Obama: A New Sociopolitical Era or the Greatest Deception

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Hopeless: Barack Obama and the politics of illusion

The Barack Obama revolution was over before it started, guttered by the politician's overweening desire to prove himself to the grandees of the establishment.

From there on, other promises proved ever easier to break.

"Those who feel that like lemmings they are being led over a cliff would be well-advised not to read this book. They may discover that they are right."—Noam Chomsky

“Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank have skillfully smoked out the real Barack Obama . . . the technofascist military strategist disguised as a Nobel Peace Laureate, but owned, operated, and controlled by Wall Street, Corporate America, and the Pentagon.”—Thomas H. Naylor, co-author of Affluenza, Downsizing the USA

“The writers assembled here hit hard, with accuracy, and do not pull punches."—Marcus Rediker, author of The Slave Ship: A Human History

The Barack Obama revolution was over before it started, guttered by the politician’s overweening desire to prove himself to the grandees of the establishment.

From there on, other promises proved ever easier to break. Here's the book that dares not let Obama off the hook. It's all here: the compromises, the backstabbing, the same old imperial ambitions.

Covering all major "Obummer" categories since he took office, this fast-paced collection will delight the critical and offer food for thought for those contemplating the 2012 electoral circus—and beyond.

Jeffrey St. Clair is co-editor of CounterPunch, author of Born Under a Bad Sky and Been Brown So Long It Looked Green to Me, and co-author of Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press.

Joshua Frank is an environmental journalist and co-editor of Red State Rebels: Tales of Grassroots Resistance in the Heartland.

His investigative reports and columns appear in CounterPunch, Chicago Sun-Times, Common Dreams, and AlterNet.”

Jeffrey St. Clair, Joshua Frank, Kevin Alexander Gray, Kathy Kel - Hopeless _ Barack Obama and the politics of illusion (2012, AK Press) - libgen.li.pdf 20.4 MB View full-size Download

Hopeless: Barack Obama and the politics of illusion - Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)

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"George W. Bush used to famously say that terrorists hated America for its freedoms.

So, he and Barack Obama conveniently solved that problem by eliminating America’s freedoms." - Simon Black

Bloodline: Bush – Library of Rickandria

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All The President’s Women - Hillary Clinton (bibliotecapleyades.net)

America Must Surrender Sovereignty and Embrace One World Government - Said Obama
At U.N. Obama Offers a Defense of a Liberal World Order Under Siege (bibliotecapleyades.net)

America Stands Upon The Precipice of Brutal Martial Law (bibliotecapleyades.net)

America, Welcome to The Fourth Reich (bibliotecapleyades.net)

And Now, Ladies an' Gentlemen: Obama's 'War on Ebola'… (bibliotecapleyades.net)

At U.N. Obama Offers a Defense of a Liberal World Order Under Siege (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Barack Hussein Obama - Additional Important Features
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Iceland Interior Minister Reveals Plot by Obama Administration "to Frame Julian Assange" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

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Is the Obama Administration... Fully Operational? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

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Leaked Debate Agreement Shows Both Obama and Romney are Sniveling Cowards (bibliotecapleyades.net)

'Let's Start A War' - An Alternative View (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Like Bush Before him Obama is Transforming the Presidency into A Dictatorship (bibliotecapleyades.net)

List of Obama's Czars (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Many Nations Recognize a Palestinian State - Only Obama Stands in the Way of Full Global Recognition (bibliotecapleyades.net)

New Report Explains Obama's Crusade to Censor the Press (bibliotecapleyades.net)

