The Quantum Apocalypse and The Holographic Universe
The Quantum Apocalypse: lifting of the veil, to uncover the true nature of oneself, to penetrate the surface of reality, the disclosure of hidden information, the evolution of consciousness, awakening of perception to the mysteries which lie beyond the ordinary range of human knowledge. Featuring noted experts - Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, Peter Russell, Professor Jim Al-Khalili, Dr. York Dobyns, Dr. Robert Anton Wilson, Dr. Dean Radin, Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Dr. Michael Talbot, Gregg Braden, Prof. David Deutsch, Khempo Yurmed Tinly Rinpoche, Nassim Haramein, Dr. John Hagelin, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Dr. David Bohm, Bill Hicks.
Also known as "Quantum Energy and Our Conscious Existence".
- In the beginning there was nothing. Somehow, out of this nothing came everything. Out of this vibrant nothingness, matter, energy, space, time, consciousness, mind, emerged, came out. (voice of Dr. Fred Alan Wolf)
- (Peter Russell). How is it that something as unconscious as the matter of the brain, can ever give rise to something as immaterial as an experience?
- (Prof. Jim Al-Khalili). If you want to see fear in the eyes of a quantum physicist, just mention the words "The Measurement Problem". The Measurement Problem is this: An atom only appears in a particular place if you measure it. In other words, an atom is spread out all over the place until a conscious observer decides to look at it. So the act of measurement or observation creates the entire universe.
- (Dr. York Dobyns). Only conscious beings can be observers, then we are intimately hooked in to the very existence of reality. Without us there would just be this expanding superposition of possibilities with nothing definite ever actually happening.
- (Dr. Robert Anton Wilson). Are not millions and millions of blobs of energy and light, photons and electrons? They make up this imaginary three-dimensional solid world, which does not exist at all according to Relativity or Quantum Mechanics.
- And anytime we attempt to look at particles beyond a certain level, the very act of observation changes (their) lanes.
- (Dr. Dean Radin). And in addition, the more you look at individual particles, the more you realize that there is no such thing as a one electron. An electron or any elementary particle exists only in relationship to other things, like other particles are, or the universe at large. This means that deeply enough, when you indeed dive down into the nature of matter, everything we know about the everyday world dissolves. There are no objects anymore, there are only relationships. There is no locality anymore, there is no time anymore. The more you look at something in detail, and what we think of as solid matter, the less seems as solid, and begins to look ....
- (Dr. Robert Anton Wilson). The only realities we know are the ones our brain manufactures. A brain receives millions of signals every minute. And we organize them into holograms which we project outside ourselves and call it "Reality".
- If the brain cortex is also a hologram, a three-dimensional hologram, and if two-dimensional holograms reconstruct three-dimensional images, then, ergo, it follows that three-dimensional holograms reconstruct four-dimensions ones.
- A hologram is a metaphor. It is how you take "N" dimensions of information and you bring them down into "N-1" dimensions. It's a way of relating the paradoxes that we find in how to make a leap from this concept to that concept.
- The conceptual pidgeon-holes, that is, words which we use to describe reality, are phenomena inside our head, they are not out there. And most of the time this is a philosophical quibble. When you get down to Quantum Physics, - and this is one of the reasons that Bohm came up the holographic idea - it starts to have real effects. And one of those is that it's been discovered that if you take two subatomic particles, like electrons, in circumstances as we do something to one, it will always affect the other no matter how far apart they are.
- (Gregg Braden). Well, how can this be? But what this tells us is that once matter is physically joined, even when it becomes separated, the energy is still there, it is connecting it. And this is why it's important to me because if we go back far enough in time all the particles and matter of this entire universe that are expanding were all meshed together in a single particle about the size of a green pea. It is what the science tells us today, what the computer models suggest, that if you could go into the universe today and take all the particles of matter, and take all the space in between, and bring it together and compress it into the size of a single green pea, it means that you and me and everyone of our listeners, we were all once part of that same particle that creates this whole universe today. And even now, those particles are now separated and expanding, and studies show that they are, energetically we are all still linked.
-(Prof. David Deutsch, Oxford). So, an atom, and its electron, are multiversal objects, and that multiversal object is what the Quantum Mechanics is describing. Now, that means that the Parallel Universe aspect of Reality as described by Quantum Theory, must apply to objects of all sizes, humans, stars, galaxies, everything. And that is why we call it the "Parallel Universe Theory", rather than just "Parallel Electrons Theory".
