06 -Defensive Tactics- Empty Hand Combat for Close Protection Operatives- Full Project
Arturas Pranckevicius
Why this program is needed:
With decades of Empty Hands Combat training with different groups of students ( from kids to Police and Army SF) we came to conclusions :
With decades of Empty Hands Combat training with different groups of students ( from kids to Police and Army SF) we came to conclusions :
- Most of Empty Hands Combat courses (programs)mostly are only sets of different fancy techniques (far away from reality in regards of simplicity of understanding, using and efficiency)
- Most of training providers don't know how to teach students to recognize situations, adopt to quickly changing hostile environment, improvise and react to danger properly (in time-timing) to avoid over reactions (possible unreasonable and unlawful actions);
Our program is Designed for Small Bodyguard (CPO) Groups (1-5 operatives) operating in Hostile Environment without any logistic and Power Support. Our concept - Task Orientated Adaptation and Improvisation to Perform Effectively and Safely through a Real Assault.
Our project built with keeping in mind, that Situation Determines Preparation :
- Simple and Efficient principles of using Biomechanics of Human Body, Psychical Reactions and Timing (vs Fancy and Spectacular sets of techniques);
- How to React to Danger Properly and Adequate-Level of force is determined by the assailant! (Reasonable Force and Levels of Power ) instead of guessing and making mistakes and breaking of laws;
- Making right decisions: Sorting problems out instead of making troubles;
- Coordination of Teamwork (Teamwork and Communication);
- Crowd Control: Conflict Management, Blending with Crowd, Prevention of Provocations;
- MUST be an optimal ratio between Reality Training and Safety;
- Survival Mindset achieved through Practical Exercises (not just theory).
- Achieve Combat Mindset and Train to Respond to Real Threat;
- Importance of Stress Management, Making Right Decisions and Avoiding Unnecessary Casualties.
- DEFENSIVE TACTICS: Empty Hands Combat for Close Protection Operatives- Course Modules:
1. Reasonable Force, H&S – Safety Rules (2 hours)
2. Theory and Principles; (7 hours)
3. PERSONAL DEFENSE; (15 hours): (https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/stDjnyuvdJQpxjnqhS7C9vkm)
4. ADVANCED DEFENSE -Blind Defense, Multiple Opponents, Small Space defense; (6 hours)
- PRICES By Modules:
- PERSONAL DEFENSE (100 euro); https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/stDjnyuvdJQpxjnqhS7C9vkm
- Advance Defense 1( Multiple opponents ("Zombie"drills), "Blind" defense,Small Space Defense - 100 euro);
- Advance Defense 2 (DISARMAMENT ;200 euro);
- Advance Defense 3 (TACTICS OF SMALL GROUPS; (100 euro).
- PRICE of Intensive 3 days full Self-Defense course:
500 euro
- Group Discounts for Intensive 3 days full Self-Defense course :
- 4 students: 450 euro per student;
- 6 students: 400 euro per student;
- 8 students: 350 euro per student;
- 10 students: 300 euro per student.
- Portfolio of Achievements :
- describe, explain, demonstrate
- Students Notes-Theory Test: Google Forms
- Video of achievements/Practical Assessments;
- Practical Assessment Form -Acceptable-Good-Perfect
1. Defensive Tactics: Empty Hand Combat-Reasonable Force, H&S – Safety Rules (2 hours):
Learning Outcomes – the learner will understand
1. Laws and Regulations:
Assessment Criteria : the learner can state and understand the difference between :
1.1 Reasonable Force;
Necessary - Reasonable in Circumstances- Proportional
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will know and always keep safety rules of Defensive Tactics
1.2 Safety Rules
Assessment Criteria : the learner can use Tactical movements in safe manner during the drills and in practical situations:
1.2.1 Safely Falling Down Principles and Practical drills;
videos 1: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-BMG4ySizx_QXM0NzhFVTFhRFU&usp=sharing
videos 2: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-BMG4ySizx_bjVNY00yeHg0VFk&usp=sharing
1.2.2 Listen Instructor's Commands;
1.2.3 STOP Means Stop! Don’t move after command Stop! ;
1.2.4 Don’t Injure yourself- Personal Safety;
1.2.5 Don’t Injure other's - Safety of others .
2. Defensive Tactics: Empty Hands Combat- Theory and Principles - (7 hours):
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will understand Theory and Principles of Personal Defense
2.1 Personal Defense-Theory and Principles:
- Safety of Community starts from Personal Safety;
- If you won’t Invest to your ability to Protect Yourself You will Be Trophy for Your Assailant !
- About PERSONAL DEFENSE (Self-Defense) :
- You Can't Win against someone who is Stronger. But you still Can Protect yourself !
- You need years of training for Ability to Win. But you need a few basic Principles and to be Smart that to Survive.
- But You still have to Train Hard. That builds not only Ability to Fight but Self Confidence and Chances to Avoid Fight.
Assessment Criteria : the learner can understand theory and principles of Personal Defense:
2.1.1 Biomechanics of Human Body;
2.1.2 Psychical Reactions - Alpha and Beta brain waves;
2.1.3 operational programming -Task orientated Adaptation and Improvisation;
2.1.5 Defense / Counter attack Position - "Granny": Principles, Theory-Practical Drills;
2.1.6 Levels of Power: Frame, speed, reaction, power.
3. Defensive Tactics: Empty Hands Combat- PERSONAL DEFENSE - (15 hours)
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be competent on :
3.1 Basics of Throws / Take-downs:
Assessment Criteria : the learner can will be able to Defend from and use take downs safe and proper way for Defense:
3.1.1 principles, grip, position for throw-Timing;
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be competent on :
3.1 Basics of Throws / Take-downs:
Assessment Criteria : the learner can will be able to Defend from and use take downs safe and proper way for Defense:
3.1.1 principles, grip, position for throw-Timing;
3.1.2 Biomechanics of human body -"frame";
3.1.3 Psychical Reactions ;
3.1.4 back throw - defence/counter attack drills;
3.1.5 sweep – defense / counter attack drills.
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be competent on :
3.2.6 Ground work for Defense:
Assessment Criteria : the learner can will be able to Defend on the ground safe and proper way:
3.2.7 safely fall dawns/ rolls;
3.2.8 drill "machine" - roll-stand up- move ;
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to Defend from Strikes:
3.3 Basics of Punching/Kicks;
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to Defend from Strikes:
3.3 Basics of Punching/Kicks;
Assessment Criteria : the learner can Defend from Strikes and use Strikes for Defense safe and proper way:
3.3.1 Timing;
3.3.1 Timing;
3.3.2 Biomechanics of human body -"frame";
3.3.3 Psychical Reactions:
3.3.4 Straight Punch – defence /counter attack / blocking;
3.3.5 Elbow – defense / counter attack / blocking;
3.3.6 Low Kick – defense / Counter attack drills / blocking;
3.3.7 Knee – Defense / Counter attack drills / blocking;
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to Defend from Grabs from Front
3.4-3.5. Defense From Grabs (1-3 included)
3.4 Defense from Grabs - from FRONT :
Assessment Criteria : the learner can Defend from Grabs and use restriction techniques for Defense (from front):
3.4.1 Throat (front choke);
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to Defend from Grabs from Front
3.4-3.5. Defense From Grabs (1-3 included)
3.4 Defense from Grabs - from FRONT :
Assessment Criteria : the learner can Defend from Grabs and use restriction techniques for Defense (from front):
3.4.1 Throat (front choke);
3.4.2 Chest;
3.4.3 One Hand;
3.4.3 Two Hands;
3.4.4 Bear Hug;
3.4.5 Double/Single leg attack;
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to Defend from Grabs from behind back
3.5 Defense from Grabs - from behind Back :
Assessment Criteria : the learner can Defend from Grabs and use restriction techniques for Defense (from behind back):
3.5.1 Head lock/ Rear Choke;
3.5.2 Bear Hug;
3.5.3 One hand;
3.5.4 Two hands;
3.5.5 Double / Single leg attack;
4. Defensive Tactics: Advanced Defense-Blind Defense, Multiple Opponents, Small Space Defense - (6 hours)
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to Defend from Grabs without seeing opponent (in case of being blinded) :
4.1. Defense From Grabs - "Blind Defense";
Assessment Criteria : the learner can Defend from Grabs without seeing opponent (in case of being blinded):
1-3.5 included;
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to Defend from Grabs from multiple opponents :
4.2. Defense From Grabs - Multiple Opponents (" Zombie" Scenario):
Assessment Criteria : the learner can Defend from Grabs from multiple opponents :
1-4.1 included;
5. Defensive Tactics : Advanced Defence- TACTICS OF SMALL GROUPS - (5 hours):
1-3.5 included;
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to Defend from Grabs from multiple opponents :
4.2. Defense From Grabs - Multiple Opponents (" Zombie" Scenario):
Assessment Criteria : the learner can Defend from Grabs from multiple opponents :
1-4.1 included;
5. Defensive Tactics : Advanced Defence- TACTICS OF SMALL GROUPS - (5 hours):
- Power of your TEAM depends from Personal Readiness to Self-Sacrifice and from level of the Weakest Member of your Team !
- Improve your Skills ! Don't be the Weakest Link !
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to use Defensive Tactics in Team;
5. Defensive Tactics of Small Groups: (theory/Practical drills-1-4 included) :
- principles, schemes: https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/3miYmYTcT3oT9YjLM4W1osHa
Assessment Criteria : the learner can use Defensive Tactics in Team :
5.1 BG-VIP Defense Drills (4 Directions);
5.2 2-5 CPO + VIP Defense Drills - "Dress Down /Dress Up"- Back to Formation - Adaptive Formations;
6. Defensive Tactics : Advanced Defense -DISARMAMENT - (15 hours)
- Principles :
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to use Defensive Tactics for Disarmament:
6.1. Baseball Beat/Stick (1-5 included):
Assessment Criteria : the learner can to use Defensive Tactics for Disarmament of Baseball Beat / Stick
6.1.1 Theory, Principles of Attack and Defense;
6.1.2 Practical Defense Drills;
6.1.3 Stick against Knife Defense Drills-( included 10.3) (personal-Team drills) ;
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to use Defensive Tactics for Disarmament of Knife
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able to use Defensive Tactics for Disarmament of Knife
6.2 Defense from Knife attacks (1-9 included) :
Assessment Criteria : the learner can use Defensive Tactics for Disarmament of Knife
6.2.1 Phase 1 - we suspect knife in opponent's pocket (or hidden);
6.2.2 Phase 2- attack happened-we saw knife (at very last moment);
6.2.3 Phase 3- we already see knife- scenario "Cobra in Hands";
Learning Outcomes –– the learner will be able
6.3. Use for defense "anything you see around":
Assessment Criteria : the learner can use for defense anything you see around
6.3.1 theory, principles, reasonable force, level of power;
- 1-6 included;