NSA Refuses to Declassify Obama’s Cybersecurity Directive - Exceptionally Grave Damage (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama and The Media are Stirring the Pot in Ferguson - But Real Leaders are Trying to Bring us Together (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will "Fire On US Citizens" - Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Says (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Asserts Executive Privilege to Hide Involvement in 'Fast and Furious' (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Can Shut Down The Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Capitulates to Federal Reserve Masters (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obamacare - Healthcare's "New World Order" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Criminalize Free Speech
We're Almost There Now - No Speech Zones - HR347 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Declares Venezuela "A Threat to National Security" - Seeks Regime-Change (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Doctrine - The New International Order (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Imposes Martial Law With New Executive Order (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama is a Liar - Fake NATO Evidence - OSCE Confirms that No Russian Troops, No Tanks, have Crossed the Russia-Ukraine Border (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama is Bullish on War - No Matter How You Spin It (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Misinforming Public About U.S. Dollar and Yuan (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Moves to Make The 'War on Terror' Permanent (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Presses "North American Union" with Mexico and Canada (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Says He Is 'Improving' the World (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama's Endgame (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama's "Fake War" Against the Islamic State (ISIS) - The Islamic State is Protected by the U.S. and its Allies (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama’s Geopolitical China 'Pivot' - The Pentagon’s "New Enemy" Image (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Signals He Isn’t Interested In ‘Truth Commission’ to Investigate Bush Abuses (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Signs Law Giving Himself, 'Bush' Lifetime Secret Service Guard (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama's Legacy - Human Cost of Eight Years of War (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama’s “National Emergency” Violates The Constitution (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama's Oil Man - George Soros (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama's "Pathological Legacy" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama's War on Whistleblowers Finds Another Target (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama's White House Scandals Conveniently Drowned Out by Hurricane Sandy Media Coverage (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama's Zionist Jew at Treasury (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Trades Threats of War With Netanyahu in Secret White House Meeting (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama-Trauma - A Deliberately Dysfunctional Mind (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama - Trilateral Commission Endgame (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Uses CIA Funded al-Qaeda Attacks in Yemen to Declare National Emergency (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Wants to Make Sure The Government Can Lock You Up Without Trial - The National Defense Authorization Act - NDAA (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Wins a Second Term - Now What? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Only 30% of Americans Trust The Government - Obama (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Orwellian Justice System - The Securitization and Militarization of Daily Life - Spying on Americans Continues Despite Court Order (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Presidential 2012 Candidates Debate While Rome Burns (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Presidential Meeting Signals Catastrophic Event - "There Is a Crisis Unfolding Somewhere in The Background" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Presidential Memo on Insider Threats - Why Now? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Presidential Rule by Deception - Obama, The Master Con-Man (bibliotecapleyades.net)

President Obama’s Executive Order to Control The Internet (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Putin Exposes Obama's Lame Duck Attempt to Start a New Cold War by Refusing to Retaliate (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Putin Lashes Out at Obama - "Show Some Proof or Shut Up" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Putin vs. Obama - Real World vs. Deluded Fantasy (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Rats Jumping Ship - High Profile Gangsters Leaving Obama (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Rhetoric of Change - Among Politicians, Actors, and Preachers (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Russia Protecting The American Public from Obama's War on Truth? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Secret Service Removes Rahm Emanuel From Oval Office (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Societal Apocalypse (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Something Is Happening of Historic Proportions (bibliotecapleyades.net)

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Ten Ways That the Iron Grip of The Big Brother Prison Grid is Tightening on All of Our Lives (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Benghazi Scandal is Obama's Watergate but Worse (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Bottom End of Obama (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Brzezinski/Obama Axis (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Bureau of Counterterrorism - Obama Administration Gives Birth to New Agents of Tyranny (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Bloodline: Clinton (basecamp.com) - Main File

The End of Hypocrisy - American Foreign Policy in the Age of Leaks (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Last American President (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Many Points that Prove that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are Essentially the Same Candidate (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Morning After Obama Was Elected The New US President - A 15 Minute Phone Conversation With Michael St.Clair (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Movement to Impeach Obama - Calling Out The Hypocritical, War-Loving Left (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Obama Administration's Cover-up of The Flight 253 Affair - "New Smoking Gun" Disclosures (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The "Obama Doctrine" - Eternal War For Imperfect Mankind (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012 Elections (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Obama Killing Machine in Afghanistan - The "Under-Reporting" of Civilians Killed by Foreign Forces (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Obama Regime’s Fabricated "Terror Conspiracy" in Defense of the Police State (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Obama's 'Dead Pool' - Deaths Connected to The Obama White House (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Obamathon Has Begun - How Long Will The Honeymoon Last? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The President's Lies are Finally Catching Up with Him (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Ruthless State of The Union - The Current Crime Boss Speaks (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Shutdown of The U.S. Government and "Debt Default" - A Dress Rehearsal for the Privatization of the Federal State System? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Top 10 Things Black America Will Have to Show for 8 Years of President Obama - None of Them Are Good (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Two Contending Visions of World Government - The Origin and Broader Context of Obama's "Trade" Deals (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The U.S. Dictatorship and Its White House Servant 'President' (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The U.S. Government Stands Revealed to The World as a Collection of War Criminals and Liars (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The U.S. Senate and Obama Claiming The Right to Murder and Imprison Americans Without Trial Was a Fatal Mistake (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The White House Has Been Covering Up the Presidency's Role in Torture for Years (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Things Could Get Ugly Fast (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Trump = Obama = Bush = Clinton on 4 Core Issues (bibliotecapleyades.net)

UBS Whistleblower Exposes 'Political Prostitution' All the Way Up to President Obama (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Uncovered Muslim Brotherhood Documents Could Put Obama in Prison (bibliotecapleyades.net)

United Nations and Obama, Flog Global-warming Alarmism - As More Scientists Defect (bibliotecapleyades.net)

U.S. Designates Wikileaks "Enemy of The State" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Was The Obama Administration Involved in The Planning of The Israeli Attack on The Gaza Freedom Flotilla? - The Broader Military Agenda (bibliotecapleyades.net)

We Just Don’t Trust You - Note to President Obama (bibliotecapleyades.net)

What The Obama Administration Really Represents (bibliotecapleyades.net)

White House Lies to E.U. about U.S. Gas Supply (bibliotecapleyades.net)

White House Threatens to Blacklist Paper for Covering Protest - Obama, Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks (bibliotecapleyades.net)

White House Unleashes New Terrorism Propaganda Campaign (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why Are Obama and Kerry So Desperate to Start a New War? - The Rule of Zombies (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why I Like Barack Hussein Obama (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why is Obama Hiding 6,000-Page Report on Bush-Era Torture and Why is Torture Still Allowed? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why the Nobel Peace Prize is A Complete Joke (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why Was President Obama Gifted The Nobel Peace Prize? - The Answer to The Burning Question Du Jour (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Will a Sitting President Finally Be Held Accountable for High Crimes and Misdemeanors? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Will Our U.S. Dictator-in-Chief Abdicate in 2016? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Winners and Losers in Snowden Fiasco (bibliotecapleyades.net)

World Sees The U.S. as Bankrupt Politically and Financially (bibliotecapleyades.net)

You Don't Deserve to Be Free - Said Obama to Americans (bibliotecapleyades.net)


Additional Information 

Adverse Health Effects From The Operation of Digital Broadcast Television Stations (DVB-T) (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Air Force Sidelines 17 Nuclear Missile Officers - Commander Cites 'Rot' in System (bibliotecapleyades.net)

A Map to Disclosure for President Obama - 7 Steps to Real Change (bibliotecapleyades.net)

America’s Drug-Corrupted War - Obama and Afghanistan (bibliotecapleyades.net)

A New Giant Vaccine Scandal Exposes Government Lies and Psyops (bibliotecapleyades.net)

An Exopolitics Christmas Message - President-Elect Obama and Change We Can Believe In! (bibliotecapleyades.net)

“A Pair of Testicles Fell Off The President After Election Day" - Former Guantanamo Chief Prosecutor Says (bibliotecapleyades.net)

A Tale of Two Countries - New Zealand Apologizes for Illegal Domestic Spying, While U.S. Still Refuses to Acknowledge NSA’s Warrantless Wiretapping (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Brain Dead Obama (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare - What Is The U.S. Government Planning? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Bypassing The Organized Dysfunction (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Capitalist Terrorism (bibliotecapleyades.net)
China's Crucial Role as America's Creditor - Strained US-China Relations (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Chinese National TV Reporting Impending UFO/ET Disclosure by Obama Government (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Clinton Sends Lackey to House Committee to Cover Her Involvement in Benghazi Attack (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Copenhagen Is On - Obama Proposes a Treaty and Leads U.S. Delegation (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Corexit - Coast Guard and Obama Administration Betrays The People and Country It Is Sworn to Protect (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Did China’s Hu Order Obama to Resign or Was Hu Blackmailed? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

'Diebold' Voting Machines Can Be Hacked by Remote Control (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Rothschild & Obama Demands Pay in Euros
Dollar Collapse Update - "Obama Demands Pay in Euros!" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Don't Riot - It's Just What They Want! (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Drugmakers' Deal With Obama Said to Be Probed by House (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Everything Is A Lie - The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Expediting The Grand Jihad - The Muslim Brotherhood (bibliotecapleyades.net)

First Amendment Suspended in The Gulf of Mexico As Spill Cover-Up Goes Orwellian (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Forced Abortions and Mass Sterilization Needed to 'Save' the Planet - says John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Forget ISIS, America Is the Real Threat to the World - Says Oliver Stone (bibliotecapleyades.net)

From Democracy to Plutocracy - The United States of Corporate America (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Germany's Merkel Now Comes Out as Basically a U.S. Agent (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Government Proposes Massive Shift In Online Privacy Policy (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Government Protects Criminals by Attacking Whistleblowers (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Gulf Spill - Disaster? Or a Well Organized Plan... (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Here Come The Toxic Psychiatrists - Obamacare (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Hey, Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha... They Think It's All Happening by Accident... Hey, Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha... (bibliotecapleyades.net)

House Passes HR 4133 Binding The U.S. to Israel and Their War Agenda (bibliotecapleyades.net)

How America’s Aristocracy Extends Its Global Control - The Truth about Obama (bibliotecapleyades.net)

How Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA Spy Grid Scheme (bibliotecapleyades.net)

How John McCain Crippled Obama's War on ISIS (bibliotecapleyades.net)

How The U.S. Government and U.S. Military Became Murder, Inc. (bibliotecapleyades.net)
How The U.S. Government Strikes Fear in Its Own Citizens and People Around The World (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Huge Fines for Refusing to Buy Health Insurance - Americans Threatened With Jail Time (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Hurricane Sandy as Environmental War - THE NEWS Live (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Israel’s Pillars of Samson - Not Quite Armageddon, But… (bibliotecapleyades.net)

John Brennan Sworn in as CIA Director Using Constitution Lacking Bill of Rights
John Brennan Takes Oath on Draft Constitution… Without The Bill of Rights (bibliotecapleyades.net)

"Let the Plunder Begin" - The Return of Robert Rubin (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Lilith, Inanna & Hillary (basecamp.com) - main file

Mainstream Media Takes Money from Foreign Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda - Says 3 Time Emmy Award Winning CNN Journalist (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Maitreya Rising? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Martial Law, The Financial Bailout, and War (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Memo to A More Conscious American Leadership from a Fellow Achiever Who Is Gravely Concerned About Our Future (bibliotecapleyades.net)

More War Lies (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Mr. Smiley, Smiley, Hope and Change - Obama - Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak Not of Evil (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Naomi Wolf's Steps to Fascism (basecamp.com) - A Progress Report

Neuroscience, Obama's BRAIN Project, and Military Mind Control (bibliotecapleyades.net)

New Freedom - Something For Everyone (bibliotecapleyades.net)

New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer to A North American Union and A One World Economic System (bibliotecapleyades.net)

New World Order Blueprint Leaked - The Trans-Pacific Partnership (bibliotecapleyades.net)

"Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama, is Preparing for War in South America" - Interview With Eva Golinger (bibliotecapleyades.net)

NSA Security Running Amok to Plug Leaks About 9/11 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz - To Counter Growing Criticism From Scientific and Medical Community (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Administration Pushing a Secretive Trade Agreement - Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Administration Shuts Down Investigations Into Bush-Era Torture (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve - Now What? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Authorizes Stationing of Japanese Troops on U.S. Soil (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Blocks Making TTIP Trade-Deal Terms Public
Germany's Merkel Now Comes Out as Basically a U.S. Agent (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Gives Israel All-Out Support
Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Is 'A Muslim President Who Hates Farming, Hates The Military, Hates The U.S. And We Hate Him' - Hank Williams Jr. (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Returns Empty Handed While Papa Bush Sends Trillions of Dollars to Singapore (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama’s Black Budget And Federal Deficit Problems (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama Science Advisor: Called for “Planetary Regime” to Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures (basecamp.com)

Obama's H1N1 National Emergency Declaration Could Invoke FEMA Response to Pandemic (Opinion) (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama’s TTIP Trade Deal with Europe Would Be Disastrous for Europe - Says the First Independent Study (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Obama's War - Why is The Largest Military Machine on The Planet Unable to Defeat The Resistance in Afghanistan (bibliotecapleyades.net)

October Surprise? - Shocking Rumors that Could Change The Outcome of The U.S. Election (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Open Letter to Barack Obama President Elect of the United States November 21, 2008 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

