3.1 - 2020_12_02 Meeting Agenda

Steve Mickley
Steve Mickley
Last updated 
December 2, 2020, 4:00 p.m. EDT / 2:00 p.m. MDT 
Colorado Springs, CO
Dial +1 (619) 550-0000, Access Code: 901-379-552

Our Mission is to build a better residential design profession, one designer at a time.
Our Vision is to represent how homes are designed in America.
Our Core Values are to...
Seek participation.
Respect people.
Deliver quality.
Empower everyone.
Educate each other.
Contribute to the community.
Enjoy what we do.

  1. Call to Order (President or 1st Vice President in their absence)
    1. ANTITRUST STATEMENT - As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion from falling outside these bounds.
    2. Purpose: This meeting is to report on the committee activities, complete the bylaws standing committee appointments, and approve a new chapter.
  2. Roll Call: (Staff)
    • Bernie Kern, President
    • Ben Tabolt, 1st Vice President (Internal)
    • Yu Ngok-Lo, 2nd Vice President (External)
    • Lisa Schaffer, Treasurer
    • Mike Battaglia, Director
    • Felicia Foster, Director
    • Ted Hake, Director
    • Michael Payne, Director
    • Joseph Sirilla, Director
    • Keith Zoni, Director
    • Kimberly Mockert, Ex-Officio (NCBDC)
    • Jim Wright, Ex-Officio (College of Fellows)
    • Karen Kassik-Michelsohn, Ex-Officio (Past President)
    • Steve Mickley, Ex-Officio (Chief Staff Officer and acting Secretary)
  3. Consent Agenda: (Bernie Kern) These items will be acted upon as a whole unless a specific item is called for discussion by a member wishing to address the board (Any items called up for separate consideration shall be acted upon following the Reports).
    1. Approval of the Agenda
    2. Approval of the prior Board Meeting Minutes (November 4, 2020)
  4. Reports:
    1. President’s Report (Bernie Kern)
    2. Internal Affairs
      1. Conference Committee (Ben Tabolt) 
      2. Chapter Coordinator (Keith Zoni) 
      3. Education Committee (Joseph Sirilla)
        1. BIM-R Subcommittee (Ben Tabolt)
      4. Finance Committee (Lisa Schafer) 
      5. Resolutions Committee (Karen Kassik-Michelsohn)
      6. Nominating Committee (Karen Kassik-Michelsohn)
    3. External Affairs
      1. High-Performance Homes Team (Michael Payne)
      2. AIBD Magazine (Yu-Ngok Lo)
      3. Awards Programs
        1. Building Design Awards (Steve Mickley)
        2. ARDA (Ted Hake)
      4. Codes & Standards Committee (Mike Battaglia)
    4. College of Fellows (Jim Wright)
    5. NCBDC (Kimberly Mockert)
    6. Staff (Steve Mickley)
      1. Financial 
      2. Membership & Certification
      3. Website - Q2 report January 6, 2021
      4. Webinars - Q2 report January 6, 2021
      5. Legislation and Advocacy (Steve Mickley)
        1. Design Basics Copyright Appeal - Amicus Brief
        2. Cape Coral, Florida
    7. Liaison Reports
      1. Building Smart Alliance (Joe Sirilla)
      2. NADRA Building Codes Committee (Mike Battaglia)
      3. Resiliency Building Coalition (Steve Mickley) 
      4. SkillsUSA National Architectural Drafting Competition (Steve Mickley) 
      5. Structural Insulated Panel Association (Steve Mickley) 
      6. Team Zero (Steve Mickley) 
      7. NAHB Custom Home Builders Committee (Ted Hake)
  5. Items Removed From The Consent Agenda 
  6. Unfinished Business:
    1. Confirmation of bylaws mandated standing committee assignments.
      1. Audit Committee - (designated Chair and one more member needed)

        1. Mike Keesee
        2. Larry Walker
      2. Resolutions Committee -
        1. Karen Kassik-Michelsohn (Chair)
        2. Lyle Breeze
        3. Uriel Pineda
      3. Nominations Committee -
        1. Karen Kassik-Michelsohn (Chair) (Karen is to recruit two other members)

      4. Bylaws Committee -
        1. Lisa Schaffer (Chair) (Lisa is to recruit two other members)

      5. Conference Committee
        1. Benjamin Tabolt (Chair)
        2. Bernie Kern
        3. Felicia Foster
  7. New Business:
    1. Northeast Florida Chapter approval.
  8. For The Good of the Institute:
    1. Items from the floor
    2. The next board meeting is January 6, 2020, at 4:00 pm EST / 2:00 p.m. MDT 
    3. Let's give a round of Santa-plause for making it to the end of 2020 and a mistle-toast to a happy and healthy holiday season.
  9. Adjournment: