...if one could climb to the tower of Weir Hall, the odd castle that overlooks the Bones courtyard, one could hear strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb as the 15 newly tapped members were put through what sounded like a harrowing ordeal..."
(Esquire, September 1976, p. 86).

Further, [initiates]

"Lay naked in coffins and tell their deepest and darkest sexual secrets as part of their initiation."
(Esquire, p. 85).

These experiences in the coffins incorporated sexual pain and resulted in being born-again, into the Order, as we mentioned above. (Cooper, p.95) Powerful force charges through the participants of these ceremonies, transforming their lives dramatically.

This type ritual is classic Satanism.

Anton LaVey states, in his book The Satanic Rituals: Companion to the Satanic Bible, (p. 57)

"The ceremony of rebirth takes place in a large coffin... 

This is similar to the coffin symbolism found in most lodge rituals."
Make no mistake about it:

Any organization which utilizes this coffin ritual to simulate rebirth is practicing Satanism, including Skull and Bones.

The Skull and Bones believes that on the night of initiation, the initiate,

"Dies to the world and be born again into the Order..."
(Esquire Magazine, September 1977, p. 89).

Remember Hitler's belief that he had been born anew after his ritualistic initiation and training?

This term is a common one in occultism.

During the 1988 Presidential Campaign, a TV reporter asked Vice-President Bush if he were a Christian.

Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria

Bush initially stammered, but then said, "if you mean born again, then, yes, I am a Christian".

As born-again Christians carry out the ritual of water baptism by immersion to demonstrate that they have died to the old way of life and have been reborn into a new life, the occultists have their ritual to demonstrate the same life transformation.

Rosenbaum continues his expose' of the born-again experience,

"Then it's into the coffin and off on a symbolic journey through the underworld to rebirth, which takes place in room number 322. 

There, the Order clothes the newborn knight in its own special garments, implying that, henceforth, he will tailor himself to the Order's mission."
(Ibid., p. 89, 148).

This ritual description is as occultic as any I have read, and truly reveals the Skull and Bones as occultic.

One of the most sobering facets of this counterfeit born again initiation ritual is that the initiate swears to an allegiance to the Secret Order that transcends any allegiance later in life.
Author Bill Cooper captures this disturbing fact most succinctly,

The William Cooper Files (

"...Members of the Order (Skull and Bones) take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation or king or government or constitution, and that includes the negating of any subsequent oath which they may be required to take. 

They swear allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order...according to the oath Bush took when he was initiated into Skull and Bones, his oath of office as President of the United States means nothing."
(Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81-82).

Since the oath as President occurred after the Oath to Skull and Bones, it is not worth the paper on which it is printed. 

That kind of hold is powerful. 

Indeed, as Ron Rosenbaum began the research necessary to write his article for Esquire, he was warned about the power of Skull and Bones.

"The power of Bones is incredible. 

They have their hands on every lever of power in the country."

The only thing which is important to the Skull and Bones is their goal of a New World Order.

In conjunction with this understanding, remember one other Secret Society belief, i.e., the ends justify the means.

As Rosenbaum continued his research, he found definite links between Bones and the Bavarian Illuminists.

The Bavarian Illuminists were part of the original Masters of the Illuminati.

First, Rosenbaum discovered documents which detailed the origins of Bones back to Germany.
These documents stated, "Bones is a chapter of a corps of a German University..."

The document described at length its relationship with this German Secret Society (the Thule Society) which led to the founding of the Skull and Bones in 1832.

Secondly, Rosenbaum discovered that, "above the arched walls above the vault of the (Bones) sacred room, #322", is a painting of skulls surrounded by Masonic symbols. 

Above this painting is the slogan, in German, which means,

"Who is the fool, who the wise man, beggar, or king?

Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death."

Incarnation & Reincarnation (Transmigration) (

This means that only the works which one does in this life is what matters; in death, all men share the same fate.

This statement is very consistent with the teachings of Secret Societies, showing their Works-oriented philosophy.

Brotherhoods & Secret Societies – Library of Rickandria

Thirdly, Rosenbaum discovered a,

"Haunting photograph of the altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremberg that is closely associated with Illuminism. 