"Operation Justified Vengeance" - Israeli Strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is Part of A Broader Military Agenda (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Operation StillPoint to 'Take Down' The United States (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Political and Corporate Elite Shun GM Food on Their Own Plate (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Popular Culture Promotes The Police State (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Presidential Directive Opens Door For Release of Antigravity Technology (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Presidential Executive Orders - The Fourth and Stealth "Branch" of Governance (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Psychopaths - The Perfect Academic Word for U.S. Political, Economic "Leadership" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Radiation Scientists Agree TSA Naked Body Scanners Could Cause Breast Cancer and Sperm Mutations (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Red China Successfully Blackmails The Obama Administration - Federal Reserve Will Be Broke by August of 2009 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Russian Expert Predicts Obama Will Declare Martial Law in America by End of 2012 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead in US as Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates - Genetically Modified Organism - GMO (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Sarkozy Booted in France in Favor of Socialist Leader - What is Socialism and What Does It Mean for the New World Order? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Scientists Respond to the Obama Administration's 2014 National Climate Assessment (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Sen. Harry Reid Key Player in Big Pharma's Control Over Washington (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and The 'Pathetic' American Media (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Six Whistleblowers Charged Under The Espionage Act (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Something Funny Is Going On - Our Government Is Not What It Appears to Be (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Special Army Unit Ready to Be Deployed on American Soil Just Before November Elections (bibliotecapleyades.net)

State of The Union? It's Behind Him... (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Systemic Change, New Technology and Conscious Governance - Where Do We Begin? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Age of The Reaper - War-Mongering on An International Scale (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Bank of The FED is Closed… Forever (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The CIA, The KKK and The USA (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Climate Time Bomb that Will Cost Us $60 Trillion (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Condition of Human Rights at The International Setting (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Conspiracy against Trump - The Deep State plot to Undermine the President (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Ecuadorian Coup - Its Larger Meaning (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Elephant in The Living Room at War With The World (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Financial Press - A Disinformation Machine (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Game That Goes On and On - A Swiss Bank, A President and The Permanent Government (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The NATO/UN Army - Perpetual War… and Bankruptcy for U.S. (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Nobel, The Brand & The President (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Obama Administration Bars the FBI From Testifying on The 9/11 Attacks (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Octopus Is Dying - 5 Kissinger Associates Killed - Kissinger Missing-Presumed Dead (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Real Consequences of Corporatism, "Smart" Grid and Corrupt Government (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Science of Physical Economy - Economics as History (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Speculative Endgame - The Government "Shutdown" and "Debt Default", a Multibillion Bonanza for Wall Street (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The U.S. Airstrikes in Northern Iraq are All About Oil (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The US Feds Invasion of Haiti Was Aimed at Taking Over the Haitian Central Bank (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The 'War on Terror' - by Design - Can Never End (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Trilateral Geithner - Corrupted Regulator? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Two Faces of The Same Coin - Obama-McCain Presidential Candidates of The Global Elite (bibliotecapleyades.net)

U.S. Leaves Space for Russia (bibliotecapleyades.net)

U.S. Treasury Warns of What’s to Come - "Catastrophic Effect… Could Last for More Than a Generation" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Washington Exposed As Secretly Financing Al-Qaeda - President-Elect Obama Demands Payment of The Settlements (bibliotecapleyades.net)

What May The Future Hold? - Timeline 1, Variant 83 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Who Are The Architects of Economic Collapse? - Will an Obama Administration Reverse The Tide? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why Bailing Out Banks Doesn't Work (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why Did The U.S. Refuse International Help on The Gulf Oil Spill? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why The Tar Sands Pipeline Will Be Game Over for Our Planet (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why WikiLeaks Is Good for Democracy (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Wikileaks Releases Massive Set of Afghan War Files (bibliotecapleyades.net)

You Are The Hope (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Zionists Subjugate Nations By Controlling Their Political Parties (bibliotecapleyades.net)

image.png 914 KB View full-size Download

Multimedia: Barack Obama (basecamp.com)

An Examination of Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches

obama_hypnosistech.pdf 622 KB View full-size Download

Barack H. Obama - The Unauthorized Biography - by Webster Griffin Tarpley

barackobama_biography.pdf 2.6 MB View full-size Download

Breach of Duty - Hillary Clinton and Catastrophic Failure in Benghazi

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Candidate Obama - The Change We Need in Washington

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Islamic Extremism and Sex Slaves - Report Reveals Obama's Relatives Run Charities of Deceit

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Obama - Manufacturing a Savior - Case Study in Social Engineering

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Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches

obama_hiddenhypnosistechniques.pdf 934 KB View full-size Download

The 2012 Debates - Memorandum of Understanding Between the Obama and Romney Campaigns

obama-romney-memunderstanding-debate.pdf 84.8 KB View full-size Download

The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society

uscritical_unraveling.pdf 89.9 KB View full-size Download

The Obama Deception - Information About a New Documentary Regarding the Current Looting of America

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The Story of Obama - All in The Company

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Unclassified Report on The President's Surveillance Program - Obama Administration

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With Liberty to Monitor All - How Large-Scale US Surveillance is Harming Journalism, Law, and American...

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