Power of the Purse Volume 1 is a 4 hour and 50-minute documentary that details the history of how money has evolved from ancient times to the 21st century.
This film reveals important historical facts and information about the modern-day monetary system that the corporate media and the teachers indoctrinating our youth in the so-called public education (indoctrination) system refuse to talk about.
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Power of the Purse Volume 1 explores the following topics and much more:
Watch this epic documentary (4+ hours) & learn more about the $ystem.
Bonus material on the page, where you can learn even more about the kind of $ystem you're in
Find time to watch over 4 hours.
Maybe then, you understand why ALL of the U.S. Presidents are related & great grandsons of Charlamagne the Great as well as to a specific European Royal bloodline.
Unfortunately for ancient man, it was difficult to spot forgeries, as tin and other common metals could be passed off as rarer or more valuable metals like gold.
Not until the discovery of the touchstone could forgeries be easily spotted.
A touchstone is a small tablet of dark stone such as fieldstone or slate that leaves a visible trace on softer metals.
Assayers could then determine the true value of a particular metal.
The touchstone allowed nations like the Greeks and Romans to begin minting metal coins.
Coins were pre-weighed and pre-alloyed by government mints and stamped with their appropriate value.
As metal coins became a dominant medium of exchange in the ancient world, people known as money changers would emerge.
Money changing is a trade involving the exchange of coins in different denominations.
The trade would quickly become rampant with fraud, as money changers would charge excessive fees for the exchange of particular coins.
The money changers were forcing people to trade an excessive number of coins for special temple coins, which were the only type of coins allowed for use in the temple.
The obvious scam angered Jesus which prompted his swift action against the money changers.
Not only did money changers manipulate the monetary system for profit and gain, but governments in the ancient world would do so as well.
The Roman Empire over a period of many centuries would slowly devalue the metal content under coinage in order to pay for wars and the military expansion of the empire.
The debasement of Rome's money led to inflation and rising prices.
The Roman people who were consistently distracted with breads and unsustainable economic and military policies.
Historians agree that the devaluation of Rome's coinage combined with endless war and the overall degeneration of its society led to the eventual collapse of the empire in the fifth century.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church would emerge as the major unifying cultural force in Europe, with new localized rulers and leaders seizing power.
Many of these new rulers would have links directly back to the church itself.
Although the church would place a ban on some of the unethical practices of the money changers, these practices would not be entirely disbanded.
In fact, individuals in the goldsmith trade would continue and even perfect the use of these unethical money manipulations utilized by the money changers throughout the Middle Ages.
Typically, money changers were also goldsmiths who already possessed the resources to keep gold safe.
Since their trade required a means to keep gold safe, goldsmiths installed secure vaults in their place of business.
This allowed the goldsmiths to operate their business much like a modern-day bank, especially when paper became more commonplace throughout Europe.
Goldsmiths would store a customer's gold in their vaults for safekeeping and in return would issue the customer a paper receipt that the customer could use to reclaim the gold deposited.
Eventually, people began trading the receipts themselves as if they were as good as gold.
People found paper easier and more convenient to trade and carry than gold or silver.
This resulted in the birth of paper money.
The goldsmiths soon began to realize that only a small percentage of depositors would come back to reclaim their gold at any given time.
When people trained their own paper receipts as money, the goldsmiths began to cheat the system.
They began creating additional paper receipts even though there was not enough gold in reserves to back all of the paper receipts circulating.
The goldsmiths also began loaning out this paper money at interest.
In our words, the goldsmiths began loaning out money that they created which had no gold backing and forced the borrower to pay interest on thin air.
This marked the start of what is known as the Fractional-reserve banking system or the practice of loaning out more money than the bank actually has.
As we can see, the Fractional-reserve banking system is clearly rooted in fraud and deception.
In the Middle Ages, charging interest was considered immoral by Christians and Muslims alike.
In fact, during this time, the Catholic Church banned the practice with many Christians calling the practice a sin.
There are many references to the immorality of usury, or the charging of excessive interest found in both the Bible and in the Quran.
Yet with the Fractional-reserve banking system widely in use by the bankers of the 21st century, it is interesting to note that there is very low outrage from today's religious leaders over its practice.
Miniature from Matthew Paris's Historia Anglorum, c. 1253. The portrait is generic and depicts Henry holding the Church of Reading Abbey, where he was buried.
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View full-sizeDownload Henry I (c. 1068 – 1 December 1135), also known as Henry Beauclerc, was King of England from 1100 to his death in 1135. He was the fourth son of William the Conqueror and was educated in Latin and the liberal arts. On William's death in 1087, Henry's elder brothers Robert Curthose and William Rufus inherited Normandy and England, respectively, but Henry was left landless. He purchased the County of Cotentin in western Normandy from Robert, but his brothers deposed him in 1091. He gradually rebuilt his power base in the Cotentin and allied himself with William Rufus against Robert.
This system was established to create a form of money that could not be directly controlled by the money changers.
The tally stick system would become incredibly successful and actually remained in place for over 700 years until their use was finally officially ended.
The tally stick was a carved wooden stick that was broken in half lengthwise would not just cut on two opposite sides denoting their value.
One half was kept by the king and the other half was spent into circulation.
The halves could then be matched up later to prevent counterfeiting.
But why would anyone use a stick of wood as money?
The king would only accept tally sticks for payment of taxes which automatically created demand for the wood sticks despite the fact that they had no real value.
In our words, the tally stick system was an entirely fiat currency meaning that even though the sticks had no real intrinsic value, the government decree gave the sticks value.
The tally stick system would actually play a key role in the rise of the bridge empire because it ensured that there was a plentiful supply of money that was free for the manipulation of the money changers just as King Henry intended.
The Knights Templar, otherwise known as the Order of the Temple of Solomon, were a powerful economic and military order formed by French noblemen during the aftermath of the First Crusade.
On the surface, the Templar were set up for the purpose of protecting Christian pilgrims in their journey to the Holy Land.
They quickly grew favor amongst Christians and were eventually given a mandate by the Roman Catholic Church of fulfilling this very task.
Members of the Templar were required first to participate in secretive initiation rituals and vow themselves to a life of chastity and poverty.
Although the Order itself forbid it there was no such rule for the Order itself.
The Templar were considered a charitable organization by many European nations and were granted tax exempt status much like non-profit organizations today.
Their tax-exempt status and their military might eventually allow the Templar to accumulate a tremendous amount of wealth.
The Templar provided services for the safe transport of valuables for Christian pilgrims.
Pilgrims would visit a Templar house, depositing their valuables, and in exchange they would receive a letter describing their holdings.
During their travels, the Pilgrims could withdraw funds from other Templar houses.
This system is similar to the type of check system that is in use today and many historians credit the Templar for originating this very system.
Historical evidence indicates that even though the Templar passed themselves off as a charitable Christian organization to the public, they actually used it as a public relations front in order to justify several bloody crusades in the Holy Land.
It is also believed that the Templar engage in occult rituals that appear to have originated from the Jewishmystical teachings of the Kabbalah.
(Approaches to New Religions) Henrik Bogdan, Gordan Djurdjevic - Occultism in a Global Perspective-Routledge (2014).pdf
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Although a subject unto itself, it is interesting to note that during the crusades, the Templar would establish their headquarters at the Temple Mount, the site of where the ancient Temple of Solomon is believed to have originally existed.
The Temple of Solomon was named after the biblical king of the Jews who was said to have had the ability to control spirits and demons using his knowledge of the Kabbalah.
The Templar's great wealth and power began to make them enemies.
European monarchs grew weary of their power and began to see them as a threat.
Finally, a plan was devised to bring down the sovereign order which had reigned for nearly two centuries.
Detail from a 1315 miniature
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View full-sizeDownload Philip IV (April–June 1268 – 29 November 1314), called Philip the Fair (French: Philippe le Bel), was King of France from 1285 to 1314. By virtue of his marriage with Joan I of Navarre, he was also King of Navarre as Philip I from 1284 to 1305, as well as Count of Champagne. Although Philip was known to be handsome, hence the epithet le Bel, his rigid, autocratic, imposing, and inflexible personality gained him (from friend and foe alike) other nicknames, such as the Iron King (French: le Roi de fer). His fierce opponent Bernard Saisset, bishop of Pamiers, said of him: "He is neither man nor beast. He is a statue."
In the early 14th century, King Philip IV of France who had incurred great debts to the Templar sought a way to abolish the order.
On Friday, October 13th, 1307, Philip charged the Templars with heresy and had many members of the French Templar arrested, including the Templar leader, Jacques de Molay.
French Templar members were tortured and honored to arrest confessed to heresy.
In Paris, the arrests had grown into such a scandal, it forced Pope Clement V to issue an European Christian monarchs to arrest the Templar.
Portrait by Henri Serrur
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View full-sizeDownload Pope Clement V (Latin: Clemens Quintus; c. 1264 – 20 April 1314), born Raymond Bertrand de Got (also occasionally spelled de Guoth and de Goth), was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 5 June 1305 to his death, in April 1314. He is remembered for suppressing the order of the Knights Templar and allowing the execution of many of its members. A Frenchman by birth, Clement moved the Papacy from Rome to Avignon, ushering in the period known as the Avignon Papacy.
The arrest of the Templar was entirely unprecedented.
It would have been the modern-day equivalent of seeing every Fortune 500 chief executive officer arrested by the President of the United States.
Although the history of Freemasonry is mysterious, it is logical to conclude that the Templar had a profound influence in the formation of Freemasonry.
After all, the Freemasons have a youth organization called the de Molay, named in honor of the executed Templar leader.
Even after the dissolvement of the Templar, the charging of interest on money was severely frowned upon.
Many European Jews would enter the unethical business of money changing due to businesses refusing to hire them in regular crafts and trades.
It even became the official policy of the Roman Catholic Church to force Jews to live in segregated areas known as ghettos.
Pope Paul IV in 1555 issued a papal law creating the Roman ghetto where Jews were forced to live in seclusion and wear clothing to make them easily identifiable.
Portrait by an unknown artist close to Jacopino del Conte, c. 1556 – c. 1560
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View full-sizeDownload Pope Paul IV (Latin: Paulus IV; Italian: Paolo IV; 28 June 1476 – 18 August 1559), born Gian Pietro Carafa, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 23 May 1555 to his death, in August 1559. While serving as papal nuncio in Spain, he developed an anti-Spanish outlook that later coloured his papacy. In response to an invasion of part of the Papal States by Spain during his papacy, he called for a French military intervention. After a defeat of the French and with Spanish troops at the edge of Rome, the Papacy and Spain reached a compromise: French and Spanish forces left the Papal States and the Pope thereafter adopted a neutral stance between France and Spain.
This decree from the Pope would spawn additional Jewish ghettos throughout Europe as the Roman Catholic Church would for many centuries use the Jewish population as a public relations scapegoat.
Famed British scientist Sir Isaac Newton played a key role in British monetary policy.
Portrait of Newton at 46, 1689
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View full-sizeDownload Sir Isaac Newton FRS (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27) was an English polymath active as a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, and author who was described in his time as a natural philosopher. He was a key figure in the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment that followed. His pioneering book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), first published in 1687, consolidated many previous results and established classical mechanics.[8][9] Newton also made seminal contributions to optics, and shares credit with German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for formulating infinitesimal calculus, though he developed calculus years before Leibniz.
Although Newton is most well-known for his work in the fields of mathematics and physics, it is a lesser-known fact that Newton also spent much of his time studying the occult and in particular the ancient art of alchemy.
The ultimate goal of an alchemist is to take regular base metals and transform them into gold.
This ancient practice was said to have been mastered by King Solomon and used in order to furnish the gold for Solomon's temple.
Like other alchemists, Newton sought the philosopher's stone which was believed by alchemists to be the key to the transmutation of common metals to gold.
Newton kept his work on alchemy hidden because it was feared that the ability to change common metals into gold would vastly increase its supply and devalue the metal.
This type of study would have been considered heresy and punishable by death.
In fact, Newton's work in the study of alchemy wasn't made public until many years after his death.
In the 20th century, socialist economist John Maynard Keynes would purchase Newton's personal papers and after studying them would note the following.
Keynes in 1933
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View full-sizeDownload John Maynard Keynes, 1st Baron Keynes CB, FBA (/keɪnz/ KAYNZ; 5 June 1883 – 21 April 1946), was an English economist and philosopher whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments. Originally trained in mathematics, he built on and greatly refined earlier work on the causes of business cycles. One of the most influential economists of the 20th century, he produced writings that are the basis for the school of thought known as Keynesian economics, and its various offshoots. His ideas, reformulated as New Keynesianism, are fundamental to mainstream macroeconomics. He is known as the "father of macroeconomics".
Newton was not the first in the age of reason but instead was the last of the magicians.
Later in his life, Newton was appointed as master of the British Royal Mint where he was given the task of reforming their monetary system.
In 1717, Newton would implement his reforms by unintentionally creating while it later become the precursor to the modern-day gold standard.
Newton established a relationship between gold and silver coins that placed more value on gold than silver which caused an increasing amount of gold to flow into the country.
This was the first time in the western world that a country operated on the gold standard.
Even after Newton's death, nations began to utilize the gold standard by making paper notes directly exchangeable for quantities of gold.
In fact, this type of monetary system would become one most influential during the 19th century when most nations' monetary systems operate on a gold standard.
Although the gold standard is successful in limiting inflation, the value of gold can be more easily manipulated and controlled than silver which is a more plentiful metal.
Due to years of war, the English government sought financing, and the money changers were quick to offer a solution.
The end result was a privately owned central bank called the Bank of England in 1694 by Scotsman William Paterson.
William Paterson, from a wash drawing in the British Museum
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View full-sizeDownload William Paterson (April 1658 - 22 January 1719) was a Scottish trader and banker. He was the founder of the Bank of England and was one of the main proponents of the catastrophic Darien scheme. Later he became an advocate of union with England.
Although it was deceptively called the Bank of England, it was not a government entity.
In exchange for a 1.2-million-pound loan to the government, it was agreed that the bank would be incorporated as the Bank of England and have the privilege to issue bank notes.
In other words, the bank was given the authority to create money out of nothing through fractional-reserve banking.
Remember, this is the same scam that the Bank of England now had the legal authority to loan out more money than they actually had on the books.
In fact, only a little over half the necessary money to form the Bank of England was put up front to establish the enterprise.
The rest of the money was derived from granting loans and charging interest on money that was created entirely out of thin air.
The reason why the Bank of England is so important is because it became the model for future central banks.
Central banks follow a very simple process to facilitate money creation.
The government issues bonds or debt to the central bank and in return, the central bank buys the government debt with money that they create out of nothing.
Not only does this system create inflation, but the government is forced to pay interest to the central bank for the loans.
The end result is that the government loans are backed by taxes, which are used to pay interest in the loans back to the private central bank.
This type of system is an obvious fraud, which in the end makes the people debt slaves to an institution that creates money out of nothing.
The world of international finance would change drastically in the 1700s, primarily due to the Rothschild family.
The man who was bringing your money from Hamburg has been waylaid by the tax agents outside the city.
They heard he was bringing the money to Jew Street.
They might have killed him, but he got away.
He got away?
With the money?
No, they got it, Mr. Rothschild.
They got the money.
What? All of it?
All of it.
Did you hear the government?
Did you hear that all of you?
Ten thousand golden!
Our money that we've worked for!
Why doesn't the old mighty strike them dead?
Robert, don't get excited.
It's bad for you.
Now, listen.
You are young.
There are lies before you.
You've got to fight. Fight for yourselves.
Fight for our people.
Mama, I have to cheat the tax collector before my own children.
Do you think I want to do that?
I live honestly.
I trade honestly.
I want to be honest with them, but they won't let us.
We are Jews.
Taxed to death.
Forbidden to learn a trade.
Forbidden to own land.
They keep us in chains.
They send men here to rubbish.
So, work and stray for money.
Money is power.
Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
Born in 1744 in a Jewish ghetto, Mayer Amschel Rothschild is credited with starting what would later become an international banking dynasty.
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View full-sizeDownload Mayer Amschel Rothschild (23 February 1744 – 19 September 1812; also spelled Anschel) was a German-Jewish banker and the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. Referred to as a "founding father of international finance", Rothschild was ranked seventh on the Forbes magazine list of "The Twenty Most Influential Businessmen of All Time" in 2005.
Rothschild was even ranked 7th on Forbes magazine's list of the 20 most influential businessmen of all time in an article published on their website in 2005.
Forbes magazine credited Rothschild as being the principal founding father of the modern international finance system.
Even though his real last name was Bauer, he changed his name to Rothschild after placing a red shield in front of his Frankfurt, Germany coin shop that he had inherited from his father.
In German, Rothschild means red shield.
The term red shield appears to be a symbol in reference to ancient Rome as Roman soldiers would carry red shields into combat.
According to the Encyclopedia Judaica, the Rothschilds bear the title, Guardians of the Vatican's Treasury.
Like the Templar centuries before, it appears as if the Roman Catholic Church played an influential role in supporting the rise of the Rothschilds' banking empire.
Through his coin business, Rothschild quickly began to establish important contacts in the world of finance.
Like the money changers of the past, Rothschild became skilled in money creation.
He soon realized that it was more profitable to lend money to governments and kings instead of private individuals.
This was because loans provided to governments and kings were backed by taxes.
Rothschild would have five sons who he trained in the ways of money creation.
He sent each of his sons to a different city in order to set up a branch of the family banking business.
His eldest son, Amschel Mayer, would stay to run the business in Frankfurt.
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View full-sizeDownload Amschel Mayer Freiherr von Rothschild (12 June 1773 – 6 December 1855) was a German Jewish banker of the prominent Rothschild family. He was the second child and eldest son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), the founder of the dynasty, and Gutlé Rothschild née Schnapper (1753–1849).
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View full-sizeDownload Salomon Mayer Freiherr von Rothschild (9 September 1774 – 28 July 1855) was a Frankfurt-born banker in the Austrian Empire and the founder of the Austrian branch of the prominent Rothschild family.
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View full-sizeDownload Carl Mayer Freiherr von Rothschild (24 April 1788 – 10 March 1855) was a Frankfurt-born banker in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the founder of the Neopolitan branch of the prominent Rothschild family.
Portrait by Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin
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View full-sizeDownload Baron James Mayer de Rothschild (born Jakob Mayer Rothschild; 15 May 1792 – 15 November 1868) was a German-French banker and the founder of the French branch of the prominent Rothschild family.
Portrait by Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, 1853
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View full-sizeDownload Nathan Mayer Rothschild (16 September 1777 – 28 July 1836, also known as Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild, was an English-German banker, businessman and financier. Born in Frankfurt am Main, he was the third of the five sons of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his wife, Guttle (née Schnapper). He was the founder of the English branch of the prominent Rothschild family.
Rothschild instructed his sons to coordinate their business activities, which gave them a distinct advantage over other banking houses.
My sons, when I go, I leave you in your mama's care.
She is wise, far wiser than I, and good.
Do always, as she says, and you will grow rich.
Come closer.
Much money is lost through sending gold by coach from one country to another.
In times of war, it is seized by the enemy.
In times of peace, by thieves.
You are five brothers.
I want you each to start a banking business in a different country.
One to go and open a house in Paris, one in Vienna, one in London.
Choose the most important centers so that when money is to be sent from here to London, it is saying, you won't have to risk life and gold.
Hampshire, here in Frankfurt, will just send a letter to Nathan in London saying, hey, so and so.
And that will be offset by loans from London to Frankfurt.
In your day, there will be many wars in Europe.
A nation that has money to transport will come to the Rothschilds because it will be safe.
Papa, you mustn't talk anymore.
The doctor...
I'm giving advice to our sons, mama, that the doctor cannot give. Remember, unity is strength.
All your lives, you must stand by one another.
No one brother must be allowed to fail while another brother succeeds.
Our five banking houses may cover Europe, but you will be one firm, one family.
Rothschilds will work always together.
That will be your power.
And when that power comes, remember the ghetto.
I shall be here.
I shall never leave the house where they were all born.
And remember this before all, that neither business nor power nor all the gold in Europe will bring you happiness until we, our people, have equality, respect, dignity.
To trade with dignity.
To live with dignity.
As Europe was plagued with wars, the British government became increasingly in debt to the privately run Bank of England.
They immediately sought money to pay the interest on the loans and looked to the colonies in America which were booming economically.
The colonies prospered because there was no central bank and they used money that was created interest free.
In addition, new monies were created only when required.
This system effectively shut the bankers out of the game as money was created for the benefit of the people and not for the profit of private interest.
The bankers realized that they could not allow the colonies to continue creating their own money as it served as a bad example for the rest of the world.
In 1764, the British government passed the Currency Act which forbid the colonies from creating their own money and declared that taxes could only be paid in gold and silver coin.
Since gold and silver coinage at the time was not readily available in the colonies, an immediate shortage of money occurred, and the colonies plunged into a depression.