- Because we ourselves are made of atoms after all.
- (Prof. David Deutsch, Oxford). We are ... and, and, eh... that's right. And the same theory that says that the atoms exist in more than one place in different universes, says that we humans also exist in more than one place, and in more than one state of mind, and so forth, in different universes.
- And so, what that means, talking by words, is that there is no separation between electrons. Furthermore, there is no separation between people.
- (Khempo Yurmed Tinly Rinpoche). Illusion comes from how our minds perceive. My illusion comes from my mind, your illusion comes from your mind. You do not need to search anywhere else for the source of illusion. Wherever we search externally we cannot find the source of illusion because your illusions come from within your mind.
- (Dr. Fred Alan Wolf). The big thing we are talking about here is a new way of thinking about this thing we call "the person", the "self", the beingness, the "I". And as we begin to modify what we mean by that, we can begin to see and touch upon this infinite realm that I am speaking about.
- (Dr. Nassim Haramein). "Infinities" are part of the boundary of your existence, that is, viewed from this perspective, everything can be divided to infinity.
- (Dr. John Hagelin). If you have ever wondered why nuclear power is a million times more powerful than chemical energy, is because chemical energy resolves from the manipulation of atoms in a molecule. Nuclear energy resolves from the manipulation of nucleons in a nucleus. The super unified scale of thousand million, million, million times smaller is virtually infinite in its dynamism.
- (Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev). If you are seeking the Infinite, What instruments do you have to seek the Infinite? Only sense organs, isn't it? So through your sense organs, if you are seeking the Infinite, it is like wanting to go to moon with a bullock cart. Isn't it so? That is the plight of humanity, right now: With a limited perception, they are trying to grasp that is which is beyond.
- (Khempo Yurmed Tinly Rinpoche). So we are trying to perceive the ultimate level of reality, and we search for any kind of method, for example, new technology, atomic power, etcetera. But, search as we might, we cannot perceive the ultimate level of reality using these mechanisms. Ultimate level of reality is fundamentally empty, and not observable using these scientific methods.
- (Dr. David Bohm). Science is involved in a perceptual (materialistic) enterprise, not in, not primarily in gaining knowledge. The knowledge appears but knowledge is a by-product. And, my understanding, the thing you can coherently let at contact with it is once a less coherent (coherent assumptions about things match experimentation), it shows that our understanding is correct. So we must distinguish between correct occurrences and incorrect occurrences (or illusory).
- Your appearance now is what we call "residual self-image". It is the mental projection of your digital self.
- This is not real?
- What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you are talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
- Our brains take information in, and sometimes gives it form. It's not that the picture is "out there", it is that we are getting data that we are turning in a picture, according to our own belief systems and our own unconscious belief systems as well.
- We know what is going on. Is that light comes in through the eyes, hits the back of the retina, triggers electrochemical impulses which travel down neural fibers to the back of the brain, where the brain, very cleverly, in about a tenth of a second, puts it all together and says: "This is what it looks like out there".
- (Dr. Robert Anton Wilson). Well, where "you are creating your own reality tunnel", but doesn't mean you are creating reality out of reality where "la verdad" is. Out of the infinite flux of energy, you are creating your own reality tunnel, and most people are unaware of it.
- (William Melvin "Bill" Hicks). All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. Then we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death. Life is only a dream. And we are the imagination of ourselves.
The holographic universe proves that the physical world we believe is real is in fact illusion. Energy fields are decoded by our brains into a 3D picture, to give the illusion of a physical world.
The perceptions we observe may well be coming from an artificial source.
Suppose we could take our brain out of our body and keep it alive in a glass jar. Put a computer in which all kinds of information can be recorded. Transmit the electrical signals of all the data related to a setting such as image, sound and smell into this computer. Connect this computer to the sensory centers in our brain with electrodes and send the pre-recorded data to our brain.
As our brain perceives these signals it will see and live the setting correlated with these.
The Holographic Universe Workshops are a five-part series of movies designed to examine how quantum physics and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding of life, our reality, and our spirituality.
They are based on live workshops delivered all over the world for the last four years by Stephen Davis, author of Butterflies Are Free to Fly - A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution.