Committee Study of the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program - Senate Select Committee on...
CIA Declassified a document - The Adam and Eve Story
CIA Mars Exploration - May 22, 1984
Dangerous Machinery - 'Conspiracy Theorist' as a Transpersonal Strategy of Exclusion
Intelligence Community Massive Digital Data Systems Initiative
Lost in The Cloud - Google and The U.S. Government
Parapsychology In Intelligence - A Personal Review and Conclusions
Psychological Operations - Principles and Case Studies
Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual - 2010
Striving for Accountability in The Aftermath of The Holocaust - The Office of Special Investigations
The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance - The U-2 and OXCART Programs
The Finders - Missing Children - A CIA Front Established in the 1960's
The Iraq October 2002 NIE on WMDs
The Story of Obama - All in The Company
George Bush - The Unauthorized Biography - by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin
Global Trends 2015 - A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts - NIC
Global Trends 2020 - Mapping The Global Future - National Intelligence Council
Global Trends 2025 - A Transformed World - National Intelligence Council
Operation Gladio - The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia - by Paul L. Williams
The CIA as Organized Crime - How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World - by Douglas Valentine
The CIA Covenant - Nazis in Washington - by Gregory Douglas
The Invisible Government - by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross
The Manchurian Candidate - The CIA and Mind Control - by John Marks
The Secret Team - The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World - by L.F. Prouty