The Pleiades

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Nobody knows exactly what the Pleiadians are going to do yet, but I will share this with you:
Those that live in the system around Alcyon, some of them cannot be trusted, as they have hidden agendas.
Those from Taygeta, I am told, have a very clear objective:

to maintain the idea of freedom.
Just because a group is labeled "Pleiadians" doesn't mean they are here to 'help us.'


Additional Information

An Open Letter to Pleiadian Starseeds
An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families
A VLBI Resolution of the Pleiades Distance Controversy
Controversy Reignites over Distance of Pleiades Star Cluster
Daughters of Pleione
Excerpts from "Gods, Genes, and Consciousness" - Nonhuman Intervention in Human History
Faint Spiral Galaxy Photobombs the 'Seven Sisters'
George Green - Main File
Handbook for The New Paradigm - A Personal Message for You
Human Origins and The Living Library
Messages and Memories From The Pleiades - Regression Experiences and Contacts
More Evidence of An Ancient Egyptian and Pleiadian Presence in Australia
Open Cluster
Pleiadians - from "Study Notes - Voyagers I & II" by Anna Hayes
Pleiades and Stardust
Project Mannequin and James Casbolt - Main File
Sir Edmund Halley and The Pleiades Anomaly
Sir Edmund Halley e L'Anomali delle Pleiadi
Talking to Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy - Paranexus Radio Interview Transcript
Taygetan Pleiadian Galactic Council Federation mission to Earth
The 3 Earth Grand Experiments
The Ancient Guardians of The Living Library
The Cycles of the Pleiades Star Cluster
The Greek Myth of Pleiades in The Archaeology of Natural Disasters - Decoding, Dating And Environmen...
The Hidden Past - Atlantis
The Human Repository - from "Cosmic Voyage - A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth"
The Man Who Fell to Earth - The Story of Adrain
The Medium's Message-From-The-Pleiades
The Mysteries of the 'Devil's Tower' and the Constellation of the Pleiades
The Origin of 'Oumuamua Revealed - Mystery Object came from the Pleiades
The Photon Belt - Main File
The Sky Disc of Nebra - Bronze Age Sky Disc Deciphered
Transmission About Ancient Japan and Humanity's History
Twitter's Notice to Biblioteca Pleyades
We Passed the Precession of the Equinox and have Entered the Photon Belt
A Full Political Briefing, the Coming Financial Reset and the American Elections!
An Open Letter to Pleiadian Starseeds
An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families
On Brexit - From a Pleiadian Civilization... 

Pleiadians' Writings and Writers

Barbara Marciniak 

Bringers of The Dawn
Earth - Pleiadian Keys to The Living Library - Extracts
Emerging from Denial
Genetic Changes
The Language of Light
The Pleiadians Book  - (PDF Format)
When the Storms Appear
You are all Pulling Light onto the Planet

Barbara Hand Clow
2009 to 2012 - ET Contact - The Galactic Underworld - Discovery of Life on Mars - A Conversation With...
A Time-Free Transparent World
Excerpts from The Pleiadian Agenda
Mayan Elder  Barbara Hand Clow - Exopolitics - Life on Mars - Financial Collapse & Galactic Matrix
The Photon Belt - From Barbara Hand Clow Writings
The Pleiadian Agenda

Preston B. Nichols - Main File
Peter Moon - Main File

Exogenesis Hybrid Humans - A Scientific History of Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation - by Bruce R. Fenton

UFO Contact from The Pleiades - by Wendelle C. Stevens


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