Those that live in the system around Alcyon, some of them cannot be trusted, as they have hidden agendas.
Those from Taygeta, I am told, have a very clear objective:
to maintain the idea of freedom.
Just because a group is labeled "Pleiadians" doesn't mean they are here to 'help us.'
A Message...(
A Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon - Part One - On Colonization of Pleiades and Earth Liberation
Controversy Reignites over Distance of Pleiades Star Cluster
Earth's Pleiadian Cousins - from "The Prism of Lyra"
Message from The Pleiades - The Adrain Interview
Messier 45 (M-45) - Astronomical Information
Our First Ancestors were Homo Pleiadian
Pleiadians - From "Letters from Andromeda
The Medium's Message-From-The-Pleiades
The Pleiades in Earth's Galactic History
The Pleiades Problem
The Pleiadians
UFOs - A Great New Dawn for Humanity - of Enrique Castillo Rincon
Who are the Pleiadians and what is their 'Message'?
Multidimensional Reality and the Desire of Existence
Additional Information
An Open Letter to Pleiadian Starseeds
An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families
A VLBI Resolution of the Pleiades Distance Controversy
Controversy Reignites over Distance of Pleiades Star Cluster
Daughters of Pleione
Excerpts from "Gods, Genes, and Consciousness" - Nonhuman Intervention in Human History
Faint Spiral Galaxy Photobombs the 'Seven Sisters'
George Green - Main File
Handbook for The New Paradigm - A Personal Message for You
Human Origins and The Living Library
Messages and Memories From The Pleiades - Regression Experiences and Contacts
More Evidence of An Ancient Egyptian and Pleiadian Presence in Australia
Open Cluster
Pleiadians - from "Study Notes - Voyagers I & II" by Anna Hayes
Pleiades and Stardust
Project Mannequin and James Casbolt - Main File
Sir Edmund Halley and The Pleiades Anomaly
Sir Edmund Halley e L'Anomali delle Pleiadi
Talking to Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy - Paranexus Radio Interview Transcript
Taygetan Pleiadian Galactic Council Federation mission to Earth
The 3 Earth Grand Experiments
The Ancient Guardians of The Living Library
The Cycles of the Pleiades Star Cluster
The Greek Myth of Pleiades in The Archaeology of Natural Disasters - Decoding, Dating And Environmen...
The Hidden Past - Atlantis
The Human Repository - from "Cosmic Voyage - A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth"
The Man Who Fell to Earth - The Story of Adrain
The Medium's Message-From-The-Pleiades
The Mysteries of the 'Devil's Tower' and the Constellation of the Pleiades
The Origin of 'Oumuamua Revealed - Mystery Object came from the Pleiades
The Photon Belt - Main File
The Sky Disc of Nebra - Bronze Age Sky Disc Deciphered
Transmission About Ancient Japan and Humanity's History
Twitter's Notice to Biblioteca Pleyades
We Passed the Precession of the Equinox and have Entered the Photon Belt
A Full Political Briefing, the Coming Financial Reset and the American Elections!
An Open Letter to Pleiadian Starseeds
An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families
On Brexit - From a Pleiadian Civilization...
Pleiadians' Writings and Writers
Barbara Marciniak
Bringers of The Dawn
Earth - Pleiadian Keys to The Living Library - Extracts
Emerging from Denial
Genetic Changes
The Language of Light
The Pleiadians Book - (PDF Format)
When the Storms Appear
You are all Pulling Light onto the Planet
Barbara Hand Clow
2009 to 2012 - ET Contact - The Galactic Underworld - Discovery of Life on Mars - A Conversation With...
A Time-Free Transparent World
Excerpts from The Pleiadian Agenda
Mayan Elder Barbara Hand Clow - Exopolitics - Life on Mars - Financial Collapse & Galactic Matrix
The Photon Belt - From Barbara Hand Clow Writings
The Pleiadian Agenda
Preston B. Nichols - Main File
Peter Moon - Main File
Exogenesis Hybrid Humans - A Scientific History of Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation - by Bruce R. Fenton
UFO Contact from The Pleiades - by Wendelle C. Stevens
A Message - The Pleiades...
A Vision from The Pleiades
Comparing Earth and Pleiadian Scientific Knowledge of Crystals for Energy, Propulsion and Healing
Earth - Pleiadian Keys to The Living Library
George Green on Depopulation and The Pleiadians
Pleiadian Prophecy - The Great Changeover 2013-2027
Teachings from The Pleiades
The Opening Cluster "Pleiades" Rise Up
Alex Collier and The Andromeda Connection - Main File
Galactic Federations and Councils - Main File
Lyssa Royal and Galactic Information - Main File
Nikola Tesla ( - Main File
Life in the Universe ( - Main File