Although excessive taxation by the British without proper representation was one of the reasons for the Revolutionary War, it was not the primary cause.
The colonists recognized the importance of having control over the issuance of money and blamed the Currency Act for hard economic times that followed.
Eventually, in 1776, the colonies would craft the Declaration of Independence and shortly after, the Revolutionary War would begin.
After the Revolutionary War began, the colonies sought to finance the war by issuing a fiat currency called the Continental Dollar.
Unfortunately, the Continental Dollar had no tangible backing and was easily counterfeited.
This resulted in widespread currency devaluation and the popularization of the phrase, not worth a continental.
The mismanagement of the Continental Dollar was largely the reason as to why the Constitution would later mandate that states only use gold and silver as money.
The founding fathers forgot that the proper management of a fiat currency worked and brought prosperity to the colonies prior to the American Revolution.
Colonial script proved that a fiat currency could work, but only if the fiat currency is managed responsibly and not created by a private bank for the profit of the bank's owners.
Due to the failure of the Continental Dollar, the atmosphere was ripe for a central bank to be sold to the Continental Congress.
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View full-sizeDownload Robert Morris Jr. (January 20, 1734 – May 8, 1806) was an English-born American merchant, investor and politician who was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He served as a member of the Pennsylvania legislature, the Second Continental Congress, and the United States Senate, and he was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the United States Constitution. From 1781 to 1784, he served as the Superintendent of Finance of the United States, becoming known as the "Financier of the Revolution." Along with Alexander Hamilton and Albert Gallatin, he is widely regarded as one of the founders of the financial system of the United States.
Posthumous portrait by John Trumbull, 1806,[1] from a life bust by Giuseppe Ceracchi, 1794
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View full-sizeDownload Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1755, or 1757 – July 12, 1804) was an American military officer, statesman, and Founding Father who served as the first U.S. secretary of the treasury from 1789 to 1795 during George Washington's presidency.
Morris was a financier with all sorts of international connections who profited immensely off of the Revolutionary War.
He was criticized by Thomas Paine and others for war profiteering and was even brought in front of a congressional committee in 1779 on charges of conducting improper financial transactions.
Portrait c. 1792
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View full-sizeDownload Thomas Paine (born Thomas Pain; February 9, 1737 [O.S. January 29, 1736] – June 8, 1809) was an English-born American Founding Father, French Revolutionary, inventor, and political philosopher. He authored Common Sense (1776) and The American Crisis (1776–1783), two of the most influential pamphlets at the start of the American Revolution, and he helped to inspire the colonial era patriots in 1776 to declare independence from Great Britain. His ideas reflected Enlightenment-era ideals of human rights.
Although clear to the charges, his reputation as the financier of the Revolution was marred.
Portrait c. 1803
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View full-sizeDownload George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) was an American Founding Father, politician, military officer, and farmer who served as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. Appointed by the Second Continental Congress as commander of the Continental Army in 1775, Washington led Patriot forces to victory in the American Revolutionary War and then served as president of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which drafted the current Constitution of the United States. Washington has thus become commonly known as the "Father of his Country".
Hamilton, who at the time was only in his early 20s and still serving in the military, would play a key role in the formation of the United States financial system years later as Treasury Secretary under George Washington.
As a powerful military aide to Washington, Hamilton would openly endorse Robert Morris as a man of integrity and how a central bank would be the solution to rampant currency devaluation.
Despite Morris' earlier reputation as an unethical war profiteer, he was appointed as Superintendent of Finance of the United States in 1781 as the colonists desperately sought some sort of solution to the problem of inflation.
Immediately, Morris advocated the formation of a central bank called the Bank of North America, which would be modeled after the Bank of England.
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View full-sizeDownload The Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom and the model on which most modern central banks have been based. Established in 1694 to act as the English Government's banker and debt manager, and still one of the bankers for the Government of the United Kingdom, it is the world's eighth-oldest bank.
On December 31, 1781, the Bank of North America was given its charter by the Continental Congress and would officially open for business on January 7, 1782.
Like the Bank of England, the Bank of North America was privately owned, was given absolute dominion over the nation's currency, and could participate in fractional reserve banking.
Despite promises that the central bank would stabilize the nation's economy, it did not, and the colonists grew increasingly weary of Morris' policies and the power he held as head of the bank.
Finally, in 1785, popular support won out, and the Bank of North America's charter was revoked.
A few years later, in 1787, the Founding Fathers drafted and approved the United States Constitution.
The document would be fully ratified a year later.
Due to rampant inflation plaguing the post-revolutionary war economy in the United States, the Founding Fathers included a provision in Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution forbidding states from emitting bills of credit and using anything but gold and silver for payment of debts.
By prohibiting bills of credit, the Founding Fathers hoped to create a sound money system that would eliminate the plagues of inflation that the colonies suffered as a result of the continental dollar.
Unfortunately, the Constitution did not take into account the dangers of a private central bank or fractional reserve banking, which opened the door for the Money Changers to take control of the nation's monetary system.
Despite the defeat of the Bank of North America, the Money Changers would not give up in their attempts to set up a central bank.
In 1790, Alexander Hamilton, who was now Secretary of Treasury, proposed the establishment of a new central bank called the First Bank of the United States.
Hamilton sold this new central bank with the same rationale that was argued for the creation of the Bank of North America, stating that it would establish financial order.
Much like its predecessor, this new central bank would again be modeled after the formula used by the Bank of England.
Hamilton placed several non-negotiable conditions within the proposal.
These included that the bank was to be a private company, would receive a 20-year charter in which no other federal bank would be authorized, and that foreigners would be allowed to be stockholders.
Hamilton was essentially attempting to set up a control mechanism that would allow the European financiers to control the United States government by controlling the monetary system.
If this wasn't the case, why would Hamilton insist on the bank being a private company that foreigners could invest in?
Many Americans, particularly those in the South, opposed the creation of this new central bank.
Americans feared that the bank would create a money monopoly and, like the Bank of North America, give too much power to a small group of people.
Portrait c. 1801
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View full-sizeDownload Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, planter, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. He was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Following the American Revolutionary War and before becoming president in 1801, Jefferson was the nation's first U.S. secretary of state under George Washington and then the nation's second vice president under John Adams. Jefferson was a leading proponent of democracy, republicanism, and individual rights, and produced formative documents and decisions at the state, national, and international levels.
This proposal drew criticism from Thomas Jefferson and others but was eventually passed by Congress and signed into law by George Washington.
This was a major victory for the European financiers, as Hamilton ensured that the control of US monetary policy would primarily be in the hands of private interests for the next 20 years.
Even worse is that the initial money to begin the bank was taken from the government's initial 20% upfront investment.
Through that investment, the bank used fractional-reserve banking to lend the money that would be used for private investors to put up the remaining 80% needed for the rest of the shares.
Not only were the shares obtained fraudulently, but the investors themselves were kept secret.
Just like the Bank of England, the first bank of the United States was designed to put the American people into perpetual debt.
Soon after the bank was given its 20-year charter, the US government began borrowing from the bank and would find itself in an increasing amount of debt just as the powers behind the bank's creation had planned.
The bank would only benefit its few unknown private investors, including Hamilton himself.
Hamilton was a banker, having founded the Bank of New York in 1784, which exists today as the Bank of New York Mellon.
Hamilton's involvement with the private banking industry, and his involvement as the Secretary of Treasury, would set the precedent of bankers dominating the US Treasury Department.
This practice has continued until present day.
Even though the bankers were successful in setting up their central bank, gold and silver would still play a key role in the US economy.
Alongside the establishment of the first bank of the United States, a national mint was established to strike coins.
The Coinage Act of 1792 established monetary units for coins, including the eagle and the dollar.
This piece of legislation actually defined the value of monetary units and established the dollar as the primary monetary unit of the United States and essentially put the dollar on a silver standard.
Knowing the history of the Roman Empire, the Founding Fathers included a provision that would impose the penalty of death on any employee of the mint caught debasing the coinage for their own personal gain.
In 1811, the first bank of the United States came under an increasing amount of criticism due to rising prices and increasing government debt.
When it was time to renew the charter of the bank, Congress decided not to do so.
As the United States broke free from their control of a private central bank, the money changers were not pleased.
Months later, the British, which had long since been controlled by the Bank of England, attacked the United States and the War of 1812 had begun.
The war would not go well for the British, as their primary focus continued to be on Europe, which was being ravaged by war.
The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries, 1812
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View full-sizeDownload Napoleon Bonaparte (born Napoleone di Buonaparte;[1][c] 15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821), later known by his regnal name Napoleon I, was a French military officer and statesman who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led a series of successful campaigns across Europe during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars from 1796 to 1815. He was the leader of the French Republic as First Consul from 1799 to 1804, then of the French Empire as Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1814, and briefly again in 1815.
In 1803, the third U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, and the French military leader Napoleon, would strike a land purchase deal called the Louisiana Purchase.
In the deal, the United States would give France a down payment of $3 million worth of gold in exchange for the rights of a large chunk of land west of the Mississippi River that stretched into the Rocky Mountains.
Napoleon decided it would be more prudent to use the funds from the sale to raise an army that would challenge the British than to seek French domination of North America.
Napoleon believed that the land would allow America to rise into a great naval power that would eventually challenge the British for naval superiority.
As Napoleon waged war in Europe, the financiers at the Bank of England would finance armies of their own to challenge him.
It was during this time that the Rothschild family would generate tremendous profits for themselves through numerous wartime investments.
Napoleon would eventually conquer most of Europe but would soon face disaster due to British attacks from Spain and a failed invasion of Russia.
In 1814, his army was finally defeated, and he was exiled to the island of Alba.
Soon after, in 1815, Napoleon escaped his exile and returned to France.
The troops hailed Napoleon as their emperor and France prepared for war yet again.
Napoleon quickly raised an army while the British and their allies scrambled to oppose him.
Finally, the decisive battle at Waterloo between the British forces led by Duke Wellington and the French forces led by Napoleon would take place.
Portrait, c. 1815–16
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View full-sizeDownload Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, KG, GCB, GCH, PC, FRS (né Wesley; 1 May 1769 – 14 September 1852) was an Anglo-Irish military officer and statesman who was one of the leading military and political figures in Britain during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, serving twice as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He is among the commanders who ended the Anglo-Mysore Wars when Tipu Sultan was killed in the fourth war in 1799 and among those who ended the Napoleonic Wars in a victory when the Seventh Coalition defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
Nathan Rothschild knew that the outcome of the battle would have important consequences for the future of his business.
Wellington's army would eventually defeat Napoleon, but Rothschild would learn of this news a full day before it arrived in London.
Rumors abounded in London that Napoleon had won and not Wellington.
Rothschild even began selling his stock, which contributed to the ongoing panic but was secretly buying the depressed assets through his agents for pennies on the dollar.
When official word came that Wellington had won and not Napoleon, Rothschild would soon not only dominate the London Stock Exchange, but the Bank of England as well.
The story of how Rothschild was able to learn Napoleon's defeat before anybody else is the subject of much debate.
Some have said that Rothschild or one of his trusted agents was present at Waterloo and managed to race back to London with information on the battle's outcome prior to the arrival of Wellington's courier.
Some believe the use of carrier pigeons enabled Rothschild to transmit information back and forth at a faster pace than anyone else.
This was depicted in the 1934 film, The House of Rothschild.
Buy, folks.
Yes, buy.
Have you had any news?
What do you think about this rumor?
I don't listen to rumors, Mr. Berring.
You hear what they say.
Wellington defeated.
You mind telling me what you're going to do?
I have no objection to all of them and what I'm going to do.
I'm buying. Mrs. Rothschild asked me to give you this.
Would you come here at the exchange?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Look at the rocks, sir.
Do you ever see such a cold-blooded fish?
It's a flower in his coat as he stands on the scaffold with a rope around his neck.
News just arrived.
Gee, that's hot.
Wellington victorious about to move.
Napoleon defeated.
The war is over.
Get over here.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Used for Waterloo.
Napoleon is beaten.
You've been over five.
Don't play tricks on us.
What? It is true.
Wellington has won one war.
How did you get the news?
Yes, how did you get the news?
By carrier pigeon, from the battlefield.
Now you know our secrets.
Now will you buy.
Buy it with every security you have.
Buy it without security.
Buy it with every security you have.
Buy it.
Buy it.
Historians for years have argued the specifics of how Rothschild obtained his great fortune following the Battle of Waterloo, but it is largely irrelevant.
Following Wellington's victory, the Rothschild family would become the richest in Europe and would dominate European financial affairs.
In fact, the Rothschild family became so wealthy that Nathan Rothschild would successfully bail out the Bank of England during the mid-1820s following a series of bank failures and a run at gold.
As a result of the War of 1812, inflation had increased due to private banks creating an excessive amount of paper money.
The U.S. government also found itself in a tremendous amount of debt due to its efforts to finance the war.
1816 portrait
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View full-sizeDownload James Madison (March 16, 1751 – June 28, 1836) was an American statesman, diplomat, and Founding Father who served as the fourth president of the United States from 1809 to 1817. Madison was popularly acclaimed the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.
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View full-sizeDownload The President, Directors and Company of the Bank of the United States, commonly known as the First Bank of the United States, was a national bank, chartered for a term of twenty years, by the United States Congress on February 25, 1791. It followed the Bank of North America, the nation's first de facto national bank. However, neither served the functions of a modern central bank: They did not set monetary policy, regulate private banks, hold their excess reserves, or act as a lender of last resort. They were national insofar as they were allowed to have branches in multiple states and lend money to the US government. Other banks in the US were each chartered by, and only allowed to have branches in, a single state.
However, under pressure to do something about the financial crisis, Madison would cave in and authorize the charter for the Second Bank of the United States.
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View full-sizeDownload The Second Bank of the United States was the second federally authorized Hamiltonian national bank in the United States. Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the bank was chartered from February 1816 to January 1836. The bank's formal name, according to section 9 of its charter as passed by Congress, was "The President, Directors, and Company, of the Bank of the United States". While other banks in the US were chartered by and only allowed to have branches in a single state, it was authorized to have branches in multiple states and lend money to the US government.
The Second Bank of the United States was really no different than the First Bank of the United States.
It was privately owned, its ownership was largely kept secret, it had the authority to create money out of nothing and could practice fractional reserve banking.
The bank was granted a 20-year federal charter.
Despite inflation and debt, the U.S. economy was starting to grow primarily due to the fact that Europe was still reeling from the Napoleonic Wars.
The Second Bank of the United States would immediately aid U.S. expansion by issuing an excessive amount of loans.
Then after issuing these loans and creating an economic bubble, the bank would call in many of its loans, thus contracting the money supply.
The sudden contraction in the money supply resulted in the Panic of 1819.
Portrait c. 1835
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View full-sizeDownload Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845) was an American lawyer, planter, general, and statesman who served as the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837. Before his presidency, he gained fame as a general in the U.S. Army and served in both houses of the U.S. Congress. Often praised as an advocate for ordinary Americans and for his work in preserving the union of states, Jackson has also been criticized for his racial policies, particularly his treatment of Native Americans.
Following almost a decade of market manipulation by the Central Bank, the American people had enough and elected Andrew Jackson, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans, as the seventh president of the United States.
Jackson was elected to office primarily on his promise to abolish the bank.
Jackson first started by firing large sums of government employees, hoping in part to remove corrupt government bureaucrats who were on the payroll of the bank.
Nicholas Biddle, the bank's president, knowing of Jackson's opposition to the bank, decided to seek a re-charter of the bank four years early.
Portrait by William Inman, c. 1830s
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View full-sizeDownload Nicholas Biddle (January 8, 1786 – February 27, 1844) was an American financier who served as the third and last president of the Second Bank of the United States (chartered 1816–1836). Throughout his life Biddle worked as an editor, diplomat, author, and politician who served in both houses of the Pennsylvania state legislature. He is best known as the chief opponent of Andrew Jackson in the Bank War.
Biddle was aided in these efforts by Jackson's political opponent, Senator Henry Clay, hoping that they could use the issue to defeat Jackson in his bid for a second term.
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View full-sizeDownload Henry Clay Sr. (April 12, 1777 – June 29, 1852) was an American lawyer and statesman who represented Kentucky in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. He was the seventh House speaker as well as the ninth secretary of state. He unsuccessfully ran for president in the 1824, 1832, and 1844 elections. He helped found both the National Republican Party and the Whig Party. For his role in defusing sectional crises, he earned the appellation of the "Great Compromiser" and was part of the "Great Triumvirate" of Congressmen, alongside fellow Whig Daniel Webster and Democrat John C. Calhoun. Clay died at the age of 75 in 1852.
Congress would eventually pass a bill reauthorizing the bank's charter and send it to Jackson.
Jackson vetoed the bill, stating that the bank centralized far too much financial power into a single institution and exposed the government to control by foreign interests which held stock in the bank.
The public approved of Jackson's veto and was re-elected despite the bankers financing the campaign of Henry Clay who ran on a pro-bank platform.
Following his re-election, Jackson sought to weaken the bank further and began withdrawing government funds out of the bank and move them into state banks.
Louis McLane, his secretary of the treasury, was favorable to the bank and refused, so Jackson fired him.
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View full-sizeDownload Louis McLane (May 28, 1786 – October 7, 1857) was an American lawyer and politician from Wilmington, in New Castle County, Delaware, and Baltimore, Maryland. He was a veteran of the War of 1812, a member of the Federalist Party and later the Democratic Party. He served as the U.S. representative from Delaware, U.S. senator from Delaware, the tenth U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, the twelfth U.S. Secretary of State, ambassador (Minister Plenipotentiary) to Great Britain, and president of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
His new secretary of treasury, William Duane, delayed the withdrawal of funds, so Jackson fired him as well.
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View full-sizeDownload William John Duane (May 9, 1780 – September 27, 1865) was an American politician and lawyer from Pennsylvania. Duane served a brief term as United States Secretary of the Treasury in 1833. His refusal to withdraw Federal deposits from the Second Bank of the United States led to his dismissal by President Andrew Jackson.
Finally, his former attorney general, Roger Taney, was given the position and agreed.
Photo by Mathew Brady, 1855–1860
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View full-sizeDownload Roger Brooke Taney (/ˈtɔːni/; March 17, 1777 – October 12, 1864) was an American lawyer and politician who served as the fifth chief justice of the United States, holding that office from 1836 until his death in 1864. Taney delivered the majority opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), ruling that African Americans could not be considered U.S. citizens and that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the U.S. territories. Prior to joining the U.S. Supreme Court, Taney served as the U.S. attorney general and U.S. secretary of the treasury under President Andrew Jackson. He was the first Catholic to serve on the Supreme Court.
Taney would begin transferring government funds to the state banks.
The bank had lost its biggest depositor which angered Biddle.
Amazingly, Biddle even threatened to engineer a crisis in order to facilitate the re-charter of the bank.
Biddle, as promised, would facilitate a depression by intentionally restricting the money supply in the hopes that the crisis would lead to a re-chartering of the bank.
Biddle called in existing loans and refused to grant any additional loans.
This effectively shrank the money supply, and the United States was thrown into a financial crisis.
Biddle even had the nerve to blame Jackson for the crisis due to his involvement in removing government funds from the bank, despite the fact that Biddle was the one who created the entire crisis through the bank's monetary policy.
The crisis led to Jackson being censured by the Senate for withdrawing government funds from the bank.
Despite the censure, Biddle's public boasting of intentionally crashing the economy turned the tide against the bank.
A second attempt to re-charter the bank would eventually fail in Congress and a committee was formed to investigate if the bank had intentionally created the economic crisis.
The second defeat of the bank's re-charter and congressional approval for an investigation into the bank would lead to the final demise of the Second Bank of the United States.
Biddle refused to cooperate with the investigative committee, which would eventually lead to criminal charges of fraud being brought against him.
Meanwhile, Jackson paid off the national debt and would become the first and thus far only U.S. president to pay off the national debt in full.
Jackson's role against the bank is widely believed to have been a primary cause of an assassination attempt against him in 1835.
The assassin's two pistols misfired, and the assassin was arrested.
Later, the assassin would brag that high profile European interests put him up to the task of killing Jackson, no doubt due to his efforts to destroy their privately owned central bank.
In 1836, the bank's charter officially ended and the bank itself would go bankrupt in 1841.
Jackson would consider defeating the bank his greatest presidential accomplishment and he is still remembered to this day for it.
Biddle would eventually be acquitted of criminal charges but would later die while civil suits brought against him were being heard.
After the bank's charter ended, money lending was taken over primarily by state-chartered banks.
As a result, the banks loaned out an excessive amount of bank notes that were not backed by gold or silver.
This resulted in inflation and increasing state debts.
In 1836, Jackson required buyers of government lands to pay in gold or silver coins.
Demand for gold and silver coins rose but the local and state banks did not have enough gold or silver coins and reserves to back their paper notes.
The banks had overextended themselves by loaning out an excessive amount of paper money with inadequate reserves.
Even though Jackson would be blamed by many for the Panic of 1837, the economic downturn would not have happened if the banks had not loaned out money recklessly through fractional-reserve banking.
On top of the troubles domestically, the Bank of England, which was now entirely dominated by the Rothschild family, helped to make the crisis worse by refusing to accept any paper instruments associated with the United States.
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View full-sizeDownload Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. (March 9, 1923 – February 2, 2010) was an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, propagandist, Holocaust denier, and writer. A disciple of the poet Ezra Pound, his best-known work is The Secrets of The Federal Reserve, in which he alleged that several high-profile bankers had conspired to write the Federal Reserve Act for their own nefarious purposes, and then induced Congress to enact it into law. The Southern Poverty Law Center described him as "a one-man organization of hate".
Author Eustace Mullins, in his book, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, contends that their actions were retribution for Jackson not renewing the central bank's federal charter, which the Rothschild family held a large stake in.
The secrets of the Federal Reserve -- 32a78315108213f14fc210a80e61b832 -- Anna’s Archive.pdf
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Despite the economic downturn that followed, the lack of a privately run central bank and large discoveries of silver would help create an economic boom in America during the Industrial Revolution.
The European financial elite were not about to give up, however.
Despite losing their centralized power in the United States, they immediately set about gaining this power back.
Henry Clay, still a powerful member of the US Senate, would attempt twice to push a national banking act through in the early 1840s.
Portrait c. 1860–1861
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View full-sizeDownload John Tyler (March 29, 1790 – January 18, 1862) was the tenth president of the United States, serving from 1841 to 1845, after briefly holding office as the tenth vice president in 1841. He was elected vice president on the 1840 Whig ticket with President William Henry Harrison, succeeding to the presidency following Harrison's death 31 days after assuming office. Tyler was a stalwart supporter and advocate of states' rights, including regarding slavery, and he adopted nationalistic policies as president only when they did not infringe on the states' powers. His unexpected rise to the presidency posed a threat to the presidential ambitions of Henry Clay and other Whig politicians and left Tyler estranged from both of the nation's major political parties at the time.
The legislation would be vetoed both times by John Tyler, the 10th President of the United States, despite the fact that Tyler and Clay were both members of the same political party.
Even though the Rothschild family had virtually all of their American financial interests destroyed after the Panic of 1837, their agent August Schoenberg would work to restore them in the years to come.
Belmont c. 1860–1872
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View full-sizeDownload August Belmont Sr. (born Aaron Schönberg; December 8, 1813 – November 24, 1890) was a German-American financier, diplomat, and politician. He served as Chair of the Democratic National Committee from 1860 to 1872. He was also a thoroughbred racehorse owner and the founder and namesake of the Belmont Stakes, the third leg of the Triple Crown of American Thoroughbred horse racing.
Schoenberg would arrive in New York following the aftermath of the financial crisis.
He would change his last name to Belmont in an effort to mask his Jewish ancestry.
He would find the business August Belmont & Company, and with the backing of Rothschild Credit, immediately began buying up depressed assets.
He would quickly become a key figure, leaking the financial power of the Rothschild family with American industry and politics.
Belmont and his son August Jr. would eventually end up establishing close relationships with the powerful and wealthy.
Morgan in 1910
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View full-sizeDownload John Pierpont Morgan (April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913) was an American financier and investment banker who dominated corporate finance on Wall Street throughout the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. As the head of the banking firm that ultimately became known as J.P. Morgan and Co., he was a driving force behind the wave of industrial consolidations in the United States at the turn of the twentieth century.
Included would be the Morgan family, whose future patriarch, John Pierpont Morgan, would play a key role in the American banking, steel, and railroad industries largely on behalf of the Rothschilds.
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View full-sizeDownload Junius Spencer Morgan I (April 14, 1813 – April 8, 1890) was an American banker and financier, as well as the father of John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan and patriarch to the Morgan banking house.
In 1854, J.P. Morgan's father, Junius Spencer Morgan, established a partnership with George Peabody, the owner of George Peabody & Company in London.
Peabody in c. 1850
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View full-sizeDownload George Peabody (February 18, 1795 – November 4, 1869) was an American financier and philanthropist. He is often considered the father of modern philanthropy.
Peabody was a Rothschild agent who needed an American working on behalf of their interests.
During the Panic of 1857, a financial crisis caused by the collapse of the New York City branch of Ohio Life Insurance & Trust and a sudden collapse in grain prices, Peabody was advanced a large sum of British Pounds by the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England.
This money was used by Peabody and Morgan to buy up depressed assets for pennies on the dollar.
Despite the fact that hundreds of American companies failed in the Panic, the Peabody Morgan firm prospered during a time of great economic turmoil.
Portrait by Mathew Brady, c. 1855–65
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View full-sizeDownload Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was the 14th president of the United States, serving from 1853 to 1857. A northern Democrat who believed that the abolitionist movement was a fundamental threat to the nation's unity, he alienated anti-slavery groups by signing the Kansas–Nebraska Act and enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act. Conflict between North and South continued after Pierce's presidency, and, after Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the Southern states seceded, resulting in the American Civil War.
Besides his relationships with the wealthy, Belmont would become involved in politics by helping finance the successful presidential campaigns of Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan.
Portrait c. 1850–1868
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View full-sizeDownload James Buchanan Jr. (/bjuːˈkænən/ bew-KAN-ən; April 23, 1791 – June 1, 1868) was the 15th president of the United States, serving from 1857 to 1861. Buchanan also served as the secretary of state from 1845 to 1849 and represented Pennsylvania in both houses of the U.S. Congress. He was an advocate for states' rights, particularly regarding slavery, and minimized the role of the federal government preceding the Civil War.
Belmont sought to mirror the success that the Rothschilds enjoyed in Europe by using his financial clout to assert influence over the government itself.
In fact, both Pierce and Buchanan are widely considered two of the worst U.S. presidents in the nation's history as they set the conditions necessary for the nation to descend into civil war.
Considering that both Pierce and Buchanan's campaigns were indirectly funded by the Rothschilds, it is clear that these conditions were not set by chance.
With no central bank, the best way to put the country into debt was to engineer a war.
By weakening the country, it became more likely that a central bank under the control of foreign interests could be re-established.
Besides, it became more likely that a central bank under the control of foreign interests could be re-established.
Portrait by Julian Vannerson
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View full-sizeDownload Stephen Arnold Douglas (né Douglass; April 23, 1813 – June 3, 1861) was an American politician and lawyer from Illinois. A U.S. Senator, he was one of two nominees of the badly split Democratic Party to run for president in the 1860 presidential election, which was won by Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln. Douglas had previously defeated Lincoln in the 1858 United States Senate election in Illinois, known for the pivotal Lincoln–Douglas debates. He was one of the brokers of the Compromise of 1850, which sought to avert a sectional crisis; to further deal with the volatile issue of extending slavery into the territories, Douglas became the foremost advocate of popular sovereignty, which held that each territory should be allowed to determine whether to permit slavery within its borders. This attempt to address the issue was rejected by both pro-slavery and anti-slavery advocates. Douglas was nicknamed the "Little Giant" because he was short in physical stature but a forceful and dominant figure in politics.
Lincoln in 1863
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View full-sizeDownload Abraham Lincoln (/ˈlɪŋkən/ LINK-ən; February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer, politician, and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. He led the United States through the American Civil War, defending the nation as a constitutional union, defeating the insurgent Confederacy, playing a major role in the abolition of slavery, expanding the power of the federal government, and modernizing the U.S. economy.
Lincoln whose name wasn't even on the ballot in most southern states was elected solely on the population strength of the northern states.
By the time Lincoln took office, most southern states had already seceded and formed the Confederacy.
A month later, the Confederacy would fire upon the Union military installation of Fort Sumter and the Civil War had begun.
More pressure was put on Lincoln as France moved their military into Mexico and the British moved their military to the north in Canada.
By these European forces violating the Monroe Doctrine, Lincoln was put in a precarious situation.
Not only did he have to deal with the Confederacy, but he also had to deal with European military forces surrounding United States territory.
Lincoln needed a way to fund the war, but the bankers offered loans with excessively high rates of interest.
Instead of taking the loans, Lincoln declined and determined that the best way to fund the war would be for the government to create its own debt and interest-free paper money.
The Legal Tender Act of 1862 authorized the U.S. Treasury to issue $450 million dollars' worth of paper notes into circulation called greenbacks.
Even though greenbacks were not backed by gold, silver, or any other commodity, the notes were created free from the manipulation of bankers.
Greenbacks were declared legal tender in the payment of taxes, which automatically created demand for the paper notes.
Lincoln would also receive help from the Russian Tsar, Alexander II, who was aware of what the European financial elite were doing.
Photograph, 1878–81
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View full-sizeDownload Alexander II (Russian: Алекса́ндр II Никола́евич, romanized: Aleksándr II Nikoláyevich, IPA: [ɐlʲɪˈksandr ftɐˈroj nʲɪkɐˈlajɪvʲɪtɕ]; 29 April 1818 – 13 March 1881) was Emperor of Russia, King of Congress Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from 2 March 1855 until his assassination in 1881. Alexander's most significant reform as emperor was the emancipation of Russia's serfs in 1861, for which he is known as Alexander the Liberator.
He had already refused to allow the bankers to set up a central bank in Russia and recognize Lincoln's plight.
In fact, he would be the target of several assassination attempts until one finally succeeded in 1881.
During the Civil War, he ordered his Atlantic Fleet to dock in New York and his Pacific Fleet to dock in San Francisco as a show of support for Lincoln and the Union.
If the British made a move against the Union, it would be considered an act of war against Russia.
This effectively held off any potential for a British attack against the Union.
Unfortunately for Lincoln, the initial allocation of greenbacks authorized by Congress was not enough to win the war.
Lincoln needed additional funding and imposed a temporary income tax that led to the creation of the Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, which would eventually evolve into the Internal Revenue Service in the 1950s.
From the beginning of the Civil War, Lincoln's Treasury Secretary, Salmon P. Chase, favored the establishment of a national banking system to help fund the war.
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View full-sizeDownload Salmon Portland Chase (January 13, 1808 – May 7, 1873) was an American politician and jurist who served as the sixth chief justice of the United States from 1864 to his death in 1873. Chase served as the 23rd governor of Ohio from 1856 to 1860, represented Ohio in the United States Senate from 1849 to 1855 and again in 1861, and served as the 25th United States Secretary of the Treasury from 1861 to 1864 during the administration of Abraham Lincoln. Chase is therefore one of the few American politicians who have served in the highest levels of all three branches of the federal government, in addition to serving in the highest state-level office. Prior to his Supreme Court appointment, Chase was widely seen as a potential president.
Lincoln would eventually authorize two pieces of legislation favored by Chase, the National Currency Act of 1863 and the National Bank Act of 1864, that did just that.
Lincoln sought a quick end to the war and in order to get the funding, opted to go with Chase's plan.
The National Currency and Bank Acts would revamp the entire banking system and is the basis of the system that is in use today.
Following the abolition of the Second Bank of the United States, the banking system was decentralized with many operating state-chartered banks.
The National Bank Act of 1864 would again centralize much of the power the bankers lost when the Second Bank of the United States Charter was not renewed.
It set up a national banking system in which banks could be chartered by the federal government and authorized to issue bank notes secured by U.S. government bonds.
In other words, these banks could only issue money in exchange for government debt.
The end result is that the government would never be able to pay off the debt because if they did so, the money supply would be destroyed.
It is this system that was set up under the National Bank Act of 1864 that ensures the government remains in perpetual debt to bankers.
But what about the state-chartered banks?
The federal government actually began imposing taxes on state bank notes to discourage their use.
Initially, the tax was set at 2%, but was later raised to 10%, which effectively ended the issuance of state bank notes and ensured that all banks were centralized under a federal umbrella.
By 1865, Lincoln had been re-elected and the Civil War had ended.
Despite approving of this new national banking system, Lincoln appeared to have only signed it into law to ensure that the Civil War would end as quickly as possible.
It was largely a creation of Chase.
Lincoln was wary of the bankers and favored the government issuing money on behalf of people seeing it as one of its greatest obligations and creative opportunities.
Although the people favored the continued issuance of greenbacks, it was not looked upon favorably by the European bankers because it was money that existed outside of their control.
In fact, Lincoln's support of this policy appears to be one of the primary reasons that led to his eventual assassination.
Had Lincoln not been assassinated, he would have continued the policy of issuing greenbacks, which would have been detrimental to the banker's goal of re-establishing a central bank.
Lincoln's chief economic advisor, Henry Charles Carey, had actually authored a series of letters to the Speaker of the House of Representatives entitled, The Way to Out Do England Without Fighting Her.
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View full-sizeDownload Henry Charles Carey (December 15, 1793 – October 13, 1879) was an American publisher, political economist, and politician from Pennsylvania. He was the leading 19th-century economist of the American School and a chief economic adviser to U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase during the American Civil War.
The letters called for making the greenback monetary system a permanent fixture and raising the reserve ratio for banks to 50%.
With Lincoln gone, the European banking elite would begin work in consolidating their power further.
They knew that the issuance of debt-free greenbacks by the federal government would undermine their interests and immediately sought to have them removed.
The United States of America's first federal government was founded in 1819 Immediately, Congress began to do the dirty work for the European bankers.
Portrait c. 1870–1875
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View full-sizeDownload Andrew Johnson (December 29, 1808 – July 31, 1875) was the 17th president of the United States, serving from 1865 to 1869. He assumed the presidency following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, as he was vice president at that time. Johnson was a Democrat who ran with Abraham Lincoln on the National Union Party ticket, coming to office as the Civil War concluded. He favored quick restoration of the seceded states to the Union without protection for the newly freed people who were formerly enslaved as well as pardoning ex-Confederates. This led to conflict with the Republican-dominated Congress, culminating in his impeachment by the House of Representatives in 1868. He was acquitted in the Senate by one vote.
Despite popular support for the greenback, Congress in 1866 passed the Contraction Act, which was signed into law by President Andrew Johnson.
This bill authorized the U.S. Treasury to begin removing greenbacks from circulation.
Despite the legislation, the U.S. Treasury would continue to issue greenbacks, but only in limited quantities.
Support for the greenback was so high that it even spawned a new political party called the Greenback Party, which had limited success in winning state congressional races.
They also fielded presidential candidates in the 1876, 1880, and 1884 presidential elections.
The Greenback Party believed if the government, not the private banks, issued debt-free money, that money would be plentiful and there would be prosperity.
Unfortunately, their wishes would not be fulfilled.
The bankers also sought to put the United States on a strict gold standard to further reduce the supply of money.
Since gold is less plentiful, it is much easier to control and manipulate than other metals like silver.
Evidence of this can be seen in an attempt to corner the U.S. gold market in 1869.
At this time, it was believed that greenbacks would be bought back by the federal government with gold.
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View full-sizeDownload James Fisk Jr. (April 1, 1835 – January 7, 1872), known variously as "Big Jim", "Diamond Jim", and "Jubilee Jim" – was an American stockbroker and corporate executive who has been referred to as one of the "robber barons" of the Gilded Age. Though Fisk was admired by the working class of New York and the Erie Railroad, he achieved much ill-fame for his role in Black Friday in 1869, where he and his partner Jay Gould befriended the unsuspecting President Ulysses S. Grant in an attempt to use the President's good name in a scheme to corner the gold market in New York City. On January 7, 1872, Fisk was assassinated in New York City, in relation to his business dealings.
A group of speculators, led by James Fisk and Jay Gould, believed they could profit off of this by developing a scheme to hoard gold.
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View full-sizeDownload Jason Gould (/ɡuːld/; May 27, 1836 – December 2, 1892) was an American railroad magnate and financial speculator who founded the Gould business dynasty. He is generally identified as one of the robber barons of the Gilded Age. His sharp and often unscrupulous business practices made him one of the wealthiest men of the late nineteenth century. Gould was an unpopular figure during his life and remains controversial.
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View full-sizeDownload Abel Rathbone Corbin (May 24, 1808 – March 28, 1881) was an American newspaper editor, financier, and the husband of Virginia Grant, sister of President Ulysses S. Grant. In the 1830s, he edited the Missouri Argus of St. Louis, the official Democratic party organ of Missouri. He was involved in the Black Friday stock market crash of September 24, 1869.
Gold and Fisk began by recruiting a man by the name of Abel Corbin, who was the brother-in-law to former Civil War General and now President Ulysses S. Grant.
Grant c. 1870–1880
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View full-sizeDownload Ulysses S. Grant (born Hiram Ulysses Grant; April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885) was the 18th president of the United States, serving from 1869 to 1877. As commanding general, Grant led the Union Army to victory in the American Civil War in 1865.
Corbin managed to convince Grant to appoint General Daniel Butterfield as the assistant treasurer of the United States, who would then tip the men off when the government intended to sell gold.
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View full-sizeDownload Daniel Adams Butterfield (October 31, 1831 – July 17, 1901) was a New York businessman, a Union general in the American Civil War, and Assistant Treasurer of the United States.
With this knowledge, large amounts of gold were purchased during the summer, causing the gold price to rise substantially.
On September 24, 1869, Grant finally ordered a large sale of government gold.
The gold sale caused the gold price to drop substantially, and within minutes, caused an untold amount of economic disruption.
The day would become forever known as Black Friday.
A congressional investigation proved limited, with Fiske and Gould escaping any real legal and financial consequences.
Butterfield would eventually resign his position for his role in the scheme.
Grant was attacked for the scandal by Henry Adams in an 1870 article entitled The New York Gold Conspiracy.
1885 photograph of Adams by William Notman
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View full-sizeDownload Henry Brooks Adams (February 16, 1838 – March 27, 1918) was an American historian and a member of the Adams political family, descended from two U.S. presidents. As a young Harvard graduate, he served as secretary to his father, Charles Francis Adams, Abraham Lincoln's ambassador to the United Kingdom. The posting influenced the younger man through the experience of wartime diplomacy, and absorption in English culture, especially the works of John Stuart Mill. After the American Civil War, he became a political journalist who entertained America's foremost intellectuals at his homes in Washington and Boston.
Adams believed that Grant had tolerated, encouraged, and possibly even participated in the cornering scheme.
Regardless of France's innocence or guilt in the matter, this event proved that the price of gold could be easily manipulated by a small group of people.
This fact alone is why the European bankers sought to set up a strict gold standard because it gave them more centralized control over the U.S. economy.
According to a sworn affidavit by respected Colorado businessman Frederick A. Wilkenbach, the European bankers employed a man by the name of Ernest Seyd to bribe members of Congress to pass legislation demonetizing silver.
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View full-sizeDownload Ernest Seyd (March 7, 1830 – May 1, 1881), a German-born British author, banker, and economist, particularly known for his expertise in coinage and foreign exchange, and for his advocacy of bimetallism.
Said revealed the plan to Wilkenbach at a dinner party.
According to Wilkenbach's affidavit, Seyd was essentially given a blank check by the Bank of England to withdraw any amount of funds necessary to achieve the passage of the bill.
A few years later, Congress would pass the Coin Act of 1873, which would be signed into law by Grant.
The legislation demonetized silver and effectively put the United States on a gold standard.
Prior to 1873, silver could be taken to government mints and struck into coins.
By eliminating silver as money, there was a sharp contraction in the money supply.
The combination of the Retraction Act, the removal of silver as money, and the bankers refusing to loan out additional money led to the Panic of 1873 and eventually a long drawn-out depression.
The bankers would also successfully demonetize silver in many European countries, which had the same effect in those nations as well.
The period following 1873 would become known as the Long Depression.
The reduction in money had led towards rampant unemployment and despotism.
The people were angry and demanded a return to the Greenback system, the remonetization of silver, or any other solution that would increase the money supply.
In 1876, the U.S. Silver Commission was formed to investigate the demonetization of silver and its effect it had on the economy.
The Commission's report clearly blames the engineered monetary contraction for the Depression.
Despite the report by the U.S. Silver Commission, Congress failed to immediately act on their findings.
The people were angry and desperate, prompting riots to break out in the streets of many cities.
Still, the bankers would not increase the money supply, nixing any attempts to remonetize silver or a return to Lincoln's Greenback system.
In 1877, a circular was issued by the Associated Bankers of:
New York
signed by James Buell's secretary.
This circular was sent to all the bankers in the United States and outlines a centralized lobbying effort by the bankers to prevent a return to the Greenback system.
Finally, in 1878, some relief would come in the form of the Bland-Allison Act.
The bill directed the U.S. Treasury to buy $2 million to $4 million worth of silver and turn them into coins that could be used as legal tender.
Portrait, c. 1870–1880
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View full-sizeDownload Rutherford Birchard Hayes (/ˈrʌðərfərd/; October 4, 1822 – January 17, 1893) was the 19th president of the United States, serving from 1877 to 1881.
Despite a veto by President Rutherford Hayes, Congress overrode the veto, and the legislation became law.
These men were criticized as robber barons in reference to their unethical financial manipulations for the sole purpose of profit.
This period of time would become known as the Gilded Age.
