Books & Treatises: Microwave Radiation & Cell Phones

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Android Mobile OS Snooping by Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei and Realme Handsets

android-mobile-os-snooping.pdf 660 KB View full-size Download

Bees, Birds and Mankind - Destroying Nature by ‘Electrosmog

bees_electrosmog.pdf 1.08 MB View full-size Download

Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) - Eurasian Communist

biological-effects-electromagnetic-radiation.pdf 1.73 MB View full-size Download

Black on White - Voices and Witnesses About Electro-Hypersensitivity - The Swedish Experience

granlund-lind-blackonwhite.pdf 1.11 MB View full-size Download

Cellular Phones Influence the Human BEM - Current Results of Experiments with GDV Images

cellphone_bem.pdf 125 KB View full-size Download

Chemtrails, Wireless and You

chemtrails-wireless-you.pdf 1.55 MB View full-size Download

Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism

effects-cellphone-radiofrequency-signal-exposure-brain.pdf 72.4 KB View full-size Download

Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine - Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensitive...

dirty-electricity-diabetes.pdf 454 KB View full-size Download

Evidence for an Effect of ELF Electromagnetic Fields on Human Pineal Gland Function

effect-electromagnetic-fields-pineal-gland.pdf 721 KB View full-size Download

Exposure Limits - The Underestimation of Absorbed Cell-Phone Radiation, Especially in Children

exposure-limits-cellphones.pdf 237 KB View full-size Download

Genetic Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation

genetic-effects-radiofrequency-radiation.pdf 85.3 KB View full-size Download

Headaches from Cellular Telephones - Are They Real and What Are the Implications?

headachescellphones.pdf 1.98 MB View full-size Download

LANdroids - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

LANdroids.pdf 884 KB View full-size Download

Living in A Wireless World

wireless_world.pdf 30 KB View full-size Download

Mobile Phones and Brain Tumors - A Public Health Concern

cellphones_khurana.pdf 383 KB View full-size Download

On the Association between Glioma, Wireless Phones, Heredity and Ionizing Radiation

association-glioma-wireless-phones.pdf 260 KB View full-size Download

Report of the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO (IBC) on the ethical issues of neurotechnology

report-ibc-UNESCO-2021.pdf 503 KB View full-size Download

Swedish Review - Radiation from Cellular and Cordless Phones is A Probable Human Carcinogen

swedish-review-radiation-cellular-cordless-phones.pdf 131 KB View full-size Download

The Alteration of Spontaneous Low Frequency Oscillations Caused by Acute Electromagnetic Fields

alteration_spontaneous_lowfrequency_oscillations.pdf 391 KB View full-size Download

The Body Electric - by Robert O. Becker

body_electric.pdf 6.31 MB View full-size Download

The Effect of a High Frequency Electromagnetic Field in the Microwave Range on Red Blood Cells

effect-high-frequency-electromagnetic-field.pdf 1.18 MB View full-size Download

The Invisible Rainbow - A History of Electricity and Life - by Arthur Firstenberg

invisible-rainbow.pdf 4.15 MB View full-size Download

Three Ways to Use your Cell Phone without Zapping your Health

three-ways-use-cellphone.pdf 1.11 MB View full-size Download

Wireless Technology - The Worst Threat to our Health, Personal Privacy, Democracy and National Security

wireless-technology-worst-threat-health.pdf 2.98 MB View full-size Download