Universe of the New Physics

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Aether, Electromagnetism And Free Energy
Aether - Is Pure Conscious Oneness
Aether Vibrations - A Wave-Based Universe
A Fifth Force - Fact or Fiction?
Apparent Correction to the Speed of Light in a Gravitational Potential
As Supersymmetry Fails Tests, Physicists Seek New Ideas - Large Hadron Collider
Connective Physics - Main File
Conscious Acts of Creation - The Emergence of A New Physics
Consciousness and The New Physics
Consciousness as a State of Matter
Did this Scientist just Discover How the Universe Works?
Dimensions & Hyperdimensions (basecamp.com) - Main File
Discovery of The Biofield - A Different Type of Magnetism?
Einsteinian Error - The 25-Year-Old Supernova that Could Change the Speed of Light Forever
Einstein's Gravitational Waves Found at Last
Electrogravitics - A Simplified Description
Embracing the Immaterial Universe
Epic Gravitational Wave Detection - How Scientists Did It
Escape from The Universe
Every Scientific Law We have Today Will Be Rewritten in the Next 50 Years
Evidence found for a New Fundamental Particle
Exotic Atoms Hold Clues to Unsolved Physics Puzzle at The Dawn of The Universe
Faster Than Light! - Incredible Illusion Makes Images 'Time Travel'
Four New Element Names Proposed for Periodic Table
Fractals - Main File
Frequency and Vibration - How They Create the Structures of Matter and Life
Gravitational Waves - What their Discovery Means for Science and Humanity
Gravity Travels at the Speed of Light
Harvard Physicist creates Metallic Hydrogen using Diamond Vise
Hints of the 4th Dimension have been Detected by Physicists
Humanity is Not even a Type 1 Civilization - What would a Type 3 be Capable Of?
Hyperdimensional Physics - Hubble's New "Runaway Planet": A Unique Opportunity for Testing the...
Hyperdimensional Physics - by Dan Sewell Ward
Is the Speed of Light Slowing Down?
Kardashev Scale - What it'll Be Like when We Harness the Power of an Entire Galaxy
Life Force
LIGO Architects Win Nobel Prize in Physics
Multiverse (basecamp.com) - Main File
Physicists Twist Light and Send 'Hello World' Message between Islands
Psychoenergetics - Main File
Realm Dynamics
Remarkable New Theory says There's No Gravity, No Dark Matter, and Einstein Was Wrong
Researchers Send "Wireless" Message Using Elusive Particles
Scientific Study Claims there are Up To 8,000 Alien Megastructures in the Universe
Scientists are Rethinking the Very Nature of Space and Time
Scientists 'Bind Photons Together' to Create New State of Matter Comparable to Lightsabers
Scientists Create Never-Before-Seen Form of Matter
Scientists Create the 5th Form of Matter for 6 Minutes
Scientists find the "Magic Number" that Links Forces of the Universe
Scientists have Just Discovered a New State of Matter
Scientists Show Future Events Decide what Happens in The Past
Stargate (basecamp.com) - Main File
Stephen Hawking's Mind Roamed the Cosmos - Dies at 76
Teleportation - Main File
The Basis of the Universe May Not Be Energy or Matter but Information
The Black-Hole Collision that Reshaped Physics
The Breakthroughs of Dr. N.A. Kozyrev
The End of Entropy - A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change...
The Kardashev Scale - Classifying Advanced Technological Civilizations
The Next Big Bang - Human Consciousness and the Universe's Ultimate Secret
The "Non Physical" is Real - Physicists say Consciousness Should Be Considered a State of Matter
The Particle that Broke a Cosmic Speed Limit
The Physics of 2012
The Physics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations - How Advanced Could They Possibly Be?
The Physics of Interstellar Travel - To One Day, Reach the Stars
The Physics of Resonance
The Physics of Time Travel - Is it Real, or is it Fable?
The Quest to Crystallize Time
The Schumann Resonances - Main File
The Universe has a Speed Limit and it isn't the Speed of Light
The Vibration of the World
The Virtual Ether - "Empty Space" Gets an Upgrade
The Wisdom of Your Cells
Time (basecamp.com) - Main File
Time Crystals - Matter in Four Dimensions
To See Deep into Space, Start Deep Underground
Vacuum Energy - Proof of Free Energy in the Space All Around Us
Von Braun’s 50-Year-Old Secret - The US Explorer I Discovery That Could Have Saved the World...
Water Exists as Two Different Liquids - Odd Properties of Water and Ice Explained
What Is Real
What Sonic Black Holes Say About Real Ones
What's The Total Energy in The Universe
What will Gravitational Waves Tell Us about the Universe
Why it's Exciting that Scientists Discovered a New State of Matter
Why Physicists are Saying Consciousness is a State of Matter, Like a Solid, a Liquid or a Gas
Why Speak of An Aether