The rich showcased lavish displays of wealth while many others struggled to get by.
Had it not been for the sharp contraction of the money supply, these men would have likely not accumulated the wealth that they now had.
The gold standard and demonetization of silver took power away from the common people and put more power in the hands of the few.
By now, the Coin Act of 1873 was called the Crime of 1873 and the public continued to demand monetary reform.
Garfield in 1881
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View full-sizeDownload James Abram Garfield (November 19, 1831 – September 19, 1881) was the 20th president of the United States, serving from March 1881 until his assassination in September that year. A preacher, lawyer, and Civil War general, Garfield served nine terms in the United States House of Representatives and is the only sitting member of the House to be elected president. Before his candidacy for the presidency, he had been elected to the U.S. Senate by the Ohio General Assembly—a position he declined when he became president-elect.
In 1880, the people elected James Garfield as the next president.
Like Lincoln before him, Garfield would have no doubt sought to reform the monetary system but was not given the opportunity to do so.
The 1880s marked a time of economic growth fueled by the now booming railroad industry.
The boom was primarily created by the overextension of bank financing which would eventually lead towards yet another engineered economic bust.
The bankers had played the same game that they had played with the money supply yet again by creating a boom which culminated in a bust with the Panic of 1893.
In fact, the American Bankers Association would issue another circular on March 11, 1893, discouraging a return to free silver and encouraging their members to intentionally make money scarce.
Throughout the 1880s and 1890s, the issue of bimetallism and free silver versus the gold standard would dominate the US political arena.
1896 portrait
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View full-sizeDownload Benjamin Harrison (August 20, 1833 – March 13, 1901) was the 23rd president of the United States, serving from 1889 to 1893. He was a member of the Harrison family of Virginia—a grandson of the ninth president, William Henry Harrison, and a great-grandson of Benjamin Harrison V, a Founding Father. A Union Army veteran and a Republican, he defeated incumbent Grover Cleveland to win the presidency.
In 1890, President Benjamin Harrison approved the Sherman Silver Purchase Act which authorized the US Treasury to purchase an additional 4.5 million ounces of silver bullion every month.
This was in response to the demands of miners and farmers who advocated a return to pre-1873 silver policies.
Although not a true return to those policies, the Treasury was allowed to buy silver with notes that could be redeemed for either silver or gold.
Unfortunately, with the gold standard still in effect and European financiers only accepting gold for payment, people sought to convert their silver into gold which began to deplete the nation's gold reserves.
Amazingly, wealthy bankers such as JP Morgan and others would successfully blame the Sherman Silver Purchase Act for the Panic of 1893.
This is despite the fact that the banker's intentional contraction of the money supply spawned the crisis.
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View full-sizeDownload Stephen Grover Cleveland (March 18, 1837 – June 24, 1908) served as the 22nd and 24th president of the United States from 1885 to 1889 and from 1893 to 1897. He was the first Democrat to win the presidency after the Civil War and was one of two Democratic presidents, followed by Woodrow Wilson, in an era when Republicans dominated the presidency between 1869 and 1933. Cleveland won the popular vote in three presidential elections—1884, 1888, and 1892—and is the only U.S. president to serve non-consecutive presidential terms.
This would lead to President Grover Cleveland calling a special session of Congress to approve legislation repealing the act which he would eventually sign.
Unfortunately for Cleveland, gold was still flowing out of the Treasury and was in danger of running out.
In 1895, during the midst of the economic crisis spawning from the panic two years earlier, Cleveland saw no other option and approached JP Morgan for help to resupply gold to the Treasury.
Morgan seeing an opportunity for profit offered to buy U.S. bonds in exchange for a large sum of European gold.
Cleveland agreed which replenished the Treasury with gold while also netting Morgan substantial profits.
The public was outraged seeing this as another example of Wall Street and the government working together against the best interests of the people.
This alone helped catapult the issue of silver and its role in monetary policy into the most hotly debated topic on the minds of the American people.
McKinley c. 1900
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View full-sizeDownload William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was the 25th president of the United States, serving from 1897 until his assassination in 1901. A member of the Republican Party, he led a realignment that made Republicans largely dominant in the industrial states and nationwide for decades. He presided over victory in the Spanish–American War of 1898; gained control of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines; restored prosperity after a deep depression; rejected the inflationary monetary policy of free silver, keeping the nation on the gold standard; and raised protective tariffs.
Bryan, c. 1910s
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View full-sizeDownload William Jennings Bryan (March 19, 1860 – July 26, 1925) was an American lawyer, orator, and politician. Beginning in 1896, he emerged as a dominant force in the Democratic Party, running three times as the party's nominee for President of the United States in the 1896, 1900, and 1908 elections. He served in the House of Representatives from 1891 to 1895 and as the Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson from 1913 to 1915. Because of his faith in the wisdom of the common people, Bryan was often called "the Great Commoner", and because of his rhetorical power and early fame as the youngest presidential candidate, "the Boy Orator".
McKinley favored a strict gold standard and was backed by rich industrialists.
Bryan favored the return to bimetallism and free silver policies.
Bryan would secure his party nomination by delivering one of the most well-known political speeches ever delivered before a political convention entitled, Crown of Thorns, Cross of Gold.
In this speech, Bryan passionately advocated for the full re-monetization of silver.
Despite his efforts, Bryan would lose in a close race in McKinley, but his stance on the silver issue stalled the bankers' attempts to centralize their power for several decades.
In 1900, Bryan would challenge McKinley for a second time but would lose again.
McKinley had again run on a pro-gold standard platform, and shortly after winning a second term, would sign into law the Gold Standard Act, which ended the exchange of gold for silver.
This effectively ended the final remaining links of bimetallism.
With the gold standard fully entrenched, the Rothschild family, alongside their European and American agents, were set to make a move to install a central bank in the United States.
Throughout the 19th century, we have seen how major US financial panics were engineered as a result of bankers manipulating the supply of money.
The bankers decided that one final economic panic would be needed to gain the support necessary for the passage of legislation authorizing a new central bank. J.P. Morgan, who would now become the prominent Rothschild operative in America, would play a central role.
1903 portrait of Schiff by Aimé Dupont
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View full-sizeDownload Jacob Henry Schiff (born Jakob Heinrich Schiff; January 10, 1847 – September 25, 1920) was an American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. He helped finance the expansion of American railroads and the Japanese military efforts against Tsarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.
Jacob Schiff, another key Rothschild associate, would also be involved.
Schiff's family had maintained close ties to the Rothschild family since the 1700s by sharing a Frankfurt, Germany house with the Rothschilds known as the Green Shield.
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View full-sizeDownload Abraham Kuhn (June 20, 1819 – May 30, 1892) was an American merchant and banker of German-Jewish origins, a founding partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of New York City, one of the great US investment banking firms of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Schiff would use Rothschild money to vastly expand the power and influence of the American banking house, Kuhn Loeb Company, an investment bank founded by Abraham Kuhn and Salomon Loeb.
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View full-sizeDownload Solomon Loeb (June 29, 1828 – December 12, 1903) was a German-born American banker and businessman. He was a merchant in textiles and later a banker with Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Kuhn Loeb Company was the principal financier behind E.H. Harriman (Skull & Bones) and his American railroad empire.
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View full-sizeDownloadEdward Henry Harriman (February 20, 1848 – September 9, 1909) was an American financier and railroad executive.
Rockefeller in 1895
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View full-sizeDownload John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937) was an American business magnate and philanthropist. He was one of the wealthiest Americans of all time and one of the richest people in modern history. Rockefeller was born into a large family in Upstate New York who moved several times before eventually settling in Cleveland, Ohio. He became an assistant bookkeeper at age 16 and went into several business partnerships beginning at age 20, concentrating his business on oil refining. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870. He ran it until 1897 and remained its largest shareholder. In his retirement, he focused his energy and wealth on philanthropy, especially regarding education, medicine, higher education, and modernizing the Southern United States.
The partners of Kuhn Loeb Company also held close ties to the partners of other powerful firms through blood and marriage such as Goldman Sachs and Company and Lehman Brothers.
While the Rothschilds and their agents were working to set the conditions necessary to bring back a central bank in the United States, they had also been busy funding the pillaging of Africa for resources and trying to figure out a way to overthrow the ruling Russian Romanov family.
Even though the Rothschild family had gained a tremendous amount of control over Europe through their banking businesses, they sought more.
Nathan Rothschild's son, Lionel Rothschild, would take control of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, the London branch of the Rothschild family business, following his father's death.
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View full-sizeDownload Baron Lionel Nathan de Rothschild (22 November 1808 – 3 June 1879) was a British Jewish banker, politician and philanthropist who was a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family of England. He became the first practising Jew to sit as a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. In 1836, Lionel de Rothschild married his first cousin Baroness Charlotte von Rothschild (1819–1884), daughter of Baron Carl Mayer von Rothschild of the Rothschild banking family of Naples.
He would invest heavily in European railroads, resource and mineral companies like Rio Tinto, and in 1875 would even help the British government purchase controlling interest in the Suez Canal.
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View full-sizeDownload Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, GCVO, PC (8 November 1840 – 31 March 1915) was a British banker and politician from the wealthy international Rothschild family. He was also a hereditary Baron of the Austrian Empire.
In the early 1880s, the British attempted to annex two independent Boer republics called the Orange Free State and the South African Republic, otherwise known as the Transvaal Republic, which are founded primarily by Dutch settlers.
Their first attempt failed following a decisive military victory by Boer resistance leader Paul Kruger.
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View full-sizeDownload Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger (Afrikaans pronunciation: [ˈkry.(j)ər]; 10 October 1825 – 14 July 1904), better known as Paul Kruger, was a South African politician. He was one of the dominant political and military figures in 19th-century South Africa, and State President of the South African Republic (or Transvaal) from 1883 to 1900. Nicknamed Oom Paul ("Uncle Paul"), he came to international prominence as the face of the Boer cause—that of the Transvaal and its neighbour the Orange Free State—against Britain during the Second Boer War of 1899–1902. He has been called a personification of Afrikanerdom and admirers venerate him as a tragic folk hero.
Kruger would later be elected president of the Transvaal and negotiated a peace deal with the British.
Although Kruger managed to establish independence for the Boer republics, it would be short-lived.
Vast discoveries of gold and diamonds had been made throughout South Africa, which enticed many foreigners called Outlanders to travel to this land.
It would also entice the Rothschild-controlled British military to return several years later, which would eventually result in the Second Boer War.
The war was primarily engineered by Rothschild agent, Lord Alfred Milner, who in 1897 had ascended to the position of High Commissioner for Southern Africa and Governor of Cape Colony in the British imperial hierarchy.
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View full-sizeDownload Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner, KG, GCB, GCMG, PC (23 March 1854 – 13 May 1925) was a British statesman and colonial administrator who played a very important role in the formulation of British foreign and domestic policy between the mid-1890s and early 1920s. From December 1916 to November 1918, he was one of the most important members of Prime Minister David Lloyd George's War cabinet.
Milner would be responsible for the creation of the Milner Round Table Group, which received partial funding from the Rothschild family.
The group was founded by Milner and many of his close associates to act as an authority on British imperial interests.
Most historians consider the group's official founding to have taken place in 1909, but others believe its origins can be traced back even earlier to the 1880s, a topic of which we will explore later.
The group would be the inspiration for the Round Table quarterly, a magazine that would serve as a propaganda mechanism, actively promoting British imperialism.
Milner would also be responsible for training a group of young men called Milner's Kindergarten.
Many members of this group would become key figures in the British imperial hierarchy.
One of these men, Lionel Curtis, would later become the principal founder of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which exists today as the Chatham House.
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View full-sizeDownload Lionel George Curtis CH (1872–1955) was a British internationalist and author. He was the inspiration for the foundation of Chatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs) as well as the US Council On Foreign Relations at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. He was a leading member of Round Table movement. His writings and influence caused the evolution of the former British nations into the Commonwealth.
Although the British people as a whole desired peace, Milner saw war as desirable.
Milner made the claim that Kruger was denying freedom to the outlanders by denying them voting rights.
This gave Milner the pretext to claim that any war would be used to secure freedom for British subjects residing in his lands.
In a peace conference prior to the war, Milner intentionally made demands of Kruger that he knew would not be accepted.
These demands included giving foreigners voting rights and that all laws passed by the Trans Vault Parliament must be approved by the British Parliament.
Had Kruger agreed, the Trans Vault would again be under the control of the British.
Kruger would not agree to the terms which finally gave Milner the right pretext to start the Second Boer War.
In 1899, hundreds of thousands of British soldiers would do battle against the irregular forces of the Boers, which primarily consisted of farmers with rifles.
Despite being outnumbered by an almost 10 to 1 margin, the Boers would fend off British attacks for three years before suffering defeat.
As diabolical as Milner's actions were, he also believed that the British were a superior race and employed a policy of genocide against the Boers.
Boers who attempted to surrender were executed. In addition, the use of concentration camps would be introduced to the modern world in this conflict.
Under Milner's direction, anyone including women and children who were thought to be sympathetic to the Boers were taken to these camps where thousands would die.
The concentration camp concept would later be used by the Nazis in World War II Germany and in Russia following the Bolshevik Revolution.
By 1902, the Second Boer War was over, and Milner would oversee the full annexation of the Boer Republics into the British Empire.
Another instrumental figure in the British pillaging of South Africa was Cecil Rhodes another Rothschild agent who would attempt to annex the Boer Republics prior to Milner's engineered war.
Rhodes, c. 1900
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View full-sizeDownload Cecil John Rhodes (/ˈsɛsəl ˈroʊdz/ SES-əl ROHDZ; 5 July 1853 – 26 March 1902) was an English mining magnate and politician in southern Africa who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896. He and his British South Africa Company founded the southern African territory of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe and Zambia), which the company named after him in 1895. He also devoted much effort to realising his vision of a Cape to Cairo Railway through British territory. Rhodes set up the Rhodes Scholarship, which is funded by his estate.
Rhodes was an Oxford educated freemason and staunch supporter of British imperialism.
Rhodes was one of the founders of the De Beers mining company which received funding from both the London Rothschild banking branch of N.M. Rothschild & Sons and the French Rothschild banking branch of De Rothschild Ferris.
The funding allowed Rhodes to become rich off of the South African diamond trade.
Prior to the outbreak of the Second Boer War, Rhodes would use his wealth to enter public life becoming a member of the Cape Parliament and eventually Prime Minister of the Cape colony.
Rhodes would implement laws favorable to mine and industry owners and even had black people removed from their native lands.
In 1895, Rhodes would attempt to overthrow the Transvaal government through what would become known as the Jameson Raid.
Rhodes had hoped the raid would rally the Outlanders to overthrow Kruger's government, but it ended in failure.
The scandal forced him to resign as Prime Minister and nearly resulted in the execution of his brother who had been captured in the attempted raid.
Despite the setback, Rhodes was such an influential figure that the entire area now known today as Zimbabwe was at one time named Rhodesia in his honor.
Rhodes shared Miller's ideology that the British were a superior race.
In his first will, Rhodes stated that he wanted to create a secret society that would bring the whole world under British rule.
Although not explicitly mentioned in his last will and testament, he would leave his entire fortune to the Rhodes Trust which would be used to help continue the Rothschild agenda.
Following his death in 1902, the Rhodes estate would be administered by Leopold de Rothschild, the third son of Lionel de Rothschild who had entered the family business working at N.M. Rothschild and Sons.
Caricature of Leopold de Rothschild by Vanity Fair, 1884
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View full-sizeDownload Leopold de Rothschild CVO (22 November 1845 – 29 May 1917) was a British banker, thoroughbred race horse breeder, and a member of the prominent Rothschild family.
It may seem strange that a Rothschild would be responsible for administrating his trust, but Rhodes had never married and was even believed by some historians to be a closet homosexual.
Through Rothschild's administration, the Rhodes Scholarship was created to serve as a recruiting mechanism to find young men who would serve the agenda of the Rothschilds by providing them with a free education through Oxford.
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View full-sizeDownload Carroll Quigley (/ˈkwɪɡli/; November 9, 1910 – January 3, 1977) was an American historian and theorist of the evolution of civilizations. He is remembered for his teaching work as a professor at Georgetown University, and his seminal works, The Evolution of Civilizations: An Introduction to Historical Analysis, and Tragedy And Hope; A History Of The World In Our Time, in which he states that an Anglo-American banking elite have worked together for centuries to spread certain values globally.
Carroll Quigley in his book Tragedy and Hope states that Rhodes' proposed secret society, known as the Society of the Elect, not only became a reality but was tied directly in with the Milner Roundtable Group.
Rhodes had envisioned a secret society modeled after the Jesuits in which he would serve as the General of the Society with an executive committee called the Group of Three and the rest of the group would be known as the Association of Helpers.
According to Quigley, the society's origins can be traced back to 1881 but the group itself was formally established in 1891 and that the Association of Helpers was organized by Milner as the Roundtable Group itself.
The Rothschilds also directed their energies toward overthrowing the Romanov family who had ruled over Russia since the 1600s.
The Russian Czars which ruled during the 1800s refused to allow the creation of a privately run central bank in Russia.
With this in mind, it is interesting to note that most of the Czars that reigned during this time would either be assassinated or die suspiciously.
Portrait by George Dawe, c. 1825–29
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View full-sizeDownload Alexander I (Russian: Александр I Павлович, romanized: Aleksandr I Pavlovich, IPA: [ɐlʲɪkˈsandr ˈpavləvʲɪtɕ]; 23 December [O.S. 12 December] 1777 – 1 December [O.S. 19 November] 1825) nicknamed "the Blessed", was Emperor of Russia from 1801, the first king of Congress Poland from 1815, and the grand duke of Finland from 1809 to his death in 1825. He ruled Russia during the chaotic period of the Napoleonic Wars.
Alexander I and Nicholas I both died prematurely and were believed to have been poisoned.
Portrait by Georg von Bothmann, 1855
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View full-sizeDownload Nicholas I (6 July [O.S. 25 June] 1796 – 2 March [O.S. 18 February] 1855) was Emperor of Russia, King of Congress Poland, and Grand Duke of Finland. He was the third son of Paul I and younger brother of his predecessor, Alexander I. Nicholas's thirty-year reign began with the failed Decembrist revolt. He is mainly remembered as a reactionary whose controversial reign was marked by geographical expansion, centralisation of administrative policies, and repression of dissent both in Russia and among its neighbors. Nicholas had a happy marriage that produced a large family; with all of their seven children surviving childhood.
Alexander II who threw his full support behind Abraham Lincoln and the Union during the American Civil War and eliminated slavery in Russia would fall victim to an assassination attempt in 1881.
Photograph, 1878–81
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View full-sizeDownload Alexander II (Russian: Алекса́ндр II Никола́евич, romanized: Aleksándr II Nikoláyevich, IPA: [ɐlʲɪˈksandr ftɐˈroj nʲɪkɐˈlajɪvʲɪtɕ]; 29 April 1818 – 13 March 1881) was Emperor of Russia, King of Congress Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from 2 March 1855 until his assassination in 1881. Alexander's most significant reform as emperor was the emancipation of Russia's serfs in 1861, for which he is known as Alexander the Liberator.
It was widely believed that the assassination which had been carried out by an organization known as the People's Will had actually been the result of a Jewish led conspiracy that linked straight back to the Rothschild family.
In 1882, the new Czar Alexander III would implement anti-Jewish regulations called the May Laws as retribution for his father's death.
Portrait photograph, 1885
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View full-sizeDownload Alexander III (Russian: Александр III Александрович Романов, romanized: Aleksandr III Aleksandrovich Romanov; 10 March 1845 – 1 November 1894) was Emperor of Russia, King of Congress Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from 13 March 1881 until his death in 1894. He was highly reactionary in domestic affairs and reversed some of the liberal reforms of his father, Alexander II, a policy of "counter-reforms" (Russian: контрреформы). Under the influence of Konstantin Pobedonostsev (1827–1907), he acted to maximize his autocratic powers.
Restrictions were placed on what occupations Jews could obtain, on what land Jews were allowed to live on, and even quotas were placed on the number of Jews that were allowed to attend schools and universities.
During his reign, Alexander III would survive a train crash and be the subject of an assassination plot by the same organization that killed his father.
The plot would ultimately fail, and the conspirators were sentenced to death.
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View full-sizeDownload Aleksandr Ilyich Ulyanov (Russian: Алекса́ндр Ильи́ч Улья́нов; 12 April [O.S. 31 March] 1866 – 20 May [O.S. 8 May] 1887) was a Russian revolutionary and political activist. He was the elder brother of Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union.
Lenin in 1920
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View full-sizeDownload Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (22 April [O.S. 10 April] 1870 – 21 January 1924), better known as Vladimir Lenin, was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as the first and founding head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 until his death in 1924, and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia, and later the Soviet Union, became a one-party socialist state governed by the Communist Party. Ideologically a Marxist, his developments to the ideology are called Leninism.
Lenin would later play a key role in the Bolshevik Revolution and the final overthrow of the Romanov family.
Following Alexander III's death in 1894, his son Nicholas II would succeed him as the final Romanov to rule as Russian Czar.
Nicholas II in 1912
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View full-sizeDownload Nicholas II (Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov;[d] 18 May [O.S. 6 May] 1868 – 17 July 1918) or Nikolai II was the last reigning Emperor of Russia, King of Congress Poland, and Grand Duke of Finland from 1 November 1894 until his abdication on 15 March 1917. He married Alix of Hesse (becoming known as Alexandra Feodorovna) in 1894 and had as children Olga (1895), Tatiana (1897), Maria (1899), Anastasia (1901) and the tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich.
In 1904, the firm of Kuhn Loeb Company, led by Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff, would loan a vast sum of money to Japan as part of an effort to fund a war against Russia.
The war began when the Japanese initiated a surprise attack against a Russian fleet in Port Arthur without a formal declaration of war.
During this time frame, Nicholas II's administration would arrange the publication of anti-Jewish material accusing the Jews of being a fifth column in the conflict.
This was actually not far from the truth considering the large sums of money that Schiff was providing to the Japanese which funded their war effort.
The Russians would suffer from various logistical problems during the war as the transport of supplies and troops over the one-way 6,000-mile Trans-Siberian Railway proved difficult.
This eventually led to the fall of Port Arthur to the Japanese and by mid-1905, Nicholas II accepted mediation from the U.S. which resulted in peace talks and eventually the Treaty of Portsmouth which officially ended the conflict.
Roosevelt, c. 1904
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View full-sizeDownload Theodore Roosevelt Jr.[b] (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919), often referred to as Teddy or T. R., was an American politician, soldier, conservationist, historian, naturalist, explorer and writer who served as the 26th president of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He previously was involved in New York politics, including serving as the state's 33rd governor for two years. He was the vice president under President William McKinley for six months in 1901, assuming the presidency after McKinley's assassination. As president, Roosevelt emerged as a leader of the Republican Party and became a driving force for anti-trust and Progressive policies.
U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt would eventually earn a Nobel Peace Prize for his mediation efforts.
Moving back to the U.S., the Rothschilds and their banking associates were set to make a final move to take over the nation's monetary system through a new privately run central bank.
By the early 1900s, powerful corporations such as the Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust and others had dominated industry.
Had it not been for the engineered scarcity of money in the latter part of the 19th century, these powerful corporations would likely not have emerged.
President Theodore Roosevelt was thought to have dissolved these trusts via the Sherman Antitrust Act but that wasn't actually the case.
The powerful money trust of bankers was never broken up and would have their power consolidated further following the Panic of 1907.
The Standard Oil Trust which was divided into several corporations by Roosevelt was actually all still controlled by Rockefeller.
It was all a sham designed to make the people believe that the government had dissolved these powerful institutions when in fact they had done very little to achieve this goal.
Jacob Schiff would even state in the early part of 1907 that a major financial crisis would occur if the U.S. did not establish a central bank.
The man at the center of the Panic of 1907 would be none other than JP Morgan, a Rothschild agent who is now the most powerful banker in the United States.
After helping the U.S. government replenish the treasury supply of gold following the Panic of 1893, he would become a principal figure in many business deals including the mergers that resulted in the formation of General Electric as well as the U.S. Steel Corporation through a business deal with Andrew Carnegie.
Carnegie in 1913
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View full-sizeDownload Andrew Carnegie (English: /kɑːrˈnɛɡi/ kar-NEG-ee, Scots: [kɑrˈnɛːɡi];[2][3][note 1] November 25, 1835 – August 11, 1919) was a Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist. Carnegie led the expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century and became one of the richest Americans in history.
He would even fund the work of famed scientist Nikola Tesla but would cut off funds after discovering that Tesla's work would potentially give people a free unlimited source of energy.
Tesla, c. 1890
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View full-sizeDownload Nikola Tesla (/ˈtɛslə/; Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла, [nǐkola têsla]; 10 July 1856[a] – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian-American engineer, futurist, and inventor. He is known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
Most school textbooks state that Morgan was the hero of the Panic of 1907 and saved the country from financial disaster by providing banks with enough capital to stave off a complete economic collapse.
In actuality, Morgan and his Wall Street friends engineered the event to consolidate wealth and push competitors out of business.
The collapse was caused by banks excessively loaning money to stock market speculators.
Following a failed attempt in October of 1907 to corner the stock of the United Copper Company, the banks that had loaned money to facilitate the scheme would be overwhelmed by depositors demanding their money as rumors abounded on Wall Street.
This would lead to the eventual collapse of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, one of the largest trusts in New York City.
People soon became fearful that the banking system was not solvent, resulting in a large number of bank runs across the country and a crash in the general stock market.
Many banks would not survive the crisis.
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View full-sizeDownload George Fisher Baker (March 27, 1840 – May 2, 1931) was an American financier and philanthropist. Known as the "Dean of American Banking", he was also known for his taciturnity. Baker made a fortune after the Civil War in railroads and banking, and at his death was estimated to be the third-richest man in the United States, after Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller.
Morgan combined with George F. Baker, the president of First National Bank,
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View full-sizeDownload James Jewett Stillman (June 9, 1850 – March 15, 1918) was an American businessman who invested in land, banking, and railroads in New York, Texas, and Mexico. He was chairman of the board of directors of the National City Bank. He forged alliances with the Rockefeller family, Standard Oil and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. to lay a foundation that made it, arguably, "the greatest bank in the Western Hemisphere." He engaged in an expansion policy that made National City the largest bank in the United States by 1894, the first to open foreign branches, and a leader in foreign exchange. By 1902, the bank was able to pay any sum of money to any city in the world within 24 hours. He was worth approximately $77 million at the time of his death, making him one of the wealthiest people in the country at the time.
James Stillman of the Rothschild-owned National City Bank of New York, and the U.S. Secretary of Treasury George B. Cortelyou, determined which institutions would go bankrupt and which ones they would prop up through loans.
Cortelyou (c. 1905–1907)
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View full-sizeDownload George Bruce Cortelyou (July 26, 1862 – October 23, 1940) was an American cabinet secretary of the early twentieth century. He served in various capacities in the presidential administrations of Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, and Theodore Roosevelt.
The loans were based off of the fractional reserve banking concept and was money that Morgan and his associates created out of nothing.
The men decided to prop up Trust Company of America after an audit indicated that it was financially sound but refused to bail out Knickerbocker.
John D. Rockefeller would deposit $10 million in National City Bank and Cortelyou would deposit millions into several New York banks with funds from the U.S. Treasury.
Still, the banks would not make short-term loans that were used to facilitate daily stock trades, which resulted in a continuous slide in the stock market.
Morgan would eventually convince other New York City banks to pledge millions of dollars to prop up the stock market. Morgan would also successfully absorb the Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company into the U.S. Steel Corporation in order to bail out a large brokerage firm which had borrowed heavily using Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company stock as collateral.
Even though the acquisition would violate Roosevelt's supposed stance on trust and monopolies, the merger was approved considering the potential for a severe market collapse if it was not.
A total collapse was averted and many hailed J.P. Morgan as a hero, including Nathan Mayer Rothschild II.
Not everybody hailed Morgan as a hero.
Representative Charles A. Lindbergh was one of the most vocal critics of the Money Trust during this time.
Lindbergh c. 1905–24
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View full-sizeDownload Charles August Lindbergh (born Carl Månsson; January 20, 1859 – May 24, 1924) was a United States Congressman from Minnesota's 6th congressional district from 1907 to 1917. He opposed American entry into World War I as well as the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. Lindbergh is best known as the father of famed aviator Charles Lindbergh.
He had the following to say about the causes of the Panic of 1907.
He was one of the most vocal critics of the Panic of 1907.
The criticism of Morgan and the powerful banking elite spawned congressional investigations into the inner workings of the Money Trust and corporations associated with it.
The Stanley Committee, which investigated the affairs of the US Steel Corporation following the Panic of 1907, actually called the crisis artificial and designed for the benefit of the company itself.
In addition, the Pujo Committee was formed to investigate Wall Street and the powerful Money Trust that had emerged following the Panic of 1907.
Morgan and other powerful bankers would be called to testify in front of the committee.
For Morgan, the appearances in front of the committee were stressful and his associates would blame his death which occurred shortly after on the stress he faced by testifying.
The committee would finally issue a majority report stating that the Money Trust was abusing their power to consolidate control over industry.
Unfortunately, the damaging report was not used to truly resolve the problem, instead it would later be used to sell the public on the phony solution of a new central bank.
Shortly after the Panic of 1907, there was an immediate push to set up a central bank.
Senator Nelson Aldrich from Rhode Island would play an instrumental role in this push.
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View full-sizeDownload Nelson Wilmarth Aldrich (/ˈɑldɹɪt͡ʃ/; November 6, 1841 – April 16, 1915) was a prominent American politician and a leader of the Republican Party in the United States Senate, where he represented Rhode Island from 1881 to 1911. By the 1890s, he was one of the "Big Four" key Republicans who largely controlled the major decisions of the Senate, along with Orville H. Platt, William B. Allison, and John Coit Spooner. Because of his impact on national politics and central position on the pivotal Senate Finance Committee, he was referred to by the press and public alike as the "general manager of the Nation", dominating tariff and monetary policy in the first decade of the 20th century.
Aldrich was a powerful senator who had numerous connections to Wall Street moguls and big business.
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View full-sizeDownload Abigail Greene Aldrich Rockefeller (October 26, 1874 – April 5, 1948) was an American socialite and philanthropist. She was a prominent member of the Rockefeller family through her marriage to financier and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller Jr., the son of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller Sr. Her father was Nelson W. Aldrich, who served as a Senator from Rhode Island. Rockefeller was known for being the driving force behind the establishment of the Museum of Modern Art. She was the mother of Nelson Rockefeller, who served from 1974 to 1977 as the 41st vice president of the United States.
Rockefeller in 1920
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View full-sizeDownload John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (January 29, 1874 – May 11, 1960) was an American financier and philanthropist. Rockefeller was the fifth child and only son of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller. He was involved in the development of the vast office complex in Midtown Manhattan known as Rockefeller Center, making him one of the largest real estate holders in the city. Towards the end of his life, he was famous for his philanthropy, donating over $500 million to a wide variety of different causes, including educational establishments. Among his projects was the reconstruction of Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. He was widely blamed for having orchestrated the Ludlow Massacre and other offenses during the Colorado Coalfield War. Rockefeller was the father of six children: Abby, John III, Nelson, Laurance, Winthrop, and David.
John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich would have five sons including future vice president Nelson Rockefeller
Official portrait, 1975
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View full-sizeDownload Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (July 8, 1908 – January 26, 1979), sometimes referred to by his nickname Rocky, was an American businessman and politician who served as the 41st vice president of the United States from 1974 to 1977 under President Gerald Ford. A member of the Republican Party and the wealthy Rockefeller family, he previously served as the 49th governor of New York from 1959 to 1973. Rockefeller also served as assistant secretary of State for American Republic Affairs for Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (1944–1945) as well as under secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) under Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1954. A son of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller as well as a grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller, he was a noted art collector and served as administrator of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, New York City.
and future council on foreign relations head and chairman of Chase National Bank, David Rockefeller.
Rockefeller in 1984
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View full-sizeDownload David Rockefeller (June 12, 1915 – March 20, 2017) was an American economist and investment banker who served as chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation. He was the oldest living member of the third generation of the Rockefeller family, and family patriarch from 2004 until his death in 2017. Rockefeller was the fifth son and youngest child of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, and a grandson of John D. Rockefeller and Laura Spelman Rockefeller. He was noted for his wide-ranging political connections and foreign travel, in which he met with many foreign leaders. His fortune was estimated at $3.3 billion at the time of his death.
In 1908, Aldrich helped gain passage of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act that was signed into law by President Teddy Roosevelt.
This legislation in part authorized the formation of the National Monetary Commission to examine the central banking systems of Europe and issue a report on the findings.
Aldrich himself would head the commission and spend nearly two years using taxpayer money, traveling Europe, consulting with the continent's central bankers, all on the taxpayer's dime.
The reports from the commission would eventually become the basis for the creation of the Federal Reserve a few years later.
Following Aldrich's return from Europe, a ten-day secret meeting in 1910 faked as a hunting trip was arranged at Jekyll Island, a remote location off the coast of Georgia between Aldrich and some of the most powerful banking interests in the country.
The meeting was so secret that members were instructed to only address other members by their first names so that servants would not learn of their true identities.
Later, members of this group would be referred to as the First Name Club.
The purpose of the meeting was to determine how to go about setting up a central bank in the United States, and more importantly, how it should be sold to the American people.
The meeting itself was a conspiracy of powerful business interests that sought domination over the nation's financial system.
One of the primary conspirators was a man by the name of Paul Warburg.
Warburg c. 1910s
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View full-sizeDownload Paul Moritz Warburg (August 10, 1868 – January 24, 1932) was a German-born American investment banker who served as the second vice chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1916 to 1918. Prior to his term as vice chairman, Warburg served as one of the original members of the Federal Reserve Board, taking office in 1914. He was an early advocate for the establishment of the US central bank system.
Warburg had previously worked with his brother-in-law, Jacob Schiff at Kuhn Loeb Company, who as we have shown, was a key Rothschild agent that helped to fund the railroad empire of E.H. Herriman.
Schiff and Warburg, like J.P. Morgan, were all agents for the Rothschild family.
Warburg would play a key role at Jekyll Island in helping to formulate the plan for a new central bank.
Other conspirators included representatives of J.P. Morgan including Henry P. Davison, senior partner of the J.P. Morgan Company
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View full-sizeDownload Henry Pomeroy Davison Sr. (June 12, 1867 – May 6, 1922) was an American banker and philanthropist.
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View full-sizeDownloadBenjamin Strong Jr. (December 22, 1872 – October 16, 1928) was an American banker. He served as Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for 14 years until his death. He exerted great influence over the policy and actions of the entire Federal Reserve System and indeed over the financial policies of all of the United States and Europe.
and Frank Vanderlip, the president of the powerful National City Bank and former assistant treasury secretary in the McKinley administration.
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View full-sizeDownload Frank Arthur Vanderlip Sr. (November 17, 1864 – June 30, 1937) was an American banker and journalist. He was president of the National City Bank of New York (now Citibank) from 1909 to 1919, and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury from 1897 to 1901. Vanderlip is known for his part in founding the Federal Reserve System and for founding the first Montessori school in the United States, the Scarborough School and the group of communities in Palos Verdes, California.
The American people historically did not trust the banking system, and were especially wary of it following the Panic of 1907.
Legislation for a central bank would be rejected, unless it was sold in a deceptive manner.
As a result, it was decided at Jekyll Island that they would avoid using the term bank and instead call it the Federal Reserve System.
The Federal Reserve System would be much like the old Second Bank of the United States.
The bank would be privately owned, and it would control the credit of the entire nation.
The only major difference is that it would not be called a bank.
The conspirators believed that the name could be used to deceive the American people to think that it was not a central bank.
The plan also called for a system of 12 regional banks, whose actions would be coordinated by a national board of bankers to give people the illusion that it was a decentralized system.
Shortly after the meeting, the plan devised at Jekyll Island would be introduced to the public.
Called the Aldrich Plan, it was sold to the American people as a plan to stabilize the monetary system.
The bankers would spend millions financing an educational campaign about the bill through a phony Wall Street funded group called the National Citizens League.
The plan was sold to the American people as the end result of the National Monetary Commission, but in actuality was the plan that Aldrich, Warburg, and the other first named club members decided upon at Jekyll Island.
The Aldrich Plan was pushed heavily by the Republican Party as a key part of their platform.
The plan immediately came under attack by opponents such as Representative Charles A. Lindbergh, who charged that the Aldrich Plan would make the Money Trust even more powerful.
Opposition to the Aldrich Plan was fierce, and the bill would not be passed.
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View full-sizeDownload William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 – March 8, 1930) was an American politician and lawyer who was the 27th president of the United States, serving from 1909 to 1913, and the tenth chief justice of the United States, serving from 1921 to 1930, the only person to have held both offices. Taft was elected president in 1908, the chosen successor of Theodore Roosevelt, but was defeated for reelection in 1912 by Woodrow Wilson after Roosevelt split the Republican vote by running as a third-party candidate. In 1921, President Warren G. Harding appointed Taft to be chief justice, a position he held until a month before his death.
In 1912, Republican President William Taft was a popular president and seemed to be a shoo-in for re-election.
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View full-sizeDownload Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was an American politician and academic who served as the 28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921. He was a progressive Democrat who previously served as the governor of New Jersey from 1911 to 1913 and as the president of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910. As president, Wilson changed the nation's economic policies and led the United States into World War I. He was the leading architect of the League of Nations, and his progressive stance on foreign policy came to be known as Wilsonianism.
His Democrat opponent would be Woodrow Wilson, the sitting governor of New Jersey and a former president of Princeton University.
Taft's re-election bid would be railroaded when former Republican President Theodore Roosevelt ran as a third-party candidate under the Bull Moose Party.
All three presidential campaigns were funded by powerful bankers, but the deck was stacked in favor of Wilson.
The bankers knew that by financing Roosevelt's presidential campaign that it would split the Republican Party and elect the Democrat Wilson.
They also believed that it would be easier to pass a bill authorizing a central bank as a Democrat-led initiative instead of a Republican-led initiative considering the opposition of the Aldrich Bill.
Wilson even made the campaign promise that he would not authorize a central bank if elected.
Wilson would even gain the support of William Jennings Bryan, who was still a powerful figure in the Democrat Party, along with his populist supporters.
With Roosevelt splitting the Republican Party vote, Wilson would be easily elected president.
In 1913, Wilson would take office.
Like the Republicans, the Democrats also had a monetary reform bill.
The bill would eventually be called the Glass-Owen Act or the Federal Reserve Act and fulfilled all of the major points of the Aldrich Plan.
Despite the similarities, it was publicly sold as a radically different alternative to the Aldrich Plan.
Aldrich himself would even publicly attack the Federal Reserve Act to create the illusion that he was against it while it was being debated upon.
After months of debate, the House version of the Federal Reserve Act called the Glass Bill was passed 287-85 on September 19, 1913.
On December 19, 1913, the Senate passed their version of the bill, 54-34.
There were still many differences that needed to be settled upon before a conference bill would be ready for consideration.
With the annual Christmas recess, many Senators and Representatives had already left Washington given the assurance that this matter would not be brought up until the next year.
In one day, however, all disputes were resolved and quickly brought to a vote.
On December 22, 1913, both the House and the Senate would pass the Glass-Owen Act or the Federal Reserve Act with many members absent.
Despite having originally promised not to approve a new central bank, Wilson would immediately sign the bill into law.
After all, Wilson was put into power by the same people who were behind both the Aldrich Bill and the Federal Reserve Act.
He was also closely advised by Colonel Edward Mandell House, a man who, as we will see later, was not only in favor of a new central bank, but also advocated the implementation of global government.
House in 1915
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View full-sizeDownload Edward Mandell House (July 26, 1858 – March 28, 1938) was an American diplomat, and an adviser to President Woodrow Wilson. He was known as Colonel House, although his title was honorary and he had performed no military service. He was a highly influential backroom politician in Texas before becoming a key supporter of the presidential bid of Wilson in 1912 by managing his campaign, beginning in July 1911. Having a self-effacing manner, he did not hold office but was an "executive agent", Wilson's chief adviser on European politics and diplomacy during World War I (1914–1918). He became a government official as one of the five American commissioners to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. In 1919, Wilson broke with House and many other top advisers, believing they had deceived him at Paris.
Throughout this process, Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh was one of the most vocal members of Congress speaking out against this bill.
Prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, Lindbergh said the following, in addition, the Federal Reserve Act is a clear violation of the Constitution.
Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution states, nowhere in the Constitution does it give Congress the power to relinquish these powers to a privately run central bank.
In fact, previous central banks, like the First Bank of the United States and the Second Bank of the United States, were also unconstitutional.
Essentially, the Federal Reserve Act gave the banking elite the authority to enslave the American people into a centrally controlled system of debt.
Through the Federal Reserve Act, a privately run central bank was given the authority to create money out of nothing and lend this money that was created out of nothing to the government in exchange for bonds or debt.
With this authority, as well as other monetary tools at their disposal, the Federal Reserve can literally create economic booms and busts by manipulating the supply of money.
In order to increase the supply of money, the Federal Reserve simply buys government debt.
In order to decrease the supply of money, the Federal Reserve reverses the process and sells government debt.
The process of buying and selling government debt would be formalized years later in the 1930s with the implementation of the Federal Open Market Committee.
This committee was placed in charge of the Federal Reserve's open market operations and to this day plays an instrumental role in various aspects of U.S. monetary policy.
The Federal Reserve Act also required all nationally chartered banks to become member banks of the Federal Reserve System which put them under the control of Fed policies.
Based upon these policies, Federal Reserve member banks could also create money out of nothing based upon the amount of money they have in reserves and loan that money at interest.
The reserve requirement for member banks is set by the Fed itself.
Historically, the typical reserve requirement for a Federal Reserve member bank has been set at 10%.
For example, let's assume a bank has $100 in total deposits.
The bank is allowed to use $90 as the basis for new loans with the remaining $10 used to satisfy the 10% reserve requirement.
One would assume that the bank would use the $90 deposit for the loan, but that isn't the case.
Instead, the bank creates $90 out of nothing on top of the $100 in deposits so long as there is a demand for new loans.
As we will cover in more detail later, the process of money creation is the primary reason as to why money has been vastly devalued since the inception of the Federal Reserve.
Nonetheless, this is why banks want people to deposit money at their bank because it directly correlates to the amount of money that they can create out of nothing and loan to other people at interest.
The more money a bank has on the books, the more money they can lend.
The Federal Reserve also has the authority to set what is known as the discount rate, which is the rate in which eligible institutions can loan money from the Fed itself in order to satisfy their mandated reserve requirement.
Using open market operations, discount window lending, and reserve requirements, the Federal Reserve can influence the Fed funds rate, which is the interest rate that member banks borrow money from other member banks.
The Federal Open Market Committee typically sets a target for the Fed funds rate and uses the aforementioned policy tools to achieve the targeted rate.
Much like the Fed's open market operations, they can manipulate the value of money by changing interest rates.
By reducing interest rates, the money supply is increased because it becomes cheaper to borrow money.
By increasing interest rates, the price to borrow money is increased, which means less borrowing will take place, and the amount of money in circulation is decreased.
Using these tools, the Federal Reserve can manipulate the supply of money, which allows them to create artificial economic booms and busts.
The propagandists in the corporate media call this phenomenon the business cycle, despite the fact that these economic ups and downs are all primarily engineered by the Federal Reserve's monetary policy.
In addition to the implementation of the Federal Reserve, the bankers also sought a way to change the Constitution to allow for a tax on an individual's labor.
The bankers knew that a central bank would not work nearly as well unless their loans were backed by additional taxation.
By 1913, the 16th Amendment, providing the U.S. government the authority to levy an income tax, was ratified by the necessary three-fourths of states.
Some have claimed that the 16th Amendment was not actually ratified by the appropriate number of states and is null and void, but that it has not prevented its implementation.
The U.S. government to this day claims that the 16th Amendment legalized direct taxation on an individual's labor.
This claim is false and contradicts numerous Supreme Court rulings.
Simply put, the income tax system as it is interpreted today is a complete fraud.
Let's first look at the 16th Amendment itself.
Even with the 16th Amendment, the Constitution allows the government to levy only two types of taxes, which are direct and indirect taxes.
Direct taxes are mandatory, unavoidable taxes that must be apportioned or divided equally among the people.
Indirect taxes are taxes that can be avoided, like a tax on tobacco or gasoline.
Indirect taxes must be uniform or the same throughout all the states.
The 16th Amendment did not make an individual's labor a taxable activity, and this is why.
First, the definition of income was defined by the Supreme Court in the 1920 Eisner v. MaComber case.
In other words, income is defined as gains or profits from business activity and not something that is derived from an individual's labor.
Second, in the 1915 Coppage v. Kansas case, the Supreme Court states in its ruling that personal employment is an exchange, not an activity that results in any sort of gain or profit.
Since the government didn't have the power to tax an individual's labor prior to the 16th Amendment, they didn't have it after the fact either.
These and other Supreme Court rulings clearly state that the direct taxation of an individual's labor is not lawful because income is defined as a corporate gain and not an exchange.
Even the collection of the federal income tax can be considered a violation of the 5th Amendment, which protects people from self-incrimination.
By filling out a 1040 form and submitting it to the IRS, people are required to provide information to the government that can later be used against them in a court of law.
Despite all this, the U.S. government has consistently used the threat of force and imprisonment to collect what is an unlawful tax on the American people's labor up until this day.
With the United States now firmly under the control of a privately run central bank once again, the bankers sought to consolidate their wealth and power to the greatest extent possible.
As we have documented, the Rothschild family had managed to dominate Europe's financial system starting in the early 19th century largely through unethical variations of war profiteering.
The Rothschilds and their business associates knew that one of the most successful formulas for generating government debt is war.
With their privately run central banks now dominating national governments, they knew that a large war between nations would generate large government debts allowing them to consolidate their control further.
World War I began in 1914 following the June 28, 1914, assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, the heir to the Austrian Hungarian throne by a Bosnian Serb.
Franz Ferdinand c. 1914
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View full-sizeDownload Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria[a] (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914) was the heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary.[2] His assassination in Sarajevo was the most immediate cause of World War I.
Austria-Hungary's demands for revenge against the Kingdom of Serbia led to two major alliances.
On the other side was Germany and Austria-Hungary.
Powerful banking interests throughout the U.S. and Europe would fund both sides in the war.
The only nation that wasn't funded by the bankers was Russia.
Russia was the last major nation that was not controlled by a privately run central bank and this was not acceptable to the Rothschild family.
Jacob Schiff and other powerful bankers who had previously helped fund the Japanese war effort against the Russians back in 1904 would also help fund the Bolshevik Revolution which resulted in the overthrow of Nicholas II and the rise of communism.
Immediately following the October Revolution in 1917, the State Bank of Russia was abolished and replaced by a new national central bank.
Vladimir Lenin, whose revolution was backed by powerful European financiers, would now be in control of Russia.
Hoover in 1928
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View full-sizeDownload Herbert Clark Hoover (August 10, 1874 – October 20, 1964) was the 31st president of the United States, serving from 1929 to 1933. He was a member of the Republican Party, and held office during the onset of the Great Depression. A wealthy mining engineer before his presidency, Hoover led the wartime Commission for Relief in Belgium and was the director of the U.S. Food Administration, followed by post-war relief of Europe. In the 1920s, he served as the U.S. Secretary of Commerce.
Even future president and head of the U.S. Food Administration in the Wilson Administration, Herbert Hoover, would assist the Bolshevik regime when it faced a popular uprising.
Hoover organized an expansive program to provide food to the Bolshevik government throughout the early 1920s via the American Relief Administration.
The food supplies saved the faltering Bolshevik government which would later enable Joseph Stalin to engage in a campaign of mass murder against landowners and businessmen.
Stalin at the Tehran Conference, 1943
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View full-sizeDownload Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin[f] (born Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili;[g] 18 December [O.S. 6 December] 1878 – 5 March 1953) was a Soviet politician and revolutionary who led the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953. He held power as General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1922 to 1952 and Chairman of the Council of Ministers from 1941 until his death. Initially governing as part of a collective leadership, Stalin consolidated power to become dictator by the 1930s; he formalized his Leninist interpretation of Marxism as Marxism-Leninism, while the totalitarian political system he established became known as Stalinism.
Later in life, Hoover would adopt a reputation for being a staunch anti-communist despite the fact that his actions aided the communist regime of the Bolsheviks when they were in danger of losing power.
Back in the United States, Wilson retained a position of neutrality during World War I, but this policy would change after a series of events following the controversial sinking of the passenger ship, the Lusitania, by a German U-boat.
Wilson's advisor, Colonel Edward Mandell House, who had previously encouraged him to sign the Federal Reserve Act, also encouraged Wilson to enter the war by falsely claiming that it was a great struggle between democracy and autocracy.
There is little doubt that House had a tremendous amount of influence not only within the Wilson Administration, but in the larger game of geopolitics throughout the early part of the 20th century.
In 1912, he actually authored a book entitled Philip Drew Administrator, in which the main character Drew becomes dictator of the United States and implements a series of reforms that would actually mirror future real-life events that would take place during the Woodrow Wilson
Official campaign portrait, 1944
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View full-sizeDownload Franklin Delano Roosevelt[a] (January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945), commonly known by his initials FDR, was an American politician who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. The longest serving U.S. president, he is the only president to have served more than two terms. His initial two terms were centered on combating the Great Depression, while his third and fourth saw him shift his focus to America's involvement in World War II.
In the book, the main character Drew implements socialism on a grand scale by abolishing protective tariffs, setting up a social security system, unemployment insurance, a graduated income tax, and a flexible currency system.
When this book was originally written, it was believed by many to be a work of fiction, but in reality, the book represented a blueprint for the future of the United States government, indicating clearly that House was a man with powerful connections.
In 1917, it was claimed by the British that they had broken the German diplomatic code and revealed an intercepted proposal from Berlin to Mexico called the Zimmerman Telegram.
The Telegram proposed that Mexico should join the war as Germany's ally against the US should the US finally enter the war.
In return, the Germans promised Mexico support in reclaiming:
New Mexico
Wilson, who was just re-elected on the promise that he would keep the country out of the war, released the Telegram as part of a propaganda effort to help sell the American people on the idea of entering World War I.
On April 6, 1917, the US would declare war on Germany.
The US drafted millions of men into service, and after two more years of continued bloodshed, the war would finally come to an end.
The Treaty of Versailles would be signed by Germany on June 29, 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference, which effectively ended the war.
Millions would die in World War I.
The entire continent of Europe was plunged into the horrors of trench warfare.
The outdated military tactics of the 19th century, combined with new technology of war, including tanks and aircraft, caused an untold number of deaths.
Chemical weapons would also be used in the conflict, including the use of mustard gas and chlorine.
In fact, so many men were killed or wounded in the war that this generation of men became known as the Lost Generation.
The Wilson administration had anticipated Germany's defeat in advance.
Colonel House, Paul Warburg, and a team of other influential scholars and businessmen, called the Inquiry, would meet in the Harold Pratt House, a building in New York City owned by Standard Oil executive Harold I. Pratt between 1917 and 1918.
The Inquiry would be responsible for helping craft what would eventually be Wilson's 14 points that formed the basis of the Treaty of Versailles agreed upon at the Paris Peace Conference.
Shortly after the Paris Peace Conference, many members of the Inquiry, combined with powerful corporate interest, would become the group known as the Council on Foreign Relations in the early 1920s.
Additionally, the British counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations, called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which has since been renamed the Chatham House, would be officially established around the same time by Lionel Curtis, a member of the Milner Round Table Group.
Both organizations were funded primarily by bankers and powerful business interests and would gain enormous influence over the political systems in each country.
Early members of the Council on Foreign Relations would include associates of:
J.P. Morgan and Company
Kuhn Loeb Company
Standard Oil
and other interests that had been responsible for the implementation of the Federal Reserve.
The Council on Foreign Relations, since its inception, has endorsed policies that directly support these powerful business interests.
In fact, even today, there are many powerful politicians in both the Republican and Democrat parties who are either members or have close associations with this group.
Essentially, many of the same people behind what would become the Council on Foreign Relations were responsible for Wilson's proposals in the Treaty of Versailles.
Included in the Treaty of Versailles was the proposal for a League of Nations, which members of the Inquiry hoped would become the foundational basis for global government.
Colonel House and others would enthusiastically promote it as a global peacekeeping body that would prevent anything like World War I from ever happening again.
Never mind the fact that House and many others who promoted the League of Nations were the ones responsible for engineering and funding World War I to begin with.
Although the war generated a massive amount of debt, the proposal for a League of Nations was not widely accepted.
Much to the dismay of Warburg, House, and our powerful figures, Wilson's proposal for the League was rejected in Congress and many nations identified it as a power grab that would usurp national sovereignty.
With no support from the United States, the League of Nations was seen as weak.
The bankers were disappointed because having gained control over national economies through the installation of national central banks, they now sought to expand their power with new international systems of control.
Despite this, the League of Nations was not a complete failure for the bankers, as the origins of current institutions under the United Nations such as:
the International Court of Justice
World Health Organization
were crafted during the time of this institution.
Following World War I, the United States experienced a great deal of economic prosperity.
Europe had been ravaged by the war, which resulted in large quantities of gold and wealth flowing into the country.
The Federal Reserve had also maintained low interest rates throughout World War I, which spawned an increase in loan activity.
On top of this, the Federal Farm Loan Board was set up encouraging farmers to invest their money in long-term land mortgages.
Farmers who had greatly prospered in the post-World War I economy were even paying off existing loans and taking out new loans to purchase more land.
This prosperity was not favorable to the bankers, and after years of maintaining a policy of low interest rates, the Federal Reserve would in 1920 drastically raise interest rates on agriculture and livestock paper, spawning a contraction in credit.
This contraction was targeted specifically at farmers and workers, which created the agricultural depression of the early 1920s.
Not only did this policy create a sudden rise in unemployment and be the ruin of many farmers, but the contraction also served to break some of the state banks which declined to become member banks of the Federal Reserve.
Here is what Senator Robert Owen, one of the chief sponsors of the Federal Reserve Act, had to say about the agricultural depression in the early 1920s.
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View full-sizeDownload Robert Latham Owen Jr. (February 2, 1856 – July 19, 1947) was one of the first two U.S. senators from Oklahoma. He served in the Senate between 1907 and 1925.
This was aided by now President Warren Harding's protective tariff policies, as well as a continued expansion of credit by the Federal Reserve.
Portrait, c. 1920
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View full-sizeDownload Warren Gamaliel Harding (November 2, 1865 – August 2, 1923) was the 29th president of the United States, serving from 1921 until his death in 1923. A member of the Republican Party, he was one of the most popular sitting U.S. presidents while in office. After his death, a number of scandals were exposed, including Teapot Dome, as well as an extramarital affair with Nan Britton, which tarnished his reputation.
The U.S. government would even manage to pay off a sizable percentage of its debt during this time.
With economic prosperity, political opposition and criticism of the Money Trust and the Federal Reserve began to disappear.
Additionally, the bankers, through their centralized power, had quietly managed to buy a controlling interest in many of the nation's important newspapers and magazines, which also helped to silence any dissent.
But the economic boom of the 1920s was merely a way to set up another crash to consolidate even more wealth in the hands of the bankers.
The bankers also needed a way to move all the gold that found its way into the United States following World War I back over to Europe, and an engineer crisis fit the bill.
After all, most nations up to this point were still operating on a gold standard. Bank of England's governor, Sir Montagu Norman, sought to restore the power and prestige the bank had lost during World War I.
Norman on the cover of Time, 1929
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View full-sizeDownload Montagu Collet Norman, 1st Baron Norman DSO PC (6 September 1871 – 4 February 1950) was an English banker, best known for his role as the Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944.
Meetings between Norman, the governor of the New York Federal Reserve Benjamin Strong, and other bankers would take place throughout the 1920s.
It was finally decided in 1929 that both the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve would abandon the easy monetary policies of the past several years and raise interest rates.
By raising interest rates, this would squeeze the amount of credit available and set the conditions right for a crash.
On October 24, 1929, the bankers called in their 24-hour broker loans, which meant that many stockholders had to dump their stocks to cover.
The massive selling resulted in a severe stock market crash, resulting in this day being referred to forevermore as Black Thursday.
The crash would continue in the days to come, culminating the following Tuesday on October 29, 1929, in which roughly 16 million shares traded hands.
The number of shares traded that day easily set a new record and would not be broken until 1968.
The Federal Reserve would continue its policy of contraction throughout the early 1930s, which made the financial conditions even worse.
Unemployment soared, money was scarce, and bank runs were rampant.
Even though the Federal Reserve and the cabal of international bankers engineered the crisis, President Herbert Hoover was made out to be the scapegoat.
Hoover remained silent during the crisis, but in his memoirs, he would point out, the Federal Reserve's inflationary policies as one of the causes that led to the rampant stock market speculation and the eventual crash.
Although the average American was wiped out in the stock market crash of 1929, others would benefit greatly.
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View full-sizeDownload Bernard Mannes Baruch (August 19, 1870 – June 20, 1965) was an American financier and statesman.Bernard Mannes Baruch (August 19, 1870 – June 20, 1965) was an American financier and statesman.
Powerful insiders such as Bernard Baruch, the head of Woodrow Wilson's War Industries Board during World War I, the Rockefeller family, Joe Kennedy, and others would come out of the stock market crash unscathed.
Kennedy in 1938
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View full-sizeDownload Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr. (September 6, 1888 – November 18, 1969) was an American businessman, investor, philanthropist, and politician. He is known for his own political prominence as well as that of his children and was a patriarch of the Kennedy family, which included president John F. Kennedy, attorney general and senator Robert F. Kennedy, and longtime senator Ted Kennedy.
This event would signal the start of the crisis, but in the meantime, the Federal Reserve would continue its policy of contraction throughout the 1930s, which made the financial crisis a reality.
In 1932, Hoover would lose re-election to Freemason and Governor of New York, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
To get elected, FDR ran a campaign placing blame on the international bankers for the crisis.
Here is what he said during his 1933 inaugural address.
Nature still offers her bounty, and human efforts have multiplied it.
Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply.
Primarily, this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's good have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated.
Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.
True, they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition.
Faced by failure of credit, they have proposed only the lending of more money.
Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading carefully for restored confidence.
They only know the rules of a generation of self-seekers.
They have no vision, and when there is no vision, the people perish.
Yes, the money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization.
We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths.
But this was all a front.
FDR, throughout his presidency, would do the bidding of the international bankers.
FDR was supported by Colonel Edward Mandell House, who, as we have documented previously, played an incredibly influential role during the Woodrow Wilson administration, helping to ensure the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.
Following his inaugural address, FDR would sign Executive Order 6102 on April 5, 1933, which required the American people to turn in all gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates to the Federal Reserve prior to May 1, 1933.
The only exceptions would be rare coins with collectible value, along with gold coins and gold certificates not exceeding the aggregate total of $100.
Noncompliance included a $10,000 fine, 10 years in prison, or both.
For each ounce of gold turned into the Federal Reserve, a sum of approximately $20 in paper notes would be paid out in exchange.
The order was nothing more than a confiscation and made it illegal for the American people to own any sizable amount of gold.
The order effectively would end the gold standard in domestic U.S. territories.
Roosevelt would make the absurd claim that the country needed to pool its financial resources to end the Depression as the rationale for the order.
This is despite the fact that the Federal Reserve and the international bankers were behind the entire Depression.
FDR would even demonize people who owned sizable amounts of gold by calling them hoarders.
This in of itself was absurd because gold over the centuries has represented a store of value, whereas paper notes store zero value.
Who could blame the people for wanting to hold on to their hard-earned gold?
In one of his speeches, Roosevelt would even admit that there was not enough gold backing the money in circulation.
This is because the banks through the Federal Reserve's fractional-reserve banking system had created more money than could be redeemed for gold.
This was a flaw of the banking system itself, not the result of individuals holding on to quantities of gold.
The order was incredibly unpopular, but it is estimated that Roosevelt managed to confiscate approximately half of the American people's gold through the threat of fines and imprisonment.
Following the confiscation, Roosevelt in 1934 would raise the price of the Treasury's gold for international transactions to $35 via the Gold Reserve Act of 1934.
This allowed foreigners with inside knowledge who had purchased gold in advance of the stock market crash in 1929 to generate tremendous profits by reselling their gold at nearly double its original value.
The depository would be completed in 1936, with the first shipments of gold arriving in 1937.
Roosevelt had effectively stolen a large portion of the American people's gold in what could easily be considered one of the biggest swindles of the 20th century.
In addition to the theft of the American people's gold, the Great Depression would be used as an excuse to vastly expand the size of government through Roosevelt's New Deal.
The New Deal would establish institutions such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Social Security Board, later renamed to the Social Security Administration, the Securities Exchange Commission, Fannie Mae, and other government-run agencies.
While Roosevelt was bringing in big government socialism, the Federal Reserve slowly began increasing the supply of credit.
This was after aggressive interest rate hikes in the early 1930s the bankers wanted people to believe that Roosevelt's programs were the reason behind the sole economic improvements, but many still directed their hatred towards the bankers.
In fact, during the early to mid-1930s, the banks were so hated by Americans that bank robbers like:
otherwise known as Bonnie and Clyde, were considered by many to be modern-day heroes drawing comparisons to Robin Hood.
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View full-sizeDownload Bonnie Elizabeth Parker (October 1, 1910 – May 23, 1934) and Clyde Chestnut "Champion" Barrow (March 24, 1909 – May 23, 1934) were American bandits and serial killers who traveled the Central United States with their gang during the Great Depression. The couple was known for their bank robberies and multiple murders, although they preferred to rob small stores or rural funeral homes. Their exploits captured the attention of the American press and its readership during what is occasionally referred to as the "public enemy era" between 1931 and 1934. They were ambushed by police and shot dead in Bienville Parish, Louisiana. They are believed to have murdered at least nine police officers and four civilians.
From 1933 to 1937, unemployment would decline steadily but would rise again following tax increases by FDR.
Unemployment would remain high throughout the remainder of the decade until the start of World War II.
But while the United States and many other nations were in economic turmoil during this entire decade, Germany was being transformed into a center of economic and military power.
After World War I, Germany was the country held primarily responsible for the damages suffered by the Allies during the war.