Haunting because at the altar room's center, approached through an aisle of hanging human skeletons, is a coffin surmounted by...a skull and crossed bones that look exactly like the particular arrangement of jawbones and thighbones in the official Bones emblem. {Finally}, the skull and crossbones was the official crest of another key Illuminist lodge..."
(Esquire, p.88).

It is shocking also when we realize that German Nazi death camp guards wore this emblem of Skull and Bones on the shoulders of their uniforms.

Without doubt, we have established Skull and Bones to be a Brotherhood of Death Society, which is itself tied into the Masters of the Illuminati.

Illuminati: Order of the Illumined Wise Men (

It is no wonder that Bush has been proclaiming the New World Order
Bush Clan & the New World Order (


We have studied the common philosophical and religious links between the German Thule Society and Skull and Bones. 

We now need to study the historical results of the attempt of the Thule Society to establish a New World Order. 

After the Thule Society selected Adolf Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order, they faced the problem of practical implementation of this goal.
They realized that their plans for world domination required control of military power of Germany; however, the military is controlled by those holding political power, and Germany was a democracy.

Therefore, the Thule Society created the Nazi Party.

The Guiding Spirits of the Thule Society became the Guiding Spirits of the Nazi Party.

In only 10 tumultuous years, Hitler gained high political office, from which he catapulted himself into the position of absolute dictator in 1933. In 1938, Hitler began the Final Solution of the Jewish problem by initiating the Holocaust.

Holocaustanity (
In 1939, Hitler initiated World War II, which lasted until Mid-1945. 

As I read the results, remember James' words,

"Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death."

By 1945, the occultic sin conceived by the Thule Society had come to full completion.

These are the results:

(Source is The Webster Family Encyclopedia, Volume 19, 1984, p. 492-3)

Enormous armies were mobilized around the world.

  • Russia 12,500,000 men
  • America 12,400,000 men
  • Germany 10,000,000 men
  • Japan 6,000,000 men
  • France 5,000,000 men
  • Britain 4,700,000 men
  • Italy 4,000,000 men
  • China 3,800,000 men
  • Canada 1,100,000 men
  • Total World-Wide Mobilization: 59,500,000 men
The death toll was almost incomprehensible.

  1. Russia 10,000,000 soldiers - 10,000,000 civilians
  2. Germany 3,000,000 soldiers - 500,000 civilians
  3. Japan 2,000,000 soldiers - 500,000 civilians
  4. Italy 330,000 soldiers - 80,000 civilian
  5. Britain 350,000 soldiers - 60,000 civilian
  6. France 200,000 soldiers - 200,000 civilian
  7. China 1,300,000 soldiers - (no estimate on civilian deaths)
  8. Poland 600,000 soldiers - 5,000,000 civilians
  9. America 390,000 soldiers (negligible civilian deaths)

Total human lives killed was: 18,200,000 soldiers and 16,300,000 civilians for 34,000,000 total deaths.

When you add 18,000,000 deaths from Hitler's Death Camps, you realize that over 54 million people lost their lives as the final result of the occultic practices and goals of the New World Order of that German Brotherhood of Death Society, the Thule Society.

The Real Death Camps & Holocaust (

The 6,000,000 Jewish deaths from Hitler's Final Solution represented two-thirds of the total world-wide Jewish population.

Hitler came close to winning WWII, but God's timing was not yet come.

Who Created God If God Created Everything? (

However, some of the after-effects of WWII served to set the stage for the current drive toward the New World Order.

Alice Bailey

Lucis (Lucifer) Trust (

states in her book, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, that the world must be united regionally before it can be united into one.

The Externalization of the Hierarchy (

Stalin repeated this concept shortly before his death in 1953.

Joseph Stalin: The rider of the 20th century Jewish Beast – Part 1 (

World War II certainly provided the impetus for this type of reorganization.

The World was reorganized militarily into NATO in Europe, the Warsaw Pact in Eastern Europe, and SEATO in Asia.

Economic regionalization also occurred along approximately the same lines.

Repeated cultural, economic, and religious regionalization's have been created since WWII.

The infant One-World Government was created as the United Nations, in 1948.

A similar effort was orchestrated after WWI as the League of Nations but was defeated.

One of the first actions of the United Nations was to create the nation of Israel, thus fulfilling God's prophecies to return her back to her Promised Land in the Last Days.

The Ultimate Delusion: United Nations (

Tremendous technological progress was achieved under the impetus of war.


The atomic bomb was created, as were the jet engine, the rocket, and modern telecommunications.

A Jewish Gift to Humanity: The Nuclear Nightmare (

New Age author, Allen Neuharth, in his book, Nearly One World, states that these inventions have brought the world to the threshold of a One-World Government, Economy, and Religion, i.e., the New World Order.

New Age Movement (

This brief review of the after-effects of WWII clearly shows much was achieved that set the stage for the current New World Order.

Let us now review some of the goals which Secret Societies today have for the New World Order.

Keep in mind that the Skull and Bones is the driving force and is the "first among equals" among all other Secret Societies and all other open organizations which are committed to this new order.

One World Government -- the only answer to man's problems.

One World Economy.

One World Religion -- Man's evil actions historically are ascribed to his divisions into many different religions.

Gods & Religions on Planet Earth (

Therefore, much emphasis is being laid on the re-uniting into one religion.

The current Ecumenical Movement is leading the charge toward this all-important goal.

In a seminar held in Boston in August 1991, the current New England Director of the Theosophical Society stated that, at the proper moment in world history the Roman Catholic Pope would travel to Jerusalem to address a world-wide religious conference. 

In his speech, he would declare all the world's religions to be united into One.

Thus, Alice Bailey's Plan, stated almost 50 years ago, would be realized, i.e., that the Great One would reinstate the Ancient Mysteries Religion as the New World Order Religion.

"These Mysteries, when restored, will unify all faiths."
(Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 573, written in 1946).

The Externalization of the Hierarchy (

One of the most basic plans after the New World Order is established is to reduce the world's population from its present 6 billion to 2 billion ... (Constance Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow).

Thus, birth control and abortion were early identified as necessary to begin reducing population.

Our current emphasis on man's devastating effects upon the earth and upon Global Warming and pollution are designed to convince people that only united, drastic action from the United Nations can save this planet from collapse.

How can this drastic reduction be achieved within this short time frame?

The basic answer is war.


Bailey, in her book, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 548, states that the atomic bomb will be turned over to the One-World Government and will be used against any nation who refuses to go along with the New World Order.
Bill Cooper, in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1 (

from his book, Behold A Pale Horse, quotes a document from the Bilderberg Secret Society, which is an offshoot of Skull and Bones.

The Bilderberg Group (

"Since most of the general public will not exercise [economic] restraint...[we must] take control of the world by the use of economic silent weapons in a form of quiet warfare and reduce [the dangerous levels of consumption] of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide."
(p. 49).
How could anyone ever think of slavery and genocide as being benevolent?

This was the precise thinking of Hitler as he was planning his New World Order

He was going to rid the world of all the undesirables by benevolent warfare. 

We reviewed the horrible results in the beginning of the pro-gram; however, these figures pale in comparison with the deaths of 4 billion people.

At this point, you may protest that the drive to the New World Order is being achieved peacefully.

This is true, and when it is fully achieved will fulfill Biblical prophecy which states 1 Thessalonians 5:3

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

The Truth About the Bible – Library of Rickandria

Further, these plans, if carried out, will also fulfill Biblical prophecy in Revelation 6:4

And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Book of Revelation & the End of Days Messiah – Library of Rickandria

Thus, we see that the New World Order goals of the Secret Societies, chief of which is Skull and Bones, when completed, would fulfill many Biblical Prophecies.

The Sauce:


Adolf Schicklgruber And the ‘Thule-Gesellschaft’ - from 'Secret Societies and Their Power...' by J. V. Helsing
Secret Societies and Their Power in The 20th Century - 6 (

Before Hitler Came - Thule Society and Germanen Orden (


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