Additional Information 

Albert Einstein - Plagiarist of the Century
All Life on Earth is United
ALTA Process - Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis
Anomalously Low Dielectric Constant of Confined Water
Bob Lazar, Element 115, Massive Stars and Heavy Metals
Cosmic Fire and the Destruction of Earth's Ionosphere
Critical Geometry of a Thermal Big Bang
Dan Winter and Implosion Science (basecamp.com) - Main File
Density-Dimension Scale
Diffusive Dynamics during the High-to-Low Density transition in Amorphous Ice
Earth's Quarantine Force Field Discovered by NASA
Energy and Health - Main File
Exoconsciousness - Extraterrestrial Origins of Human Consciousness
Extreme Weather - A Guide to the Chemistry of Cold Weather
Floquet Time Crystals
For One Tiny Instant, Physicists May Have Broken a Law of Nature
Gravity Waves Detection Supports Whistleblower Claims of Secret Development of Antigravity Spacecraft
How Much CO² is in a Raindrop? The Ocean? The Air
How Superluminal Motion can Lead to Backward Time Travel
Hypercommunication - Main File
Induction of Biogenic Magnetization - Redox Control by a Component of the Target of Rapamycin Complex 1
Life in An Idiomaterial Bicausal Universe - A New Advanced Physics and Life on Earth on the 21st Century
Magnetic Poles Changes - Main File
Magnetic Yeast May Harness Nature's Magnetic Capabilities
Mind Over Matter - Consciousness and the Nature of Reality
Negative-Mass Hydrodynamics in a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate
Neuromorphic learning with Mott insulator NiO
New Findings Tell of Magnetic Fields Effect on Humans
New Philadelphia Experiment - Revelations
Observation of Image Pair Creation and Annihilation from Superluminal Scattering Sources
Observation of the Wigner-Huntington Transition to Metallic Hydrogen
Our New Civilization Will Be Based on Torsion Field Technologies
Planetophysical Function of Vacuum Domains
Project LUCAS - Borderland Sciences SETI Project
Proton Is Smaller Than Thought - New Measurement Finds
Quinton-Perception Physics - A Theory of Existence, Perception, and Physical Phenomena
Savior Self - The Resurrection of Bliss
Science of Oneness
Scientists Create and Add Elements 113 and 115 to Periodic Table
Scientists Discover an Invisible Shield Surrounding Earth - Baffled at How it Formed
Signatures of Majorana Fermions in Hybrid Superconductor-Semiconductor Nanowire Devices
Some 'Paranormal' Scientific Studies that Will Make You Question the True Nature of Reality
Spherical Energy Structures in The Cosmos
Supersymmetry - Reflections and Impressionistic Portrait - Conference F.B.S.M., Oct. 2012
Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism
The 33 Arks of Soul Resonance - Investment Futures
The Complete WebBot ALTA 1309 Report 2009 - INCLUDING PART 6
The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction
The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction - Why and How the World Economic Order Will Collapse...
The Discovery of Element 115 Paves The Way to Understanding Gravitic Control
The Energetic Transformation of The Solar System
The Esoteric Physic - Science and Magic in the New Millennium
The Expanding Materials Multiverse
The General Theory of Biological Regulation - The Universal Law in Bioscience and Medicine
The Hutchison Effect
The Next Industrial Revolution
The Origin of The Elements
The Philosopher's Stone - An Example of Low Demiurgic Technology
The Physical Universe is an Information System
The Photon Belt - Main File
The Relationship Between Science and Spirituality - Fritjof Capra
The Universal Heartbeat
The Universal Law - The General Theory of Physics and Cosmology
Twisted Photon Entanglement through Turbulent Air across Vienna
Wealth Inequality - The Physics Basis
What is Prima Matra
What the Bleep Do We Know
Why Mainstream Science is a Religion
Wormhole Created in Lab Makes Invisible Magnetic Field
Zero Point Energy - Main File

Akashic Records 

Dark Matter - Dark Energy


Higgs Boson



Matter - Anti-Matter


Antimatter Spacecraft Propulsion - The Future Is Now

Matter - Dual Nature 

A Trip Through Space and Time... and Beyond
Closed Loophole Confirms the Unreality of the Quantum World
Coherent Imaging of an Attosecond Electron Wave Packet
Consciousness and the Double-Slit Interference Pattern - Six Experiments
David Bohm and The Holographic Paradigm - Main File
Direct Counterfactual Communication via Quantum Zeno Effect
Does Consciousness Create Reality? - The Double Slit Experiment
Does Death Exist? - New Theory Says 'No'
Don't be Afraid of Nothing - The Great Merger of Eastern Philosophical Thought and Western Science
Double Slit Experiment - It Confirms that Reality Doesn't Exist if You're Not Looking at It
Entangled Mechanical Oscillators
Expanding Our Awareness to See a Multi-Dimensional Reality
Experimental Realization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Gedanken Experiment - A New Violation of...
Experimental Realization of Wheeler's Delayed-Choice Gedanken Experiment
Have We Found the Universe that Existed Before the Big Bang?
Living in A Hologram - Our Holographic Reality
Matter Does Not Exist
Matter" is NOT the Only Reality - Distinguished Scientists Gather to Emphasize It
Missing Matter Caught in Tangled Cosmic Webs
Multidimensionality - Main File
Reality - Is Matter Real
Rethinking The Nature of Life
Scientists Observe ONE Particle Exist in MULTIPLE States - How is this Possible?
Superposition Phenomenon - Can You Be in Two Places at Once?
The Biocentric Universe Theory - Life Creates Time, Space, and the Cosmos Itself
The First Ever Photograph of Light as Both a Particle and Wave
Holographic Universe (basecamp.com) - Main File
The Man Attempting to Merge Physics and the Paranormal - Science History
The Theory of One
The Theory of Parallel Universes is Not just Maths - It is Science that can be Tested
The Universal In-Formation Field
Wave-Particle Duality - External Link
When You Die, Do You Wake Up in The Morning


Nassim Haramein




Quantum Physics 

Absence of Quantum Time Crystals
Attractive Photons in A Quantum Nonlinear Medium
Closed Loophole Confirms the Unreality of the Quantum World
DNA Begins As a Quantum Wave
Experimental Rejection of Observer-independence in the Quantum World
More than One Reality Exists... in Quantum Physics
Nothing" Doesn't Exist - Instead, there is "Quantum Foam
Nothing is Solid and Everything is Energy - Scientists Explain the World of Quantum Physics
Proximate Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid Behavior in a Honeycomb Magnet
Quantum (basecamp.com) - Main File
Quantum Atmospheres' may Reveal Secrets of Matter
Quantum Atmospherics for Materials Diagnosis
Quantum Entanglement of Angular Momentum States with Quantum Numbers up to 10,010
Quantum Entanglement Shows That Reality Can't Be Local
Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass
Quantum Interference of Large Organic Molecules
Quantum Non-Locality Based on Finite-Speed Causal Influences Leads to Superluminal Signaling
Quantum Realism - The Physical World as a Virtual Reality
Quantum Researchers Able to Stop and Restart Light
Quantum Superposition of Molecules beyond 25 kDa
Quantum Time Crystals
Simultaneous Observation of the Quantization and the Interference Pattern of a Plasmonic Near-Field
The Quantum
The Sequential Perspective - Sacred Geometry Model of Quantum Physics

Sexual Energy 

ET History and Sexuality
Healing With Sexual Energy - Sex for Health, Relationships and Spirituality
My Big Virginity Mistake


Against The Tide - A critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done
Critical Path - by R. Buckminster Fuller
Cycles - The Mysterious Forces That Trigger Events - by Edward R. Dewey with Og Mandino
Occult Ether Physics - Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and The Conspiracy... - by William Lyne
The Computer Inside You - The Caretakers - by Kurt Johmann
The Dancing Wu Li Masters - by Gary Zukav
The Esoteric Physics - Science and Magic in the New Millennium - by Carlo Dorofatti
The Field - The Quest for The Secret Force of The Universe - by Lynne McTaggart
The Tao of Physics - by Fritjof Capra
Towards a New Physical Theory - by Carl Adams


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Genetic Changes (basecamp.com) - Main File
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Origin of Life & Man (basecamp.com) - Main File
Scalar Electromagnetics Technology (basecamp.com) - Main File
Scalar Wars - The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics
The Ascension-Transformation-Evolution Process (basecamp.com) - Main File
The New Energy - Main File
Psychic Universe (basecamp.com) - Main File
The Shift of The Ages
Remote Viewing - The Last Frontier (basecamp.com) - Main File
Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy - Main File
Forces of the Universe (basecamp.com)

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