The war reparations Germany was forced to pay represented an enormous sum of money and was considered to be such a large burden that many economists believe it to be one of the causes that contributed to the eventual hyperinflation that ravaged Germany's post-war economy during the 1920s.
Inflation was so bad that some people found it more cost-effective to actually burn bundles of paper money than to use it to buy firewood.
War reparations, which were largely blamed for Germany's economic problems, angered the German people, allowing the National Socialist Party, or the Nazi Party, to slowly gain an increasing amount of political support.
Shortly after, Hitler would quickly rebuild Germany's military and become a powerful force on the European continent.
But how did a country that was only recently ravaged by World War I, forced to pay large sums of war reparations and experience a hyperinflationary economic collapse, rise to become a dominant military force in such a short period of time?
In order to answer this question, we must first look at the Bank for International Settlements, an international banking institution that was formed in 1930 with headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.
Originally the Bank was formed to facilitate German war reparations payments but would also begin serving the role of settling transactions between central banks.
The Bank was formed by Bank of England governor Sir Montagu Norman and Hjalmar Schacht, who would later become Hitler's finance minister.
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View full-sizeDownload Hjalmar Schacht (born Horace Greeley Hjalmar Schacht; 22 January 1877 – 3 June 1970, German pronunciation: [ˈjalmaʁ ˈʃaxt]) was a German economist, banker, politician, and co-founder of the German Democratic Party. He served as the Currency Commissioner and President of the Reichsbank under the Weimar Republic. He was a fierce critic of his country's post-World War I reparations obligations. He was also central in helping create the group of German industrialists and landowners that pushed Hindenburg to appoint the first NSDAP-led government.
Key positions would also be held by members of the Nazi Party.
The Bank would be used by Schatt to attract investments in the German economy.
Investors from the US, the UK, and other World War I allied countries would funnel money through the Bank, which would eventually end up funding Hitler's war machine.
It would also be used by the Germans during the war to seize wealth from nations they ended up conquering.
American automobile companies such as Ford Motors and General Motors would actually use their German manufacturing plants to aid Hitler's war machine.
Both Ford and GM controlled a large portion of the German car market prior to World War II and would revamp their plants to become suppliers of war material to the German military.
Portrait by Fred Hartsook, c. 1919
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View full-sizeDownload Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) was an American industrialist and business magnate. As the founder of the Ford Motor Company, he is credited as a pioneer in making automobiles affordable for middle-class Americans through the system that came to be known as Fordism. In 1911 he was awarded a patent for the transmission mechanism that would be used in the Ford Model T and other automobiles.
Hitler was an admirer of Henry Ford, the founder and head of Ford Motors, and Ford himself would receive the nation's highest decoration for foreigners, the Grand Cross of the German Eagle in 1938.
James Mooney, a senior executive for General Motors, would also receive a similar Medal of Honor for his service to the Third Reich.
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View full-sizeDownload James Mooney (February 10, 1861 – December 22, 1921) was an American ethnographer who lived for several years among the Cherokee. Known as "The Indian Man", he conducted major studies of Southeastern Indians, as well as of tribes on the Great Plains. He did ethnographic studies of the Ghost Dance, a spiritual movement among various Native American culture groups, after Sitting Bull's death in 1890. His works on the Cherokee include The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees (1891), and Myths of the Cherokee (1900). All were published by the US Bureau of American Ethnology, within the Smithsonian Institution.
In fact, Germany's GM and Ford plants would rely upon slave labor in their production efforts throughout the war.
According to an August 20, 1999, London Independent article, Ford was named as one of the firms using slave labor at the Auschwitz death camp in Poland.
Both Ford and GM would also be the targets of lawsuits originating from their use of slave labor in their manufacturing plants during the war.
In 1925, Max Warburg, the brother of Paul Warburg, who as we documented earlier was one of the key architects of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, would help organize a merger assembling IG Farben.
Max Warburg in 1904 by Rudolf Dührkoop
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View full-sizeDownload Max Moritz Warburg (5 June 1867 – 26 December 1946) was a German banker and scion of the wealthy Warburg family based in Hamburg, Germany.
Leading up to World War II, IG Farben, a chemical manufacturer, would become one of the largest companies in the world, rivaling other corporate giants like Standard Oil and U.S. Steel.
IG Farben would cooperate closely with the Nazis, and like Ford and GM, would make use of slave labor to produce material for the German war effort.
IG Farben, in conjunction with Rockefeller's Standard Oil, would finance and develop a process to produce synthetic gasoline that was vital to the Nazi war machine.
Following World War II, many of the company's directors would receive prison time for their role in the war, although the role of Standard Oil would be largely ignored.
Interestingly enough, Max Warburg, a Jew, was allowed to leave Germany in 1938 as Hitler began rounding up Jews, placing them in concentration camps.
Edwin Black in March 2014
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View full-sizeDownload Edwin Black (born February 27, 1950) is an American historian and author, as well as a syndicated columnist, investigative journalist, and weekly talk show host on The Edwin Black Show. He specializes in human rights, the historical interplay between economics and politics in the Middle East, petroleum policy, academic fraud, corporate criminality and abuse, and the financial underpinnings of Nazi Germany.
As documented in the book IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black, International Business Machines, or IBM, led by its founder Thomas Watson, would supply its automation technology to Germany that would be used heavily throughout the Third Reich, including Hitler's concentration camp system.
IBM and the Holocaust_ the strategic alliance between Nazi -- Black, Edwin -- 1st pbk. ed., New York, 2002 -- New York_ Three Rivers Press -- 9780609808993 -- 94fd36890ad90bd66823976b6f5e28bb -- Anna’s Archive.pdf
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IBM's enabling technologies would even help determine if an individual would live or die within the German concentration camps.
In our instance of American business interests playing a role in assisting the Nazi war machine can be seen with the Union Banking Corporation.
The bank would actually have its assets seized by the US government during World War II under the Trading with the Enemy Act due to its ties to Fritz Thyssen, a German industrialist who was a confirmed early supporter of Hitler.
Fritz Thyssen in 1928
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View full-sizeDownload Friedrich "Fritz" Thyssen (9 November 1873 – 8 February 1951) was a German businessman, born into one of Germany's leading industrial families. He was an early supporter of the Nazi Party but later broke with it.
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View full-sizeDownload Prescott Sheldon Bush Sr. (May 15, 1895 – October 8, 1972) was an American banker and Republican Party politician. After working as a Wall Street executive investment banker, he represented Connecticut in the United States Senate from 1952 to 1963. A member of the Bush family, he was the father of President George H. W. Bush, and the paternal grandfather of President George W. Bush and Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
Official portrait, 1989
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View full-sizeDownload George Herbert Walker Bush[a] (June 12, 1924 – November 30, 2018) was an American politician, diplomat, and businessman who served as the 41st president of the United States from 1989 to 1993. A member of the Republican Party, he also served as the 43rd vice president from 1981 to 1989 under Ronald Reagan and previously in various other federal positions.
and grandfather to future US President George W. Bush, was one of the bank's directors.
Official portrait, 2003
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View full-sizeDownload George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American politician and businessman who served as the 43rd president of the United States from 2001 to 2009. A member of the Republican Party, he also served as the 46th governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000.
E. Roland Harriman, the son of railroad baron E.H. Herriman, served as the bank chairman.
Harriman during World War I service
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View full-sizeDownload Edward Roland Noel "Bunny" Harriman (December 24, 1895 – February 16, 1978) was an American financier and philanthropist.
Interestingly enough, Union Banking Corporation was only one of several Herriman business interests seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act.
Essentially, the rise of the German military during the 1930s was primarily the result of foreign investments and in particular aid from Wall Street and other American business interests.
Even the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor appeared to have been allowed to happen in order for FDR to have the excuse he needed to bring the US into the war.
Prior to the attacks, the US would engage in a series of provocative acts against Japan.
The US actually applied economic sanctions by halting exports, which in effect severely limited their access to resources.
The US would also begin supplying arms to countries that were fighting against Japanese allied nations.
Both of these actions could have been considered acts of war themselves.
A top-secret memorandum written by Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum in 1940 of the Office of Naval Intelligence and declassified in 1994 contained plans to provoke the Japanese into war.
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View full-sizeDownload Arthur Howard McCollum (August 4, 1898 – April 1, 1976) was an American Naval Officer as well as a key member of the Intelligence agency in the Southwest Pacific. He was born in Nagasaki, Japan to two Baptist Missionaries. He spent several years in Japan after his graduation from the Naval Academy granting him a large amount of knowledge about East Asia and the Southwest Pacific that proved key in his interactions with Naval Intelligence. McCollum served as an American Naval Officer and retired in 1951 as Rear Admiral and consultant after World War II to the Central Intelligence Group and Central Intelligence Agency.
Robert Stinnett's book, Day of Deceit, The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, accuses the FDR administration of having foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack and not doing anything to prevent it.
Not only does the book document the contents of the McCollum memorandum, but it also details how FDR's administration would fail to provide Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the Pearl Harbor commander, intelligence information that would have been vital to preparing the base for an attack.
Admiral Husband E. Kimmel in 1941
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View full-sizeDownload Husband Edward Kimmel (February 26, 1882 – May 14, 1968) was a United States Navy four-star admiral who was the commander in chief of the United States Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT) during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He was removed from that command after the attack, in December 1941, and was reverted to his permanent two-star rank of rear admiral due to no longer holding a four-star assignment. He retired from the Navy in early 1942. The United States Senate voted to restore Kimmel's permanent rank to four stars in 1999, but President Clinton did not act on the resolution, and neither have any of his successors.
Kimmel himself, during subsequent Pearl Harbor inquiries, would testify that he was kept out of the loop on information that would have been vital to preparing the base for a Japanese attack.
Only months after the surrender of Japan and the end of World War II, the United Nations charter would be ratified, thus establishing a key component of global government. John D. Rockefeller Jr. would even donate land for the United Nations headquarters in New York City.
The United Nations General Assembly reaches its closing sessions at Flushing, Long Island.
Russia's Foreign Minister Molotov is keenly concerned about the international disarmament resolution.
Secretary of State Burns addresses the delegates on the subject, disclosing the number of American armed forces in foreign countries.
The Assembly takes a long step toward world peace by approving the resolution and routing it to the Security Council.
A permanent site for the United Nations world capital is also approved.
From 42nd Street between First Avenue and the East River in New York, the future skyscraper headquarters will occupy six blocks, running north to 48th Street.
This $8.5 million tract is the gift of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and solves a difficult problem for the U.N.
The city will add another $2 million in small tracts, rounding out the site.
Many other sections were explored by the committee, and after a year's search, U.N. Secretary-General Trygve calls for a deciding vote.
Lie in 1938
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View full-sizeDownload Trygve Halvdan Lie (/liː/ LEE, Norwegian: [ˈtrʏ̂gʋə ˈliː] ⓘ; 16 July 1896 – 30 December 1968) was a Norwegian politician, labour leader, government official and author. He served as Norwegian foreign minister during the critical years of the Norwegian government in exile in London from 1940 to 1945. From 1946 to 1952 he was the first secretary-general of the United Nations.
The 18 acres in midtown Manhattan are chosen by a vote of 46 to 7.
The international organization's wanderings are over.
Work of clearing the land for a magnificent world capital will start in a few months.
But even if the Allies were not victorious over the Axis powers, the result would have still been the same.
The Nazis allied with Italy and Japan would have also sought to bring about global government.
Hitler spoke in 1940 of forming a new order in Europe, ruled by the Third Reich, followed by future plans for German domination of Africa and the Americas.
His plans for a new order would ultimately fail, following Operation Barbarossa, the failed German invasion of Russia, in 1941.
This military failure would mark the beginning of the end for Germany during World War II and end Hitler's dream of a new order.
The only real difference between the two sides is that Hitler sought to implement global government through military conquest out in the open, whereas the Allied powers believed in a slower, more methodical approach to achieve the same goal.
This would make sense considering the powers funding both sides of the war openly believed in the virtues of global government.
With the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II, the main push towards global government would begin.
Paul Warburg's son, James Paul Warburg, would fall in his father's footsteps, eventually becoming a powerful Wall Street banker, filling high-level positions at banks including the International Acceptance Bank and the Bank of Manhattan.
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View full-sizeDownload James Paul Warburg (August 18, 1896 – June 3, 1969) was a German-born American banker, businessman, and writer. He was well known for being the financial adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt. His father was banker Paul Warburg, member of the Warburg family and "father" of the Federal Reserve system. After World War II, Warburg helped organize the Society for the Prevention of World War III in support of the Morgenthau Plan.
Warburg would become a financial advisor to FDR in the early to mid-1930s, and during World War II would become a special assistant to Wild Bill Donovan, who in 1941 was appointed the head of the Office of the Coordinator of Information.
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View full-sizeDownload William Joseph "Wild Bill" Donovan KBE (January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was an American soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat. He is best known for serving as the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during World War II. He is regarded as the founding father of the CIA, and a statue of him stands in the lobby of the CIA headquarters building in Langley, Virginia.
This new intelligence agency created by Roosevelt would be responsible for coordinating intelligence information between existing agencies as well as American wartime propaganda operations.
In 1942, the agency would be split up with covert intelligence operations falling under the Office of Strategic Services, or the OSS, and propaganda operations falling under the Office of War Information.
Warburg would become the overseas branch deputy director in the Office of War Information, while Donovan would head up the OSS, the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency, or the CIA.
Warburg's ties to Donovan are intriguing, especially considering that his uncle, Max Warburg, was responsible for assembling IG Farben, which as we documented previously, played a key role in supporting the Nazi war machine.
Speaking at a 1950 Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Warburg would make the following statement.
The 1944 Bretton Woods Conference would play a key role in post-World War II economic reconstruction.
The conference spawned the Bretton Woods Agreement, which was responsible for creating the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, an organization that would fall under the World Bank Group, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which would eventually evolve into the World Trade Organization in the 1990s.
The International Monetary Fund was initially sold to the public as an organization that would manage the exchange rate rules decided upon at Bretton Woods, and to ensure a stable international financial system.
Over time, as an increasing number of countries have joined the IMF, it has become more influential and now has the ability to issue its own currency based off of a basket of currencies called special drawing rights, as well as issue highly leveraged loans to developing nations.
The World Bank Group, or the World Bank, was sold to the public as a means for funding efforts to reconstruct countries after World War II, and to eliminate poverty in the Third World.
With the Marshall Plan of 1947, in which the U.S. offered many war-torn countries grants instead of loans, the World Bank would shift its loan efforts to the Third World.
Both of these institutions would be dominated primarily by U.S. and European interests.
Since their inception, both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have put Third World nations into debt.
In fact, these institutions have actually helped to increase poverty in the Third World by placing a great burden of debt on them, forcing the payment of immense sums of interest.
With most of Europe in ruins after World War II, it was also agreed that the U.S. dollar, which was still on an international gold standard, would become the world's reserve currency.
All member nations of the International Monetary Fund agreed to keep the value of their currencies in terms of the U.S. dollar.
The conference would also solidify the Bank for International Settlements as a permanent international financial institution.
During the conference, the Bank for International Settlements was accused by many of being involved in war crimes considering its close connection with the Nazis.
However, after much debate, it was decided that it would not be dissolved, and it exists today as a settling house for transactions between national central banks.
Overall, the Bretton Woods Agreement represented a major step forward for global government, consulting power in the hands of fewer people.
Official portrait, 1959
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View full-sizeDownload Dwight David Eisenhower (/ˈaɪzənhaʊ.ər/ EYE-zən-how-ər; born David Dwight Eisenhower; October 14, 1890 – March 28, 1969), nicknamed Ike, was an American military officer and statesman who served as the 34th president of the United States from 1953 to 1961. During World War II, he was Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe and achieved the five-star rank as General of the Army. Eisenhower planned and supervised two of the most consequential military campaigns of World War II: Operation Torch in the North Africa campaign in 1942–1943 and the invasion of Normandy in 1944.
With two major world wars, the bankers had also engineered the rise of what Dwight Eisenhower would coin, the military industrial complex.
The Rothschild Family Additionally, the Rothschild family would be successful in establishing the phony Jewish state of Israel and Palestine.
The British government in 1917, which for years had been under the financial control of the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, issued the Balfour Declaration to Walter Rothschild favoring the establishment of a national home for Jews in Palestine.
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View full-sizeDownload Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, Baron de Rothschild, FRS (8 February 1868 – 27 August 1937) was a British banker, politician, zoologist and soldier, who was a member of the Rothschild family. As a Zionist leader, he was presented with the Balfour Declaration, which pledged British support for a Jewish national home in Palestine. Rothschild was the president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews from 1925 to 1926.
Caroll Quigley in his book, Tragedy and Hope, claims that the Balfour Declaration was actually written by Alfred Milner and provided to Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to relay to Rothschild.
This would in fact make sense considering that Milner was an incredibly powerful and influential figure in the British Empire at that time.
Other members of the Rothschild family would spend large sums of money supporting the Zionism movement during the latter part of the 19th century as well as the early part of the 20th century.
Edmond James de Rothschild, the son of James Rothschild, who founded the original French branch of the Rothschild banking business, would be one of its principal supporters.
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View full-sizeDownload Baron Abraham Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild (Hebrew: הברון אברהם אדמונד בנימין ג'יימס רוטשילד, romanized: HaBaron Avraham Edmond Binyamin Ya'akov Rotshield; 19 August 1845 – 2 November 1934) was a French member of the Rothschild banking family. A strong supporter of Zionism, his large donations lent significant support to the movement during its early years, which helped lead to the establishment of the State of Israel—where he is simply known as "The Baron Rothschild", "HaBaron" (lit. 'The Baron'), or "Hanadiv Hayeduah" (lit. 'The noble donator').
He would play a key role in financing early Jewish settlements in Palestine.
In 1899, he would transfer the title in his Palestinian lands plus 15 million francs to the Jewish Colonization Association, an organization founded to resettle Russian and Romanian Jews in Argentina.
In 1924, he would help reorganize this organization as the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association with help from his son, James Armand de Rothschild.
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View full-sizeDownload James Armand Edmond de Rothschild DCM DL (1 December 1878 – 7 May 1957), sometimes known as Jimmy de Rothschild, was a British Liberal politician and philanthropist, from the wealthy Rothschild international banking dynasty.
It is estimated that he would spend over 50 million dollars on Jewish settlements in Palestine throughout the course of his lifetime.
Most of this land would eventually become part of the Jewish state of Israel following his death.
His contributions to the eventual establishment of Israel are recognized with many localities within the country named in his honor.
His likeness would even appear on an Israeli currency note in the 1980s.
After James Armand de Rothschild's death, he would actually donate 6 million Israeli pounds to the creation of the Knesset building with his wife, Dorothy de Rothschild, eventually funding the construction of a new building for the Israeli Supreme Court.
Dorothy de Rothschild with Kadish Luz at the inauguration of the new Knesset
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View full-sizeDownload Dorothy de Rothschild (née Pinto; 7 March 1895 – 10 December 1988) was an English philanthropist and activist for Jewish affairs who married into the wealthy Rothschild banking family.
The Rothschild's efforts to support Zionism and the creation of the state of Israel would be aided by post World War II propaganda, proclaiming that millions of Jews were killed in Hitler's concentration camps.
Yes, there were concentration camps, but many independent researchers have questioned the validity of these numbers.
It appears as if these claims were used to help sway public opinion to accept the establishment of the phony Jewish state of Israel on Palestinian lands, which to this day has been used as a means of division to create chaos in the Middle East.
The Jewish state of Israel has been being used as a means of division to create chaos in the Middle East.
The Jewish state of Israel has been being used as a means of division to create chaos in the Middle East.
The World War Industries Board during World War I helped to create the beginnings of the military industrial complex and profited handsomely off of the stock market crash of 1929, would be credited with being the first to coin the term Cold War in the late 1940s.
It is impossible to believe that this was just a mere coincidence.
Despite the engineered threat of the Cold War and the rise of the military industrial complex, the U.S. economy would flourish in the 1950s primarily because of the dollar's role as the world's reserve currency and the fact that many nations' economies were being rebuilt as a result of war.
President Eisenhower would create the interstate highway system, which also helped contribute to the American economic boom.
But Eisenhower himself realized that despite holding the highest office in the land, he was not in complete control.
As we documented previously, Eisenhower would warn the American people of the incredible influence of the military industrial complex in his 1961 farewell speech.
Here is his warning.
Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.
The total influence, economic, political, even spiritual, is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government.
We recognize the imperative need for this development, yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.
Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved.
So is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberty or democratic process.
We should take nothing for granted.
Only an alert and knowledgeable citizen can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Oval Office portrait, 1963
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View full-sizeDownload John Fitzgerald Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), often referred to as JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. He was the youngest person elected president.[a] Kennedy served at the height of the Cold War, and the majority of his foreign policy concerned relations with the Soviet Union and Cuba. A Democrat, Kennedy represented Massachusetts in both houses of the United States Congress prior to his presidency.
When Joe Kennedy's son, John F. Kennedy, became the next president, Eisenhower's warning would become even more relevant.
Initially, it was thought that JFK could be easily controlled by the international bankers and the shadow government, which had formed in the post-World War II era.
They were mistaken as Kennedy started working for the best interests of the American people and against the shadow government.
Kennedy would sign Executive Order 11110, which authorized the Treasury to issue silver certificates backed 100% by silver bullion.
In other words, Kennedy authorized the Treasury to issue money that was entirely outside the control of the international bankers.
Kennedy would even fire Allen Dulles, the powerful head of the CIA, following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.
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View full-sizeDownload Allen Welsh Dulles (/ˈdʌlɪs/ DUL-iss; April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was an American lawyer who was the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and its longest serving director to date. As head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the early Cold War, he oversaw the 1953 Iranian coup d'état, the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état, the Lockheed U-2 aircraft program, the Project MKUltra mind control program, and the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961. As a result of the failed invasion of Cuba, Dulles was fired by President John F. Kennedy.
During the 1950s, Dulles would not only be responsible for organizing the coups that toppled the democratically elected Iranian and Guatemalan governments, but he would organize programs like Operation Mockingbird, a campaign to influence foreign and domestic media, as well as MKUltra, a mind control research program.
Kennedy was also preparing to have U.S. military forces removed from Vietnam following the Cuban Missile Crisis.
This would have marked a major policy reversal for Kennedy's administration and would have saved the lives of millions of people had this policy been implemented.
Kennedy's actions angered powerful figures who were links back to the international banking system as well as the CIA.
These reasons and others would be the cause of his assassination in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
The Warren Commission, which was formed to investigate the assassination, issued an 888-page report concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman responsible for Kennedy's death.
Oswald on November 23, 1963, one day after the assassination of U.S. president John F. Kennedy
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View full-sizeDownload Lee Harvey Oswald (October 18, 1939 – November 24, 1963) was a U.S. Marine veteran who assassinated John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, on November 22, 1963.
The Warren Commission and subsequent investigations into Kennedy's assassination have been widely criticized and are no longer believed by the public to tell the whole story behind the assassination.
Official portrait, 1974
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View full-sizeDownload Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. (/ˈdʒɛrəld/ JERR-əld;[1] born Leslie Lynch King Jr.; July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006) was an American politician who served as the 38th president of the United States from 1974 to 1977. He previously served as the leader of the Republican Party in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1965 to 1973, and as the 40th vice president under President Richard Nixon from 1973 to 1974. Ford succeeded to the presidency when Nixon resigned in 1974, but was defeated for election to a full term in 1976. Ford is the only person to serve as president without winning an election for president or vice president.
Looking specifically at the Warren Commission, its credibility should be questioned considering that its members included Allen Dulles, who was just fired from the CIA by Kennedy, future U.S. President Gerald Ford, and John J. McCloy, who was the chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1954 to 1970.
McCloy in 1950
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View full-sizeDownload John Jay McCloy (March 31, 1895 – March 11, 1989) was an American lawyer, diplomat, banker, and presidential advisor. He served as Assistant Secretary of War during World War II under Henry Stimson. In this capacity he dealt with German sabotage and political tensions in the North Africa Campaign. He was both the prime mover of Japanese internment and one of the few high-ranking Federal bureaucrats to advocate against the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After the war, he served as the president of the World Bank, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, a member of the Warren Commission, and a prominent United States adviser to all presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan. McCloy is best remembered as a member of the foreign policy establishment group of elders called "The Wise Men", a group of statesmen marked by nonpartisanship, pragmatic internationalism, and aversion to ideological fervor.
JFK's brother, Robert Kennedy, had questioned the results of the Warren Commission but during his own run for president in 1968 would also be assassinated.
Kennedy in 1965
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View full-sizeDownload Robert Francis Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968), also known by his initials RFK, was an American politician and lawyer. He served as the 64th United States attorney general from January 1961 to September 1964, and as a U.S. senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968, when he was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. Like his brothers John F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy, he was a prominent member of the Democratic Party and is an icon of modern American liberalism.
Simply put, the establishment had the most to gain by assassinating Kennedy so their agenda of war and debt generation could continue.
Following Kennedy's assassination, his successor, Lyndon Baines Johnson, would halt the Treasury's issuance of silver certificates, dramatically increase government spending through his Great Society program, and escalate the war in Vietnam.
Official portrait, 1964
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View full-sizeDownload Lyndon Baines Johnson (/ˈlɪndən ˈbeɪnz/; August 27, 1908 – January 22, 1973), often referred to as LBJ, was an American politician who served as the 36th president of the United States from 1963 to 1969. He became president after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, under whom he had served as the 37th vice president from 1961 to 1963. A Democrat from Texas, Johnson also served as a U.S. representative and U.S. senator.
In fact, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which is widely proclaimed to be the event that triggered the beginning of the Vietnam War, was based off of lies and never even happened.
Defense Secretary Robert McNamara would claim that North Vietnamese patrol boats had attacked U.S. warships in the Gulf of Tonkin during two separate incidents on the dates of August 2, 1964, and August 4, 1964.
Official portrait, 1961
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View full-sizeDownload Robert Strange McNamara (/ˈmæknəmærə/; June 9, 1916 – July 6, 2009) was an American businessman and government official who served as the eighth United States secretary of defense from 1961 to 1968 under presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson at the height of the Cold War. He remains the longest-serving secretary of defense, having remained in office over seven years. He played a major role in promoting the U.S.'s involvement in the Vietnam War. McNamara was responsible for the institution of systems analysis in public policy, which developed into the discipline known today as policy analysis.
In 2005, historical documents pertaining to the Gulf of Tonkin incident were declassified by the National Security Agency.
The documents tell a much different story surrounding the events, concluding that the North Vietnamese patrol boats were likely fired upon first by the U.S. Navy warship, the USS Maddox, during the first incident and that no attack happened during the second incident.
Johnson would use this non-event as justification for military action against North Vietnam.
Here is a portion of Johnson's speech in which he misleads the American people as to the true nature of what happened in the Gulf of Tonkin.
My fellow Americans, as President and Commander-in-Chief, it is my duty to the American people to report that renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action in reply.
The initial attack on the destroyer Maddox on August 2 was repeated today by a number of hostile vessels attacking two U.S. destroyers with torpedoes.
The destroyers and supporting aircraft acted at once on the orders I gave after the initial act of aggression.
We believe at least two of the attacking boats were sunk.
There were no U.S. losses.
Based on this lie, the Vietnam War plunged the U.S. government into increasing debt and when it was finally over, resulted in the death of over 58,000 American servicemen and millions of Vietnamese.
With the U.S. government borrowing an increasing amount of money to fund wide-reaching social programs and war overseas, foreigners began to question if the U.S. dollar was really as good as gold.
When inflation started to spiral out of control, countries began to demand gold in exchange for their dollars.
Official portrait, 1972
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View full-sizeDownload Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974. A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as a representative and senator from California and as the 36th vice president from 1953 to 1961 under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. His presidency saw the reduction of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, détente with the Soviet Union and China, the Apollo 11 Moon landing, and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Nixon's second term ended early when he became the only U.S. president to resign from office, as a result of the Watergate scandal.
In response, President Richard Nixon would abruptly close the international gold window on August 15, 1971, ending any foreign redemption of gold for dollars.
On this day, Nixon would lie to the American people by falsely claiming that he was protecting the value of the dollar by removing it off of the international gold standard.
Nixon was admitting that the U.S. had defaulted on their promise to pay gold in exchange for dollars because the Federal Reserve had created too many dollars out of thin air.
This would prove to be a disaster for the value of the U.S. dollar as inflation would become an enormously huge problem throughout the 1970s.
Here is a portion of Nixon's speech.
The third indispensable element in building the new prosperity is closely related to creating new jobs and halting inflation.
We must protect the position of the American dollar as a pillar of monetary stability around the world.
In the past seven years, there's been an average of one international monetary crisis every year.
Now, who gains from these crises?
Not the working man, not the investor, not the real producers of wealth.
The gainers are the international money speculators.
Because they thrive on crises, they help to create them.
In recent weeks, the speculators have been waging an all-out war on the American dollar.
The strength of a nation's currency is based on the strength of that nation's economy.
And the American economy is by far the strongest in the world. Accordingly, I have directed the Secretary of the Treasury to take the action necessary to defend the dollar against the speculators.
I have directed Secretary Conley to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets, except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and in the best interest of the United States.
Now, what is this action, which is very technical, what does it mean for you?
Let me lay to rest the bugaboo of what is called devaluation.
If you want to buy a foreign car or take a trip abroad, market conditions may cause your dollar to buy slightly less.
But if you are among the overwhelming majority of Americans who buy American-made products in America, your dollar will be worth just as much tomorrow as it is today.
The effect of this action, in other words, will be to stabilize the dollar.
Now, this action will not win us any friends among the international money traders, but our primary concern is with the American workers and with fair competition around the world.
To our friends abroad, including the many responsible members of the international banking community who are dedicated to stability and the flow of trade, I give this assurance.
The United States has always been and will continue to be a forward-looking and trustworthy trading partner.
In full cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and those who trade with us, we will press for the necessary reforms to set up an urgently needed new international monetary system.
Stability and equal treatment are in everybody's best interest.
I am determined that the American dollar must never again be a hostage in the hands of international speculators.
Thank you.
International Gold Standards
Some have theorized that the International Gold Standards set up at the Bretton Woods Conference was merely used as a way to slowly transfer the Fort Knox gold out of the United States and into the hands of the international bankers and that this is why Nixon closed the international gold window because there wasn't any gold left to redeem.
One thing that is certain is that there has not been a full audit of the Fort Knox gold reserves since the 1950s despite the fact that regular audits are mandated by law.
With a lack of transparency, it is difficult to conclude if the gold that FDR had seized from the American people in the 1930s is still located at Fort Knox.
In fact, Ian Fleming, who was a British intelligence agent during World War II and author of the James Bond series of novels wrote one particular book of interest called Goldfinger.
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View full-sizeDownload Ian Lancaster Fleming (28 May 1908 – 12 August 1964) was an English writer, best known for his postwar James Bond series of spy novels. Fleming came from a wealthy family connected to the merchant bank Robert Fleming & Co., and his father was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Henley from 1910 until his death on the Western Front in 1917. Educated at Eton, Sandhurst, and, briefly, the universities of Munich and Geneva, Fleming moved through several jobs before he started writing.
The book describes a plot by Bond's antagonist Auric Goldfinger to steal gold from Fort Knox.
Was this a warning by Fleming of a real-life plot?
Until we have a true independent audit of the Fort Knox gold reserves, we'll probably never know for sure.
The lack of a full independent audit of the Fort Knox gold led made to believe that the gold could have been stolen.
In response to these and other allegations, the U.S. Mint in 1974 allowed select members of Congress and the media to take a look at the gold.
The showing was criticized by many as being an overblown photo opportunity and the internal audit promised by the U.S. Mint resulted in an audit of only 21% of the gold.
Continuing partial audits of the gold would be authorized by the Treasury Department, but questions still remained.
If the U.S. Treasury had nothing to hide, why not just conduct a full independent audit to silence conspiracy accusations?
Congressman Crane, you suggested all this.
Well, I did because there were rampant rumors and members of Congress were receiving a great deal of mail based on the charge that significant portions of our gold reserves at Fort Knox were gone.
So, I had suggested to Secretary of the Treasury Simon that I thought this would be a good way, I think, to dispel those rumors.
With the U.S. no longer on an international gold standard and massive government borrowing and spending taking place, inflation began to take hold.
This was further complicated by the ongoing geopolitical situation in the Middle East between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
The Nixon administration would authorize 2.2 billion dollars in support to Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War which angered many Arab oil producing countries.
This prompted OPEC to announce an oil embargo and resulted in the quadrupling of the oil price. U.S. government price controls on oil and gasoline rationing as well as highway speed limit reductions didn't help matters either.
In addition, the Federal Reserve, under the leadership of Arthur Burns, would encourage the inflationary problems by providing easy credit to the Nixon administration.
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View full-sizeDownload Arthur Frank Burns (April 27, 1904 – June 26, 1987) was an American economist and diplomat who served as the 10th chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1970 to 1978. He previously chaired the Council of Economic Advisers under President Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1956, and served as the first Counselor to the President under Richard Nixon from January to November 1969. He also taught and researched at Rutgers University, Columbia University, and the National Bureau of Economic Research.
By 1974, inflation had become such a problem that Nixon's successor, Gerald Ford, would declare a war on inflation.
Ford stated his intention to whip inflation now, but amazingly asked the American people to make sacrifices to help him with this effort.
Ford completely ignored the real problem which revolved around the phony debt-based monetary system facilitated by the Federal Reserve and the abolishment of the international gold standard by Nixon only a few years earlier.
To add further comedy to the situation, the Ford administration issued win buttons which stood for whip inflation now to motivate the American people to fight inflation when the real cause was the Federal Reserve.
Despite the delinking of the U.S. dollar to gold, many oil-producing countries would agree to price and sell oil exclusively in U.S. dollars.
As an increasing amount of money was being funneled into the military-industrial complex, the U.S. would effectively enforce this quasi-Petro-dollar standard through its military might.
With countries requiring payment in U.S. dollars in exchange for oil, an additional demand for the currency was built into the market.
Nonetheless, the problem of inflation would persist throughout the 1970s and it got so bad that at the height of the crisis, some believed that the U.S. dollar was on the brink of a total collapse.
The inflation crisis hit a fever pitch in the late 1970s with the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
The Iranian people would overthrow the U.S. installed Shah which caused panic in the oil markets.
The price of oil, gold, and silver would see parabolic rises.
It was also during this time that the Hunt brothers would attempt to corner the silver market, causing the price of silver to rise from $3 an ounce to around $50 an ounce.
Even though the Hunts would end up losing a great deal of money after the exchange rules changed during their cornering attempt, it served the purpose of bankrupting many people who entered the silver market as a protective measure fearing a total collapse of the U.S. dollar.
Those who purchased silver anywhere near the top of the silver market in the early 1980s still have not recovered their losses in dollar-denominated terms even 30 years after the fact.
Losing a billion dollars didn't even threaten the Hunt's solvency, but people who don't have their kind of money should never forget that trading in precious metals, gold as well as silver, is a high-risk gamble.
With inflation totally out of control, new Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker would step in and increase the Fed Funds rate to 20%.
(September 5, 1927 – December 8, 2019)
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View full-sizeDownload Paul Adolph Volcker Jr. (September 5, 1927 – December 8, 2019) was an American economist who served as the 12th chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987. During his tenure as chairman, Volcker was widely credited with having ended the high levels of inflation seen in the United States throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, with measures known as the Volcker shock. He previously served as the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 1975 to 1979.
The consequences of this action would result in devastating short-term consequences for the U.S. economy, but the action rewarded people who had saved by giving them a real positive return on their bank account.
This action returned credibility to the U.S. dollar and reversed the trend of skyrocketing gold, silver, and oil prices in dollar-denominated terms.
Official portrait, 1981
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View full-sizeDownload Ronald Wilson Reagan[a] (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989. A member of the Republican Party, his presidency constituted the Reagan era, and he is considered one of the most prominent American conservative figures.
It was also during this time that Ronald Reagan would be swept into office as the next U.S. president.
Reagan early in his political career promoted libertarian principles and the virtues of small government, but none of these ideals would be implemented while he was president.
Shortly into his presidency, an attempt on his life would be made by John Hinckley Jr., a man whose family had ties to the family of George Herbert Walker Bush, the former CIA director and now sitting vice president.
Hinckley's mugshot on March 30, 1981, the day of the shooting
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View full-sizeDownload John Warnock Hinckley Jr. (born May 29, 1955) is an American man who attempted to assassinate U.S. president Ronald Reagan as he left the Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., on March 30, 1981, two months after Reagan's first inauguration. Using a revolver, Hinckley wounded Reagan, police officer Thomas Delahanty, Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy and White House Press Secretary James Brady. Brady was left disabled and died 33 years later from his injuries.
Some believe the assassination attempt was part of a larger conspiracy to remove Reagan and for Bush to take over as president in the early 1980s.
Although the assassination attempt had failed, the Reagan administration from that point forward would advance the elite's agenda throughout the 1980s.
No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of its national income.
Today, 37 cents out of every dollar earned in this country is the tax collector's share, and yet our government continues to spend $17 million a day more than the government takes in.
We haven't balanced our budget 28 out of the last 34 years.
We've raised our debt limit three times in the last 12 months, and now our national debt is one and a half times bigger than all the combined debts of all the nations of the world.
We have $15 billion in gold in our treasury.
We don't own an ounce.
Foreign dollar claims are $27.3 billion.
And we've just had an ounce that the dollar of 1939 will now purchase 45 cents in its total value.
Reagan would order the creation of the U.S. Gold Commission in order to investigate the prospect of returning the country to a gold standard as a way to satisfy the concerns of many Americans.
The commission was well represented by members of the Federal Reserve and as expected, concluded that returning to a gold standard would be a mistake.
Of course, as we have documented previously, returning to a gold standard would not truly represent a real solution anyway.
The Reagan administration would also order the creation of the Grace Commission to explore waste and inefficiency in government.
Grace in 1982
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View full-sizeDownload Joseph Peter Grace Jr. (May 25, 1913 – April 19, 1995) was an American industrialist who was president of the diversified chemical company, W. R. Grace & Co., for 48 years, making him the longest serving CEO of a public company.
Although the report didn't mention anything that the American people didn't already know about government waste, it did have a few interesting points involving the fraudulent monetary system.
It concluded that 100% of income taxes collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt and transfer payments.
This meant that all individual income tax revenues are gone before any money is spent on government services.
In order to pay for government services, the government was simply borrowing more money from the privately run central bank, the Federal Reserve.
This statement was an admission that the entire monetary system is a complete and total fraud.
Businessmen have been saying for decades now that the federal government wastes billions of dollars each year.
And a study out today by business executives reports that hardly any company could survive if it were run the way the government is.
In 1987, Alan Greenspan will be appointed as the new Federal Reserve Chairman.
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View full-sizeDownload Alan Greenspan (born March 6, 1926) is an American economist who served as the 13th chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1987 to 2006. He worked as a private adviser and provided consulting for firms through his company, Greenspan Associates LLC.
In the 1960s, Greenspan was a free-market economist that supported precious mental links to the monetary system.
However, he would eventually be turned to the dark side, which led to his eventual appointment as the Fed Chief.
He would face his first major test with the stock market crash of 1987, which resulted in a one day drop of over 22% in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Although the relative new phenomenon of computer trading was largely blamed for the crash, the Federal Reserve had still maintained a tight monetary policy throughout the 1980s.
In the months leading up to the crash, the Federal Reserve was beginning to increase interest rates after slowly decreasing them following Volcker's draconian interest rate hike earlier in the decade.
The restriction of credit appears to have been one of the primary causes of this crash.
There's never been a day like this one on the stock market.
Panic selling around the world has shattered records.
Even the records set in the Wall Street crash of 1929.
On Friday, the New York Exchange dropped more than 100 points for the first time.
Today, the plunge was five times that. By the time they stopped counting, it had fallen 508.32 points.
Today's final New York figure won't be known until tomorrow.
And the Toronto 300 Composite Index closed with a record drop of 407.20 points.
All this affects more than just the people in the stock market.
It affects everybody.
The crash resulted in the creation of the President's Working Group on Financial Markets through a Reagan Executive Order.
This group consists of the Treasury Secretary, the Federal Reserve Chairman, the SEC Chairman, and the Chairman of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.
The group was given the mandate to look into ways to ensure stock market stability.
The Washington Post will later refer to this group as the Plunge Protection Team.
Many have charged that the Plunge Protection Team, armed with the money creation capabilities of the Federal Reserve, have far exceeded their original mandate by propping up the stock market and manipulating the price of gold.
With high interest rates and a strengthening U.S. dollar, the value of:
would drop tremendously in dollar-denominated terms throughout the 1980s.
The low price of oil and other resources through the strengthening of the U.S. dollar would be one of the key factors in the final demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s.
This created another problem for the International Banking Cartel.
The Cold War, which was used to feed the military-industrial complex, could no longer be used as an excuse to fund covert operations around the world.
From Afghanistan to Central America, the U.S. was heavily involved in these activities throughout the 1980s.
These covert operations eventually spawned the Iran-Contra scandal, in which senior Reagan administration officials supplied weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of hostages and to fund the U.S.-backed Nicaraguan Contras.
Reagan even called the CIA-backed Mujahideen, who were fighting the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, freedom fighters, the same people who would later be demonized as Islamic terrorists in the 21st century.
With the Soviet Union's economy in shambles, the Berlin Wall would be taken down, uniting West and East Germany for the first time since before World War II.
The Soviet Union would also crumble, ending the perceived threat of communism and the Cold War.
This meant that a new enemy had to be created in order to justify the continued purchase of the Cold War.